
阅读:226次 添加时间:2016-05-03 编辑: leili

导读: Tips:其实与外国人交谈时,你不需要有很强的话语能力,但你必须有坚定的眼神和让人舒服的肢体语言。这对于很多中国人而言是相对欠缺的,大都眼神游离,身体僵硬重心不稳。这样子可能会使对方对你失去兴趣。因此,自信是搭讪的第一步!

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    Round 1.

    有时候男生很有风度很淡定很自信地走过去,打声招呼,“Hi, how are you?”已经很迷人了,然后主动报上名字,“I’m Jack, nice to meet you!”,如果女生对你有兴趣,就会主动报上芳名,“Hi,I’m Rose.”如果没有,也不妨主动询问,“May I know your name, please?”

    Round 2.

    踏出第一步之后,接下来要在每个句子中找个自己熟悉的切入点说下去。例如“Oh, that’s a very beautiful name, like you.”,听到这句话女生肯定很开心,“You turn me on !”

    Round 3.

    继续说!“Rose, maybe you wouldn’t believe, I don’t always do this, but you’re cute as hell!”此时此刻,女生早已心花怒放。

    Round 4.

    假如你压根没听懂女生的名字,不要不懂装懂,因为在对话中,不出现名字也是中国人不受欢迎的原因之一。你可以说,“Excuse me, your name again?”,“Oh, god, it’s too charming a word for me, I need to write it down, can I have your signature?”你的名字得写下来才记得住。


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    Round 1.

    一般情况下,只要女生面带微笑来一句,“Hi, how are you?”,就足以迷倒对方,因为你足够勇敢,可爱。

    Round 2.

    直白版:Hi, I’ve noticed you for a few minutes and really wanna be friend with you. I’m Rose and do you mind telling me your name and contact number?

    Round 3.

    调侃版:Hi, have you ever noticed a girl staring at you for a long time? Honestly, you attracted me and I cannot help looking at you. If you don’t mind, really wanna know your name and phone number.

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    Round 1.

    You look like someone I know. 你跟我的一个朋友长得好像。

    Round 2.

    Have we met before? 我们之前见过吧?

    Round 3.

    That’s a great haircut. 你的发型很棒。

    Round 4.

    Can I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗?

    Round 5.

    You have a great smile. 你的笑容很美。

    Round 6.

    Are you here alone? 你一个人在这儿吗?

    Round 7.

    What’s a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone? 像你这样的帅哥(美女)怎么会落单呢?


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    Round 1.

    Q:Hi, how are you?

    A: 别再千篇一律地回答,“Fine,thank you,and you?”了。试试其他回答吧,“Great! How about you?”“Cool!”“Not bad!”“Terrific!”“Very well!”“Can't complain!”“Couldn’t be better!”等等。

    Round 2.

    Q:Nice day, isn’t it?

    A:记住人家并不是在跟你询问天气,而是搭讪!高级的回应不应该只是简单的一问一答,而是应该给对方留有继续话题的引子。例如,“You are right, always too changeable. How long have you been here?”

    Round 3.

    Q:I must have met you somewher before!

    A:如果你头也不敢抬地回答,“Not possible!”,活该你单身!而如果你回答,“Very likely, it’s my second time here.” 就给对方留下了继续说话的余地。

    Round 4.

    Q:Nice shoes!/ Nice hair!/ Nice bag!

    A:赞美是人类最美的语言。收到赞美,你只需表示谢意并辅作解释就是一个很好的回答。例如,“Thanks, these are my favorite shoes, I just got it from my boy friend as my birthday gift!”
