
The University of Sheffield

英国 公立


1.   学费涨价通知。自2024年3月6日起,谢菲尔德大学国际学院学费24/25学年课程将进行调整。https://usic.sheffield.ac.uk/how-to-apply/fees如学生已经在这之前拿到2024年9月、2024年11月、2025年1月、2025年3月的预科offer,即衔接2025年9月的本科和硕士的所有预科开学季,在2024年3月5日之前支付押金1260英镑且把押金底单和签字接受函回传给录取办,则按照现有offer的费用基准。请学生尽快确认入学意愿。请预留到账时间,提前交押金更有性价比噢!锁定学位步骤: 签字接受函+ 押金付款证明。发放录取信不等于占位成功。必须完成上述锁定学位步骤,位置先到先得。收到confirmation letter 才证明锁位成功。近期已更新所有专业2024全年均可以先交钱占位后补语言的政策。                                               2.   3月新生线下见面会。3月9日上海,3月10日成都,3月16日北京,3月17日广州,时间是下午1点30分-4点,这是大学直录和预科学生均可以参加的见面会,无论是已经拿到offer还是已经交了押金都可以参加。大学的校长和部分学院的老师也会来到活动和大家见面答疑解惑。报名可以扫下方二维码,具体地址会以确认函的形式发给学生。3.       3月线下/ 线上奖学金面试活动。目前线下奖学金面试活动面向成都(3月11日)、武汉(3月12日)、上海(3月13日)和北京(3月15日)举行,如不在以上城市的学生可以申请参加线上奖学金面试,如在以上城市的同学时间不合适,也可以申请参加线上奖学金面试。报名可以扫下方二维码,后台收到信息后会在活动前2天联系学生确认具体的时间段和地址(线下)/参与平台(线上)。优先安排3月6日之前已报名的学生。4.       可接受的语言种类:衔接本预&本预硕预语言班,UKVI 雅思,UKVI 朗斯和UKVI 培生,                                        衔接硕预(直入),包括UKVI类,以及普雅(含IELTS  online),托福(含家考版),朗斯(含线上朗斯),培生,内测(可向SG 校方咨询)具体对应的分数可向SG校方或小助手了解。  5.       谢菲尔德大学预科官方学生微信群已设立,可加小助手微信号:SGassistant 备注学号和名字 即可提前加入组织认识小伙伴 更多的学校信息,敬请多关注学校的官网和邮件。祝学生们都前程似锦,学有所成,梦想成真!

更新时间:24-03-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自英国University of Sheffield的Newsletter,主要内容:部分硕士课程录取要求更新We would like to update you that all staged admissions programmes apart from MSc Data Science, (INFT 85), will now consider applications from Top 590 ARWU ranked institutions. This change is to bring us in line with other PG courses across the University, and we hope to welcome applications from a broader range of students. Please note that this isn’t a guarantee of acceptance, and those applications from higher ranked institutions will be more likely to secure an offer. The MSc Data Science entry requirements will remain the same.  In some cases, applications which were previously rejected based on their institution ranking, may be reconsidered for the following courses:MA Global JournalismMSc East Asian BusinessMSc Management (International Business)MSc Creative and Cultural Industries ManagementMSc International Management and MarketingMSc Marketing Management PracticeMSc Finance and AccountingMSc International Management and Marketing The Admissions Service will contact these applicants directly. These changes are effective immediately.  All other staged admissions application processes and timelines remain the same. Please see the changes relating specifically to staged admissions in the document attached. Our admissions team is available for questions until Friday 22 December 12 noon UK time. Please note, however, that the university is closed on Saturday 23rd December to Tuesday 2nd January (inclusive).  Any questions for our admissions team that come in during this time, will be answered from 3rd January onwards. Many thanks for your ongoing support. Best wishes

