
Plymouth University

英国 公立

普利茅斯大学本科开放日10.15日 & 11.12日

阅读:485次 添加时间:2017-04-20 编辑: hanyingying

Invitation to our Open Day

Open Days are a great way to see the University campus first-hand and speak directly with staff and current students about life in Plymouth and studying here.

If you have not been to one before, an Open Day can be the perfect opportunity for you, or your colleagues, to gain invaluable insight and training to what Plymouth has to offer in order to better support future applicants.


If you are based in the UK, or visiting during October or November, we would like to invite you along to one of our Undergraduate Open Days which will take placefrom 9:00am-4:30pm on:

Saturday 15th October 2016

Saturday 12th November 2016

Please click on the link below to let us know if you are interested in either of these dates and we will send you further information:

Plymouth University Open Day - I would like to attend(plymouth.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=954fc62ee9369f74cbba85e04&id=6353e1a73f&e=f480236e28)