
University of Kent

英国 公立


早上好,本周为您带来牛津国际教育集团2024年6月开课的硕士预科项目介绍。2024年6月我们的硕士预科有:1,一学期硕士预科项目-2024.6-2024.9预科,衔接2024.9硕士正课,联合CAS。邓迪/肯特/班戈/德蒙福特/布拉德福德/龙比亚大学国际学院均有开设;2,两学期硕士预科项目-2024.6-2024.12预科 衔接2025. 1月硕士正课,联合CAS。邓迪/班戈/德蒙福特/布拉德福德/龙比亚大学国际学院均有开设项目亮点:1,预科周期短-学生3到6个月即可完成预科学习,2025年拿到硕士学位;2,预科升学难度友好-各校区升学的成绩要求在40%-50%之间,学生努力就会有收获;3,可接收2/2.5/3/5年大专及自考本科学生申请,用3-6个月完成硕士预科学习;4,高性价比-以肯特大学为例,可以让完成3年大专的学生,预科和正课总共仅花费不到RMB 27万的学费 基于我集团硕士预科的基础介绍,下面为您带来两个高性价比硕预项目:邓迪大学(Times排名全英32名)两学期硕士预科6月开课的入学方案:2024年6月10日开课,2025年年底完成硕士学习开设专业方向:商科、能源与可持续发展入学要求:雅思5.5(5.5),可以内测。雅思成绩最低4.5(4.0)可配12周语言 or 5.0(4.5)配6周语言课。若学生希望赶在6月10日成功入读预科,则还有4月15日至5月24日的6周线上语言课可以适配,学生取得5.0(4.5)的语言成绩,即可于4月15日开始学习,语言课通过后无需再考雅思。学历背景要求:国内学制-2.5/3/5年大专/本科/自考本科均可申请,均分60%;英本-Ordinary或三等学位即可申请美国本科-完成学位,GPA2.0特殊选项:商科方向的同学也可以选择线上预科,即预科期间读网课,网课通过后,直接获得邓迪大学的入学CAS,2025年1月前往英国学习硕士正课。费用:若学生选择线下课程,则预科10995镑,正课21900镑上下(不同专业略有浮动),学费共32895镑上下。若学生选择预科期间网课,则预科6000镑,正课21900镑(不同专业略有浮动),硕士阶段学费共27900镑上下,约25万5千人民币,性价比高!肯特大学(QS世界大学排名336)一学期硕士预科开设专业方向:商科,计算机(包括计算机科学,人工智能,网路安全)语言要求:雅思6.0(5.5),可以内测学历背景要求:国内学制-三年大专/全日制本科,均分70%英本-三等学位美本-完成学位,GPA 2.4费用:预科6250镑,正课22700镑,硕士阶段学费共28950镑,约26万5千人民币,性价比高!

更新时间:24-04-09 来源:OfferEasy官网


为您整理了OIEG的3个月(1学期)超短期硕士预科项目集锦,可以让学生们尽快入学、并在2025年年底完成研究生学习,以下详情供参考:肯特大学(QS 336) 1学期硕士预科位于坎特伯雷,比邻伦敦,城市环境如诗如画、学风优良性价比高超短期预科可供本科及大专生选择1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2,亮点专业:商科,计算机/人工智能3,学术背景要求:大学本科完成、均分60%; 大学完成前三年,均分70%;三年制大专完成,均分70%4,雅思要求(可内测替代):6.0(5.5)邓迪大学(QS 441, Times UK 32)1学期硕士预科位于生活成本性价比英国第一的邓迪市,也是一座文艺科创之城除传统工科、商科外,邓迪的教育学排名英国前三,也有护理专业供学生选择可接2.5年和5年制大专学生1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2,亮点专业:商科,工程,能源环保,教育社科,设计,法学,护理(只有6月开学)3,学术背景要求:教育、护理可以接受2.5/3/5年大专以及本科同专业背景学生,均分60%;其余专业可接受本科学位学生,均分60%4,雅思要求(可内测替代):6.0(5.5)布拉德福德大学(QS 641)1学期硕士预科位于英格兰约克郡,有机场超短期预科雅思仅要求5.5(5.5)可以接本科以及2年大专学生入读开设大量工程、生命科学专业供学生选择1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2, 两点专业:工程,法学,社科,管理,社科,健康3,学术背景要求:国内本科及大专(含2/2.5/3/5年大专)学生申读一学期硕士预科4,雅思(可内测):5.5(5.5)

