
Victoria University

澳洲 公立

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)延期不保证原录取结果 + GD幼教申请Master of Education不保证录取 + 600和408签证持有人需走【中国账户】递交 + 审理周期为3周 + 拒签原因分享

阅读:90次 添加时间:2024-04-10 编辑: admin

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)- 重要信息分享:

1. 延期不保证原录取结果

2. GD幼教申请Master of Education不保证录取

3. 600和408签证持有人需走【中国账户】递交

4. 审理周期为3周

5. 拒签原因分享


1. 延期不保证原录取结果


2. GD幼教学生,申请Master of Education不保证录取

拿到Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education录取,或在读这门课程的学生,需注意:维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)不保证此课程的学生一定能被本校的Master of Education录取,校方需按照要求审理学生入读资质。

3. 600和408签证持有人需走【中国账户】递交,大学不接受此类签证学生递交onshore申请。

4. 目前审理周期为3周;若学生持有的签证即将过期,校方可酌情优先审理,尽量缩短审理周期至2周。

5. 拒签原因分享

  • 持有485签证,VU在读Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood,申请学签被拒;校方建议学生递签提供solid statement & evidence ;
  • 未在规定时间内回复签证官体检结果。

Hi team,


I would like to remind / share with you about the following:


1.       When we have received deferral request, VU will have to reassess the case and that might require further documentations/ information. There is no guarantee that the outcome of the case will remain the same as VU needs to comply/ respond to the changing external requirements.

2.       Getting admission in/ studying Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education does not guarantee the admission into Master of Education. VU needs to assess the case/application as per the guidelines. Hence, please ensure that your clients do understand this.

3.       We no longer take onshore applications from 600 and 408 visa holders and they are welcome to apply from offshore.

4.       Our admission turnaround time is 3 weeks and we can only prioritise the cases that visa are expiring soon. We expect that the turnaround time will be quicker in 2 weeks.

5.       We recently got a few visa rejection from:

5.1   VU current students who have been studying Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood on 485 visa. This to share with you that even though the student has been studying the GD EC, there is still a chance that the student visa is rejected. Hence, please ensure you help students to provide solid statement & evidence to support their visa applications.

5.2   A couple for visa rejection due to the student did not getting back to DHA in the given timeframe about health check. I personally could not understand why the student did not get back to DHA – as a result the visa was rejected.


The next few months will be very interesting and challenging to all of us and we need to work together to get through this!