
Lincoln University

新西兰 公立


We are delighted to share with you some exciting news from the University of Lincoln.   Earlier this week the University of Lincoln won a nationally recognised award at the Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCAs) 2024. Voted for by students, we placed  first in the UK for our accommodation. We are also proud to have placed in the top three universities in the UK in the coveted University of the Year category.   This year, over 39,000 student reviews were collected from more than 100 universities across the UK, making the WUSCAs the largest and most significant  annual university awards, exclusively determined by student votes.  In addition to our success in the above categories, we are also delighted to have achieved the following rankings:  ·         2nd place in the UK for International  ·         2nd  place for Postgraduate ·         2nd place for Student Life ·         2nd  place for Facilities ·         4th place for Student Support ·         5th place for Students’ Union ·         6th place for Lecturers and Teaching Quality ·         7th place for Career Prospects  For more details about these awards and to read student reviews, please visit our website here.  Thank you for being a part of our vibrant university community.   China Team, University of Lincoln

更新时间:24-04-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,感谢对林肯大学的支持和关注!本封邮件带给大家林肯大学2024年秋季入学硕士专业降分录取政策,补录将于6月3日开始进行,在这之前学生可以提交在读成绩申请有条件录取通知书。补录政策:入学要求降低一个等级,具体要求如下:针对要求1等学位的专业——我们将接受2.1,国内双非均分80%/GPA3.0针对要求2.1学位的专业—— 我们将接受2.2 ,国内双非均分70%/GPA2.5针对要求2.2学位的专业——我们将接受三等学位,国内双非均分60%/GPA2.0英语语言: 英语语言要求不会发生变化 降分之后可以接受三等学位,国内双非均分60%/GPA2.0的专业如下:以下为不完全统计,欢迎咨询林肯大学校方代表了解想申请的专业补录要求。商科:MSc Events Management 会展活动管理MSc Fashion Management 时尚管理MSc International Business 国际商务MSc International Hospitality Management国际酒店管理MSc International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理MSc International Sports Business Management 国际体育商业管理MSc Management 管理学MSc Marketing市场营销MSc Management with Project Management 管理(项目管理)MSc Management with Human Resource 管理(人力资源)MA Cultural Heritage Management 文化遗产管理MSc Banking and Finance 银行与金融*MSc Economics 经济学*其他专业:MA Design 设计(无需作品集)MA Media and Communication 传媒与传播(雅思直读要求6单项5.5)MA Theatre戏剧*LLM International Law 国际法MA Education 教育学MSc Computer Science计算机*MSc Games and Development Design 游戏和开发设计*MSc Intelligent Vision智能视讯*MSc Cloud Computing 云计算*MSc Data Science and Applied Analytics 数据科学和应用分析*MSc Engineering Management 工程管理*MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering高级机械工程*注:除单独标注雅思成绩专业外,其他专业直读语言要求雅思6单项5.5。加*标专业需要相关背景,其他专业均可以跨专业背景申请。由于认证原因少数课程不做降分,请参见以下课程:MSc Accounting and FinanceMSc Agri-food Technology & MSc Agri-food Technology with Professional PracticeMSc Clinical Animal BehaviourMSc Construction Science and ManagementMSc Developmental PsychologyMSc Forensic PsychologyMSc GovernanceMSc Human Resource ManagementMA Journalism - MAMSc Supply Chain and Logistics ManagementMarch Master of ArchitectureMSc Psychological Research MethodsMSc Sports TherapyMSc Sustainability欢迎随时和我们联系!

