
University of Birmingham

英国 公立


针对2024年秋季入学,英国伯明翰大学学院University College Birmingham宣布以下新增双倍国际奖学金政策及公寓费用15%减免折扣,即时生效。欢迎各位优秀的学生选择入读英国伯明翰大学学院UCB。收到offer的同学,请尽快缴纳学费押金尽早留位如果你已经完成了学费押金(50%学费)缴纳,请结合自己的申请进展进入下一步。如果还未缴纳学费押金的同学,请尽快支付学费押金。无需等待Unconditional offer,可以先支付学费押金,等材料完整后,进一步换取UO和申请CAS。尽早完成押金支付预留录取位,建议优先使用Flywire飞汇平台快速通道,在线缴纳。请查收附件“UCB英国伯明翰大学学院 2024年秋季学费&押金缴纳说明”新增翻倍国际奖学金(2024秋季入学)重磅好消息!学校宣布新增2024年秋季入学国际奖学金翻倍政策!对于2024年7月31日前完成学费押金缴纳的学生,国际奖学金金额可翻倍获得,并且符合条件,最高可获得 £2,500奖学金。奖学金- International Scholarship Part 1金额 - £1,000获取资格 - 2024年8月23日前完成学费押金缴纳到账奖学金 - International Scholarship Part 2 *(新增)金额 - £1,000 *获取资格 - 2024年7月31日前完成学费押金缴纳到账奖学金 - Early payment discount金额 - £500获取资格 - 2024年8月31日前完成全额学费缴纳到账奖学金 - 最高综合奖学金金额 - £2,500获取资格 - 以上三类奖学金条件均满足,可叠加获得,即2024年7月31日前完成学费押金缴纳到账且8月31日前完成全额学费缴纳。*针对硕士预科课程学生International Scholarship Part 2 金额为£2,000。*如果你已经在7月31日前完成了学费押金缴纳到账,你的国际奖学金将自动升级为£2,000。15% 公寓住宿费减免折扣The Maltings公寓是由UCB自主运营和管理的学生公寓,位于伯明翰市中心,安全宜居,步行即可抵达UCB主教学楼。为帮助学生进一步节省留学预算,学校宣布预付全额住宿费的学生可享15%的减免折扣。更多详情点击链接查看:https://www.ucb.ac.uk/international-students/accommodation-for-international-students/  更多详情,请查阅附件“UCB英国伯明翰大学学院-2024秋季入学【新增双倍国际奖学金】”

更新时间:24-06-28 来源:OfferEasy官网


见以下邮件,伯明翰大学授课型硕士申请截止日从6.1延到6.30, 请大家知悉~University of BirminghamAgent UpdateDear Agent Partner,Greetings from the International Team at the University of Birmingham. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the following important updates:Postgraduate Application Deadline ExtensionWe are pleased to confirm that the application deadline for all Postgraduate Taught programmes will be extended from 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024 for all international students (VISA requiring).In order for us to maximise the opportunity for an offer to be made in accordance with our 15 working day SLA, we encourage students to submit their applications by 1st June whenever possible. There is a small risk that processing may take slightly longer after 1st June so we would ask that applications submitted after 1st June include all the supporting documentation to help us make decisions as quickly as possible.How to Apply to Our Postgraduate Taught Programmes Acceptance of the IELTS One Skill RetakeFor those joining us from 2024 onwards, we will accept IELTS One Skill Retake as evidence of English language proficiency. We hope that this will help students reach their potential and showcase their full English language ability. More Information on IELTS One Skill RetakeGovernment Announcement on the Graduate Route VisaWe are delighted to share the news that the UK Government has announced their decision to maintain the Graduate route visa in its current form. The Graduate visa currently gives international students permission to stay in the UK for 2 years following graduation from a bachelors or masters degree, or 3 years if they have completed a PhD Doctoral programme. This provides international students an opportunity to smoothly transition into the UK labour market, and will continue to make UK a more attractive study destination. More Information on Graduate Route Visa Review Kind regards,International Student RecruitmentUniversity of Birmingham

更新时间:24-05-30 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear partners, Warm greetings from the University of Birmingham! We hope you had a nice and restful break over the Labour Day Holiday. We are thrilled to announce that the University of Birmingham is going to host the China Pre-departure Briefings (PDB) 2024 in 9 cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi’an, Jinan) between 25 May and 2 June 2024.  Professor  Adam Tickell, Vice Chancellor of the University, is leading a fantastic  group of senior academics of various subjects who  are travelling to China to meet with our offer holders at the PDB  events in different cities. The schedule of the events is as below.  We have emailed all China offer holders with the event invitation and would highly appreciate your support to share the attached event information and the registration link with your Birmingham offer holders and encourage them to join. The venue details will be received in the automatic confirmation email. Saturday 25 May 14:00-16:00, Beijing北京 Saturday 25 May 14:00-16:00, Nanjing南京 Sunday 26 May 14:00-16:00, Chengdu成都 Sunday 26 May 14:00-16:00, Xi’an西安 Saturday 1 June 15:00-17:00, Shanghai上海 Sunday 2 June 14:00-16:00, Wuhan武汉 Sunday 2 June 14:00-16:00, