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心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qKC4LjnXxb1OyigolJJeUw Please swipe for the English version -2024 UNNC Open Day is coming!春光融融,万物复苏宁波诺丁汉大学二十载校园换新颜4月14日宁诺校园开放日如约而至我们诚邀您来到美丽的校园共赴这场春日盛宴在示范课程上体验国际化教学在一对一咨询中深度了解招生政策在绿荫草坪上感受音符的舞动在彩色跑中体验青春之肆意在钟楼前回顾二十载的追光旅程 …… 我们期待在宁诺校园与您相遇共同创造属于我们的独家记忆!On 14 April, the 2024 Open Day of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) will arrive as scheduled. UNNC cordially invites you to experience international teaching in demonstration classes, learn about updated recruitment policies through one-to-one consultation sessions, cheer up in the colour run and lawn concert, and look back on the splendid 20-year journey of UNNC. We look forward to meeting you in spring, on the campus of UNNC!Please swipe for the English version >>左右滑动,查看更多活动时间2024年4月14日(周日)8:30-16:00TimeSunday 14 April 20248.30am–4pmPlease swipe for the English version >>报名方式公众报名通道请扫描下方二维码或点击文末“阅读原文”填写报名信息。报名截至4月7日,名额有限,先到先得。校友专属通道请扫描下方二维码,填写报名信息。报名截至4月7日,名额有限,先到先得。活动详情和更多安排将后续在“宁波诺丁汉大学”官方微信公众号发布,敬请关注!团队来访或活动咨询,请发邮件至Events@nottingham.edu.cn.Registration ChannelPublic Registration ChannelPlease scan the QR code below or clicking"Read more" at the end.Alumni Registration ChannelPlease scan the QR code below.Please sign up before 7 April. Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.More details and further arrangements will be published on the UNNC official WeChat, please stay tuned! For group visits or other enquiries, please email Events@nottingham.edu.cn.Please swipe for the English version >>你对本次开放日有怎样的期望?希望体验什么样的活动?欢迎在评论区留言截至3月25日上午10:00获赞最高的5位小伙伴将获得官方送出的神秘礼物(获奖者将收到官方回复作为确认,请凭此于开放日当天在学校服务台领取)What are your expectations for the Open Day?What kind of activities do you hope to experience?Please comment to share with us.The top 5 comments with the most likes by 10am 25 March will win a mysterious gift.(Gift winners will receive an official reply as confirmation. Please collect your gifts at the Reception Desk on the Open Day)Please swipe for the English version >>图文来源 | 市场与传媒办公室精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多样融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启 观看更多转载,心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多样融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-03-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


CELE April, June, July & August Courses Now Open for ApplicationsApplications are now open for the following Centre for English Language Education (CELE) programmes: 20-week and 10-week Pre-sessional courses starting in April 202410-week and 6-week courses starting in June, July and August 2024Term 3 courses & dates  Pre-sessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 4 April - 13 September 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 20 weeks (online) 4 April 2024 - 30 August 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 10 weeks (on campus) 4 April 2024 - 14 June 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 10 weeks (online) 4 April 2024 - 14 June 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Application deadline for all Term 3 courses: 7 March 2024  Term 4 courses & dates  Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 10 weeks (online) 20 June – 30 August (teaching starts 24 June 2024) Application deadline: 23 May 2024   Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 10 weeks (on campus) 4 July – 13 September (teaching starts 8 July 2024) Application deadline: 30 May 2024   Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 6 weeks (online) 18 July - 30 August (teaching starts 22 July 2024) Application deadline: 20 June 2024   Pre-sessional - Multi-Disciplinary 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug 2024) Application deadline: 27 June 2024   Pre-sessional English - Business & Management 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug 2024) Application deadline: 27 June 2024   Pre-sessional English - Education 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug)Application deadline: 27 June 2024 CELE courses prepare students who may not have the right English language requirements for direct entry into their undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses at the University of Nottingham.  In addition to academic literacy, students learn research, study and language skills, and develop critical thinking & learner autonomy. CELE multi-disciplinary courses offer students the flexibility of either studying online (for 6, 10 and 20-week courses only) or in-person in the UK. These courses offer students opportunities to familiarise themselves with University systems and procedures and to collaborate with students from different disciplines. Feedback on CELE courses from students is overwhelmingly positive. Each summer, approximately 99% of students successfully progress onto their degree programmes within the University. Please see the CELE Pre-sessional website for more detailed information. Explore Pre-sessional English CoursesUpcoming CELE WebinarThe next CELE webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 27 February at 11.00am (UK time). This webinar is open to all prospective students, parents, offer holders and agents. Areas covered in the webinar: CELE: Who we areOur Pre-sessional courses, our pass rates & our assessmentsShort videos of our classes & Personal TutorialsQ&AsSpeakers will be CELE staff memebers Olga Burakov and Catherine Beswick.   Please Click here to join the meetingCourse Closure - MSc Psychology ConversionThe MSc Psychology Conversion course (U7PPSYCC / U1333) will close to international applicants for September 2024 entry on the 27th February 2024. Please ensure any applications for this course option are fully submitted by 11:59pm (UK time) on the 27th February. Explore MSc Psychology (Conversion)

更新时间:24-02-21 来源:OfferEasy官网

2023宁诺图书馆大数据 | 百万次年度访问,你,贡献了多少?

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZPeyiX74MilXRJ74TML-Fw 2023 UNNC Library reviewIn 2023, the Library opened for 352 days, with the total number of opening hours reaching 5,386, an average of 15.3 hours of operation per day. The annual total number of visits exceeded one million.Behind these figures lies not only a reflection of the continuously improving service quality of the library but also the hard work and study practices of all UNNC students.     How much do you know about the library?Are you curious about what others are reading?Let's revisit the moments of 2023 in the Library!Space usageIn 2023, project rooms and group study rooms were booked 33,322 times. The most booked room was Group Study Room 10 on the third floor, which was booked 850 times.Do you still remember what you were doing in the rooms?Were you having a group discussion, or preparing for an interview or a presentation?                      In May, the Library's total opening hours reached an impressive record of 558 hours! As exam season approached, you must have been dedicated to preparing for various tests and papers.      Books in storageThe Library owns over 1,260,000 electronic and printed books, approximately 64,000 electronic and printed journals, and have access to 336 databases, covering a variety of fields.The four most accessed databases were ProQuest, GALE Primary Sources, Science, and Scopus.    