
Griffith University

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格里菲斯大学及学院 Griffith C+GU奖学金 Griffith College Scholarship for Trimester 2 (July) and Trimester 3 (Octo

阅读:132次 添加时间:2024-03-08 编辑: admin

Griffith C+GU奖学金 Griffith College Scholarship for Trimester 2 (July) and Trimester 3 (October) 2024 intakes 

1. 所有申请 T2 (July 2024) 或 T3 (October 2024) 的国际学生,若在intake截止前接受,即,9th April 2024 (Trimester 2) 或 16th August 2024 (Trimester 3),将获得 AUD$5,000 奖学金。
2. 除此之外,针对2024-2026 (Diploma GPA 5.5 / 7.0 above)开始就读本科的学生,Griffith大学也会提供 25% International Student Academic Excellence Scholarship

Subject:  Griffith College Scholarship for Trimester 2 (July) and Trimester 3 (October) 2024 intakes

Dear Partners,


We are delighted to announce the launch of the Griffith College international students scholarship for July and October 2024 intakes.


All new international students commencing in T2 (July 2024), or T3 (October 2024) and accept their offer by the cut-off date for each trimester (9th April 2024 (Trimester 2) or 16th August 2024 (Trimester 3) respectively, are eligible* for a AUD$5,000 scholarship that goes towards the tuition fee for their studies at Griffith College. Please refer to the attached flyer.


In addition to Griffith College scholarship, Griffith University provides a 25% International Student Academic Excellence Scholarship for 2024-2026 (Diploma GPA 5.5 / 7.0 above) available to students commencing their bachelor’s degrees. For detailed information regarding Griffith University scholarship, please refer to the website.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Kylie. We are here to assist you every step of the way.



*Excludes Diploma of Health Care and Masters Qualifying Program students