更新时间:24-03-19 来源:OfferEasy官网


全国研究生考试刚刚出分,为您整理了OIEG的3个月(1学期)超短期硕士预科项目集锦,可以让学生们尽快入学、并在2025年年底完成研究生学习,以下详情供参考: 肯特大学(QS 336) 1学期硕士预科位于坎特伯雷,比邻伦敦,城市环境如诗如画、学风优良性价比高超短期预科可供本科及大专生选择1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2,亮点专业:商科,计算机/人工智能3,学术背景要求:大学本科完成、均分60%; 大学完成前三年,均分70%;三年制大专完成,均分70%4,雅思要求(可内测替代):6.0(5.5)  邓迪大学(QS 441, Times UK 32)1学期硕士预科位于生活成本性价比英国第一的邓迪市,也是一座文艺科创之城除传统工科、商科外,邓迪的教育学排名英国前三,也有护理专业供学生选择可接2.5年和5年制大专学生1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2,亮点专业:商科,工程,能源环保,教育社科,设计,法学,护理(只有6月开学)3,学术背景要求:教育、护理可以接受2.5/3/5年大专以及本科同专业背景学生,均分60%;其余专业可接受本科学位学生,均分60%4,雅思要求(可内测替代):6.0(5.5) 布拉德福德大学 (QS 641)1学期硕士预科位于英格兰约克郡,有机场超短期预科雅思仅要求5.5(5.5)可以接本科以及2年大专学生入读开设大量工程、生命科学专业供学生选择1,就近开学日期2024.6-2024.9预科, 2024.9-2025.6硕士,15个月联合CAS2024.9-2024.12预科, 2025.1-2025.12 硕士,15个月联合CAS2, 两点专业:工程,法学,社科,管理,社科,健康3,学术背景要求:国内本科及大专(含2/2.5/3/5年大专)学生申读一学期硕士预科4,雅思(可内测):5.5(5.5)