In 2023, a high search volume of 789,059 was conducted on NUsearch. CNKI is the most popular keyword with 11,403 searches.Other popular keywords included cross-cultural communications, climate change, and artificial intelligence.In 2023, the total number of books borrowed reached 26,640. Books on linguistics, philosophy, and mathematics were mostly borrowed.The person who has borrowed the most books is Xu, a student from the School of International Studies (IS).IS involves various academic fields such as history, politics, and cultural studies, requiring students to have a rich and profound knowledge base. It is the academically focused spirit of IS students that has led them to top this ranking for three years running.                                               The most borrowed booksPrinciples of economicsFoundation calculusGeneral chemistry: the essential conceptsFoundation algebraManagement: an introductionModern principles of economicsInvestmentsIntroduction to financial accountingIntroduction to business lawDevice loans In addition to books, the Library offered a loan service for various advanced devices to support the study and research of UNNC staff and students.Items on loan:Converter                             Cables   Laptops Laptop charger   KindlesHeadphones        Microphone         Flip Pen DVD Drive            AdaptorMicrophone standExhibitions and activitiesIn 2023, the Library has held various exhibitions and activities attracting over four thousand students to participate, such as:Time in High-Tech StreetMusic Library series activitiesReading Month series activitiesYoung artists' exhibitions and Ningbo historical exhibitionsRiverside Seminar Talks and Riverside Roundtable DiscussionAll the time you've spent and all the effort you've made in the Library are treasures on your journey forward.In the new year, the Library will continue to provide comprehensive support for your exploration journeys. A series of activities covering sustainable development, Ningbo's history and culture, youth arts, and digital literacy, along with other fields, will be launched; new episodes of the podcast programme and a series of reading activities are also about to kick off.The Library will always be your best companion during your study at UNNC.图文来源 | Kayla Zhao,李楠,Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 2023宁诺图书馆大数据 | 百万次年度访问,你,贡献了多少? 观看更多转载,2023宁诺图书馆大数据 | 百万次年度访问,你,贡献了多少?宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-02-07 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9dP8EVGQ_BnOHZ-ewOgO_Q Please scroll down for the English version -Two UNNC subjects listed among provincial first-class subjects.近日,浙江省教育厅公布“十四五”省一流学科建设名单,宁波诺丁汉大学(以下简称“宁诺”)工商管理学、化学工程与技术两个学科入选。学科建设是高校发展的基础,是学校推动科研创新、建设高水平人才队伍、服务社会经济发展的核心载体。此次宁诺两大学科跻身十四五省一流学科建设名单,意味着宁诺在师资力量、教学水平、人才培养、科研成就等方面均展现出卓越竞争力。一直以来,宁诺凭借自身特色优势,结合地方发展需求,与国内外高水平大学、顶级科研机构积极开展学术交流和科研合作,推动学生交换和联合培养机制,并致力于技术转移和成果转化实践。学科简介工商管理学工商管理学是2004年宁波诺丁汉大学建校即设立的学科,该学科连续4年入围软科世界一流学科榜单。在2023年软科世界一流学科排名中,工商管理学位列中国内地6-12名。2022年,该学科“论文标准化影响力”指标得分,高居全国(含中国港澳台地区)第一。工商管理学十分注重教学科研平台建设,拥有1个中外合作科研平台、1个省级研究基地、3个市级研究基地、及若干个政产学研合作平台,为科研创新提供沃土。2018年以来,该学科教师主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、外国资深学者项目、国家社科基金项目、教育部人文社会科学研究项目等各类科研课题73项,硕果累累。值得一提的是,该学科于2023年成功获批博士后科研流动站,系宁诺首个博士后科研流动站,在高层次人才培养与科研创新能力提升方面迈出了里程碑的一步。工商管理学学科负责人、诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)科研与知识交流副院长刘任远教授介绍:“工商管理学科以企业管理、技术经济及管理、数智化转型、创新创业与品牌战略为四大学科方向,并以数智化+工商管理为重点,促进多学科交叉和跨学科融合,完善学科之间深度交融的体制机制,提升工商管理一级学科协同效应。”化学工程与技术宁诺的化学工程与技术学科于2008年创建,其下设的化学工程与工艺专业和环境工程专业分别于2019年及2020年获批成为浙江省级一流本科专业建设点,同时有1门课程获得“国家级一流课程”。在2022届的宁诺本科升学毕业生中,化学专业毕业生均被全球排名前50的名校录取,化学工程与工艺、环境科学两个专业则分别高达92.0%和91.3%。一直以来,该学科紧贴国际前沿与地方产业需求,构建了集教学科研于一体的综合性平台,包括1个省重点实验室、1个省国际联合实验室、2个市重点实验室、1个市工程研究中心以及1个市协同创新中心,在化学工程、应用化学、工业催化、环境工程等四个学科点上开展博士和硕士人才培养,强化产教融合。该学科下设的绿色化工与能源方向,是学校对接宁波市“246”万亿产业集群发展需求、建设“诺丁汉大学卓越灯塔计划(宁波)创新研究院”的重要载体,为地方社会与经济高质量发展提供人才和技术支撑。宁诺理工学院院长吴韬教授是该学科负责人,他­同时分管高能级研究平台的建设与发展,并担任浙江省有机废弃物转化及过程强化技术重点实验室主任。未来,化学工程和技术学科将在“强化优势学科方向和培育交叉学科”的战略定位指导下,围绕国家和地方重大需求中的科学与工程问题,重点聚焦符合未来发展趋势的绿色化工与低碳能源发展方向。以上两个学科成功入选浙江省“十四五”一流学科建设名单,充分彰显了宁诺在学科建设方面取得的显著成效,也为未来宁诺强化学科结构、提升师资力量、拓展前沿科研领域和优化人才培养等方面注入了强劲动力。学校将以此为契机,持续推进学科特色化、品牌化建设,进一步汇聚高端人才、构筑创新平台、加强对外交流,为服务国家战略需求作出更大贡献。Two UNNC subjects listed among provincial first-class subjectsTwo subjects, Business Administration and Chemical Engineering and Technology, of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) were listed among the 14th Five-Year Plan provincial first-class subjects by Zhejiang Province.Business Administration of UNNC has been on the list of Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects for four consecutive years and was ranked among 6th-12th in the Chinese mainland in 2023.  In terms of the index of category normalised citation impact, it ranked first among Chinese universities in 2022. The university has also established multiple research bases and industry university research cooperation platforms in the area to promote scientific research innovation. In 2023, UNNC was approved to establish its first postdoctoral research station in Business Administration.The discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology of UNNC was established in 2008. Its subordinate programmes Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering were approved as Provincial First Class Undergraduate Programmes in 2019 and 2020 respectively, and one module awarded as a National Level First Class Module. Over 90% of the Class of 2022 undergraduates of the discipline heading for further study were admitted by world top 50 universities. Keeping closely aligned with international forefront research development and local industrial needs, the university has constructed key laboratories at both provincial and municipal levels in the field and has been focusing on green chemical engineering and low-carbon energy.The inclusion of the two UNNC subjects injects a robust momentum into UNNC, it helps the university to continuously improve its teaching quality, develop its subjects, and explore cutting-edge scientific research. In the future, UNNC will further introduce world class talent, build innovation platforms, and strengthen international exchanges to meet the strategic needs of national development.图文来源 | Jenny Zhuang,李楠,Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 宁诺两学科列入十四五省一流学科建设点名单! 观看更多转载,宁诺两学科列入十四五省一流学科建设点名单!宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-02-02 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/o0dEcg67SUHAmnVAdHyv2w 新春佳节将至,1月29日,宁波市教育局党委委员、副局长陈金辉率队,协同市人民政府外事办公室、市公安局出入境管理局等部门工作人员莅临宁波诺丁汉大学开展校园安全检查,并慰问留校中外学生。宁诺党委书记沈伟其、执行校长乔纳森·加里波第(Jon Garibaldi)、党委副书记董红波、党委副书记董刚等校领导陪同慰问。29 January: Jinhui Chen, the Deputy Director of Ningbo Education Bureau, led delegates from the municipal government to visit the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) for a safety inspection and met with students who are staying on campus during the winter break.The inspection was passed with flying colours, and the Deputy Director passed on his wish for all the students to have a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon.陈金辉询问了寒假期间师生留校情况,并实地检查了学校食堂、学生宿舍等重点部位,重点查看了学校消防设施设备的管护情况,详细了解了学校开展消防工作的措施。在检查过程中,陈金辉对消防设施器材是否保持完好有效、用火用电用气是否安全、疏散通道和安全出口是否保持畅通、食堂消防安全管理是否规范等方面开展细致检查,同时查阅了学校安全责任落实等情况。宁诺安全保卫办公室工作人员向陈金辉一行详细介绍了学校引进的智能化管理系统和标准化管理体系。对此,陈金辉给予了高度评价,称赞宁诺的安全管理模式非常先进。今年寒假,宁诺有140余名中外学生留校过年,为保障和丰富留校师生的寒假生活,学校的食堂、公寓等相关服务设施均保持运转。随后,在学生宿舍公共空间,陈金辉一行与留校学生代表进行了亲切交流,并进行了慰问。现场的留校学生有的参与科研项目,有的在实验室忙碌,还有的为即将举行的机器人大赛积极备战。学生们分享了自己的学习生活点滴,现场洋溢着热烈的气氛,笑声不断。最后,陈金辉一行向留校学生代表赠送了慰问品,并表达了衷心祝福:“祝愿大家度过一个既充实又祥和的春节,在新的一年里满载而归。”图文来源 | Lucrecia Zhou,Nan Li精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 宁波市教育局等部门领导走访宁诺,排查校园安全并慰问留校学生 观看更多转载,宁波市教育局等部门领导走访宁诺,排查校园安全并慰问留校学生宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-30 来源:OfferEasy官网