更新时间:24-04-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


感谢对林肯大学的关注和支持! 近期正值学生的定校高峰期,为使各位老师及学生及时了解到林肯大学的最新信息、顺利入读,本封邮件将分享林肯大学2024年秋季入学如何申请语言班及缴纳入读学费押金相关内容。 如何申请语言班及缴纳语言班学费?拿到正式offer之后,读语言的学生需要申请语言课offer 。 Step 1: 递交语言班申请在OneUni申请系统添加新的申请,选择PEASS课程,根据具体情况选择对应时长的语言班(5周或10周),以及授课模式On-campus英国面授或Online线上网课。 Step 2: 拿到语言课offer之后缴纳语言课费用£3500(10周)/£1800(5周): https://students.convera.com/uol#!/(缴费指南请参考附件) Step 3: 缴纳完语言课费用之后,进入OneUni在线申请CAS,语言课费用到账且收到CAS申请之后学校会出具CAS(参考附件Oneuni申请指南-申请CAS部分)。登录名为学生录取通知书上8位申请ID,首次登陆需要重置密码 注意:针对就读语言课学生,仅需要支付语言课费用,无需支付正课学费押金。语言班申请截止日期:l  英国面授5周语言班申请截止日期为2024年7月1日,CAS截止日期为2024年7月5日;10周语言班申请截止日期为2024年5月27日,CAS截止日期为2024年5月31日。l  线上5周语言班申请截止日期为7月8日,10周语言班申请截止日期为6月3日。  如何缴纳正课学费押金?(请参考附件指南)直接入读正课的学生拿到正式有条件offer之后,确认自己学术和语言达到录取要求,换取无条件录取offer并在申请系统接受offer后,可以缴纳5,000英镑学费押金。押金缴纳平台: https://students.convera.com/uol#!/注意:1)  换取联合CAS的要求是需要学生提供所有Offer中列明的材料,特别是学术材料。 2)为了方便和财务跟进确认到账,建议老师们可以把学费押金缴纳凭证发送到中国办公室公邮: internationalchina@lincoln.ac.uk 附件请查收以下材料供查阅参考:l  OneUni申请指南及如何申请CASl  语言班安排及可接受的语言考试及分数要求l  缴纳语言班学费及正课押金指南 欢迎有问题随时和我们联系! 祝好,林肯大学中国办公室

更新时间:24-04-01 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自林肯大学的亲切问候! 本封邮件给大家带来林肯大学可跨专业申请的硕士专业推荐。以下专业除特殊标注录取要求外,其他专业均要求国内本科毕业获得毕业证和学位证,均分满足70%或GPA2.5;直读语言要求雅思总分6单项5.5。如果学生达不到常规学术录取要求,可以单独联系林肯大学校方代表获取降分补录政策。 MSc Agri-food Technology农业与食品技术硕士 (全英#2  农业)可接受背景生物科学,食品科学,营养学,地理,化学,物流供应链,商务管理MA Design 设计(可跨专业背景申请,无需作品集)MA Media and Communication 传媒与传播(雅思6.5,校内外实践机会)LLM International Law 国际法(1年完成学位)MA Education 教育学MSc Developmental Psychology 发展心理学(英国心理协会/BPS认证,3年专科+3年相关工作经验可个案分析)MSc International Business Economics 国际商务与经济 (需要本科有数学课程)MSc International Investment Banking 国际投资银行 (需要本科有数学课程)MSc Events Management 活动会展管理 (专排全英#5)MSc Fashion Management 时尚管理MSc Governance 公司治理 (需要有数学课程)MSc International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理(专排全英#5)MSc International Hospitality Management 国际酒店管理(专排全英#5)MSc Marketing 市场营销(专排全英#17)MSc Management 管理学MSc International Business 国际商务MSc Logistics and Global Operations 物流与全球运营英国皇家特许物流和运输协会(CILT)认证,并且也是英国唯一服务英国军队的物流类专业MSc International Sports Business Management 国际体育商业管理(长期合作伙伴包括林肯城市足球俱乐部) 以上专业排名依据《卫报大学指南》(2024年)和《完全大学指南》(2024年),具体林肯前20专业排名更新如下:  全英第1 - 药学和药理学(共40所机构中)全英第1 - 产品设计(共39所机构中)全英第2 - 动物科学和农业(共18所机构中)全英第2 - 法医科学(共25所机构中)全英第3 - 卫生研究(共33所机构中)全英第5 - 酒店管理、活动管理和旅游业(共48所机构中)全英第5 - 哲学(共43所机构中)全英第6 - 化学(共51所机构中)全英第12 - 平面设计(共64所机构中)全英第13 - 舞蹈和戏剧(共84所机构中)全英第17 - 市场营销和公共关系(共78所机构中)全英第17 - 生物学(共89所机构中) 如果您有申请咨询,或需要进一步信息,请随时与我们联系。祝好

