
University of Chester

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Institute of Psychology, Business and Human Sciences The first is the full-time MBA. We’re now offering two streams, Executive and Graduate, the  former for experienced professionals, the latter for recent (or  relatively recent) graduates. Please find further details here on our website. Also within the Institute of Psychology, Business and Human Sciences, the MSc Human Resource Management And Organisational Psychology  combines elements of HRM with Psychology and aims to equip students with  the confidence, expertise and insight required to be able to shape  working environments so that they benefit both the  individuals within organisations and the organisations themselves.  Further details here on our website. The MSc Neuromarketing is an exciting new course which offers students the opportunity to  gain a deeper understanding of how, among other things, the human brain  shapes consumer behaviour. Details here. Criminology has always been a popular choice at Chichester at undergraduate level. Now, at postgraduate level, the MSc Criminology offers students access to the same expertise -  the chance to work with the University of Chichester's dedicated  psychology and criminology teams to explore the complexities involved in  global criminal justice systems. Details here on our website. Sport and coaching have always been popular choices here at Chichester, and now the MSc Coaching Psychology, accredited by the British Psychological  Society (BPS), provides students with a solid grounding in coaching  psychology, theory and practice, from a broad variety of psychology  perspectives. Details here. At undergraduate level, the BSc (Hons) Business Psychology offers the opportunity for  students to take advantage of Chichester’s expertise in the field of  psychology to deepen their understanding of how people function in the  workplace. Details here.  Law The LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (with SQE preparation route) offers students the chance to develop their knowledge  and understanding of legal frameworks, and offers the opportunity for  them to pursue a career as a barrister or solicitor by pursuing the  optional Solicitor’s Qualifying Exam (SQE) preparation  route. Details here.  Creative Industries Based in  the £35 million Tech Park on the University of Chichester’s Bognor Regis  campus, the department of Creative Industries offers a range of  cutting-edge programmes in the areas of film, computer  games and e-sports. Courses include Digital Film Technologies, Media  and Communications, Digital Film Production, Games Design and  Development, E-Sports, 3D Animation and VFX, and Audio Production and  Music Technologies. The facilities in the Tech Park are  industry-standard and the team includes a two-time BAFTA winning  animator with over 20 years' experience in the VFX industry, whose  credits include “The Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2”, “Alice in  Wonderland”, “Alice Through The Looking Glass”, and “Fury”. The team’s  new BA(Hons) Visual  Effects (VFX) offers students an invaluable  opportunity to gain the creative and technical skills needed to work as  a VFX artist in the film, TV and games industries. Details here.

更新时间:24-02-28 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nrhJy_76qT_WF2ORvIgUog 我们很高兴地宣布,加诚博教美国合作伙伴Kings教育集团与威斯康星大学系统有了新的长久伙伴关系大学 —— 威斯康星大学斯托特分校(UW-Stout)!威斯康星大学斯托特分校提供广泛的本科和研究生STEM学位。 学生可以选择在威斯康星大学斯托特分校完成全部学位,有多种以行业为重点的专业和研究生领域可供选择。或者,本科生也可以选择收到一份有条件录取通知书,确保升入全美排名第 35 的威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校。 2024年9月入学申请开放中!威斯康星大学斯托特分校被誉为威斯康星州的理工大学,因该校明确注重应用学习、行业合作、职业发展、创新和职业成功。 大学距离主要国际枢纽明尼阿波利斯机场仅一小时车程,为国际学生提供专门支持,拥有优越的师生比例。学校概况:地理位置:威斯康星州梅诺莫尼学位:超过45个本科学位,20个研究生学位学生人数:7500师生比:1:18国际机场:明尼阿波利斯机场,1小时距离120英亩的美丽校园,配备现代化设施毕业后6个月内的就业率为99.4%本科课程分为以职业为重点的专业群,其中包括大量的 STEM 专业:艺术、设计与图形商务与管理教育学人文与社会科学信息技术与通信科学、工程学与数学99.4%的就业率对职业的高度关注和与行业的联系意味着 99.4% 的学生在 6 个月内就业(在威斯康星和技术学院系统内排名第1)在研究生阶段,学生可以从 20 个学位中进行选择,其中包括:应用数学与数据科学硕士食品科学与技术硕士运营与供应链管理硕士应用心理学硕士风险控制与安全管理硕士100% OPT 实习大学为完成研究生学位的学生提供100%的OPT实习保证。UW-Stout的学术成就和追求卓越的精神一直受到认可。 #1 最佳聚合物和塑料工程学院(Course Advisor)#1 最佳酒店管理学校(CollegeFactual.com)#1 威斯康星州最佳平面设计、游戏设计学校(Animation Career Review)#1 五大湖地区最好的计算机系统网络学校(CollegeFactual.com)#5 美国最佳平面设计学校,GradReports 2020#5 最佳游戏与互动媒体设计学校(CollegeFactual.com)#8 中西部最佳游戏设计专业,Animation Career Review 2022#11 全球最佳酒店管理学院,CEOWorld Biz 2022#17 中西部地区最佳动画学校,Animation Career Review 2022 Kings GO:Supported支持 作为Kings的学生,你将享受我们的支持服务,从出发前一直贯穿整个学习过程,包括行前支持、校园生活支持、学术与职业发展支持、以及转学支持。详细内容可参阅GO:Supported文档。国王教育美国名校直通车始发站联合录取01罗切斯特大学始建于:1850综合排名:#47从纽约蒙特圣文森学院、南俄勒冈大学、威斯康星大学奥什科什主校区始发进入罗切斯特大学。02威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校始建于:1848综合排名:#35从威斯康星大学奥什科什分校、奥什科什狐谷分校、威斯康星大学斯托特分校始发进入威斯康星麦迪逊分校。03俄勒冈大学始建于:1876综合排名:#98从南俄勒冈大学始发进入俄勒冈大学。04纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校始建于:1844最佳公立大学:#70从波士顿费舍尔学院、加州州立大学富尔顿分校、威斯康星大学奥什科什分校始发进入纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校。更多院校项目欢迎联系加诚博教美国大学市场部加诚编辑:Zoro

更新时间:24-01-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


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更新时间:23-11-20 来源:OfferEasy官网