两会上的“宁诺”声音 | 代表委员建言献策,共绘区域高质量发展蓝图

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/m3KLTja4lK9Asf_F6w2wDA Please scroll down for the English version -NPC deputies and CPPCC members from UNNC contribute to local high-quality development.日前,2024年浙江省两会、宁波市两会和鄞州区两会均顺利闭幕。来自宁波诺丁汉大学的各级人大代表、政协委员积极履行参政议政职能,从教育、科创、经济等方面为浙江省、宁波市高质量发展建言献策,充分体现了宁诺在推进区域协同发展和高标准高质量城市建设中的新担当和新作为。董刚浙江省政协委员、宁诺党委副书记作为来自高校的委员,“如何推动国际化、特色化的中外合作高水平大学建设,如何加速推动扩大我省高校博士研究生培养规模”是宁诺党委副书记董刚在工作实际中一直关心关注的议题。在浙江省政协十三届二次会议上,董刚提交了《加速推动扩大我省高校博士研究生培养规模》的提案。提案指出,无论是国家“双一流”建设还是我省“高水平大学”建设,研判高校学科水平和科研能力的一个关键指标就是研究生教育,特别是博士研究生的招生和培养规模。以国家重大战略和地方经济社会发展需要为导向,他建议我省应大力支持省内高校新申报博士授权单位,扩大博士点数量,鼓励省内高校与中国科学院、中国社科院等国家级大院大所、省外高校开展博士生联合培养,并充分利用好省内中外合作大学博士生招生优势,尽快制订相应政策,支持其进一步扩大博士研究生培养规模,为浙江省实现高质量发展提供更强有力的人才保证、智力支持和科技支撑。华秀萍浙江省政协委员、宁波市政协委员、宁诺商学院金融学教授宁诺金融学教授华秀萍携三份提案参加省政协十三届二次会议,涉及跨境电商、科技创新及数字经济产业高质量发展等经济社会发展内容,受到媒体的广泛关注和报道。随着全球互联网基础设施的迅速发展,跨境电商已对国际贸易运作方式、贸易链环节产生了革命性影响。华教授在提案中深度剖析了当前跨境电商行业的发展现状与挑战,并结合浙江地区的实际情况,建议加快推进浙江省跨境电商产业高质量发展,激活经济新动能。在科技创新议题上,她提出国际科技合作是大趋势。她建议,进一步完善国际科技合作相关制度,加大优质人才资源引进力度,加强科教界高水平国际交流合作。此外,华教授还就数字经济产业高质量发展提出了富有建设性的提案。她强调应充分发挥数字技术的引领作用,带动浙江整体经济结构的优化升级和社会经济的可持续进步。姚琼鄞州区人大代表,宁诺科研与发展处高级主管在鄞州区第十九届人民代表大会第三次会议期间,宁诺科研与发展处高级主管姚琼积极建议充分发挥新型科创平台的创新作用,形成可持续发展的创新机制,并且呼吁加强各类人才队伍的建设与培养,推动政产学研的深度融合,进一步促进产教融合。自2010年开始,姚琼一直致力于推动政产学研的紧密融合,共同促进各方面的协同发展。她认为, “政产学研用”融合发展是促进地方经济和社会不断前行的“必答题”。同时,姚琼还建议应当聚焦产业重点,积极打造具有重大标志性成果的产出。通过不断推动成果产出,使得产业研究院等科创平台真正实现自我造血与发展,将研究院雄厚的势能转化为推动地方经济和社会发展的“新引擎”。这一系列的建议旨在引领地方经济向更为可持续、创新驱动的方向发展。白瑞斌鄞州区政协委员,宁诺计算机科学系系主任、教授(左一)在鄞州区政协十七届三次会议上,宁诺计算机科学系系主任白瑞斌作为科技组代表,结合自身科创经历和调研成果,在提案中总结了目前宁波市在人工智能及交通物流科创方面存在的不足和问题,针对性地建议发挥鄞州区区位优势,建立人工智能和交通物流研究院,在科研团队之间以及科研团队和产业界之间架起桥梁,以通有无,以促共荣。两会中的“宁诺声音”,正映射出学校战略愿景的实质内涵。长久以来,宁诺始终活跃于地方、国家乃至全球公共事务的舞台,矢志不懈地拓展教育边界,延伸科研触角,并提升社会影响力。如何更有效地赋能地方经济社会发展,推动其迈向更高品质的发展阶段,是宁诺始终肩负并付诸实践的时代重任。NPC deputies and CPPCC members from UNNC contribute to local high-quality development2024 Zhejiang Provincial and Ningbo Municipal National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), known collectively as the "two sessions", were successfully held.NPC deputies and CPPCC members at different levels from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) actively participated in the political discussions, offering suggestions to support the development of Ningbo and Zhejiang from the aspects of education, science and innovation, and the economy. UNNC has always been active in expanding the boundaries of education and engaging with local, national, and even global public affairs.图文来源|Lucrecia Zhou,Jenny Zhuang,甬派,浙江政协,李楠精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 两会上的“宁诺”声音 | 代表委员建言献策,共绘区域高质量发展蓝图 观看更多转载,两会上的“宁诺”声音 | 代表委员建言献策,共绘区域高质量发展蓝图宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LwDcIiswkxAIIJt06_uMyA Please scroll down for the English version -Your international summer experience in China:  University of Nottingham Ningbo China Summer School 2024.夏校,即Summer School,是一种以学为主的暑期游学方式。许多国外名校会在每年的6-8月,为非本校学生开设主题丰富的课程,经过审核录取的学生能够入校进行短期学习。近几年,宁波诺丁汉大学为希望体验纯正国际化教育的初高中学生,精心打造了内容丰富的夏校课程。向左滑动浏览更多夏校图片>>作为中国第一所中外合作大学,宁诺致力于为学生提供全方位的国际化大学体验。学生将在夏校中亲身参与国际前沿学术项目、获得丰富的校园经历,提高学术英语水平、提升申请海内外名校的竞争力,同时为将来的大学生活做好准备。在宁诺夏校丰富有趣的文化体验活动中,学生们还将收获同学友谊,和难忘夏日时光。期待同学们加入,在这里绽放自己的精彩!2024宁诺夏校课程信息01 课程时间2024年7月21日-8月3日02 课程模块· 学术英语:听、说、读、写、学术技能· 专业模块课程:金融与经济、电子电路、虚拟现实与增强现实· 博雅大师互动课堂:提供近距离接触明星教师与行业大牛的机会,让学生与他们进行深度交流与互动· 国际化教育专家指导未来规划:升学指导和职业规划助力学生明晰未来方向· 国际化大学体验:通过体育活动、文化交流、引导式自学,帮助学生获得更全面的大学学习体验03 课程亮点04 课程介绍01 学术英语学术英语课程为学生适应全英文授课的大学学习打下扎实基础,助力未来学业的成功启航。课程帮助学生提升阅读技能、强化口语表达和演讲技巧、提高学术写作水平;同时,开放宁诺图书馆丰富的软件和数据库资源,教授学生网络学术资源的使用方法。02 专业模块课程宁波诺丁汉大学夏校的课程将为学生揭开学术世界的奥秘,通过一系列有趣的工作坊和实践活动,学生将领略到STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)的奇妙、学会像经济学家一样思考、掌握人际沟通的重要技能、获得创造力与团队协作能力的提升。金融与经济:像经济学家一样思考课程内容:现代经济学原理、风险与收益、市场供求力量与市场效率。课程目标:本课程侧重于探索金融和经济学的核心概念。学生将了解经济学的基本原理,学习分析工具和金融概念,并参与数字问题解决应用。课程中,学生将通过多种形式或机会,如基于团队合作的互动实践,了解现实中不断变化的经济状况,这些状况可能会影响经济中买卖双方的行为。未来视界:虚拟现实与增强现实课程内容:虚拟现实与增强现实、VR仿真技术、搭建仿真模型。课程目标:让学生直观感受虚拟现实与增强现实,认识背后的基础工具使用以及模型搭建,了解当下热门的元宇宙技术。电子电路:当前和未来工程学的基石课程内容:基础半导体技术、传感器和控制系统实践、使用Arduino进行无线射频和蓝牙连接。课程目标:对电气和电子工程、机电一体化、航空工程、材料工程或计算机工程感兴趣的学生会发现这些课程特别吸引人,因为他们将了解电子技术的基本原理,从元件的固态特性到在实际系统中的应用。学生将在从使用传感器测量光强度到使用 Arduino 技术进行无线射频和蓝牙连接等各种工作坊中,学习使用半导体技术。学生将通过课堂练习自行构建这些简单的电子电路。向左滑动浏览更多夏校图片>>05 课程安排*以实际课程安排为准,点击图片可查看大图。06 师资团队国际化的师资团队,为学生提供最佳课程体验。学术英语专业模块课程博雅大师互动课堂*以上为部分课程教师,简介仅供参考,请以实际为准。07 往期回顾与学员反馈点击边框调出视频工具条   重庆南开中学 黄同学很舍不得离开这里,这次夏校让我收获满满,宁诺也成为了我的理想学校,我想对未来的我说:“I'll be back in two years.”北京市通州私立树人学校 金同学 很舍不得夏校的结束,遇到了一群又真诚又可爱的朋友们。这次夏校真的过得非常有意义,永远难忘。温州市育才高级中学 胡同学 回顾两周的夏校生活,除了热情友善的老师和收获满满的课堂,还有宁诺多元的文化氛围、平等的对话环境,它们共同让我明白,我的人生可以如同旷野般无限广阔。学生手册上‘尊重背景各异的同学’是我永远不会忘记的一条准则,原来每一种可能性都会被理解,你也可以成为任何你想要成为的人。感恩宁诺对我的塑造,期待下一次相逢。招生对象与人数招生年龄:15-18岁学生招生人数:60人(每班最多30人,满额后报名者将被列入等待清单)报名时间与费用申请截止日期第一阶段:2024年4月15日第二阶段:2024年6月16日费用:24,800元(含学费、教材费、住宿费、保险费和伙食费)*第一阶段截止前报名者可获得一份精美礼品咨询方式详细咨询可扫描下方二维码或发送电子邮件至:summerschools@nottingham.edu.cnYour international summer experience in China:  University of Nottingham Ningbo China Summer School 2024In recent years, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) has developed an extensive summer school programme for junior and senior high school students who wish have an authentic international summer experience.As the first Sino-foreign university, UNNC is delighted to offer a truly international university experience for students in China. During this summer school, students will participate in cutting-edge international academic programmes, gain a rich campus experience, improve their academic English, strengthen their profiles for university applications, and prepare for their future university life. Students will also gain friendships with their classmates and have an unforgettable summer full of rich and interesting culture. We look forward to welcoming bright young minds from across China to our campus this summer and hope you all have a fantastic time.2024 UNNC Summer School detailed informationDates21 July-3 August 2024Course modulesAcademic English: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other academic skills.Content modules: Finance and Economics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Electronic Circuits.Liberal Arts Interactive Workshops: UNNC faculty and industry leaders will deliver speeches on cutting edge academic topics, and interact with students.Expert guidance on future planning: Planning your career and choosing your ideal university programmes.Internationalised university experience: Sports, culture exchange activities and self-study.Course highlightsCourse introductionAcademic EnglishStudents will develop new reading strategies, learn how to give an excellent university presentation, and improve the standard of their academic writing. Students can also access UNNC's world-class online resources to reflect on the day's classes and autonomously advance their learning from our library's dedicated self-study room, giving them a more authentic, comprehensive experience of university study.Content modulesThe courses at UNNC Summer School will help students to explore the academic world. Through a series of engaging workshops and practical activities, students will appreciate the wonders of STEM, learn to think like an economist, master the important skills