
The University of Sydney

澳洲 公立

悉尼大学Master of Commerce, Master of Commerce (Extension) 和Postgraduate Economics Programs截止日重要通知

目前,针对Master of Commerce, Master of Commerce (Extension) 和Postgraduate Economics Programs,有一些已经错过截止日的学生重新收到了无条件录取。 大学告知,是因为大学最近更改了OSHC的合作伙伴,这可能影响了部分学生接受offer,故大学将截止日延长至4月17日,星期三。 原文请看下文,谢谢!     Important information about the Master of Commerce, Master of Commerce (Extension) and Postgraduate Economics Programs Dear Student, Thank you for your interest in pursuing your postgraduate studies at the University of Sydney, and congratulations on your unconditional offer. You may have recently been re-issued an offer for your program to reflect information regarding our new preferred OSHC provider, Bupa. Our records show that the acceptance deadline for your unconditional offer has already passed; however, we would like to extend the acceptance deadline until Wednesday, 17 April 2024 if this change has impacted your offer acceptance process. To confirm your place, you must accept your offer of admission via the online acceptance system and submit evidence of payment, such as a payment receipt as soon as possible, while places are still available and by no later than 5pm, Wednesday 17 April 2024 (Sydney, Australian time). Please kindly note that if places are no longer available, and/or your offer is not accepted and payment received by the deadline, whichever comes first, the unconditional offer may be withdrawn. Please quote your full name and student number in all correspondence with the University. We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Sydney and wish you all the best with your studies. Kind regards,   CRICOS 00026A This email plus any attachments to it are confidential and are subject to a claim for privilege. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please delete it and any attachment. Copyright © 2015 The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. Phone 1800 793 864 ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS Number: 00026A   Disclaimer | Privacy statement | University of Sydney    