更新时间:24-03-22 来源:OfferEasy官网


感谢一直以来对林肯大学的支持!本封邮件更新我校语言要求,语言班安排,可接受的语言考试种类及要求,内测报名。1. 语言要求更新我校今年开设有英国面授语言班和线上网课语言班。直读语言成绩在6(5.5)-7(6.5)之间,大部分直读要求6(5.5)例如商科,工程,计算机等,个别专业有更高要求。针对6单项5.5直读要求的课程:学生分数达到5单项4.5读10周语言课,学生分数达到5.5单项5读5周语言课针对6.5单项6直读要求的课程:学生分数达到5.5单项5读10周语言课,学生分数达到6单项5.5读5周语言课针对7单项6.5直读要求的课程:学生分数至少达到6.5单项6读5周语言课2.语言班时间安排英国面授语言班时间安排:课程开课时间结束时间学费申请截止申请CAS截止10周语言课2024年7月1日2024年9月6日£3,5002024年5月27日2024年5月31日5周语言课2024年8月5日2024年9月6日£1,8002024年7月1日2024年7月5日线上网课语言班时间安排:课程开课时间结束时间学费申请截止10周线上语言课2024年6月17日2024年8月23日£3,5002024年6月3日5周线上语言课2024年7月22日2024年8月23日£1,8002024年7月8日3. 可接受语言考试种类级要求IELTS UKVI/IELTS Indicator5.0(4.5)5.5(5.0)6(5.5)6.5(6.0)7(6.5)TOEFL iBT/TOEFL iBT at Home45 (R7, L6, S14, W15)59 (R12, L11, S17, W18)79 (R18, L17, S20, W20)90 (R21, L20, S22, W24)100(R24, L24, S23, W27)PTE Academic UKVI42(36)50(42)65(59)70(65)76(70)LanguageCert ESOL SELT/LanguageCert OnlineB1(38)B2(25)B2(33)C1(33)C1(38)Password Plus5.0(4.5)5.5(5.0)6(5.5)6.5(6.0)7(6.5)英国面授语言班可接受的语言种类:IELTS Academic UKVI, PTE Academic UKVI,LanguageCert ESOL SELT4.内测报名我校内测考试采用Password Plus考试,考试免费。需要学生申请我校并获得有条件录取通知书之后发送邮件至internationalchina@lincoln.ac.uk申请考位,发送邮件请包含学生姓名,林肯ID,学生个人邮箱,学生微信。考位有限,先到先得。

更新时间:24-02-22 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-林肯大学-Enrolment Deadlines Update

A warm hello from the University of Lincoln. In light of recent delays regarding visa processing times, the University of Lincoln would like to update you with additional enrolment information regarding our January 2024 programmes.    Programmes with an enrolment deadline of Monday 26th February at 4pm:MA EducationLLM Corporate and Commercial LawLLM International LawMA Interior Architecture and DesignMA Media and CommunicationsMSc Accounting and FinanceMSc Logistics and Global OperationsMSc Management with Human Resources MSc Management with Project ManagementMSc Digital MarketingMSc Marketing  Students on the above programmes will need to have received a decision on their visa application by Tuesday 20thFebruary,if they are unable to meet this deadline, they will not be able to join the January intake. If a students’ course is offered in September 2024, and they would like to be considered for a deferred place, please email intadmissions@lincoln.ac.uk to request this.The enrolment deadline for the above programmes cannot be extended, this is due to assessment periods that we are unable to move. Can a student switch their CAS to a course with the Semester C intake?Unfortunately, we cannot change the course for which a CAS was issued so cannot allow a student to switch to a Semester C intake course. Programmes with an enrolment deadline of Monday 4th March at 4pm:MSc Agri-Food TechnologyMSc Agri-Food Technology with Professional PracticeMSc Analytical ScienceMSc Computer ScienceMSc Engineering Management  Students on the above programmes will have a slightly extended decision period. They will need to receive a visa decision by Monday 26th February, and they will need to arrive in the UK and complete enrolment no later than Monday 4th March. If a student is unable to meet the deadline and their course is offered in September 2024, and they would like to be considered for a deferred place, please email intadmissions@lincoln.ac.uk to request this. The enrolment deadline for these programmes has been exceptionally extended and there will be no further extensions granted.  Can a student switch their CAS to a course with the Semester C intake?Unfortunately, we cannot change the course for which a CAS was issued so cannot allow a student to switch to a Semester C intake course. Programmes with a deferral option to Semester C (May 2024): MSc International BusinessMSc Management MSc Project Management  Students with a CAS for the above programmes are able to defer their entry until May 2024.  If a student defers to May, will they need to make a new visa application? If a student has submitted a visa application on or after 21st November 2023, it may be possible to update their current CAS so that their pending visa application can be considered for the May intake. If a student would like to defer to the May intake and have their current visa application considered for this intake, please email their details tointpgt@lincoln.ac.uk as soon as possible. Please be aware that the option to amend a student’s current CAS only remains available if their visa application is still pending and they have not already received a decision. If they have already received a decision on their visa application this option is no longer available to them.  I have received a visa decision and do not want to defer, can I still travel to the UK?Students on the above programmes will need to have received a decision on their visa application by Tuesday 20thFebruary, and arrive in the UK and enrol no later thanMonday 26 February. If students are unable to meet this deadline, they will not be able to join this intake.What action does a student need to take if they do not want to defer?  If a student does not wish to defer, we would recommend they visit the government website for information about visa application refund eligibility and the process attached to this. On this website it states that, if a student withdraws their visa application before a caseworker makes a decision, they may be eligible for a refund of their IHS payment. If students require help or advice, please encourage them to contact our International Advice Team who will be able to offer guidance on this. Their contact address isinternationaladvice@lincoln.ac.uk. If a student does not withdraw their application before a decision on their visa application is made, they may not be eligible for a IHS refund.