of interpersonal communication, and will get a boost of creativity and teamwork.Introduction to Finance and Economics• Introduction to Modern Principles of Economics• Introduction to Risk and Return• Market Force of Supply and Demand and Market EfficiencyVirtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)• VR & AR• The tools behind a VR simulation• Building your simulationElectronic Circuits as the Building Blocks of Current and Future Engineering• Introduction to Basic Semiconductor Technology• Using sensors and control systems for practical purposes• Wireless RF & Bluetooth Connectivity with ArduinoTimetableTeaching teamThe international teaching team will provide students with an excellent learning experience.Academic English• Russell Frank - Course Tutor in English for Academic Purposes• Dougal Macbeth - Course Tutor in English for Academic Purposes• Morgan Cox - Course Tutor in English for Academic PurposesContent Modules• Dr. Bamidele Akinwolemiwa - Computer Science• Dr. Sannia Mareta - Physics and Chemistry• Dr. HongZhang - Finance and EconomicsLiberal Arts Interactive Workshops• Prof. Vladimir Brusic - Professor of Computing and Data ScienceSchool of Economics• Dr. Collins Ezeh - Science and Engineering Tutor Centre for English Language Education• Dr. Yanqing Guo - Preliminary Year Tutor in Science & EngineeringCentre for English Language EducationStudents feedbackI'm reluctant to leave this place. The summer school has been a fruitful experience for me, and UNNC has become my dream school. I want to say to my future self, 'I'll be back in two years.'Student from Chongqing Nankai Middle SchoolI really don't want the summer school to end. I met a group of sincere and lovely friends. This summer school was truly meaningful, and it will always be unforgettable.Student from Beijing Tongzhou Shuren Private SchoolLooking back on the two weeks of summer school life, in addition to the warm and friendly teachers and the fruitful classes, there is also the diverse cultural atmosphere of Ningbo, an environment of equal dialogue. Together, they make me understand that my life can be as vast as the wilderness. The guideline in the student handbook to 'respect classmates with different backgrounds' is something I will never forget. It turns out that every possibility can be understood, and you can become anyone you want to be. Grateful for the shaping influence of UNNC on me, looking forward to the next encounter.Student from Wenzhou Yucai Senior Middle SchoolAdmissions informationAges: 15-18Capacity: 60 studentsApplication deadline:Phase 1 submission deadline: 15 April 2024*Students who apply in Phase 1 will receive a nice gift.Phase 2 submission deadline: 16 June 2024Fee: 24,800 RMBEnquiriesFor more information, please scan the QR code below or send an email to: summerschools@nottingham.edu.cn.图文来源 | BDO,李楠,Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 来宁波诺丁汉大学2024夏校,不出国门就能体验国际化教育 观看更多转载,来宁波诺丁汉大学2024夏校,不出国门就能体验国际化教育宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-26 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-wBFv2SJQBXcEbl2crS7Qw Please scroll down for the English version - Zhejiang Alliance of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools established.1月22日,首届浙江省中外合作办学年会暨浙江省中外合作办学联盟成立仪式在杭州举行。宁波诺丁汉大学被聘为联盟副理事长单位。据悉,在教育部的大力支持下,2023年浙江省全面启动全国唯一一个中外合作办学高质量发展改革创新试验区建设,以先行先试为契机,正式吹响浙江探索中外合作办学高质量发展路径的集结号。浙江省中外合作办学联盟的正式成立,将进一步深化探索之路。作为中国第一所具有独立校园、独立法人资格的中外合作大学,宁波诺丁汉大学在浙江省乃至全国的中外合作办学发展历程中扮演了关键性的奠基作用,并取得了丰获成果。一直以来,学校积极引进全球优质科教资源、革新教学方式、致力前沿科研、密切产业合作,培养了一批立足中国、具有国际化视野,且能胜任未来的创新型高级人才,对浙江省高教办学模式探索、学科专业建设、科研水平提升、打造人才高地起到了积极的助推作用。成立仪式上,浙江省教育厅副厅长舒培冬寄语联盟成员高校通力合作、相互扶持,共同推动全省中外合作办学高质量可持续发展,助力浙江省教育对外开放高质量发展高地建设。宁诺党委书记沈伟其在年会上分享了学校推动中外合作办学高质量发展的实践经验。他指出,在新时代的教育背景下,实现中外合作办学的高质量发展应当聚焦四大核心内涵:更加注重创新创业的教学与科研、更加注重学生个性发展的人才培养、更加注重国际化与本土化的紧密结合、更加注重社会责任和可持续发展。这些关键要素共同构成中外合作办学向更高层次、更深层次发展的基石与支撑力量。党的二十大报告明确,到2035年建成教育强国的奋斗目标,加快和扩大新时代教育对外开放。是教育强国建设的必然要求。中外合作办学作为中国教育事业的组成部分和教育对外开放的重要载体,承担了越来越重要的任务和使命。站在新起点,迈向新征程,宁诺将以更加坚定的决心和饱满的热情砥砺前行,实现更高水准的发展突破,以优质的办学成果助力浙江教育中外合作办学高质量创新发展、助力教育强国建设。Zhejiang Alliance of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools establishedOn 22 January, the first Annual Conference of Zhejiang Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools and the launch ceremony of Zhejiang Alliance of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools were held in Hangzhou, and the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was appointed as the Vice President of the Alliance Management Board.As the first Sino-foreign university, UNNC is a leader for international higher-education innovation, and has been dedicated to introducing international high-quality resources, improving teaching and learning experience, pushing the boundaries of technology development, promoting cooperation with industries, and cultivating talents with a global vision, playing a key role in promoting educational and scientific research development as well as talent cultivation in Zhejiang.In the future, the Alliance aims to promote high-quality and sustainable development of Chinese-foreign cooperative education across the province.图文来源 | 中国教育在线,中国蓝新闻,Lucrecia Zhou,Elena Yang,李楠精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 浙江省中外合作办学联盟成立,宁诺被聘为副理事长单位 观看更多转载,浙江省中外合作办学联盟成立,宁诺被聘为副理事长单位宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-24 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8mJvz9z4KllvrL3TPeKhcw Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC incubator awarded as Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base.新年伊始,浙江省侨联公布了第五批“浙江省侨联侨界创新创业基地”名单,宁波诺丁汉大学(简称“宁诺”)李达三孵化园作为本次入围的唯一一家大学孵化园获评“浙江省侨联侨界创新创业基地双创智库”。李达三孵化园是浙江省高校台湾青年创新创业基地,也是目前浙江省唯一一家以“国际引才”为主题的大学孵化园。依托诺丁汉大学的国际化资源和科教优势,孵化园为师生、校友和国际创业者提供一站式创业孵化服务,已成为海外归国华侨来甬创业和交流的重要基地。孵化园立足本地,链接全球人才和商业资源,为全球创意及技术在中国“软着陆”提供专业服务,同时帮助本土企业链接全球市场。经过多年发展,园区已逐渐成为宁波乃至浙江颇具国际特色的创新创业载体,聚集了来自港澳台和世界各地超百名优秀创业者,成功孵化国际化创业项目近五十个。近年来,李达三孵化园围绕“创新创业实践” 和 “创业孵化与发展”两个重点,与各学院、部门、海外校友网络、产业界、投资界紧密合作,从项目对接、资源分享、行业洞察等要素全面赋能侨界和国际创业者,构建了从创意到实践、再到孵化的国际创新创业生态系统。目前,园区已经成功孵化了一批涉足载重无人机、航空复合材料、人工智能硬件、自动化畜牧等领域的新兴企业。本次入选浙江省侨联侨界创新创业基地名单,更加坚定了李达三孵化园为侨界创业者提供优质创业环境和创业机遇的决心。园区将继续引进、挖掘优秀创业团队和人才聚集浙江,为更多创业者提供更加高效、便捷和优质的国际化一体式创业环境。UNNC incubator awarded as Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship BaseLi Dak Sum (LDS) Incubator of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was awarded as Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base with the title of “Think Tank of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship” by the Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Federation.LDS Incubator, relying on UNNC’s international research and educational resources, has grown to be a vibrant engine for attracting international business in Zhejiang, gathering over 100 outstanding returning entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other parts of the world and incubated nearly 50 international entrepreneurial projects.In the future, LDS Incubator will continue to attract and excavate outstanding entrepreneurial projects and talents to gather in Zhejiang, providing more entrepreneurs with a more efficient, convenient, and high-quality entrepreneurial environment.图文来源 |  Patrick Cai,Incubator,李楠精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 宁波诺丁汉大学李达三孵化园获评浙江省侨联侨界创新创业基地“双创智库” 观看更多转载,宁波诺丁汉大学李达三孵化园获评浙江省侨联侨界创新创业基地“双创智库”宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-23 来源:OfferEasy官网

逐光而行 | 宁波诺丁汉大学2024新年直播即将开启,321上链接!