更新时间:24-04-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,由于我们现在专注于2024年第二学期和2025年的申请,我们想为您提供即将到来的入学的相关更新。一、社会工作学士学位、文学学士学位和社会工作学士学位的英语要求的变化社会工作学士学位、文学学士学位和社会工作学士学位的雅思入学要求从总分6.5分提高到总分7.0分,每个单项至少7.0分。这一变化是澳大利亚社会工作者协会的要求,该协会是澳大利亚社会工作者领域执业资格认证的国家机构。悉尼课程已于2024年3月更新了新的雅思要求。在2024年3月5日之前申请的申请人将收到关于这些变化将如何影响他们的单独通知,并将该通知的副本发送给其指定的代理。二、医学博士和牙科博士学位医学博士和牙科博士2025的入学申请将于2024年4月23日开始。我们提醒代理,严格的时间限制适用于申请。· 2024年4月23日: 上午10点开放国际在线申请。· 2024年6月20日: 上午10点截止国际在线申请。· 2024年7月29日: 申请人的任何未决证明文件必须在晚上11:59之前发给大学招生办公室。牙科医生2025国际招生指南 2025 International Admissions Guide牙科医生2025招生时间表 2025 Admissions Timeline医学博士2025国际招生指南 2025 International Admissions Guide医学博士2025招生时间表 2025 Admissions Timeline请注意,医学与健康学院在《医学博士入学指南》中增加了以下信息,适用于2025年入学:一些国际申请者可能需要参加面试,以评估他们在悉尼医学院学习医学的兴趣、意向和能力。申请人将根据其入学考试成绩进行面试。如有任何面试要求,大学将及时通知这些申请人。三、配额课程所有配额课程:建议无条件录取持有人在录取通知书或通过电子邮件传达的截止日期前接受录取。我们提醒所有代理,如果未能在指定的截止日期前接受offer并提交付款,可能会导致offer被撤回,特别是在名额接近满额和/或已满员的情况下。因此,对于录取通知书持有人来说,遵守规定的截止日期以确保他们在期望的项目中获得一席之地是很重要的。计算机科学:对于申请人来说,重要的是要注意,对于2024年3月以来发出的计算机科学录取通知,录取截止日期在录取通知书中指定。此外,我们想确认的是,计算机科学课程不接受申请费减免,包括研究生证书、研究生文凭和硕士水平,因为这些课程有严格的入学配额。四、签证申请流程内政部已经确认,学生签证申请的处理周转时间目前为8周。请建议您的学生接受他们的录取,并在5月之前提交签证申请,以便学生签证在第二学期7月29日开学前及时获得批准。五、申请文件提醒招生办公室收到的来自世界各地的申请数量前所未有,这给办公室带来了压力,要求他们保持之前设定的周转时间。为了帮助提高文件评估和邮件的效率,我们恳请您:· 在可能的情况下,通过代理门户网站上传文件,这将减少我们收到的电子邮件数量和保存文件,然后根据相关申请上传的时间。· 等待收到申请人的所有相关文件后再提交申请。在我们评估了申请并要求提供文件或发送有条件录取之前,门户网站没有文件上传功能。· 在电子邮件的主题行中提供学生ID和学位名称以及任何具体要求,因为这将使我们能够更快地识别和管理电子邮件。六、更改首选OSHC提供商大学已经更换了我们首选的海外学生健康保险(OSHC)提供商,并在这里here分享了以下信息。大学已更新了录取通知书、学生门户网站和多个网页,以包括我们新的首选提供者“Bupa Success OSHC”的详细信息。“保柏成功海外健康保险”提供高价值的保险,超过标准的保柏OSHC产品,确保我们的学生的健康需求得到充分的保障。此外,保柏还为悉尼大学的学生提供福利,包括校园内的保柏员工提供支持,学生安全支持,以及广泛的健康和福利支持。如欲了解更多有关Bupa Success OSHC的资料,请浏览我们的网页website。这一变化将如何影响当前的录取持有者?· 有条件和无条件录取持有人:在未来几天,申请人将收到重新发布的offer,其中包括我们新选择的首选供应商保柏的详细信息。· 在候补名单上的有条件录取持有人:目前在无条件录取候补名单上的申请人在此阶段将不会收到更新的录取通知书。如果成功获得无条件的录取,录取信将包含我们新选择的首选供应商保柏的详细信息。· 正在评估的申请:如果成功,等待决定的申请人将收到一份录取通知书,其中包含我们新选择的首选供应商保柏的详细信息。这一变化对接受安联职业健康保险公司offer的申请人有何影响?· 已接受Offer:所有接受Offer并在接受过程中选择安联作为保险提供商的申请人将继续在安联投保。根据与安联的现有协议,他们将继续获得全额保险,并可以联系安联医疗的团队。七、第二学期的课程容量虽然大学有几门课程有明确的配额和严格的录取截止日期,但我们正经历着如此强劲的需求,以至于即将到来的2024年第二学期的所有课程的名额都有限。我们感谢你们的持续支持,我们理解这些限制带来的挑战;然而,为了与澳大利亚政府的反馈保持一致,并确保学生群体中学生的适当组合,这一更新是必要的。这意味着对于想要获得第二学期名额的无条件录取通知书持有人来说,尽快接受录取通知书并支付学费是很重要的。当课程名额满时,大学将根据录取通知书中提供的信息和/或通过电子邮件沟通的信息立即撤销未完成的录取。我们敦促合作伙伴通知他们的申请人这一更新,以确保他们了解情况,并能采取适当的行动,以确保他们在第二学期所需的课程中获得一席之地。这种积极主动的沟通将帮助申请人做出明智的决定,避免在注册过程和截止日期方面产生任何误解。八、第二学期重要日期截止申请日期请确保所有新生都意识到从开学之日起亲自入学和上课的重要性。U18的安排需要住宿和福利提供者签署合同,这将增加接收处理时间。批准的协议必须在我们政策中here列出的开始日期前不超过14天,不少于7天开始。请参考以下2024年第二学期的关键日期:申请截止日期列于此处here*。请留意以下新的截止申请日期:2024年第二学期:开学年度的6月3日2025年第一学期:开学年度的1月6日*日期可能会有变动。较早达到满额的课程将在上述日期之前取消录取参见原文 Click here

