
Victoria University

澳洲 公立

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)新增了50个线上就读的位置,开放给持有能覆盖全学习时长的、非学签类型的签证持有者 - GD幼教(Apr 2024)

阅读:81次 添加时间:2024-03-15 编辑: admin

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)新增了50个线上就读的位置,开放给持有能覆盖全学习时长的、非学签类型的签证持有者 - GD幼教(Apr 2024)

今早校方通知:2024年4月Intake,GD幼教已满位;中午校方再次更新:新增了50个线上就读的位置,开放给持有能覆盖全学习时长的、非学签类型的签证持有者线上就读Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood(Apr 2024)。



Hi all,


We have been given additional 50 spots for online class for Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood - April intake. Hence, we can take more acceptances from non-student visa holders who have the visa that cover the whole course duration. It is first in first serve and all acceptances without payment cases/offers will be withdrawn! To honour the current offer holders, they have a chance to accept the offers first (tell them to accept now please) as we will put new applications on hold for now! We will check the quota again next week and will let you know if we need to resume the application assessment/ issue more offers.


For the student visa holders cases/ applications, we will automatically assess it for Jul 24 intake.