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Gu_R1tZ8l7X0fpamRw4CCQ 腊八刚过,新年奔赴而来宁波诺丁汉大学2024新年首场直播即将“龙”重登场我们诚邀您一同走近国际化校园了解赋能未来的国际化教育获得第一手的招生信息和学子们共同解锁精彩的校园体验We sincerely invite you to join us to explore the university virtually, learn about our internationalised education that will empower your future, get first-hand admissions information, and unlock exciting campus experiences with our students.直播时间 / Date and time1月27日(周六)9:00-10:30Saturday 27 January, 9-10.30am直播内容 / Agenda· 校领导致新春贺词· 学校办学特色及优势介绍· 本硕博招生政策解读· 学生校园体验分享· Welcome speech from university leaders· University introduction session· Introduction to the UG and PG admissions policies· Experience sharing from students直播平台 / Live stream platforms直播将在多平台同步进行,请选择您偏好的平台,通过下方预约卡片或扫描二维码观看。To watch the live stream, please click the "预约" tab below or scan the QR codes.微信直播间/WeChat Bilibili直播间/Bilibili图文来源 | Elena Yang,李楠精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 逐光而行 | 宁波诺丁汉大学2024新年直播即将开启,321上链接! 观看更多转载,逐光而行 | 宁波诺丁汉大学2024新年直播即将开启,321上链接!宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-19 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WTsCMhsryjDKTl97cNxoUw Please scroll down for the English version -UNNC students and staff celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year.“咚咚咚咚,咚咚……”上周,一阵阵铿锵的锣鼓声打破了宁波诺丁汉大学冬日的寂静。翻腾、起伏、飞跃……在宁波“大岙布龙”非遗传承人的带领下,一条色彩靓丽、造型精美的金色“长龙”穿行盘旋,在一众欢呼声中,以矫健的姿态乘势而上,在中西合璧的校园中上演“中国龙舞”精彩一幕。在农历龙年即将到来之际,宁波诺丁汉大学联合鄞州区首南街道、余姚王阳明故居、象山东溪村、鄞州区非遗文化博物馆等共同举办了一场别出心裁的中国新年民俗体验活动,邀请宁波舞龙非遗传承人、越剧团、书法家、茶艺师等与留校师生欢聚一堂,共贺中国年。来自英国的宁诺应用数学助理教授Richard Rankin是本次舞龙队的一员,在宁波定居超过六年的他对中国春节的传统习俗并不陌生。“但这是我第一次体验中国舞龙,感觉很棒,非常开心能成为一条‘中国龙’!”他兴奋地表示。舞龙落幕,精彩生动的越剧表演又吸引了现场师生的注意。来自鄞州越剧团的专业演员们带来了经典曲目《梁祝·十八相送》《天女散花》等,演员们音韵婉转、衣袂翻飞,现场观众仿佛一下子穿越江南木楼和戏台之下,过足了“戏瘾”。来自印度尼西亚的宁诺学生Michael Indrawan身着中国传统服饰,正热情地参与着各项活动,“各位老师带来的精彩演出让我近距离感受到了中华优秀传统文化的魅力,也丰富了对中国的理解和认识。”这边听得如痴如醉,那头忙得热火朝天,非遗纸浆画、中国结和写福展位前围满了跃跃欲试的师生。 纸浆画老师正耐心展示纸浆画制作工艺。师生们在他的指导下,用纸浆、画板、牙签等材料细心雕琢,一幅幅漂亮且独具风格的万事兴“龙”纸浆画跃然板上。另一头,写好了“福”字、编好了中国结的师生纷纷拍照留念,感受“福到”的美好寓意。“水开啦!”一阵呼声响起,随着饺子下锅,鲜香四溢,引得现场师生们翘首以盼,食指大动。来自马来西亚的宁诺博士生Joshua Lai吃得不亦乐乎,直呼“有家的感觉”。除了水饺、腊八粥,象山红美人、手工冻面、东溪土鸭蛋等宁波特色美食应有尽有,众人共品咸香清甜具备的美味,为新年图个“好彩头”,寄望新的一年甜蜜美满。吃完美食,品口热茶,美上加美。“先闻其香,再观汤色,后品其味”——在茶艺师的指导下,师生们捧起茶杯,共饮底蕴深厚的中国茶。值得一提的是,宁波诺丁汉大学新任执行校长乔纳森·加里波第教授也在第一时间参与了活动,给舞龙点睛、包饺子、写福字……活动现场,他的书法受到众多外籍师生的围观和夸赞,“虽然我来过中国很多次,但这是第一次参加中国传统的春节庆祝活动。活动内容非常丰富,让人感觉欣欣向荣。这是一次很棒的体验,我的新年愿望是学习中文,也祝大家新年快乐!”目前,来自全球约70个国家和地区的逾万名中外师生,在宁波诺丁汉大学校园里共同学习工作,各种文化在这里和谐交融、相得益彰。在本次活动中,共有200多名师生和家属在美食和互动中体验了中华优秀传统文化的魅力。活动的主要负责人之一、宁诺理工学院教工第一党支部书记韩诗颖表示:“作为中国第一所中外合作大学,宁诺一直在不遗余力地讲好中国故事、传播中华优秀传统文化。举办这场活动,也是希望在2024开年之际,制造浓厚的春节氛围,让更多师生和国际友人能够感受和体验中华优秀传统文化,一起热热闹闹地迎接和庆祝中国新年。”UNNC students and staff celebrate upcoming Chinese New YearAs the Chinese Lunar New Year approaches, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) organised a series of Chinese New Year folk experience event last week. The celebration activities included Chinese knot DIY, intangible pulp painting, tea art experience, Chinese calligraphy writing “Fortune”, dragon dance experience, and Yue Opera performance, bringing a strong Spring Festival atmosphere to the campus and allowing over 200 students, domestic and international staff and their families to celebrate the Chinese New Year together.Professor Jon Garibaldi, the new Provost of UNNC, also participated in the event and impressed many with his calligraphy work. He said, "Although I have been to China many times, this is my first time to participate in traditional Chinese Spring Festival celebration activities. This is a wonderful experience. Happy Chinese New Year!"Currently, over 10,000 students and staff from approximately 70 countries and regions study and work together at UNNC. Various cultures blend and complement each other here. As the first Sino-foreign university in China, UNNC has been sparing no effort to introduce and spread Chinese culture to the world.图文来源 | Lucrecia Zhou, Patrick Cai, Jenny Zhuang, Fay Ma, Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 舞龙、越剧、纸浆画!宁诺中外师生沉浸式体验春节传统习俗 观看更多转载,舞龙、越剧、纸浆画!宁诺中外师生沉浸式体验春节传统习俗宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达‍‍#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pG03E1WQLiI1JQxsagtPUA Please scroll down for the English version -UNNC holds conceptual luggage design exhibition.随着考试季的结束,宁波诺丁汉大学(简称“宁诺”)的学生纷纷踏上了去往海内外各地的旅途。与此同时,“Let’s Go See the World!(一起看世界)” 互动式混合现实箱包设计展也不期而遇地于1月10日在学校图书馆1楼拉开了帷幕。两届工业设计专业的学生在经历了设计和打磨后,为观众们带来了70件创意十足的概念箱包设计。参观者借助混合现实技术,扫码即可现场“开箱”试用,“带着”心仪的箱包,“踏上”看世界的旅途。“刚刚还在古老神秘的石窟旅行,下一秒我就去打卡北欧风光啦!”在展览现场,互动区排起了长龙。新秀丽集团的领导和设计师们也纷纷下场体验宁诺学子的箱包产品。其中,一款“变形包”引起了新秀丽集团大中华区总裁马瑞国的注意。只需简单调整,这款包就可以变成兼具功能性和娱乐性的桌游野餐垫,绳子再轻松一拉,它又可以变回一个可以收纳的包。马瑞国对该创意赞叹道:“是宁诺的土壤培养了学生创新和多元化的思维,也给他们的产品设计带来了灵感和创意。”在本次展览中,张苜宸设计的一款宁诺与新秀丽联名健身包成为了众多参观者关注的焦点。这款健身包的设计灵感源自宁诺体育馆,其外形展现出强烈的力量感。不仅如此,这款健身包的多功能性不仅满足了健身的各种需求,还贴心地考虑到了日常的便携性。对于这次设计经历,张苜宸感慨万分:“这个项目不仅提高了我的专业技能,同时让我的作品在展览中得以广泛展示。通过这段宝贵的行业经验,我对未来的职业规划更加清晰,也更热爱工业设计领域了。”宁诺工业设计专业王欣慰博士和工业设计专业顾问Martijn ten Bhomer博士是本次展览的主要策划人,王欣慰博士介绍道:“我们一直坚持通过产教融合,为学生搭建实践平台,不断更新教学内容,传授前沿技术。在本项目中,我们带学生前往新秀丽、美旅企业交流,从理解企业理念、设计流程和生产制造开始,将箱包设计融入教学,并邀请业内资深设计师为学生传授行业经验。”学以致用、知行合一。近年来,宁波诺丁汉大学不断拓展企业合作,与微软、中国中车、新秀丽等众多知名企业联手,为学生提供了丰富的学习体验,让他们在实践中增进与产业的联结,助力他们成为立足中国、具有国际化视野且能胜任未来的创新型高级人才。UNNC holds conceptual luggage design exhibitionOpening on 10 January 2024, "Let's Go See the World!" Interactive Luggage Design Exhibition was displayed on the 1st floor of the Library of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC).The exhibition has been jointly organised by UNNC Business Development Office and Product, Design and Manufacture (PDM) students in collaboration with the two major luggage brands, Samsonite and American Tourister. After a semester of design and polishing, PDM students have managed to bring 70 pieces of conceptual luggage works to display. Through mixed-reality technology, participants can virtually travel around the world with the luggage they pick.   