
University of Bath

英国 公立


来自英国University of Bath的Newsletter,主要内容:申请截止日、本科补录、签证等的消息,详细信息请阅读以下邮件,谢谢!A reminder that admissions remain open for our full-time on-campus Master's courses which start in September 2024.International students can apply until 31 July.International Agents Newsletter July 2024Dear Overseas Partners, Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the University of Bath Agents Newsletter. We hope you are well. We're now in the middle of summer here in Bath and campus is a little quieter as we say goodbye to many students ahead of welcoming our latest cohort in a few months time. This month we have a number of updates to share with you including our upcoming virtual events, clearing information, the latest visa information and a reminder of our extended PGT deadlines. Many thanks to those of you who joined us on Monday for our agent update webinar, it was lovely to see so many familiar names. If you missed the session, or wish to watch it back, you can find it here. Please share this among your teams and with all those involved in counselling prospective students. If you have any questions, please contact the International Student Recruitment TeamPGT application deadline extendedA reminder that admissions remain open for our full-time on-campus Master's courses which start in September 2024. International students can apply until 31 July. Please be aware of our accommodation application deadlines and take into consideration visa processing times for those based outside the UK so that students are able to make it to Bath for the start of their studies. For any courses which requires an ATAS certificate, please also consider the time taken to apply for this into account.ClearingMany of our undergraduate courses in Clearing are now open, and you can apply for a place if your students have their results. Our webpage below outlines all the further details, but if you have any questions on Clearing please do contact us here via email.FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CLEARINGUndergraduate admissionsThe main UCAS cycle closed on the 30 June and we are now in the clearing process. To be considered please remember all applicants need to be in receipt of their qualification results, including any English test, as we are only able to accept students as 'unconditional’ at this time. The deadline for providing English qualification certificates or test results is the 31 July. If you are aware of any students who are having trouble in meeting this condition, please contact us as a matter of urgency so that we can advise you of any options that may be available. Once your students have confirmed places, they will then go through the usual process. Our Student Immigration Services team will be in touch to begin the visa process. If you have any questions regarding admissions, please contact us via email here.Latest visa informationStudent visa application and financial evidence checks We are seeing an increase in verification checks of bank documents. To minimize the risk of visa refusal, it is crucial that all financial documents submitted with a Student visa application include full bank contact details, including the address. We recommend informing bank officials in advance that they may be contacted by UKVI, and including a cover letter or business card from the financial institution confirming the contact details of a bank official who can provide verification. If the decision maker has concerns about whether the funds are genuinely held or accessible for use in the UK, they may request additional information. Applicants relying on funds where the source of income is unclear (e.g., large deposits in a short timeframe) should provide a cover letter explaining the source of income. Additionally, it may be helpful to include copies of the bank statements from which the money has been transferred. To avoid delays in visa processing, applicants should submit their Student visa application as soon as they have met all UKVI requirements. For more information please visit our website.Virtual Open DaysWe are thrilled to confirm the dates and further information about both our undergraduate and postgraduate virtual open days. Undergraduate Virtual Open Day- Thursday 31 October 2024- Booking open in September 2024- Register interest here- Live chat and webinars with expert staff and current undergraduate students- A chance to get all