更新时间:24-02-21 来源:OfferEasy官网


鉴于最近英国签证处理时间的延迟,我们想让您了解我们1月份入学截止日期的最新情况。 英国林肯大学2024年1月春季学期抵达英国并完成注册的截止日期是英国时间2月19日(星期一)。然而,如果在2月16日(星期五)之前学生才收到签证决定,大学将发放一周的短期宽限期,允许学生领取签证延迟到校报到注册。但是学生必须在英国2月26日(星期一)下午4点之前抵达英国并完成大学入学手续。In light of recent delays regarding visa processing times the University of Lincoln has made updates to the enrolment deadline. The deadline to arrive in the UK and complete enrolment is Monday 19th February. If students do not receive a decision regarding their visa before Friday 16 February, the University will allow an additional week to enable students to obtain their visa and to travel to the UK. This means that all students must arrive in the UK and complete enrolment at the University no later than 4pm onMonday 26th February. What if students are unable to enrol on time?We are aware that a number of students are experiencing delays in obtaining their visa and may be feeling anxious about being able to arrive before the final deadline.  For students who are unable to arrive before the deadline and already hold a CAS for the following programmes:MSc International BusinessMSc ManagementMSc Project ManagementWill have the option to defer to our May intake. If a student chooses this option, their studies will begin onMonday 20th May and they will need to arrive in the UK before this date. Students who choose to enrol in May will be eligible to receive a £500 tuition fee reduction to help towards additional costs which may be incurred, such as a new visa application or the Immigration Health Surcharge.Please note this is only available to students who already have a CAS and have opted to study on one of the three programmes mentioned above. If you have students would like to defer to our May intake or would like to ask a question about this option, please emailintpgt@lincoln.ac.uk as soon as possible.

更新时间:24-02-18 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-林肯大学-特色专业课程推荐 - Part 3 可跨专业申请的硕士专业