Among the creative works, a transformable bag attracted the attention of Mr Frank Ma, President of Samsonite Greater China. With simple adjustments, the bag can be easily converted into a picnic mat. Mr Ma praised it by saying "it is the nurturing soil at UNNC that cultivates innovative and diverse thinking of students, providing them with endless inspiration and ideas for their designs."Dr Xinwei Wang and Dr Martijn ten Bhomer are the planners and supervisors of the exhibition. Dr Wang said, "We are dedicated to building practical platforms for students through industry-teaching integration and continuously updating our module contents to always deliver the edge-cutting technologies. We led students to visit large enterprises and invited experienced designers to give lectures, enabling students to have a deeper understanding of the process of design, production, and manufacturing." Through industry-teaching integration, UNNC has enabled PDM students to rake in multiple international design awards and even obtain patents during their undergraduate studies.In recent years, UNNC has carried out in-depth cooperation with globally renowned enterprises such as Samsonite and Health Gene Technology, which not only provides students with high-quality internships and diverse learning experience, but also makes education in UNNC more compatible with the needs of the society, improve the quality and effectiveness of education, and cultivate innovative talents with a broader vision.图文来源 | Jenny Zhuang,Patrick Cai,BDO,李楠精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 来一场说走就走的旅行!宁诺概念箱包设计展带你逛游世界 观看更多转载,来一场说走就走的旅行!宁诺概念箱包设计展带你逛游世界宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LCZ8Uv3gt5aMeCRkdOsRlg “你是i人还是e人?”MBTI ——一种火爆全网的人格类型理论模型也是同学们生活中的常见话题 八个简单的字母已然成了当代年轻人的“社交身份证” 当UNNC的建筑遇上MBTI又会发生怎样的奇妙故事呢?今天就让鸭鸭为大家揭秘As the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test went viral on the internet,personality types have become a popular topic in students’ daily life.Eight simple letters, each of which represent a different personality type,have become the social identity card for the young generation.What would happen if we applied the MBTI to UNNC buildings?Please swipe for the English version >>01请点击查看作为校园里最具标志性的建筑物钟楼当之无愧地成为了宁诺人的灵魂守护者从清晨到傍晚钟声回荡在耳边诉说着时不我待倾道着声声珍重绝对是UNNCer的独家记忆“鸭鸭我呀,可是听着钟声长大的呦”01请点击查看From early morning to late afternoon, the bell tolls every hour, reminding people of the time. As the most symbolic building on campus, the Trent Building deservedly becomes the defender of UNNC students and staff and makes up a unique memory of them. Please swipe for the English version >>02请点击查看步履流转于行架间徜徉拾级而上难忘的是书香 在这里伏案,提笔与书本共语与名家同言寻找内心的宁静汲取精神的滋养 这个蕴藏知识宝藏的空间陪伴宁诺人度过一个又一个日夜“今天是认真学习鸭”02请点击查看The Library, holding a treasure-trove of knowledge, has accompanied UNNC students and staff through day and night, enabling them to gain inner peace and spiritual nourishment.Please swipe for the English version >>03请点击查看这对相依在一起的默契搭档是学校当之无愧的“教学元老” 它们见证了一届又一届UNNCer在这里发现新问题,提出新观点 思维碰撞,多元交融成就了精彩活跃的学术课堂“鸭鸭要去学术讨论局走一波了”03请点击查看These two buildings, the well-deserved “teaching veterans” of UNNC, have witnessed numerous collisions of ideas and the mingling of diverse cultures. Here, UNNC students discover new problems and put forward new perspectives, creating a wonderful learning atmosphere together.Please swipe for the English version >>04请点击查看从原理探究到实验实践从行业前沿的软硬件设施到一流的国际师资求知求真勇于开拓这里有助力学子成为科研后浪的广阔天地“白褂一穿,非同一般”04请点击查看Equipped with the industry's cutting-edge hardware and software facilities, and first-class international faculty, the PMB provides abundant resources for scientific research, ranging from theoretical exploration to experimental practices. Here, students are encouraged to seek knowledge and explore the truth themselves. Please swipe for the English version >>05请点击查看运动场上肆意挥洒汗水舞蹈室内绽放亮丽身姿它是宁诺最富有激情的建筑活力四射的运动场馆洋溢着UNNCer的青春气息今天的健身中心是否有你坚毅的身影“鸭鸭提示,心仪的运动课要早点去抢哦”05请点击查看As the most passionate building of UNNC, the Sports Centre has witnessed the sweat spilled on the stadium and the graceful moves in the dance studio, showing the energy and passion of the UNNC students and staff.Please swipe for the English version >>06请点击查看亭榭栏杆流水潺潺草木蔚然宁静典雅中西园林这对双胞胎姐妹同源而异独立而相连中式园林的深邃致远与西式园林的开阔自由相互点缀、各具一格漫步幽径暂离生活的繁杂静静地诉说心中的梦“i人们懂的都懂鸭”06请点击查看The profoundness and depth of Chinese garden dot with the openness and freedom of Western garden, each with its unique style. Here, students and staff stroll through the tranquil paths and release their inner thoughts, temporarily taking a break from the hustle and bustle of life.Please swipe for the English version >>07请点击查看作为大型Lecture和各类校级活动的承办者它们热情活泼、充满能量时刻准备着和UNNCers一同呈现多元精彩同学们在舞台前后团结协作、共同绽放激动的欢呼与快乐的笑容就是努力的最好见证“希望哪天能对站在舞台上的你说:Congratulations!”07请点击查看As organisers of large lectures and various university-level activities, these two buildings are characterised as enthusiastic and energetic, always ready to present diverse and wonderful sessions together with UNNC students. Here, they have witnessed the unity and cooperation of the students behind the stage, as well as their performance under the spotlight on stage.Please swipe for the English version >>喜欢研究心理学的鸭鸭提醒大家MBTI仅仅是帮助我们了解自身特点的参考工具每个人都并无法仅仅凭借几个字母被准确地概括正如安静的图书馆中也有许多活泼的元素所以大家千万不要把自己局限在标签之中哦The MBTI personality test is just a tool to help us better understand ourselves,and no one can be summarised by just a few letters.Remember do not let those eight letters define who you are.What MBTI type will the other UNNC buildings be?You are welcome to share with us in the comment.Please swipe for the English version >>文字来源 | 市场与传媒办公室学生团队,张馨译,Elena Yang图片来源 | 张加卓、徐可精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 尊嘟假嘟?宁诺建筑也做过MBTI测试? 观看更多转载,尊嘟假嘟?宁诺建筑也做过MBTI测试?宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EF4QkDNTUYPF7VUXpstMkA Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC lab recognised as provincial-level international joint laboratory.近日,浙江省科学技术厅发布《关于公布2023年度省级国际科技合作载体认定名单的通知》,宁波诺丁汉大学“浙江-德国智能电网技术联合实验室”成功被认定为省级国际联合实验室。一直以来,宁诺都非常重视国际合作与交流。浙江-德国智能电网技术联合实验室(以下简称“国际联合实验室”)由宁波诺丁汉大学与德国基尔大学联合共建,两校自2019年起便建立了长期的科研合作关系。在多年合作实践的基础上,为进一步深化合作维度,2023年国际联合实验室正式成立。依托双方学科优势和国际资源,国际联合实验室致力于在智能电网、数字孪生等前沿技术领域开展科研创新、人才培养、技术转移、产业发展、社会服务等方面的工作,为地区经济与社会的高质量可持续发展提供科技支撑,助力实现碳达峰、碳中和目标。该国际联合实验室负责人由宁波诺丁汉大学科研与知识交流代理副校长Giampaolo Buticchi和德国基尔大学电力电子系教授、弗劳恩霍夫国际信息研究所副主任Marco Liserre共同担任。两位教授在电子电气工程领域具有丰富的实践经验和突出贡献,奠定了多项智能电网和电力电子技术的基础,还联合首创了配电网智能变压器的概念,并成功应用于实践,开发的智能变压器获苏格兰电力公司应用。截至目前,该国际联合实验室发表论文50多篇(其中80%影响因子IF超6.5),申请国际专利4项(授权1项),获得包括IEEE工业电子杂志最佳论文奖在内的3项国内外奖项,开展了2项合作研究,其中“用于电动汽车充电站的中压级电气隔离直流-直流变换器的建模和设计优化”项目获得德国科学基金会27万欧元资助。此外,实验室研发的负载交直流负载模拟箱成功突破大功率能量并网及回收技术等技术瓶颈,获中国商飞应用。Giampaolo Buticchi教授表示:“我们希望通过创建国际联合实验室打造一个世界级的智能电网领域技术研究与创新平台,从而聚集海内外高层次人才与领域前沿技术创新资源,实现智能电网领域前沿技术的孵化与产业化,加快能源转型,实现绿色未来。”【实验室主要负责人简介】Giampaolo Buticchi宁波诺丁汉大学科研与知识交流代理副校长,浙江省海外引进高层次人才,斯坦福-爱思唯尔全球前2%科学家(终身科学影响力),英国皇家航空学会(RAeS)会士,英国高等教育学会资深会士,英国工程技术学会(IET)会士,电气与电子工程师协会工业电子学报副主编,IEEE高级会员。Marco Liserre德国基尔大学电力电子系主任,弗劳恩霍夫国际信息研究所副主任,ISI Thomson世界上最具影响力的科学家(被高度引用),IEEE电力电子学会电网系统技术委员会主席,IEEE会士,IEEE电力电子开源期刊的主编之一。