更新时间:23-12-21 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xV2yeSiFHDjtEm3gxCQL_A 谢菲尔德大学上新了! 谢菲尔德大学位于英国-谢菲尔德,是红砖大学;罗素大学集团成员;N8大学联盟成员。研究生新课程-生物考古学MSc Bioarchaeology 近期,谢菲尔德大学推出了一个新的考古学课程-生物考古学硕士。学术要求:至少2:1本科荣誉学位,艺术,人文或科学学科。学生对考古学的兴趣和理解比本科阶段学习的内容更重要: 如果学生在申请中表现出对考古学的兴趣,大学也可能会考虑其他学科的学位。 语言要求:雅思总分6.5分,各部分至少6.0分,或同等成绩。 学费标准:国际学生(2024年费):27,650英镑 学生们将通过核心模块获得科学知识和技能培训,并能够通过选择与动物学,植物学,进化,景观和生态系统相关的一系列生物考古模块,根据自己的兴趣定制课程。学生通过生物考古学方面的学习研究,可以更加深入了解过去人类的生物背景和进化史,包括他们生活的动物、植物和环境的证据。这门课程的毕业生可以在学术界、商业考古学、文物管理和博物馆等众多领域从事未来职业发展。而同时也有许多人选择继续攻读博士学位。此外,大学对考古学的其他课程进行了改进,现在提供两个文学硕士和两个理学硕士: MA Archaeology and Archaeology考古与考古文学硕士MA Cultural Heritage Management文化遗产管理硕士MSc Bioarchaeology生物考古学硕士MSc Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology人类骨骼学和丧葬考古学硕士2024年通过我们递交,谢菲尔德大学独家专享奖学金给到优秀的谢大申请人。详细内容参考海报。我们一起祝你圆梦谢菲尔德大学!更多咨询,请联系我们文案提供:Joanna排版编辑:Reina

更新时间:23-12-13 来源:OfferEasy官网


 由于谢菲尔德大学国际学院专业申请量逐渐增多,希望就读谢菲尔德大学国际学院的学生请尽快确认入读位置。附件列出的课程名额有限; 这将影响到从2022年2月(衔接2022年9月谢菲尔德大学正课的学生);2022 年6月和9月&2023年1月和3月(衔接2023年9月谢菲尔德大学正课的学生)  我们每周都会为大家公布热门项目的目前余位情况,以及在相关项目满位(红色标记),余位补录(赤色标记)或不足8个名额(橙色标记)的情况下,为大家显示可替代课程的余位情况(绿色标记)。先到先得额满为止,某些专业需要学生提交合格的语言成绩以确认其入读位置。 Sheffiled Status 2022 Q1 intake 2022 Q2 to 2023 Q1 本科预科 预警 BA Journalism Studies BA Urban Studies MPlan Urban Studies and Planning BA Geography and Planning BA Architecture and Landscape BSc Speech & Language Sciences BA Education, Culture and Childhood BA Applied Social Science BSc Quantitative Social Sciences 余位补录 BA Architecture and Landscape BA Architecture MEng Structural Engineering & Architecture N/A 满位 BDS Dental Surgery BA Digital Media and Society LLB Law LLB Law and Criminology LLB Law (European and International) BA Criminology LLB Law (with Chinese Law) BDS Dental Surgery 硕士预科 预警 MSc Data Science MA Psychology and Education MSc Information Systems Management MA International Development MPH International Development MSc Human Resource Management with CIPD pathway MSc Structural Engineering MSc Water Engineering MSc Civil Engineering MSc Infrastructure & Urban Systems Engineering MSc Civil Engineering & Management MSc Biodiversity and Conservation MSc Biological Sciences MA Politics and Media in East Asia MSc (Eng) Environmental and Energy Engineering MSc (Eng) Process Safety and Loss Prevention MSc (Eng) Biological and Bioprocess Engineering MSc Biochemical Engineering with Industrial Management MSc Energy Engineering with Industrial Management MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering MSc in Robotics MSc Biodiversity and Conservation MSc Biological Sciences MSc Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence MSc Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Management MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering MA Politics and Media in East Asia MSc (Eng) Data Communications MSc (Eng) Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc (Eng) Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics MSc (Eng) Wireless Communications Systems MSc Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives MSc Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Management MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering 余位补录 MSc Finance and Accounting MSc Money, Banking and Finance MSc Management (International Business) MSc International Management and Marketing MSc Management MSc Human Resource Management MSc Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Management MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering MA Digital Media and Society MSc Economics MSc Financial Economics MSc Business Finance and Economics MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc Marketing Management Practice MSc International Management N/A 满位 MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering MSc in Robotics MSc (Eng) Data Communications MSc (Eng) Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc (Eng) Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics MSc (Eng) Wireless Communications Systems MSc Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives MSc Advanced Computer Science MSc Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing MSc Data Analytics MSc Advanced Computer Science MSc Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing MSc Data Analytics 其他详细信息请参考附件。 请注意:由于满位情况会持续更新,此满位情况仅做参考