将继续给大家带来林肯大学部分特色专业课程推荐第三部分 —— 林肯可跨专业申请的硕士专业。林肯可跨专业申请的硕士专业:  MSc Agri-food Technology农业与食品技术硕士 (全英#2  农业)需面试,可接受背景生物科学,食品科学,营养学,地理,化学,物流供应链,商务管理可选14个月时长课程并包含1个参与行业研究项目- MSc Agri-food Technology with professional practice 研究生学习方向:1. 新型包装材质开发;2.食品安全;3.微生物学和营养/健康;4.食品加工技术;5.食品供应链发展 MA Creative Advertising 创意广告(无需作品集,需面试)课程将包括1个大师班课程:由伦敦广告公司的顶尖专业人士举办的系列研讨会组成。5-10次伦敦研讨会,学校将覆盖来回伦敦差旅费。 MA Design 设计(可跨专业背景申请,无需作品集)MA Media and Communication 传媒与传播(雅思6.5,校内外实践机会)LLM International Law 国际法(1年完成学位)MA Education 教育学MSc Developmental Psychology 发展心理学(英国心理协会/BPS认证,3年专科+3年相关工作经验可个案分析) 商科方向:MSc International Business Economics 国际商务与经济 (需要本科有数学课程)MSc International Investment Banking 国际投资银行 (需要本科有数学课程)MSc Events Management 活动会展管理 (专排全英#5)MSc Fashion Management 时尚管理MSc Governance 公司治理 (需要有数学课程)MSc International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理(专排全英#5)MSc International Hospitality Management 国际酒店管理(专排全英#5)MSc Marketing 市场营销(专排全英#17)MSc Management 管理学MSc International Business 国际商务MSc Logistics and Global Operations 物流与全球运营 英国皇家特许物流和运输协会(CILT)认证,并且也是英国唯一服务英国军队的物流类专业MSc International Sports Business Management 国际体育商业管理(长期合作伙伴包括林肯城市足球俱乐部) 以上专业排名依据《卫报大学指南》(2024年)和《完全大学指南》(2024年),具体林肯前20专业排名更新如下:  全英第1 - 药学和药理学(共40所机构中)全英第1 - 产品设计(共39所机构中)全英第2 - 动物科学和农业(共18所机构中)全英第2 - 法医科学(共25所机构中)全英第3 - 卫生研究(共33所机构中)全英第5 - 酒店管理、活动管理和旅游业(共48所机构中)全英第5 - 哲学(共43所机构中)全英第6 - 化学(共51所机构中)全英第12 - 平面设计(共64所机构中)全英第13 - 舞蹈和戏剧(共84所机构中)全英第17 - 市场营销和公共关系(共78所机构中)全英第17 - 生物学(共89所机构中) 如果您有申请咨询,或需要进一步信息,请随时与我们联系。 

更新时间:24-02-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自林肯大学的亲切问候! 本封邮件将给大家带来林肯大学部分特色专业更新排名及课程推荐。 我们的一些专业在《卫报大学指南》(2024年)和《完全大学指南》(2024年)中被列为英国前20名。专业排名更新如下:全英第1 - 药学和药理学(共40所机构中)全英第1 - 产品设计(共39所机构中)全英第2 - 动物科学和农业(共18所机构中)全英第2 - 法医科学(共25所机构中)全英第3 - 卫生研究(共33所机构中)全英第5 - 酒店管理、活动管理和旅游业(共48所机构中)全英第5 - 哲学(共43所机构中)全英第6 - 化学(共51所机构中)全英第12 - 平面设计(共64所机构中)全英第13 - 舞蹈和戏剧(共84所机构中)全英第17 - 市场营销和公共关系(共78所机构中)全英第17 - 生物学(共89所机构中) 英国林肯大学特色专业课程推荐Part 1:  MA Cultural Heritage Management 文化遗产管理(无需专业背景)MA Conservation of Cultural Heritage文化遗产保护(需面试)BA(Hons) Conservation of Cultural Heritage文化遗产保护(需面试和作品集)- 104 UCAS Tariff英国林肯大学拥有英国最大文化遗产保护和修复中心。在近年大本钟塔楼保护和钟表原始配色方案研究中做出了重要贡献。Lincoln Conservation (一家集研究、教学和商业专业知识一体的公司所在地),在读学生将有参与国家级文物保护和修复现场项目机会。 MA Theatre 戏剧(侧重剧本创作)(全英#13)BA(Hons) Musical Theatre 音乐剧– 104 UCAS Tariff (2 A levels)BA(Hons) Technical Theatre and Stage Management 剧场技术与舞台管理BA(Hons) Drama and Theatre 戏剧与剧场每位学生都将参与一个实习机会,参与专业演出的制作学生有机会加入The Lincoln Company新兴表演制作公司学生可以参与学校年度的launch fest学生可以选择独立研究项目或者实践研究项目学生可以使用斥资600万英镑打造的Lincoln Arts CentreMSc Fashion Management 时尚管理在线毕业设计展,参与时尚杂志编辑项目“Sew in Style”,学生可以参加全英各地的展览和时尚活动。毕业生在ASOS、Paul Smith、Primark、Next等公司担任时尚买手、视觉成列、可持续发展顾问、品牌经理、产品技术专家和数据分析师等职位。 BA(Hons) Product Design 产品设计 (全英#1)学生作品:学生设计的「未来口罩」赢得三星支持的产品设计竞赛BA(Hons) Graphic Design 平面设计 (全英#12)专业涵盖了广泛的主题,如排版、广告、品牌、编辑设计、艺术家书籍、包装、互动设计、动画、电影和装置。学生有机会在设计机构从事实践项目和实习。*以上排名依据2023和2024《泰晤士报》《完全大学指南》《卫报大学指南》  如果您有申请咨询,或需要进一步信息,请随时与我们联系。