更新时间:24-03-11 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自英国University of Kent的Newsletter,英国肯特大学重要信息更新:包括直录语言要求,语言课信息,奖学金,重要日期说明等2024年语言要求更新肯特大学2024年9月入读课程最新认证语言考试类型及对应成绩要求如下:线下语言考试IELTS AcademicPTE Academic^CAE/CPETOFEL iBT本科课程*总分6.0(单项不低于5.5)总分63(单项不低于59)总分169(单项不低于162)总分85(R-18,W&L-17,S-20)硕士课程**总分6.0(单项不低于5.5)总分63(单项不低于59)总分169(单项不低于162)总分85(R-18,W&L-17,S-20)在线语言考试TOFEL iBT Special Home EditionNCUK English Language TestLanguageCert International ESOL or SELTOxford English Language Level Test^^本科课程*总分80(R-18,W&L-17,S-20)6.0(单项不低于5.5)B2(单项不低于60)总分6(R&W-6,S&L-5)硕士课程**总分80(R-18,W&L-17,S-20)6.0(单项不低于5.5)B2(单项不低于60)总分6(R&W-6,S&L-5)注意:1.本科课程*、硕士课程** 均为一般要求,非所有课程的统一语言要求。部分学院及专业对语言成绩有特殊要求,请以官网内容为准。 本科:https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/apply/english-language-requirements硕士:https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/apply/english-language-requirements2.PTE Academic^:肯特大学仅接受PTE Academic线下考试成绩,不认可Online考试3.Oxford English Language Level Test^^:申请肯特大学本硕项目的申请人,可凭申请ID和优惠码获得任一场次Oxford ELLT考试的优惠。考试费用£90(原价£120),折扣码:KEN252024年语言班开放申请 课程入读要求现有语言成绩语言班IELTS 7.0IELTS 总分5.5,且小分不低于5.016周IELTS 总分6.0,且小分不低于5.510周IELTS 总分6.5,且小分不低于6.06周IELTS 6.5IELTS 总分5.0,且小分不低于2门4.5,2门5.016周IELTS 总分5.5,且小分不低于5.010周IELTS 总分6.0,且小分不低于5.56周IELTS 6.0IELTS 总分5.0,且小分不低于4.516周IELTS 总分5.0,且小分不低于5.010周IELTS 总分5.5,且小分不低于5.5-L&S,5.0-R&W6周 课程授课日期申请截止日期学费住宿费16周2024.5.7 – 2024.8.232024.4.9£6,150£3,234/£4,55410周2024.6.17 – 2024.8.232024.5.20£4,100£2,205/£3,1056周2024.7.12 – 2024.8.232024.6.14£2,460£1,593/£2,2434周2024.8.9 – 2024.9.62024.7.12£1,320£907/£1,277注意:1、16周、10周、6周语言班均同时开设线上授课版型,欢迎申请;2、4周语言班仅限持有unconditional offer的申请人申请,不开设线上授课版型;3、申请线下授课语言班的申请人,需单独预定宿舍,详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/international-programmes/pre-sessional-courses#6-week-presessional2024年奖学金信息汇总国际本科生奖学金【金额】£3,000 (学费减免)【申请截止日期】2024年3月28日 17:00(英国时间)【申请条件】i.申请人成绩优异,获得A-level AAA或其他文凭同等成绩ii.申请人已递交肯特大学2024年9月入学的全日制本科项目申请iii.申请人已获得正式offer (conditional或unconditional均可)iv.申请人无需接受课程offer,但取消offer或将肯特大学定为insurance choice的申请将无法申请奖学金(UCAS申请)* 该奖学金仅限于适用国际学生学费的申请人申请** 远程课程的申请人不适用该奖学金【申请方式】通过申请人的Kent Vision递交该奖学金申请详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FNADINTUND01 国际硕士(授课型)生奖学金【金额】£3,000 (学费减免)【申请截止日期】2024年3月28日 17:00(英国时间)【申请条件】i.