更新时间:22-02-23 来源:OfferEasy官网


课程名变更 我们的商法和社会科学课程将改名为商业、社会科学和人文科学课程,以便更精确地反映该桥梁课程可升读的学位范围。该桥梁课程近期新增的可升读艺术与人文学院的学位包括:历史、 哲学和音乐,更多选择,敬请期待。 升读本科预科课程 雅思成绩从5.0(各单项4.0)提高到5.0(写作5.0,其他单项4.0) 现在,对于年满17周岁或以上的学生,只要O-levels、iGCSE和GCSE这些学历中的4-5门课程取得B或以上成绩,也可予以接受。 现在我们接受一门AS Level的相关科目(成绩为A或B,或UCAS分数为100)*。 中国香港:我们接受“322”的DSE(香港中学文凭考试)成绩以及顶尖学校中五入学占前40%的学生,其他所有学校则50%。 韩国:CSAT(韩国学能考试)排名可能取代同等学科的高三排名,用于计算平均排名。 雅思成绩的提高将从2017年3月1日起开始生效,仅适用于三学期制的大学预科课程。在此日期之前所签发的录取通知书,我们将遵循先前各单项4.0的雅思要求。上述其他所有变更则即时生效。 我们相信这些变更将能够帮助更多富有抱负的学生知晓我们的课程,并帮助我们确保更多的学生能够顺利升读谢菲尔德大学。 欲了解我们的课程、入学要求和开学时间 – 包括独有的3月开学的2学期制大学预科课程和硕士预科课程的更多信息,请访问谢菲尔德大学国际学院网站 或 Course Finder。 * 仅以成绩A、B、C、D为基础,母语除外。

更新时间:17-05-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


University of Sheffield谢菲管理学院以下三门课程已经关闭申请: MSc Accounting, Governance and Financial Management FT MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management MSc Finance and Accounting 在1月31日之前申请了上述课程但还未收到offer的学生,请耐心等待并按要求及时缴纳押金。1月31日之前收到offer但未支付押金保位的学生,offer已被取消,敬请知悉。 原文: Please note that the programmes listed below at the University of Sheffield Management School have closed for 2017 entry: MSc Accounting, Governance and Financial Management FT (MGTT192) MSc Creative & Cultural Industries Management (MGTT158) MSc Finance & Accounting (MGTT170) Non-payment of tuition fee deposit We are writing with regards to applications made for these programmes which have come from your agency. Students who have already received an offer were asked to pay a tuition fee deposit and confirm their acceptance by no later than 31st January 2017. This requirement was included in the offer letter. This deadline has now passed and, according to our records there are offer-holders from your agency who have not paid the tuition fee deposit therefore their offer has been withdrawn. The above programmes are very popular and in order to maintain the very high standards of teaching for which the University of Sheffield is known, there is a limit to the number of students we are able to recruit. Offers received before the closure of programmes Please note that if you have additional students who have applied for the above programmes before they closed on 31st January but have not yet received an offer, these applications will still be considered; this is to ensure applicants are given equal consideration. Please support these students who are waiting for a decision and to receive an offer, to accept the offer and pay the tuition fee deadline by the required time.

更新时间:17-05-03 来源:OfferEasy官网

谢菲尔德大学教育学院Induction Week时间9月26-30日

University of Sheffield Introduction Week:19-23 September 2016 The University of Sheffield Introduction Week begins on Monday 19th September 2016 wher general University activities and events take place. Full information about Intro Week events can be found here:http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssid/newstudents/introweek/information . Please do not confuse this University Introduction week with our Induction Week. We will be meeting you for the first time on Monday 26th September. MA Induction Week: 26-30 September 2016 I would like to clarify that our MA Education Induction Week takes place in the week after the University of Sheffield general Introduction Week.The first week of the course begins on Monday 26th September 2016 and a provisional timetable is attached to this message.You will see that during this week you will have an introduction to the course and how all its components (strands and modules) fit together.On the first day of our Induction Week, you will meet the Head of the School of Education, Professor Elizabeth Wood, and the tutors and lecturers who teach on the course. At other times during the week, there will also be sessions on what a masters course might entail, meetings with your MA course director, an introduction to the library and a presentation from the Careers Department outlining just wher the MA might be able to take you next. It also includes your first tutorial on the Friday afternoon. To allow us to plan for the forthcoming Induction Week events, could you please confirm by email to edu-enquiries@sheffield.ac.uk: That you will be arriving in Sheffield and attending from 26th September 2016;the best way to contact you over the next couple of weeks, i.e. a contact email address or telephone number. If for any reason you cannot attend on the 26th September 2016, please let us know as a matter of urgency.

更新时间:17-04-19 来源:OfferEasy官网