
University of Otago

新西兰 公立


阅读:112次 添加时间:2024-02-20 编辑: admin

Dear Otago partners and friends,


Happy New Year of Dragon! Wish everyone had a nice New Year holiday.



This week of Feb 19th to 23rd is the orientation week of February Semester at University of Otago. As it is compulsory for each international student to attend one of the international student orientation seminar, we appreciated if you can assist to remind your student to get registered in one of the seminar during the week, and complete their enrolment as soon as possible. The procedure is listed in the latest Otago student newsletter to your students’ email. Thank you!

International student orientation, Future students | University of Otago

本周219日至23日是新西兰奥塔哥大学20242月入学季的开学迎新周,如果各位老师有学生即将入学,烦请提醒学生务必报名参加international student orientation(学生申请时候注册的邮箱收到的最近一封Otago Newsletter里面有详细内容)。请见上面官网链接。


In addition, I am delighted to introduce my lovely colleague Ms. Iris Ye (Some of you or your students might have already received her emails), as the new International Student Recruitment Coordinator joined at early Jan. From now on, Me (Joyce, China mainland working hour from 9am to 17pm from Monday to Fri, responsible for engagement in markets), and Iris (New Zealand working hour from 9am – 17pm from Monday to Friday, responsible for application follow-up and conversion), will be responsible for Greater China and South Korea markets for student recruitment and market supports. We encourage our dear partners and friends to email us for your inquiries, and we will respond as soon as we can during our working hours.

其次,新年新气象,向大家介绍一下我的同事Iris Ye女士(可能您或者您的学生已经接到过来自Iris的邮件)。现在开始将由我(Joyce,中国工作时间周一至周五9-17点,负责前端事务对接)以及Iris(新西兰工作时间周一至周五9-17点,负责学生申请的跟进和转化)来为大中华及韩国地区的合作伙伴提供支持和服务。面向习惯使用微信咨询的地区,各位老师以及同事有任何问题,欢迎在每个代理机构的大群里提问,我们看到之后将在各自的办公时间段内给予最快的回复。由于我们将集中服务各大群组中的咨询,因此建议大家尽量减少私信提问,避免耽误咨询时间。面向习惯使用邮件咨询的地区,我们欢迎大家发送邮件至我们的邮箱进行询问。


FYI, for your better understanding on the departments’ responsibility at Otago International Office, we list the details below for your reference. Iris and I are happy to direct you to the right department for different inquiry, and we encourage your students to get better idea on where to seek for advice from the contacts below as well.



International Recruitment and Marketing Team


ž   我们可以协助跟进申请,但offer不是我们部门出具的。

ž   强烈建议各位老师在跟进offer前,先登录eVision(大学申请)或者语言预科中心申请网页中,查看申请进度并且确保已经补件完成之后,再来进行咨询和跟进。

Ms. Joyce Zhang, Market Manager – Greater China and South Korea

Ms. Iris Ye, International Student Recruitment Coordinator (supporting Joyce’s markets)

Agent agreement/eVision issue/staff on leave   


International Student Support



AskOtago 负责全部(入学前和入学后)学生的所有咨询



International Student Visa Office

Student Visa 国际学生的签证咨询
Email student.visa@otago.ac.nz  

Insurance 国际学生的保险咨询
Email international.insurance@otago.ac.nz  

International Admission


(Strongly recommend to email Joyce or Iris, one of us will assist with your request asap)


International Partnerships, including exchange, articulation or new business development


(Strongly recommend to email Joyce)


We look forward to working with you more closely in the brighter new year, and provide better service for our students at University of Otago.
