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澳洲留学开发程序员 Developer Programmer[移民专业]

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本文贡献者:澳洲留学专家  admin

开发程序员负责解释技术规格,技术设计和流程图;为应用软件构建,维护并修订代码;为业务功能模型中设计技术规范;测试、编写技术文档。 Interprets specifications, technical designs and flow charts, builds, maintains and modifies the code for software applications, constructs technical specifications from a business functiona

澳洲留学开发程序员 Developer Programmer介绍2023新

软件和应用程序员按照用户的要求、系统和技术规范,设计、开发,测试,维护程序代买 SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS design, develop, test, maintain and document program code in accordance with user requirements, and system and technical specifications.

澳洲留学开发程序员 Developer Programmer技能要求

本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验和/或公司认证可以代替正规资格要求。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。 Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience and/or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

澳洲留学开发程序员 Developer Programmer主要职责

* 研究、咨询、分析和评估系统程序的需求 researching, consulting, analyzing and evaluating system program needs

* 识别现有系统和相关的流程、程序和方法中的技术的局限性和缺陷 identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods

* 用已有的测试协议、指南和质量标准,对程序设计语言进行测试、调试、诊断和改正错误,以确保程序和应用程序按规范执行 testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming language within established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards to ensure programs and applications perform to specification

* 按照质量认证标准,编写和维护满足系统需求、系统设计和技术规格的程序代码 writing and maintaining program code to meet system requirements, system designs and technical specifications in accordance with quality accredited standards

* 编写、更新和维护技术程序、最终用户文档和操作程序 writing, updating and maintaining technical program, end user documentation and operational procedures

* 对软件设计活动的建议书和策略,如财务评估和成本核算,提供建议、指导和专业知识 providing advice, guidance and expertise in developing proposals and strategies for software design activities such as financial evaluation and costing for recommending software purchases and upgrades

澳洲留学开发程序员 Developer Programmer评估要求





5.2013年4月起,ACS 新的标准开始根据申请人的学历,专业和职业减工作年限,符合评估标准之后的工作经验才算。

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