UNNC lab recognised as provincial-level international joint laboratoryRecently, the Zhejiang-Germany Joint Laboratory on Smart Grid Technologies of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was successfully recognised as a provincial-level international joint laboratory. The Joint Lab was co-established by UNNC and University of Kiel. The two parties have built a long-term scientific cooperative research relationship since 2019.Based on the advantages and international resources of the two sides, the Joint Lab is committed to carrying out cooperation in scientific research and innovation, talent exchange and training, resource sharing, providing scientific and technological assistance for the sustainable growth of the regional economy and society, contributing to the attainment of peak carbo and carbon-neutral objectives.The directors of the Joint Lab, Professor Giampaolo Buticchi, Interim Vice Provost for Research and Knowledge Exchange at UNNC, and Professor Marco Liserre, Head of the Chair of Power Electronics at the University of Kiel and Deputy Director of Fraunhofer ISIT, have been engaged in scientific work together for more than 10 years, laying the foundation of several smart grids and power electronics technologies. They have also pioneered the concept of smart transformers for distribution grids and taken it to the maximum heights of engineering. The smart transformers were successfully applied by Scottish Power.So far, the Joint Lab has cooperated in order to publish more than 50 papers, applied for four international patents, one of which has been granted, received three awards, and carried out two collaborative research projects, one of which has been granted funding of 270,000 Euros by the German Science Foundation.Professor Buticchi remarked: “I expect the laboratory to grow into an international platform for knowledge creation and talent exchange, with the objective to accelerate the energy transition and support the idea of a greener future.”图文来源 | Lucrecia Zhou, RKE, Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 助力实现“双碳”目标!宁诺再添重量级国际联合实验室 观看更多转载,助力实现“双碳”目标!宁诺再添重量级国际联合实验室宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-01-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/P5nRrcgDtN2PGhkiXxiRtQ Please scroll down for the English version -Treasured designer: UNNC's hidden gem.自宁波诺丁汉大学(简称“宁诺”)视频栏目《诺学说》(Nottinghorizon)上线以来,来自人工智能与计算机、科技金融、机械工程以及语言文学领域的四位宁诺学者通过生动易懂的方式为大众普及专业知识,广受观众的好评。随着节目的持续播出,栏目迎来了第五位学者嘉宾,省级一流本科专业建设点——工业设计和制造专业的负责人刘炳建也逐渐走进了更多人的视野。刘炳建工业设计和制造专业负责人在学生心中,刘炳建是一名充满人文关怀和强调具体实操的老师。作为《RSA设计项目》和《重大设计项目》课程主持人和主授课人之一,他始终强调“设计服务于人”的理念, 倡导通过设计体现人文关怀。每当授课结束后,他更愿意泡在设计工作室与学生一起烧脑,鼓励他们通过创新性与可实现性的结合解决救援、环保、健康、老龄化等方面的问题。刘炳建 (右一)刘炳建与学生近年来,刘炳建指导的宁诺本科生在人机交互国际会议上发表了多篇论文,更带领宁诺学子先后在美国国际设计大奖赛(IDA)、A’ Design 设计奖、iF产品设计奖等重量级国际赛事中斩获20余项殊荣。2023年年初,国际顶尖设计大赛之一的美国国际设计大奖赛(IDA)公布了2022年获奖名单,宁波诺丁汉大学学生一举拿下14项大奖。为手和手臂截肢者设计的健身重量带、可以改善使用者情绪的空气净化器、专为手术后的乳腺癌患者设计的运动文胸……这些获奖作品许多都来自刘炳建所教授的课程,且都不约而同地彰显了人文关怀的主题。“专业课程中,老师们总提到专为老人和儿童的设计,以及专门针对其他弱势群体的设计。受学校影响,我们会更关注这类人群。” 获奖学生之一的汪可欣分享道。回顾刘炳建的履历便不难发现,他的设计理念与其在产业中的经历息息相关。德国柏林轨道交通技术展览会现场2018年,中国中车在业内顶级盛会——德国柏林轨道交通技术展览会上推出了一款技惊四座的概念高铁,操刀外观设计的正是刘炳建。这款概念高铁的车身通体以金色为主,极具流线型的车头充满着科技感,与之形成鲜明对比的是由硬朗的直线构成的菱形车灯和车窗,这样的设计巧妙而不失协调,给观者带来了极强的视觉冲击。2019年世界工业设计大会“作为百鸟之王,凤凰是中国特色文化的代表。它既能彰显大国风范,也能充分体现该高铁时速500公里/小时的强劲实力。” 刘炳建透露,他在设计过程中以凤凰为灵感,将其头部和羽毛抽象化设计并融入高铁车身,并根据车组的驱动布局、风阻参数等指标不断调整优化。最终,他的设计在与来自法国、日本等多个国家和地区的方案比拼中脱颖而出。2019年,该概念高铁作为中国高铁代表作品之一亮相世界工业设计大会。此外,刘炳建也在行业中积累了相当的实战经验。他曾入职海信并参与了海信950系列手机的设计,全面负责外观曲面的三维设计建模。“我对这款手机的整体曲面和细节线条有着极致的追求,尽管这在当时显得有些‘过度’。但我认为,‘整体的协调’与‘细节的精致’的统一是创造产品设计美学不可或缺的。” 刘炳建回忆道。正是他的精益求精让这款手机收获了来自消费者的认可,其中不乏对其外观设计和握持手感的好评。这也一举让这款手机成为了当年海信手机业务中销售表现最好的型号之一。从画图设计、打样生产到最终交付用户,此番经历让刘炳建走通了产品设计的整个链路,而“实操”二字也深深烙进了他之后的教学理念中。刘炳建认为,随着业界发展,通过单一的产品设计服务目标人群将变得愈发困难。他说:“我们正在逐步引导宁诺工业设计专业的学生从更广阔的服务设计背景下重新理解工业设计,通过对整个系统的体系化设计解决目前人们所面临的难题和挑战,从而更好地服务社会。”Treasured designer: UNNC's hidden gemEver since the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) introduced its video programme, "Nottinghorizon", four scholars from the realms of artificial intelligence and computing, fintech, mechanical engineering, as well as language and literature, have captivated audiences with their lucid presentations on complex subjects. Recently, the programme welcomed its fifth scholar, Dr Liu Bingjian, course director of Product Design and Manufacture (PDM), a provincial first-class undergraduate programme, and he has gradually gained more attention.  In students’ opinion, Dr Liu is a scholar full of humanistic care and focuses on actual practices. As the director and one of the main lecturers of the two modules, "RSA Design Projects" and "Major Design Project", Dr Liu always emphasises the concept of "design serving people", alongside advocating the use of design to embody humanistic care and encouraging students to combine innovation and feasibility to solve problems related to rescue, environmental protection, health, and ageing.In recent years, Dr Liu has supervised many UNNC undergraduate students to publish several papers at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, and has guided UNNC students to clinch over 20 accolades in prestigious international competitions, including the International Design Awards (IDA), A' Design Award, and the iF Product Design Award.In early 2023, one of the world's top design competitions IDA announced the winners for 2022, and UNNC students won 14 awards. These award-winning works included a fitness weight belt designed for hand and arm amputees, an air purifier that can improve the user's mood, and a sports bra designed specifically for post-surgery breast cancer patients. The majority of these works were developed as part of the modules convened by Dr Liu and their focus often centres on addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and showcasing a deep sense of humanity.In fact, Dr Liu's design ethos and teaching accomplishments are deeply intertwined with his prior industry experiences.In September 2018, China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC) unveiled a stunning concept high-speed train at the industry's leading event – InnoTrans exhibition in Berlin, Germany, with Dr Liu responsible for the exterior design. The train's body is predominantly golden, with a sleek and high-tech-looking front, contrasting with the diamond-shaped headlights and windows formed by rigid straight lines. This design is both clever and harmonious, creating a strong visual impact for viewers.Dr Liu revealed that he drew inspiration from the phoenix in the design