
The University of Melbourne

澳洲 公立

墨尔本大学 校方建议与警告

阅读:118次 添加时间:2024-04-30 编辑: admin

墨尔本大学 校方建议与警告

  1. 学生必须在递交申请前,仔细考虑后确认自己的志愿顺序!
  2. 大学审理量巨大,涉及邮件联系大学的操作(更新志愿顺序或添加第二/第三志愿),耗时久!
  3. 大学无法保证能在截止前完成操作,无法保证申请能按照更新的要求被审理!
  4. 大学不建议学生申请递交后,提出改志愿等需要校方重新Review等要求,耗时久!

Please note though the preference is that student carefully looks into the courses on our website and decides beforehand what their preferences are (max of only 3 allowed) BEFORE submitting the application on the system. (Once submitted, you won't be able to make changes then you end up having to email us). As we have a large volume of applications to assess, emails can take a long time to get to and there are no guarantees then they can get processed in a timely manner.