申请人成绩优异,获得一等学位或其他文凭同等成绩ii.申请人已递交肯特大学2024年9月入学的全日制授课型硕士项目申请iii.申请人已获得正式offer (conditional或unconditional均可)iv.申请人需接受课程offer* 该奖学金仅限于适用国际学生学费的申请人申请** 远程课程的申请人不适用该奖学金【申请方式】通过申请人的Kent Vision递交该奖学金申请详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FNADINMASA02 British Council非凡奖学金【金额】£10,000【申请截止日期】2024年4月26日 17:00(英国时间)【申请条件】i.申请人为中国公民,且适用国际学生学费ii.申请人已获得肯特大学2024年9月入读课程的正式offer (conditional或unconditional均可),并在2024年4月26日前接受该offeriii.在学科相关领域有一定的工作经验,有意愿成为英国高等教育大使,参加各类讲座及活动并宣传英国高等教育机构的经验和价值* 该奖学金不可与其他奖学金共享** 远程课程的申请人不适用该奖学金【申请方式】通过申请人的Kent Vision递交该奖学金申请详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FNADBCG0601 CSC国家留学基金委博士奖学金【内容】全额奖学金(含学费、生活补贴、一次中英往返机票、医疗保险、一次性报销英国签证费用)【申请截止日期】2024年1月28日 23:59(英国时间)【申请方式】申请人需向GRC kentgrc@kent.ac.uk发送邮件递交申请,并同时提交英文简历、本科及硕士完整成绩单、申请信-内容为"Why I am interested in applying for a PhD at the University of Kent"(请在申请信中备注申请ID)详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FNADBCG0601 商学院早鸟奖学金【金额】10%学费减免【申请条件】申请2024年9月入读的商学院MSc、MBA或PhD课程的学生,在3月31日前递交课程申请,并在4月30日前支付押金的,将自动获得10%学费减免。【申请方式】无需单独申请详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FN35EARLYB02 MBA可持续发展领袖奖学金【金额】25%学费减免【申请截止日期】2024年5月31日【申请条件】i.申请人成绩优异,获得一等学位或其他文凭同等成绩ii.申请人为自费学习iii.提交500字以上申请动机信,阐述申请动机及对可持续商业实践、商业领导力及与联合国可持续发展目标的联系* 该奖学金不可与其他奖学金共享【申请方式】通过申请人的Kent Vision递交该奖学金申请详情请参见:https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FN35LSS000022024年入学重要日期2024年9月入学重要日期更新(本科) 本科2024年申请截止日期:2024年8月20日 UCAS Clearing:2024年8月21日 定金支付截止日期(需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月22日 定金支付截止日期(不需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月28日 换取无条件录取截止日期:2024年8月30日 CAS截止日期:2024年9月5日 学生注册截止日期:待定  2024年9月入学重要日期更新(硕士)硕士2024年申请截止日期: 2024年7月12日 定金支付截止日期(需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月5日 定金支付截止日期(不需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月28日 换取无条件录取截止日期:2024年8月30日 CAS截止日期:2024年9月5日 学生注册截止日期待定   2024年5月入学重要日期更新(博士)申请截止日期: 2024年2月28日 经导师批准的博士申请截止日期 :2024年3月15日 定金支付截止日期:2024年4月19日 无条件录取截止日期:2024年4月24日 最后注册日期:2024年6月3日 2024年9月入学重要日期更新(博士)申请截止日期: 2024年6月3日 经导师批准的博士申请截止日期 :2024年7月1日 定金支付截止日期(需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月5日 定金支付截止日期(不需要CAS资格面试):2024年8月28日 换取无条件录取截止日期:2024年8月30日 CAS截止日期:2024年9月5日 学生注册截止日期:待定

