
阅读:203次 添加时间:2017-10-16 编辑: jingwen







    今天我们看看英国人是怎么被这些形形色色的图表折磨的。以下的图表是英国国家统计部发布的2014年度第一季度的英国经济评估报告,在这之前我们顺便关注一下英国去年的经济情况吧(p.s. 主要关注的是表达方法和时态):


    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2014. Following growth of 0.8% and 0.7% in Q3 and Q4 2013 respectively, output is now 3.1% higher than the same period a year ago and 0.6% below its pre-downturn peak.

    红字中grew by 0.8%就是我们在小作文中最典型的一种表达增长的叙述方法,和increased by 一样的。respectively(分别是)经常用来表达两个同组的数据的。另外below its pre-downturn peak的意思是低于本次低迷期前的最高值。


    下面我们就正式的看一下正文吧(187个字,正好符合小作文的写作要求),如下图所示,此线图展示了英国总产量增长从2008至2014年的变化。总生产是蓝色的曲线,黄色的代表建设,红色为总服务类,黑色实现是英国的GDP,而虚线是总附加值(GVA, Gross Value Added)。



    Figure 1: UK output growth, Q1 2008=100, constant prices, seasonally adjusted

    The weakness of output growth in the production industry reflects the performance of its constituent sub-industries, and in particular the pronounced fall in output from mining & quarrying.

    制造业产量的疲软反映了其组成的各个子产业,特别是采矿和采石业产量的下降。这句话里面我们在写作文时候就可以借鉴weakness(疲软)的表达,以及in particular(特别是)和pronounced fall (明显下降) 。


    As Figure 1 highlights, oil & gas production has been a drag on GDP growth over this period.

    如图1所示,石油和天然气产量对这个时期整个的GDP增长造成拖累(a drag)。


    Gross Value Added (GVA) excluding oil & gas output has grown more quickly than GDP – in particular since 2010 – and surpassed its pre-downturn peak in Q1 2014.

    GVA(不包括石油天然气产量)增长的幅度要快于GDP,特别是从2010开始,并超过2014年第一季度疲软期前的最高值。这句话里面我们可以注意一下时态,采用的是has grown过去完成式,这恰恰回答了大部分同学对于小作文中应该采用什么时态的问题了吧。



    Figure 2: Output growth in the production industries, Q1 2008=100, constant prices, seasonally adjusted

    Figure 2 analyses the impact of mining & quarrying output growth on production as a whole.



    It shows that while manufacturing and the utilities industries all experienced a fall in output during the downturn, the contraction of mining & quarrying output was particularly marked.

    这展示了制造业和公共事业行业都在整体的衰退中经历了下降,采掘业出现的紧缩十分明显。这句话里,我们把experienced(经历), downturn(衰退), contraction(紧缩,减少), particularly marked (十分明显) 这四种表达方法掌握了,小作文就足够了。


    Output from this industry was 35.6% below its pre-downturn peak in Q1 2014, substantially lower than in manufacturing (7.7%), electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning (12.0%) and water & sewerage (2.2% above its pre-downturn peak in Q1 2014).



    While production output has risen by just 2.5% since Q1 2013, manufacturing output has risen by 3.4% over the same period.




    好了,相比我们已经可以体会出来英国本土的专业小作文的写法了,同学们在借鉴上面的表达方式的时候,一定要避免使用一些表达观点,或者评价的单词,这在小作文里面是不需要的,比如just, only等。


    更多雅思问题请咨询百小侃(雅思 GRE GMAT),留学考试百事通!随时在线答疑,咨询出国留学、出国考试全方位解答,更有写作免费精批改、免费微课!微信号:bailiedu2016,快快添加吧!


