
The University of Queensland

澳洲 公立


阅读:103次 添加时间:2024-03-08 编辑: admin

2024年,南昆士兰大学(UniSQ)将面向国际学生提供多个澳大利亚目的地奖学金(Destination Australia Scholarships),从而为选择南昆大图文巴校区(Toowoomba)就读全日制课程的国际学生提供学业支持。了解更多

Applications for the Destination Australia Scholarship (International) have been extended

UniSQ is proud to offer the Destination Australia Scholarship, ranging in duration from three to four years, depending on the program of study. Please encourage eligible international students to apply for this substantial scholarship funded by the Australian Government – the application deadline has been extended to Monday 18 March.