
Nanyang Technological University

新加坡 公立

应用经济学硕士 综排:51

Master of Science in Applied Economics

心理学和语言学和多语言学 综排:61

Psychology and Linguistics and Multilingual j j 百

金融工程硕士 综排:9999

Master of Science in Financial Engineering

翻译与口译文学硕士 综排:50

Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation

南洋MBA 综排:23

Nanyang MBA

金融(英文及中文) 综排:9999

Master of Science in Finance (English and Mandarin)

生物医学科学和中医双学位 综排:9999

Double Degree B.Sc. (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences and B.Medicine (Chinese Medicine)

电气和电子工程博士 综排:151

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

管理经济学理学硕士 综排:51

Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME Programme) (July and November Intake)

供应链工程硕士 综排:24

Master of Science in Supply Chain Engineering

电力工程 综排:6

Master of Science in Power Engineering

经济学博士 综排:51

PhD in Economics

历史哲学博士(PhD) 综排:151

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

土木工程硕士 综排:12

Master of Science in Civil Engineering​​

生物科学与商业副修荣誉学士 综排:40

B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences with Business Minor

分析硕士 综排:9999

Master of Science in Analytics

生物科学与生物医学材料荣誉学士 综排:9999

B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences with Biomedical Materials Major

会计学硕士 综排:34

Master of Science in Accountancy

医学学士和外科学士学位课程(MBBS) 综排:144

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree programme

传播学 综排:7

Bachelor of Communication Studies