process, abstracting its head and feathers and incorporating them into the train body. He continuously adjusted and optimised the design based on parameters such as the train's drive layout and aerodynamic performance. Ultimately, his design stood out among proposals from countries including France and Japan. In 2019, CRRC showcased the concept of a high-speed train again at the World Industrial Design Conference.Furthermore, Dr Liu has garnered considerable hands-on experience within the industry. He joined Hisense and played a pivotal role in designing the Hisense 950 series mobile phones, taking full charge of the three-dimensional design and modelling of the exterior contours. "I pursued the ultimate perfection in the overall curves and detailed lines of this mobile phone, even though it might have seemed a bit 'excessive' at the time. But I believe the unity of 'overall coordination' and 'exquisite details' is essential for creating product design aesthetics," Dr Liu recalled.His unwavering commitment to excellence earned the phone widespread consumer recognition, notably for its exterior design and handling comfort. That year, the phone became one of the sales champions. From initial sketches and prototype creation to the eventual product delivery, this journey equipped Dr Liu with a comprehensive understanding of the product design process. The concept of "practical operation" has become deeply ingrained in his teaching philosophy.With the evolution of the industry, Dr Liu believes that catering to a target demographic through a singular product design will become progressively challenging. He said, "We are gradually guiding students majoring in PDM at UNNC to reframe their understanding of industrial design within a broader context of service design. By applying systematic design thinking to address people's current problems and challenges, we can better serve society."图文来源 | Patrick Cai, Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 概念高铁和热销手机的设计者——你的宁诺老师深藏不露! 观看更多转载,概念高铁和热销手机的设计者——你的宁诺老师深藏不露!宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:23-12-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

马来西亚--诺丁汉大学(马来校区) 2024 Pogramme Listing

各位老师们,您好! 诺丁汉大学(马来西亚校区)更新2024课程清单,如下13个课程从2024年前起将不再提供,请知悉。随函附上马来西亚诺丁汉大学 2024 Programme Listing 供参考. 从 2024 年起,学校不再提供以下课程: Bachelor of Science with Honours Management 管理学(荣誉)学士学位Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Liberal Arts 文学艺术(荣誉)文学士学位Master of Science in Business (Entrepreneurship) 商业学硕士学位 (创业管理)Master of Science in Business (Talent Management) 商业学硕士学位 (人才管理)Master of Business Administration in Finance 金融工商管理硕士学位 (金融)Postgraduate Certificate in Special and Inclusive Education 特殊和全纳教育研究生证书Postgraduate Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education 特殊和全纳教育研究生文凭Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages对外英语教学研究生证书Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages对外英语教学研究生文凭Master of Science in Advanced Chemical Engineering高级化学工程硕士学位Master of Science in Advanced Civil Engineering 高级土木工程硕士学位Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 电气与电子工程硕士学位Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 机械工程硕士学位祝好!  

更新时间:23-12-26 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eHoo0mxhfxCTQHUb9J6BvA Please scroll down for the English version -Moments at UNNC.The autumn term is coming to an end, and for all UNNC students, there must have been pleasure and pressure. All their challenges and gains have been recorded and memorialised. Click to browse their moments at UNNC and get a glimpse of the diverse nature of campus life!不同的阶段,我们有着不同的困惑、迷茫、挑战和收获。但鲜活的我们,以自己的方式追寻自我,不因别人设定的标准而被限制。从“我能做到吗?”到“为什么不去试试看?”在新的阶段,去做有趣的事吧。虽有坎坷,但充满期待。图文来源:市场与传媒办公室学生团队排版设计:Alex Li精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 叮咚!点击查看UNNCer的校园Plog 观看更多转载,叮咚!点击查看UNNCer的校园Plog宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:23-12-22 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oJ-R9XXRnCHJ1v7TDESnIg Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC becomes an inaugural member of Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network.近日,在共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年之际,由中国日报社发起的“一带一路”语言教育文化组织联盟在北京成立,来自50多个国家的近60家语言、教育及文化组织共同组成了联盟首届理事会。宁波诺丁汉大学(简称“宁诺”)作为首届理事单位之一,正式成为“一带一路”语言教育文化组织联盟成员。该联盟是在共建“一带一路”倡议框架下成立的跨地区、跨语种、开放型语言文化国际合作机制,致力于与成员单位和其他伙伴一道,加强共建“一带一路”国家间语言教育政策对接,提升各国语言教育水平,促进“一带一路”语言互通;加强中外文化及人文交流,讲好高质量共建“一带一路”故事,助力“一带一路”建设行稳致远。作为首届理事单位中唯一的中外合作办学大学,宁诺在推动国际教育和跨文化交流领域有着天然而独特的优势。宁诺享有极其开阔的国际化视野——拥有来自世界60多个国家和地区的900多名全职教授及员工,共享英国诺丁汉大学和全球各地合作伙伴的丰富资源(包括世界500强企业、著名商务咨询公司等)。此外,作为国际研究型大学U21成员之一,宁诺现与遍布40个国家和地区的140多所海外一流院校建立了密切交流合作关系,保证每一位学生都有体验海外学习的机会。与此同时,宁诺始终坚持“走出去”和“引进来”的国际人文交流模式。一方面,宁诺不仅引进国外优质教育资源,培养国际化人才,同时也通过研习基地、企业走访、公益活动等形式多样的人文交流活动,让国际师生深入了解中国传统文化、触摸中国经济脉动,建立中外友谊之桥。另一方面,通过国际化公益志愿服务活动,宁诺学子在共建“一带一路”国家教中文、讲历史,精心组织一系列“文化出海”项目,在全球舞台上讲好中国故事、传播中国文化。2022年宁诺被列为浙江省国际人文交流基地。随着“一带一路”新的“黄金十年”开启,语言文化教育在推进文明发展和社会进步中的作用将更加凸显。在联盟的带领下,宁诺将继续发挥国际化优势,进一步搭建语言服务平台、举办学术活动、开展学术交流、组织教师培训、推进人文交流,为推动“一带一路”民心相通与互联互通,构建人类命运共同体贡献更多宁诺力量。UNNC becomes an inaugural member of Belt and Road Languages and Cultures NetworkRecently, the Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network, initiated by China Daily, was formally established in Beijing. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), as one of the inaugural members, officially became a member of the Network.The Network is a cross-regional, cross-language, open international cooperation mechanism for language and culture established within the Belt and Road Initiative framework.UNNC as the only Sino-foreign cooperative university in the first cohort of inaugural members of the Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network, has unique advantages in the field of promoting international education and cross-cultural communications.Under the leadership of the Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network, UNNC will give full play to its international advantages to further build a language service platform, hold academic activities, carry out academic exchange, organise teacher training, and promote cultural exchange, to contribute to promoting "Belt and Road" connection and building a community with a shared future for mankind.图文来源 | BDO, Lucrecia Zhou, Elena Yang精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 宁波诺丁汉大学成为“一带一路”语言教育文化组织联盟首届理事单位 观看更多转载,宁波诺丁汉大学成为“一带一路”语言教育文化组织联盟首届理事单位宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:23-12-19 来源:OfferEasy官网