更新时间:24-04-12 来源:OfferEasy官网

悉尼大学4月Admission Update,社工本科语言要求更新+牙医申请时间线+MCS无法豁免申请费+保险更新+重要提醒

请查收如下悉尼大学4月Admission Update 1. 大学按照Australian Association of Social Workers的要求,更新了Bachelor of Social Work和 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work的语言要求至7(7),在2024年3月5日之前申请的学生,大学将单独联系学生商讨该更新产生的影响。 2. 2025学年的Doctor of Medicine 和 Doctor of Dental Medicine将在2024年4月23日开放申请,该流程会严格按照以下时间表。大学可能会要求部分学生参加面试。 23 April 2024: Online international applications open at 10am. 20 June 2024: Online international applications close at 10am. 29 July 2024: Any pending supporting document from applicants must be received by the University Admissions Office by 11:59pm. Doctor of Dental Medicine 2025 International Admissions Guide Doctor of Dental Medicine 2025 Admissions Timeline Doctor of Medicine 2025 International Admissions Guide Doctor of Medicine 2025 Admissions Timeline 3. 对于目前的限额课程而言,无条件下发都会带接受截止日,如果学生在截止日前不完成接受付费流程,该无条件录取通知书将会被撤回。 4. Computer Science将无法再豁免申请费。 5. 移民局目前确认学生签证需要8周来审理,大学提醒如果学生希望顺利入学S2 2024,需要在5月前完成付费接受流程。 6. 大学录取办提醒大家,尽可能在已经收齐所有材料的情况上递交申请,目前大学的系统只有在有条件下发,或大学发邮件需要材料之后才有补交材料的功能。 7. 如之前通知,大学将OSHC Provider从安联换到BUPA。大学将为所有无条件录取的学生更新录取通知书。目前已经接受带安联OSHC录取通知书的学生,安联将会继续提供服务,学生有需要可以直接联系安联保险。 8. 大学提醒学生,目前由于大学招生相当热门,所有课程都存在满位的可能,大学有权根据现状撤回录取通知书,所以对于想要入读悉尼大学的学生,务必尽快及时完成付费接受流程。 9. 大学重申,所有学生都必须要在开课前及时抵达。 10. 请大家参考悉尼大学S2 2024重要时间。 目前大学S2申请截止日调整为每年6月3日,而S1申请截止日调整为每年1月6日。 No images? Click here   Admissions update  April 2024     Dear Partners, As we now focus on Semester 2, 2024 and 2025 applications, we would like to provide you with relevant updates for the upcoming intakes. Change to the English requirement for the Bachelor of Social Work, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work class="size-14" style="Margin-top: 12px;Margin-bottom: 0;font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #424242;font-size: 14px;line-height: 21px;font-family: Arial,sans-serif;" lang="x-size-14"> The IELTS admissions requirement for the Bachelor of Social Work, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work has increased from 6.5 overall to 7.0 overall and a minimum of 7.0 in each band. This change is a requirement of the Australian Association of Social Workers – the national body that accredits qualifications for practice in the field in Australia. The new IELTS requirements have been updated in Sydney Courses in March 2024. Applicants who applied prior to 05 March 2024 will receive separate communication on how these changes will affect them, and a copy of the communication will be sent to their nominated representative. Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees Applications for the Doctor of Medicine, and the Doctor of Dental Medicine 2025 intake will open on 23 April 2024. We remind agents that strict timelines apply to applications. 23 April 2024: Online international applications open at 10am. 20 June 2024: Online international applications close at 10am. 29 July 2024: Any pending supporting document from applicants must be received by the University Admissions Office by 11:59pm. Doctor of Dental Medicine 2025 International Admissions Guide Doctor of Dental Medicine href="https://theuniversityofsydney.cmail20.com/t/r-l-tiuyjlht-nthdjjkdhk-j/">2025 Admissions Timeline Doctor of Medicine 2025 International Admissions Guide Doctor of Medicine 2025 Admissions Timeline Please note that the Faculty of Medicine and Health added the following information to the Doctor of Medicine Admissions Guide, which applies for 2025 entry: Some international applicants may be required to attend an interview to assess their interest, intention and aptitude for studying medicine at Sydney Medical School. Applicants will be selected for interview based on their admissions test results. The University will give these applicants due notice of any interview requirements. Quota programs All quota programs: Unconditional offer holders are advised to accept their offers by the deadline provided in their offer letter or conveyed via email. We remind all agents that failure to accept the offer and submit payment by the specified deadline may result in the offer being withdrawn, especially if available places are near capacity and/or filled. Therefore, it is important for offer holders to adhere to the stated deadline to secure their place in their desired program. Computer Science: It is important for applicants to note that for Computer Science offers issued since March 2024, the acceptance deadline is specified in the offer letter. Additionally, we would like to confirm that no application fee waiver will be accepted for Computer Science programs, including Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, and Master levels due to the programs being subject to a strict enrolment quota. Visa application process The Department of Home Affairs has confirmed the student visa application processing turnaround time is currently at 8 weeks. Please advise your students to accept their offer and to submit their visa