
University of East Anglia

英国 公立


阅读:605次 添加时间:2017-11-22 编辑: --

简介:如有拿到2017年UEA offer没有入学,希望延期至18年入学的学生,请在2017年12月11日前提交延期申请!

如有拿到2017年UEA offer没有入学,希望延期至18年入学的学生,请在2017年12月11日前提交延期申请!


We are sorry that you were unable to take up your place at UEA in 2017.

We may be able to defer your offer for entry to the Management (MSc) (Full Time) in 2018. Please could you confirm if you would like to be considered, by 11 December 2017. We will then be able to confirm if this is possible, and will email you updated offer details.

Please ensure that you inform us of any change of address or contact details, or other significant changes, in the meantime.

If we do not hear from you by the 11 December 2017, we will assume that you no longer wish to pursue your place.

Your sincerely

Postgraduate Taught Admissions

University of East Anglia