大学快讯 | 布里斯托新生注册信息,威斯敏斯特9月信息更新

阅读:137次 添加时间:2017-09-09 编辑: jiangqin

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    大学快讯 | 布里斯托新生注册信息,威斯敏斯特9月信息更新

    ❶ University of Bristol布里斯托大学大学新生注册信息

    主课online注册已经开放,请于9月9日前完成注册看,欢迎周将于月9月18日在Wills Memorial Building Great Hall 举行,学校还会为部门残障同学提供支持和帮助,详情请戳:http://www.bristol.ac.uk/students/new-postgraduates/events/

    ❷ University of Westminster威斯敏斯特大学9月信息更新


    学校将于9月9日,9月10日,9月16日提供希思罗机场至大学宿舍的免费接机服务,需提前预订: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/international/visas-and-advice/when-you-arrive/airport-meet-and-greet




    MSc Air Transport Planning and Management

    MA Art and Visual Culture

    MA Conflict Prevention, Dispute Resolution

    LLM Corporate Finance Law

    MA Creative Writing: Writing the City

    MA Cultural and Critical Studies

    MA Energy and Environmental Change

    MA English Language and Linguistics

    MA English Language and Literature

    MA English Literature: Modern and Contemporary Fictions

    LLM Entertainment Law

    MSc Finance and Accounting

    MA Human Resource Management

    LLM International and Commercial Dispute Resolution Law

    MA/MSc International Business and Management

    LLM International Commercial Law

    LLM International Law

    MA International Liaison and Communication

    MA International Relations and Democratic Politics

    MA International Relations and Security

    MA International Relations

    MSc Investment and Risk Finance

    MA Management

    MA Marketing Communications

    MA/MSc Marketing Management

    MSc Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

    MA/LLM Religion, Law and Society

    MA Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture

    MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

    MA Translation and Interpreting


