
Hofstra University

美国 私立

美-INTO集团-美国项目更新:HOF MBA Accounting/SUF IMP MBA/ISU MS CS

阅读:80次 添加时间:2023-11-24 编辑: admin




  • 21-22学年INTO美国项目升读成果汇报

  • 霍夫斯特拉大学会计MS专业取消直录申请

  • 萨福克大学MBA 综合硕士课程(Integrated Master's Program请要求补充

  • 伊利诺伊州立大学计算机科学硕士MS Computer Science录取要求变动




2021-22学年,91%完成其衔接课程学习的中国学生达到升读美国合作大学的资格要求 97%达到升学要求的学生注册入学。

  • 达到升学要求是指顺利完成其衔接课程的学习并达到所申请的后续学位课程升学要求的学生

  • 注册入学的学生是指达到升学要求后下一学期在INTO中心所在大学注册入学继续攻读学位课程的学生



根据大学的通知,由于纽约州调整了会计专业的综合要求,HOF MS会计专业直录及桥梁将停止招收国际学生。有意向学习会计的学生可考虑HOF MBA with concentration in Accounting。但直录对背景的要求依然有很多限制,详见如下链接,桥梁则无此类背景要求。



目前,HOF MBA Accounting方向INTO Portal尚未更新上线,申请可提交官网+DEW

HOF MBA- Accounting,学生也可以考虑临近的萨福克大学或乔治梅森大学会计专业,直录桥梁均开放。


萨福克大学MBA 综合硕士课程(Integrated Master's Program申请要求补充

SUF IMP MBA项目提供两个类似课程,分别是IMP MBA Integrated Master's Program in Business Administration (MBA)IMP MBA Business Essentials Integrated Master's Program in Business Essentials (M.B.A.) 主要区别在于:

  • To apply for the IMP MBAstudents need to have a 3.0 GPA in a business related UG degree major.

  • Those without a business degree, or with below a 3.0 GPA in a business degree major should take the IMP MBA Business Essentials course.

两个桥梁课均可升读至MBA专业,但是IMP MBA Business Essentials会给学生提供更多商务方面的课程,以足学生不够坚实的学术背景更多信息您也可以咨询我们的区域负责同事。


伊利诺伊州立大学计算机科学硕士MS Computer Science录取要求变动

研究生录取要求汇总,您可以参考附件中文件。自2024年秋季学期开始,ISU将启用MS Computer Science新的录取要求,主要变动如下:

l   CGPA will be lowered to 3.25 (lowered from 3.4).

l   Pre-Requisites: applicants to the MS Computer Science program will now be required to have three prerequisite courses (previous seven courses):

1.         IT 225 Computer Organization

2.         IT 383 Principles of Operating Systems

3.         IT 378 Database Processing

l   Testing

1.          In order to accommodate more flexible entry requirements, the coursework for the degree has been adjusted to include additional foundation courses, Computer Science 1 and Computer Science 2, adding an additional six credits to the degree.  

2.          All students will be required to complete a knowledge test upon arrival and may test out of one or both of these additional foundation courses.  As a result, the curriculum for the Direct Entry MSCS degree will now be 33-39 credit hours overall.
