
Heriot-Watt University

英国 公立


展信佳! 非常感谢贵司对赫瑞-瓦特大学的一如既往的支持,我们很高兴地与您分享赫瑞-瓦特大学2024年关于硕士录取要求的重要更新,涵盖研究生语言要求/申请要求/申请材料/语言班等信息: 【本科生录取要求】 本科申请可以不再通过UCAS递交,可以直接通过agent portal递交申请。 【研究生语言要求调整】 【数学和计算机科学学院】除精算相关专业外,其余研究生专业直录语言要求调整为雅思总分6.0,单项不低于5.5【工程与自然科学学院】所有研究生课程直录语言要求调整为雅思总分6.0,单项不低于5.5【能源,地球科学,基础设施和社会学院】所有研究生课程直录语言要求调整为雅思总分6.0,单项不低于5.5 其它学院的按照目前原公布的标准执行 【研究生录取要求】 赫瑞-瓦特大学英国校区研究生课程录取将参考上海软科世界大学 (中国大学排名总榜 )具体的参考标准如下: 2024 研究生录取要求英国学位等级中国高校录取要求软科排名 1-250名软科排名 251 +一等学位70%75%二等一学位68%+72%+二等二学位65%+70%+精算科学;精算管理;统计相关专业:软科前250名要求75%;软科自251起:要求80%;对于不参与软科排名但是仍然在中国教育部认可的高校清单中的院校,分数要求参考251+的分数要求 欢迎点击链接获得最新的软科世界大学排名:https://www.shanghairanking.cn/rankings/bcur/202310 【研究生申请材料调整】 针对授课型研究生课程,将不再强制要求提供推荐信 【语言班安排及录取要求】 赫瑞-瓦特大学可接受中国大学英语四六级和赫瑞-瓦特大学内测配读线上语言班,具体要求如下: 学术水平考试类型14周语言班10周语言班研究生学位课程大学英语四级CET-4425-549550+大学英语六级CET-6401-499500+申请截止日期2024年4月26日2024年5月24日 线上语言班安排:学术水平考试类型14周申请要求10周申请要求6周申请要求本科学位课程雅思Academic & UKVI总分5.0单项不低于4.5总分5.0写作不低于5.0,其他单项不低于4.5总分5.5单项不低于5.0PTEAcademic & UKVI56单项不低于4856写作56 单项不低于4861单项不低于54朗思Language Cert IESOL SELTB1单项不低于38B1写作45,其他单项不低于38B2单项不低于25托福iBT & 家庭版66读10/听13/说17/写1566读10/听13/说17/写1772读16/听15/说18/写17研究生学位课程雅思Academic & UKVI总分5写作5.0,单项不低于4.5总分5.5单项不低于5.0总分5.5单项不低于5.5PTEAcademic & UKVI56写作56 单项不低于4861单项不低于5465单项不低于59朗思Language Cert IESOL SELTB1写作45,其他单项不低于38B2单项不低于25B2单项不低于33托福iBT & 家庭版66读10/听13/说17/写1772读16/听15/说18/写1779读18/听17/说20/写21申请截止日期2024年4月26日2024年5月24日2024年6月21日 线上线下混合模式安排,10周/6周为全线下:(14周混合模式:4周线上 / 10周线下)学术水平考试类型14周申请要求10周申请要求6周申请要求本科学位课程雅思Academic UKVI总分5.0单项不低于4.5总分5.0写作不低于5.0,其他单项不低于4.5总分5.5单项不低于5.0PTEAcademic UKVI56单项不低于4856写作56 单项不低于4861单项不低于54朗思Language Cert IESOL SELTB1单项不低于38B1写作45,其他单项不低于38B2单项不低于25研究生学位课程雅思Academic UKVI总分5写作5.0,单项不低于4.5总分5.5单项不低于5.0总分5.5单项不低于5.5PTEAcademic UKVI56写作56 单项不低于4861单项不低于5465单项不低于59朗思Language Cert IESOL SELTB1写作45,其他单项不低于38B2单项不低于25B2单项不低于33申请截止日期2024年4月19日2024年5月17日2024年6月14

更新时间:24-03-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


You can now enrol online(hwu.hobsons.co.uk/admin/Communications/ClickThru.aspx?qs=ZUexWpe4paQqp5qDuYo6F%2f%2fqXCtwAeFYOX%2fXnOMpBVPn3N944VOaeRMRcgqEmPzS) . You will need your HW Person ID and your PIN, which is your date of birth (6 digits using the format DDMMYY) the first time you log in. During this process you will be asked to upload a photograph for your student identity card – this should be a clearly identifiable passport-style photograph taken against a white background. This will save you time at the enrolment completion event. Please ensure you enrol online as far as you can before arriving at Heriot-Watt as this will help us to ensure your enrolment runs as smoothly as possible. Welcome Week Welcome Week begins 5th September 2016. You should arrive in enough time to attend the organised events. If you plan to arrive after this date please email us at the address at the bottom of the page with your expected arrival date.Please note we will not accept or enrol new students after Monday 3rd October 2016. Induction and Enrolment(hwu.hobsons.co.uk/admin/Communications/ClickThru.aspx?qs=ZUexWpe4paQqp5qDuYo6F%2fxSB68BW1sk0aKUKivv5TOSCeWHpgkig9GcyL31baqU) timetables are now online. Please ensure you attend at the allocated dates and times for your programme. You will need to bring the following with you to enrol: HWU Person ID: Passport (or other photographic ID): You will be required to show photographic identification at the enrolment completion event. Proof of Funding: Please scan and email your sponsor or funding letter(excluding SAAS or Student Finance) to sponsors@hw.ac.uk ahead of Welcome Week otherwise bring it with you when you enrol. Visa:If you are an international student subject to immigration control you will be required to show your visa at the enrolment completion event. Free shuttle bus from Edinburgh airport Heriot-Watt is running a free shuttle bus from Edinburgh Airport to the Edinburgh campus the weekend before Welcome Week. The shuttle bus will run every hour on the hour from 09:00 to 22:00. Make your way to the Scottish Universities Welcome Desks at both the International and Domestic gates in the arrivals hall and our student ambassadors will direct you to the Heriot-Watt bus stop. For more information please consult the International Student Advisors(hwu.hobsons.co.uk/admin/Communications/ClickThru.aspx?qs=ZUexWpe4paQqp5qDuYo6F4m22zvaRHZLOKmZ3at6PchP9cphqkDDG0xBZlLj3O68) website.

更新时间:17-04-20 来源:OfferEasy官网