更新时间:24-01-25 来源:OfferEasy官网


请查收Kent大学1月入学重要日期/语言要求更新/国际学院更新/奖学金开放申请。Dear ColleaguesWe've really been enjoying seeing our postgraduate students celebrate at our November graduation ceremonies! This month's newsletter is packed with updates to help make Kent easier to promote to your students. Take note of our flexibility with our IELTS requirements for January, and we're also now allowing January applicants to take the pre-CAS interview before paying their international fee deposit. Book our January airport transfer and apply for guaranteed accommodation. Plus our fantastic performance in the TEF 2023, new programmes for September 2024 and an exciting announcement about our new International College.Best wishesOther news New International College If you are already a partner of Oxford International Education Group (OIEG) then you may be aware that the University of Kent has partnered with them to create the new University of Kent International College (UK IC).  The International College is in a dedicated building on the Canterbury campus, in the heart of student life and close to on-site student accommodation.Students should submit applications via the website, where you can also find further information about the programmes available. For agents who are a partner of Oxford International, please submit applications according to their advice.If you are not currently an agent for Oxford International but would like continue submitting foundation applications to Kent, please complete the form on their website and an Oxford international representative will be in touch as soon as possible.Please read our news story for further information about the partnership.Sue HopkinsonHead of International Marketing and RecruitmentKey dates for JanuaryPlease note that the deadline to submit your January applications is this Monday 4 December, so do please get your applications in now.Monday 4 December: January PGT Application deadlineThursday 8 December: Deadline to submit an accommodation application and receive an accommodation offer at one of our campuses by 20 DecemberSunday 10 December: applicants must transfer funds into their bank account no later than this date, to allow sufficient time for the funds to clear and appear in their account, to meet the UKVI's 28-day requirement, and to meet Kent's 8 January CAS deadline. Please visit the UK Government website for further information.Sunday 10 December: Deadline for applicants requiring a pre-CAS interview (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, India, Iran, Pakistan nationals) to meet conditions and accept their offer.Tuesday 19 December: Final day of pre-CAS interviewsWednesday 3 January: Deadline for all other international applicants to pay their deposit, meet all conditions and accept their offer.Monday 8 January: Latest date to receive a CAS, therefore please ensure that supporting documents are uploaded well in advance of this date.Monday 8 January: Last day to book airport transfer service.Tuesday 5 February: Latest registration date, so students must have arrived on campus by this date.English language updatesJanuary IELTS requirement updateWe're pleased to confirm that for January 2024 entry, PGT applicants will only be required to achieve a 6.0 score overall on the IELTS test. Some subjects, including our LLM, may require a higher overall score. Please keep reading our updates for more information. If your applicants have achieved 6.0 and wish to have their English language condition reviewed, please do get in touch with us.Oxford International English December discountFor the month of December, applicants applying to Kent will receive a 35% discount off the Oxford International English test. Use this link to book, and the code ELLTDec10. Your students must have submitted an application to the University of Kent to be eligible. Please refer to our UG and PG English language pages to see the scores we accept for our different programmes.Preparing for JanuaryPre-CAS interviews available before deposit paymentStudents from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, India, Iran, Pakistan who are required to take a pre-CAS interview for January entry will now receive an invite even if they have not yet paid their international fee deposit. Please note that applicants must have met all other conditions, and have accepted their offer, so please encourage your students to act accordingly.January airport transfer - bookings open todayThe University of Kent is running a coach service for students arriving at London Heathrow airport on Thursday 11 January 2024. The service will meet students whose flights arrive between 06.00hrs – 15.30hrs, and travelling to the Canterbury or Medway campus. The price is £45 per person. Bookings are now open, and close at 23:59hrs GMT on 8 January 2024. Students should wait until they receive their visa to book their flights. Please see our website for further information, and to book.Guaranteed AccommodationJanuary starters: Your students need to apply for their accommodation by Friday 8 December 2023 in order to receive their guaranteed offer for accommodation at one of our campuses. After they have applied our Accommodation team will contact students about their room offers before the University closes for the Christmas break on 20 December 2023. We may still be able to accommodate students who apply after this date, however they will not receive an offer until the beginning of January 2024.September starters: Applications will open in mid-January and close on 30 June, so please keep an eye on our website.Programme updatesStudent experience and outcomes remain of the highest quality at Kent - TEF 2023 ResultsEducational provision at Kent has been rated of 'very high quality' with 'outstanding quality features' in the UK Government's new iteration of its Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). To find out more about the TEF, and Kent's results, please visit our website.Scholarships still open for January 2024Global Future Student AwardThis is a guaranteed scholarship for eligible PGT applicants beginning a full time programme at our UK campuses in January. For January 2024 entry, the scholarship will be awarded to all applicants from Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey (nationality or domicile).The scholarship is worth £5000 for applicants on programmes with a premium fee of £21,900 and £2000 for applicants on all other programmes, and will be deducted from the tuition fees. Full details.Kent Law School LLM Global Welcome Scholarship (Canterbury), January entryApplication deadline: Sunday 31 December 2023, 23:59 GMTThe Law School has established a major fund to support overseas students who study a taught LLM at the University’s Canterbury campus. Overseas students from any country which receives Official Development Assistance (ODA) from the OECD who undertake a full-time, taught LLM at the Canterbury Campus of the University of Kent are eligible. The list of countries is extensive, and amongst the countries included are Thailand, India, Nigeria, Kenya, Brazil, China, Turkey and many more.This award provides a tuition fee discount of £2,500 to entrants who meet the eligibility conditions stated above. For full application and eligibility details, please visit our website.Kent Business School Course Director's ScholarshipKent Business School automatically considers applications for its Course Director scholarships which are available for students applying to study onto an MSc course offered within the School and who have an outstanding academic background, and are worth up to £2500.Awardees, in recognition of the scholarship award would automatically become a member of the prestigious KBS Scholarship group and be encouraged to undertake at least one within a range of activities to support and promote their studies whilst a student and subsequent alumni of Kent Business School. For more information, please see our website.Scholarships for September 2024International ScholarshipDeadline: 29 March 2024, 5pm GMTWe are pleased to be able to offer a generous number of scholarships for entry at undergraduate and taught master's level, for students beginning a September programme in 2024, at our Canterbury, Medway and Paris campuses and centres.Scholarships of £3,000 towards the cost of tuition fees for one year are available to nationals of any country paying overseas fees. Applicants no longer have to submit an essay as part of their application. For full application and eligibility details, please visit our webpage for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.British Council GREAT Scholarship China, Ghana, Greece, India, Kenya, Thailand, TurkeyDeadline: 26 April 2024, 17:00 BSTThe GREAT Scholarships programme is funded jointly by the UK Government's GREAT Britain campaign, British Council and the University of Kent, as part of the Study UK campaign.We are delighted to offer dedicated scholarships of £10,000 to Chinese, Ghanaian, Greek, Indian, Kenyan, Thai and Turkish passport holders applying for a taught master's programme based at one of our UK campuses. The award will go towards one year of tuition fees.Please visit the website for further details.Kent Law School LLM Global Welcome Scholarship (Canterbury), September entryApplication deadline: 31 July 2024, 23:59 BST