application by May for the best chance of the student visa being approved on time for semester 2 commencement on the 29th July. Application documents reminder The Admissions Office is receiving an unprecedented number of applications submitted from around the world which is placing pressure on the office to maintain the turnaround times previously established. To help improve efficiency with document assessments and emails, we kindly ask you that: Where possible, upload documents via the Agent portal, this will reduce the number of emails we receive and the time spent saving the file, then uploading against the relevant application. Wait to receive all relevant document from the applicant before submitting an application. The portal does not have a document upload functionality until we have assessed the application and have either requested a document or sent a Conditional offer. Provide the student ID and degree name and any specific request in the subject line of your emails as this will allow us to identify and manage emails quicker. Change of preferred Overseas Health provider The University has replaced our preferred Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider with this information recently shared with you here.  The University has made updates to the offer letters, the Student Portal and various webpages to include details of our new preferred provider offering, ‘Bupa Success OSHC’. ‘Bupa Success OSHC’ provides a high value cover, surpassing standard Bupa OSHC products, ensuring our student’s health needs are well covered. In addition, Bupa extends benefits to University of Sydney students, including on-campus Bupa staff to provide support, student safety support, and a wide range of health and wellbeing support. To find out more about Bupa Success OSHC, please visit our website. How will this change affect current offer holders? Conditional and Unconditional Offer Holders: In the coming days, applicants will receive reissued offers, complete with details about our newly selected preferred provider, Bupa. Conditional Offer Holders on a Waitlist: Applicants who are currently on a waitlist for an unconditional offer will not receive an updated offer letter at this stage. If successful in securing an unconditional offer, the offer letter will contain details about our newly selected preferred provider, Bupa. Applications under assessment: If successful, applicants awaiting decisions will receive an offer with details about our newly selected preferred provider, Bupa. How will this change affect applicants who accepted an offer with Allianz OSHC? Offer accepted: All applicants who have accepted their offer and chosen Allianz as their insurance provider during the acceptance process will maintain their coverage with Allianz. They will continue to receive full coverage under the existing agreement with Allianz and can contact the team at Allianz Care. Course capacity for Semester 2 Although the University has several courses with established quotas and strict acceptance deadlines, we are experiencing such strong demand that places are now limited across all courses for the upcoming Semester 2 2024 intake. We appreciate your continued support, and we understand the challenging associated with these limitations; however, to align with feedback from the Australian Government and ensure an appropriate mix of students within the student body, this update is necessary. This means that it is important for unconditional offer holders who intend to secure a place for Semester 2 to accept their offers and pay the tuition fee as soon as possible. As places in courses fill up, the University will rescind outstanding offers immediately, in line with the information provided in offer letters and/or communicated via email. Partners are urged to inform their applicants of this update to ensure they are aware of the situation and can take appropriate action to secure their places in the desired courses for Semester 2. This proactive communication will help applicants make informed decisions and avoid any misunderstandings regarding the enrolment process and deadlines.  Key dates for Semester 2 Application close dates Please ensure all commencing students are aware of the importance of being enrolled and attending their classes in person from the commencement date. U18 arrangements require signed contracts from the accommodation and welfare providers which will increase the acceptance processing time. Approved agreements must begin no more than 14 and no less than 7 days prior to the commencement date as listed in our policy here.  Please refer to the below key dates for Semester 2, 2024: Application closing dates are listed here*. Please be aware of the new application closing dates below: Semester 2, 2024: 3 June of the commencing year Semester 1, 2025: 6 January of the commencing year *Dates are subject to change. Courses which reach capacity earlier will have offers rescinded before the dates listed above

