
University of Birmingham

英国 公立

英-伯明翰大学-2024年硕士课程灵活录取政策 PGT 2024 Entry Flexibility Policy

阅读:98次 添加时间:2024-03-27 编辑: admin

Important Update from the University of Birmingham - PGT 2024 Entry Flexibility Policy





通常情况下,我们可以提供一些灵活性。如果最终成绩在offer的学术要求的5%以内,即75%的offer为70%   -75%,80%的offer为75%-80%,85%的offer为80%-85%,我们将认为学术条件已经满足。录取通知书持有人仍需满足其他标准,如英语语言要求。我们不会更新新的offer,我们鼓励申请人在完成学位成绩单和证书后提交,我们将尽快对其进行评估。






Dear partners,


Warm  greetings from the University of Birmingham! Following the announcement  at our China Open Day, we are writing to confirm the approach for PGT  applicants that narrowly miss the standard offer conditions for their  programme this year.


For all applications:

To be considered, all applicants must be on a 4 year degree programme, studying in China and at an approved institution.


For current conditional offer holders:

As  is usually the case, we are able to offer some flexibility. If the  final grade is within 5% of the academic requirement on the offer, i.e.  70% -75% for offers made on 75%, 75%-80% for offers made on 80%, and  80%-85% for offers made on 85%, and any specific module requirements  have been met, we will consider that the academic condition have been met.  Offer holders will still need to meet other criteria such as English  language requirements.  We won't be issuing new offer contracts;  applicants are encouraged to send in their degree transcripts and  certificates when complete and we will assess them as soon as possible.


For new applications submitted after 2 March:

The  same approach will apply for any new applications. Please note that the  offer letter will state the standard entry requirements but as above,  applicants are encouraged to send in their degree transcripts and  certificates when complete and we will assess them as soon as possible.


For unsuccessful applicants whose current/final grade is no more than 5% below the academic requirement:

If you have applicants that have already been rejected but you think meet the criteria and should be reviewed, please contact PGAdmissions@contacts.bham.ac.uk with the subject line: “application review”. In the email you must include their application number. Please note, the decision will not be changed if the requirement for relevant subjects and modules are not met.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.


Best regards,

University of Birmingham

International Recruitment Team (SRM), External Relations