更新时间:23-12-04 来源:OfferEasy官网


一、重要更新: 数学,统计与精算学院目前正在调整部分国际硕士课程的课程设置,以下2年制课程均调整为3年制(with an integral industrial placement): International MSc in Applied Actuarial Science International MSc in Mathematics and its Applications International MSc in Statistics International MSc in Statistics with Finance 官网即将更新,请随时关注。 二、申请重要日期通知: 17 week Pre-sessional课程申请截止日期:2017年3月31日 Taught型国际硕士课程申请截止日期:2017年7月31日 三、2017年新开课程: 【本科课程】: BA Cultural Studies and Media and Journalism (Canterbury and Medway校区) BA Cultural Studies and Media with Journalism (Canterbury 校区) BA Global Philosophies BSc Computer Science for eHealth (with an optional Year in Industry) BSc Computer Science for Data Science (with an optional Year in Industry) BSc Computer Science for Digital Humanities (with an optional Year in Industry) BSc Applied Bioscience for Laboratory Scientists BSc Applied Chemical Sciences for Laboratory Scientists BSc Finance and Investment with a Year in Industry BA Economics and Management 【硕士课程】: MA American Literature and Culture MA Poetry as Practice MA European Culture MA International Heritage and Law MSc Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Forensic Issues 四、全额奖学金提供: 肯特为申请以下taugh型硕士课程的学生提供全奖,申请截止日期为2017年2月26日: MSc in Conservation Biology MSc in Conservation and International Wildlife Trade MSc in Conservation and Primate Behaviour MSc in Conservation and Project Management MSc in Conservation and Rural Development MSc in Conservation and Tourism 详细申请条件及方式请查看: https://www.kent.ac.uk/dice/alumni/DICE_Scholarship_2017.pdf 五、新开计算机选修课程--NEW Year in Computing option: 目标学生:在kent非计算机学院学习的本课学生 选修时间:该课程是独立于本课学位课程外的一年制选修课程,学生可以选择在大二与大三之间或完成大三课程之后选修该课程 学位头衔:原课程学位头衔+with a Year in Computing 申请说明: https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/ug/year-in-computing.html,3月31日截止。

更新时间:17-05-02 来源:OfferEasy官网