更新时间:24-04-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear valued partnerGreetings from the University of Sydney Centre for English Teaching (CET).1、重要资讯-海外学生健康保险(OSHC)我们正在跟进最近的“悉尼大学更换OSHC提供商”的消息,该消息称悉尼大学已将我们首选的海外学生健康保险(OSHC)提供商更改为保柏(Bupa)。保柏将为我们的国际学生提供医疗保险,立即生效。根据建议,大学的申请人,以及与我们一起打包的学生,如果已经接受了他们的offer并选择了安联作为他们的供应商,他们将继续留在安联。但是,如果您的客户没有接受他们的无条件或有条件的offer(包括那些附带CET的录取),他们的offer将在接下来的几天内重新发布。修订后的offer将开始发放,唯一的变化与我们新的首选供应商保柏的信息有关。请等待新的offer来完成注册。您的客户仍然有权从可以提供OSHC服务的注册健康保险公司中选择自己的OSHC提供商。有关这些供应商的更多信息可在这里 here 查阅 。大学与保柏紧密合作,为我们的学生确保了一个好的交易,我们相信这将是一个积极的新伙伴关系。我们很抱歉,我们需要向尚未接受录取的客户重新发放录取,但我们依靠您确保您的客户知道他们的offer被重新发放的原因,并在他们向您提出问题时向他们解释这一变化。这对他们来说是一个更好的结果。感谢您在我们采取变化时提供的支持和耐心。2、即将到来的申请截止期限下一次申请和付款截止日期为:DEC5 and GAS - 26 April 2024DEC25 - 31 May 2024 请看下图绿色的高亮部分,请在截止日期前工作并提供正确的文件,这有助于我们有效地处理您的客户/客户的申请。预留足够的时间办理签证,寻找航班和住宿,悉尼是一个受欢迎的目的地,所以早点行动。记住我们所有的日期都可以在我们的网站上找到。新的和现有的申请程序可以通过我们的代理门户访问。请使用代理门户上传您的ID和密码的现有申请的额外文件。3、悉尼大学2024年配额课程名单-自2024年2月起没有变化请参阅下面的学位列表,这些学位有2024年的CET套餐提供的配额。这些配额由学院/学院发给大学的招生团队。当你收到一个有配额的学位的CET一揽子录取通知时,重要的是你要尽早采取行动,并准备好你的文件,以便最终注册。请注意,红色标出的课程2024年已经满了。Postgraduate Degrees:Master of Media Practice/Graduate Diploma in Media Practice/ Graduate Certificate in Media PracticeMaster of Digital Communication and Culture/ Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication and Culture / Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication and CultureMaster of Economics/Graduate Diploma in Economics/Graduate Certificate in EconomicsMaster of Laws/Graduate Diploma in LawsMaster of International Law/Graduate Diploma in International LawsMaster of Business Law/ Graduate Diploma in Business LawsMaster of Computer ScienceMaster of Computer Science (Advanced)Master of CommerceMaster of Commerce (Extension)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Audio)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Illumination)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art/ Graduate Diploma in Interaction Desing and Electronics ArtsMaster of PhysiotherapyMaster of Nutrition and DieteticsDoctor of Veterinary MedicineMaster of Diagnostic RadiographyMaster of Occupational TherapyDoctor of PhysiotherapyMaster of Nutrition and DieteticsGraduate Certificate/DiplomaGraduate Certificate in Computer ScienceGraduate Diploma in Computer ScienceUndergraduate Degrees:Bachelor of Design in ArchitecturBachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of ArchitectureBachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in ArchitectureBachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Exercise and Sport Science)Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)Bachelor of Oral HealthBachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and DieteticsBachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy PracticeBachelor of Psychology HonoursBachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary MedicineUniversity degree cannot be packaged with DECBachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)Bachelor of Arts/Master of NursingBachelor of Science/Master of NursingBachelor of Science (Health)/Master of NursingMaster of NursingDoctor of MedicineBachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and all combined MBBSJuris DoctorMaster of Speech Language PathologyMaster of Occupational TherapyMaster of Speech Language PathologyMaster of Occupational TherapyUniversity degree streams that can be packaged with DEC Master of Science in Medicine: only the three streams below are available for international students to be packaged with CET:Clinical Epidemiology - Note: This stream is available to international students in Semester 1 intake only.Infection and Immunity - Note: Course is suspended from S2, 2023 till 2026Sexual and Productive Health Master of Medicine: only the two streams below are available for international students to be packaged with CET:Clinical Epidemiology - Note: This stream is available to international students in Semester 1 intake only.Infection and Immunity - Note: Course is suspended from S2, 2023 till 2026.Please note information provided above is accurate at the time of this newsletter, February 2024, changes/updates may occur without notice.  We will endeavour to communicate changes asap.“Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.”So, let’s chase them and help your clients reach their potential with our Online, Free - Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Academic Skills for University Success!  Utilise this exciting course to promote, encourage your clients and colleagues, it is a great way to engage potential clients and give them an insight into our innovative programs and concepts.  They will love it so much they will make the University of Sydney their 1st choice, if not already!View this online