your questions answered Postgraduate Virtual Open Day- Wednesday 13 November 2024- Booking open in September 2024- Register interest here- Live chat and webinars with expert staff and current postgraduate students- A chance to get all your questions answered New AI master's courses announcedNew Artificial Intelligence master’s courses for September 2025 entry We’re pleased to announce the launch of our suite of master's courses in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and engineering, including two new courses for September 2025 start: ·         *New for 2025* MSc Artificial Intelligence (available with or without professional placement)·         *New for 2025* MSc Advanced Machine Learning (available with or without professional placement)·         MSc Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design (available with or without professional placement)·         MSc Data Science (available with or without professional placement) More information on these courses can be found on our website here. You could also sign up to a webinar to learn more our master’s courses in artificial intelligence and studying at Bath, as well as get any questions you have answered by our panel of AI experts: ·         10 September 2024, 11:00-12:00 BST (GMT+1) - Master's course in Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design ·         17 September 2024, 12:30 to 13:30 BST (GMT+1) - Master's courses in Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Machine Learning, and Data ScienceFIND OUR MORE ABOUT OUR AI MASTER'S COURSESNew agent webpageA reminder that we recently launched of our new agent webpage. This is your first port of call for all the latest information about working with us. On the page you'll find a range of useful content, links and ways to contact us. The page also includes a great selection of videos and photos that you're free to use in your work related to the University of Bath. It also offers links to vital information on all of our scholarships, how to apply, and ways your prospective Bath students can contact our current students. We strongly urge you to take some time to familiarise yourself with this webpage and do get in touch if you have any feedback.VIEW OUR NEW AGENT WEBPAGE HEREFaculty of Humanities & Social SciencesWe continue to give offer holders on some master’s courses a chance to arrange one-to-one appointments with the current Director of Studies or a Senior Lecturer, to learn more about any industry links or to ask any subject-specific questions they may have. If your offer holders for the following courses wish to book a one-to-one appointment, please ask them to email the corresponding academic named below. CourseDirector of StudiesContactMSc Global Public Health and PolicyDr Jo Cranwelljc2701@bath.ac.ukMA International Education and GlobalisationDr Tristan Bunnelltb541@bath.ac.ukMA Teacing English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)Dr Trevor Grimshawedstg@bath.ac.ukMSc Applied Pscychology and Economic BehaviourDr Neal Hinvestnh237@bath.ac.ukMSc CriminologyDr Jack Spicerjhs77@bath.ac.ukMSc Sport ManagementDr Andrew Manleyatm29@bath.ac.uk International Student Stories Selin Orek shares how her MSc International Security degree gave her the skills and theoretical knowledge to carry out her current duties at the Committee of Missing Persons in Cyprus. Read Selin's full story here. Elisa Garbil tells us about her decision to study MSc Gender and Politics and engaging with gender-related issues in political structures, international relations, and security. Read Elisa's full story here.  Alex Zhao recounts his time studying MSc International Relations at Bath and how his experiences prepared him for his current role in AI Edtech. Read Alex's full story here.2024 OlympicsWe are hugely proud of our incredible athletes who study and have studied with us at the University of Bath. The 2024 Olympic and Paralympics Games take place in Paris later this summer, and a number of our students and alumni will be involved. So far 20 athletes who either train, study, or studied at Bath have been selected to compete in the Olympics and Paralympics. We wish them the best of luck!See the full list of athletes here.  Beautiful BathAnd finally, as always, we are excited to share with you how Bath continues to look as beautiful as ever. You can find all these photos, and many others, on our Instagram account here.