更新时间:24-01-24 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-林肯大学-2024年9月入学 奖学金政策

来自林肯大学的亲切问候! 近期正值学生申请和定校高峰期,本封邮件将给大家分享针对申请2024年秋季入学本科和授课型硕士课程的奖学金政策,欢迎大家分享给感兴趣的申请者: 本科课程的奖学金政策:1. 全球本科生奖学金 Global Undergraduate Scholarship金额:每年2000英镑学费减免,无名额限制要求:达到课程的录取标准,无需单独申请,2024年6月1日前提交正课申请,随offer直接发放。 2. 全球领袖奖学金 Lincoln Global Leaders Scholarship金额:50%学费减免,名额有限择优发放要求:国内本科学位满足均分80%/英国本科满足2等1学位,雅思达到课程直录标准或更高,名额有限择优发放,需要额外申请。申请截止日期:第一轮:英国时间2023年12月1日第二轮:英国时间2024年3月1日第三轮:英国时间2024年6月1日 3. 本科合作项目奖学金:中国区合作项目奖学金China Partner Scholarship金额:5000英镑学费减免,名额有限择优发放要求:满足均分80%或同等水平(GU AA/AB),雅思成绩优秀,需要额外申请,2024年6月1日前提交正课申请和奖学金申请 合作项目校长奖学金 Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship金额:50%学费减免,名额有限择优发放要求:满足均分80%或同等水平(GU AA/AB),雅思成绩优秀,需要额外申请,2024年6月1日前提交正课申请和奖学金申请  授课型硕士奖学金政策:1.全球研究生奖学金 Global Postgraduate Scholarship金额:1000英镑,无名额限制要求:国内本科学位满足均分70%/英国本科满足2等2学位,无需单独申请,随offer直接发放。 2.中国区专项奖学金 China Scholarship金额:5000英镑,无名额限制要求:国内本科学位满足均分80%/英国本科满足2等1学位,无需单独申请,随offer直接发放。 3.全球领袖奖学金 Lincoln Global Leaders Scholarship金额:50%学费减免,名额有限择优发放要求:国内本科学位满足均分80%/英国本科满足2等1学位,雅思达到课程直录标准或更高,择优发放,需要额外申请。申请截止日期:第一轮:英国时间2023年12月1日第二轮:英国时间2024年3月1日第三轮:英国时间2024年6月1日  如果您想了解更多奖学金详情,请随时与我们联系。 

更新时间:24-01-19 来源:OfferEasy官网


A warm hello from the University of Lincoln. Across campus, preparations are underway for the start of the January intake. As students begin to prepare for their journey to the UK and to Lincoln, we would be grateful if you can remind them of the following important information: When to Arrive?New students will need to arrive at the University of Lincoln before the start of Welcome Week on Monday 22 January. During Welcome Week, there will be a number of compulsory sessions that students must attend on campus. There will also be a variety of optional talks, activities and events that students are encouraged to take part in.  EnrolmentDetailed information regarding the enrolment process, and a step by step guide, can be found on our website.Travelling from the Airport to LincolnThe University of Lincoln offers a free airport transfer service on selected dates between London Heathrow Airport and Lincoln. If students wish to reserve a space, they must complete the airport booking form as soon as possible as places are limited.  AccommodationStudents must ensure they have arranged suitable accommodation prior to travelling to the UK. If students decide to live away from campus, it is important they carefully research how they will travel to the University on a regular basis and how much this will cost. This is important because course timetables may include compulsory classes that take place on campus up to five days each week. Please visit our accommodation page for further information. We encourage all new students to carefully read our pre-departure and arrivals page ahead of their journey to the UK. The page is packed full of helpful information and advice on topics such as what to pack in a suitcase, how to register with a GP and opening a UK bank account.Best,China team, University of Lincoln

更新时间:23-12-19 来源:OfferEasy官网