更新时间:24-04-11 来源:OfferEasy官网

悉尼大学语言中心CET 2024年4月Agent Newsletter

请大家查收悉尼大学语言中心CET 2024年4月Agent Newsletter。1. CET随悉尼大学,目前已经将BUPA作为OSHC供应商,如果学生已经付费接受了带有安联OSHC的offer,将不会受到影响。之后CET会重发目前现存的带安联OSHC的未接受offer,并出具BUPA为OSHC为供应商的新offer。2. CET提醒,下一个重要截止日如下DEC5 and GAS - 26 April 2024DEC25 - 31 May 2024其余重要截止日如下:3.  CET提醒,以下DEC衔接2024年的悉尼大学主课有Quota,粗体的课程CET已经到达Quota,无法再出具DEC Offer了。Postgraduate Degrees:Master of Media Practice/Graduate Diploma in Media Practice/ Graduate Certificate in Media PracticeMaster of Digital Communication and Culture/ Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication and Culture / Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication and CultureMaster of Economics/Graduate Diploma in Economics/Graduate Certificate in EconomicsMaster of Laws/Graduate Diploma in LawsMaster of International Law/Graduate Diploma in International LawsMaster of Business Law/ Graduate Diploma in Business LawsMaster of Computer ScienceMaster of Computer Science (Advanced)Master of CommerceMaster of Commerce (Extension)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Audio)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Illumination)Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art/ Graduate Diploma in Interaction Desing and Electronics ArtsMaster of PhysiotherapyMaster of Nutrition and DieteticsDoctor of Veterinary MedicineMaster of Diagnostic RadiographyMaster of Occupational TherapyDoctor of PhysiotherapyMaster of Nutrition and DieteticsGraduate Certificate/DiplomaGraduate Certificate in Computer ScienceGraduate Diploma in Computer ScienceUndergraduate Degrees:Bachelor of Design in ArchitecturBachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of ArchitectureBachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in ArchitectureBachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Exercise and Sport Science)Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)Bachelor of Oral HealthBachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and DieteticsBachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy PracticeBachelor of Psychology HonoursBachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary MedicineUniversity degree cannot be packaged with DECBachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)Bachelor of Arts/Master of NursingBachelor of Science/Master of NursingBachelor of Science (Health)/Master of NursingMaster of NursingDoctor of MedicineBachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and all combined MBBSJuris DoctorMaster of Speech Language PathologyMaster of Occupational TherapyMaster of Speech Language PathologyMaster of Occupational Therapy4. Master of Science in Medicine只有3个stream可以衔接DEC,如下Clinical Epidemiology - Note: This stream is available to international students in Semester 1 intake only.Infection and Immunity - Note: Course is suspended from S2, 2023 till 2026Sexual and Productive Health5. Master of Medicine 只有以下两个stream可以衔接DECClinical Epidemiology - Note: This stream is available to international students in Semester 1 intake only.Infection and Immunity - Note: Course is suspended from S2, 2023 till 2026.