更新时间:24-07-25 来源:OfferEasy官网


请见以下邮件,关于PGT申请截止日期。见大学列出的专业,申请截止日已延到26 July 2024University of BirminghamAgent UpdateDear Agent Partner,Greetings from the International Team at the University of Birmingham. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the following important updates:Extension of Application Deadline for Postgraduate Taught ProgrammesWe are pleased to announce that the application deadline for all of the following Postgraduate Taught programmers has been extended to 26 July 2024:School of Philosophy, Theology and ReligionPhilosophy MAPhilosophy, Mental Health and Psychology MScPhilosophy of Religion and Ethics MA/DiplomaPhilosophy of Religion and Ethics MA by Distance LearningPhilosophy of Religion and Ethics MA: Global Philosophy of Religion pathwayInternational Law, Ethics and Politics MAGlobal Ethics and Justice MScGlobal Ethics and Justice MSc by Distance LearningIslamic Studies MAReligion, Politics and Society MA/Diploma/CertificateTheology and Religion MAFaith Based Leadership MPASchool of Chemical EngineeringAdvanced Chemical Engineering MSc/DiplomaAdvanced Chemical Engineering with BioprocessingAdvanced Chemical Engineering with EnergyAdvanced Chemical Engineering with FormulationAdvanced Chemical Engineering with HealthcareGlobal Energy Technologies and Systems Masters/MScCollege of Medical and Dental SciencesAll postgraduate taught programmesCollege of Life and Environmental SciencesAll postgraduate taught programmesWe kindly request that you endeavour to submit the final transcripts for your students with their applications. This will facilitate the processing of their applications, potentially allowing them to receive an offer conditional only on non-academic conditions such as the payment of the deposit requirement (and ATAS clearance for the Advanced Chemical Engineering programmes).Please be aware that due to the expected increase in applications, our admissions team will be under significant strain. As a result, we will be temporarily limiting our capacity to respond to general inbound enquiries. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter as we strive to process all applications efficiently.Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you to assist prospective students in achieving their academic goals. How to Apply to our Postgraduate Taught Courses   Kind regards,International Student RecruitmentUniversity of Birmingham

更新时间:24-07-04 来源:OfferEasy官网

南安提前截止!利兹提高要求?24fall开局就是Hard 模式?!