更新时间:24-04-11 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,悉尼大学现在已经将我们首选的海外学生健康保险(OSHC)提供商改为保柏(Bupa),为我们的国际学生提供健康保险,立即生效。请注意,此信息适用于悉尼大学和英语教学中心(CET)的在读学生和准学生。由即日起,Bupa Success OSHC将会成为通过大学购买健康保险的学生的首选供应商。我们与Bupa Success 健康保险公司的协议提供了高价值的契约保险,比其他保柏的产品包含更多的内容和更高的限额,以确保悉尼大学学生的医疗保健需求得到很好的覆盖。此外,保柏还为悉尼大学的学生提供额外的福利,包括为保单持有人提供校园行政和咨询支持,学生安全支持以及一系列健康和福利支持 student safety support and a range of health and wellbeing support。以下是可供选择的涵盖类型:·         Singles: Cover for the student only·         Couples: Cover for the student and their partner as listed on the student’s dependent visa·         Single Parent: Cover for the student, and their dependent children under 18 years of age, who live in Australia and are listed on the student’s dependent visa·         Family: Cover for the student, their partner, and their dependent children under 18 years of 请注意,学生仍然有权从注册的健康保险机构中选择自己的OSHC机构。关于这些提供者的更多信息可以在这里here找到。大学的申请人,以及那些已经接受了他们的录取并选择安联作为他们的供应商的人,将继续留在安联,不受大学首选供应商变化的影响。然而,那些获得无条件或有条件录取的学生(包括附带CET打包课程的学生)很快就会在接下来的几天内重新获得录取通知。请注意,这些修改后的优惠将开始发放,唯一的变化与我们新的首选供应商保柏的信息有关。如果您对这些变化有任何疑问,请联系您的相关区域经理或招生团队。大学一直与保柏密切合作,为我们的学生确保良好的交易,并相信这将是一个积极的新的合作伙伴关系。我们很抱歉,我们需要为尚未接受录取的学生重新签发录取通知书,但我们依靠您确保您的客户知道他们的录取通知书被重新签发的原因,并在他们向您提出问题时向他们解释这一变化。我们的团队随时待命。以下是有关保柏及“ Bupa and the Bupa Success OSHC”的进一步资料。亲切的问候Sydney Future StudentsBupa Success OSHC与其他Bupa OSHC产品的主要区别:Cover for unlimited emergency-only and limited non-emergency ambulance services: Students are covered when they really need it.Travel & accommodation: Helping with travel costs for essential medical or hospital treatment that is not available near the student’s home.Hire & purchase wheelchairs/crutches: If required for recovery following a student’s time in hospitalFamily in-hospital benefits: Helping towards accommodation and meal costs for a family member staying with the student when they are a patient.Increased mental health benefits: Compared with other Bupa OSHC products.6 Access to psychology and counselling consultations and digital mental health courses6.Repatriation limits: Helping to reduce out of-pocket expenses for families at a difficult timeCover for up to 100% of MBS: fee for consultations by a GP, specialist, pathology services and moreBetter value on selected outpatient pharmacy: Up to $60 per script for prescribed pharmacy products outside of hospital.As with our previous provider, the University has a preferred provider agreement with Bupa, under which the University receives a commission based on a percentage of the premium paid for each policy, as well as other benefits, for facilitating OSHC for international students. The commission and other benefits are managed under the DVC-E portfolio and are used to support initiatives that improve the student experience at the University.参见原文 Click here

更新时间:24-04-10 来源:OfferEasy官网