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/obYNpNhv5IMnEi76ft7UMQ 截止目前QS200有布里斯托大学、南安普顿大学、诺丁汉大学、谢菲尔德大学、纽卡斯尔大学、伦敦玛丽女王大学(部分课程)、巴斯大学、雷丁大学等院校2024年秋季硕士申请均已开放,10月将有更多英国大学陆续开启申请通道,24Fall还在纠结选校的同学们要抓紧规划啦!近期热门英国大学-南安普顿大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学动态更新,一起来看!南安普顿大学南安自从前几年QS排名上升之后,人气一直非常之高,QS稳居前100,专业开设全面,地处沿海小城,生活舒适,离伦敦很近,确实是不错的留学选择。南安普顿大学授课型硕士课程2024fall入学,已于9月18日开放申请通道。南安今年不少专业针对中国大陆学生11月29日截止申请(如下图)!意向申请这些专业的同学,大学建议尽早提交申请!此外,南安部分原来只要二等二学位的专业今年提高至二等一!语言成绩要求也有变化,大家递交前一定核实清楚自己所申请专业的最新要求,也可以与顾问老师核实!利兹大学在最新发布的QS世界大学排名2024榜单中,利兹大学相较去年上升11个位次,排名全球第75位。全球第75位是利兹大学自QS世界大学排名创立20年以来的最高排名!乘着排名大涨的风,今年利兹均分要求也涨了!01均分要求,涨! 利兹大学24Fall众多专业均分要求涨了5分!比如之前2:1专业在Tier 1A要求75,现在变为80;2:2专业在Tier 1A要求70,现在变为75。这就意味着之前擦边分数线的同学,直接无缘申请,小某书上已经“哀声一片”。02部分学院今年开始不接受T3档学生今年有几所学院开始明确拒绝大部分独立学院申请。比如语言、文化和社会学院,美术、艺术史和文化研究学院等几所学院,24Fall均不再接受Tier 3名单中的院校,而Tier 3名单中基本都是独立学院。03学位等级要求提高利兹大学部分学院还提高了对学位等级的要求,部分2:2专业提升为2:1专业,甚至还有专业要求"狂飙"到一等学位。比如计算机学院,去年还是接受2:1和2:2的专业,今年就只接受一等学位。曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特大学大部分授课型硕士课程24fall入学申请预计2023年10月开放,目前官网更新了部分专业分轮申请截止时间。比如土木工程学院专业大多分为3轮,最早的10~12月截止第一轮,最晚的2~5月份截止第3轮;电子电气/材料学院的专业分为4轮,最早的一轮10月下旬截止,最晚的第4轮在5月截止;MBA专业分为7轮,最早第一轮在10月1日就会截止;曼彻斯特大学24fall分轮申请截止时间汇总?另外,曼大24fall新开设了两个商科专业,预计10月开放申请:MSc Sustainable Business可持续商业MSc Economics and Data Science经济学与数据科学为什么强烈建议首轮申请?种种院校动态都在释放一个信号,24fall英国大学申请难度将要再升级,这种情况下我们强烈建议大家首轮申请!这并不是在制造焦虑,而是根据我们往年的申请案例总结出的经验。总体来说有以下几个原因:1、首轮录取几率大当学校刚开始开放申请时,哪怕只符合最低要求,加上认真打磨的文书材料,学校给offer的几率还是比较高的。但是,随着申请时间的推移,学校对申请学生的平均水平有了基本的了解,发放offer会越来越谨慎。如果学生的整体水平比较好,学校必然会“优中选优”,除非你的条件更加出众,否则获得名校青睐的机会将越来越少。2、热门专业随时招满英国大学的热门专业非常容易就招满,甚至第一轮结束就关闭了申请通道。3、申请门槛有可能被临时加高英国学校在每轮申请结束后,会根据上一轮申请情况临时调整一些录取政策,比如提高录取要求。如果你还不确定选择什么专业?想从事未来风口行业相关领域?我们为你精心制作了2030国际颠覆性20个风口行业领域职业规划手册,请按照下方提示领取吧!2030国际具颠覆性20个风口行业领域职业规划手册本手册内容就ARK Invest 最新发布的国际具颠覆性的行业方向预测研报提及的所有行业领域做了深入研究和分析。(内容预览)目录:1、2030国际颠覆性20个风口行业细分领域简介 2、2030国际具颠覆性行业领域-国际知名公司和在中国有相关岗位的知名公司list以及公司简介 3、2030国际具颠覆性行业领域- 相关核心岗位和工作内容,技能要求介绍4、想从事未来风口行业相关领域的话,可选择的本科专业、硕士专业和跨学科交叉专业5、未来风口行业领域相关的本科专业和硕士专业,优势院校排名 (英国QS100、澳八大、港八大、新加坡、加拿大、美国、新西兰、爱尔兰等)  完整版一共135页扫码添加微信回复【职业规划手册】领取!尽早规划才能第一时间递交申请早拿offer!添加微信即可定制24fall英国名校申请方案!?更多英国、美国、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡、中国香港本硕博留学规划、考研、求职、雅思托福Alevel/IB/AP/国际竞赛相关问题,添加微信:Ausliuxue详细咨询欢迎把这篇文章分享给有需要的人~版权声明:图片及内容大部分源于网络,版权归作者所有,如有侵犯权益,请私信处理。点击“阅读原文”预约留学咨询

更新时间:23-11-20 来源:OfferEasy官网


Qualifications and Durations Full-time MSc (1 year) Pathways: The MSc Applied Economics (subject to final university approval) is a suite of twelve-month taught courses that provide rigorous training in the main theoretical and empirical aspects of economics. You can tailor this course to your needs by selecting one of the four specialist pathways: Banking & Financial Markets Public Policy Environmental Policy Behavioural Science Entry Requirement: Typically a 1st or 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a social science or business-related discipline (such as business administration, finance,accounting, international trade, banking, financial management, public finance or politics) or which includes a significant economics component. You must demonstrate basic quantitative skills, acquired through modules such as microeconomics, mathematics or statistics. A 2:2 Honours degree (or equivalent) in subjects with a high economic content may be considered only in exceptional circumstances. A strong personal statement (typically 500-1,000 words) that provides evidence of: how your academic, professional and personal experiences equip you to meet the demands of the course; your reasons for wanting to study on the course at University of Bath; how your studies may fit with your subsequent professional/academic intentions. English Language Requirements: IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in each of the four components).

更新时间:17-04-26 来源:OfferEasy官网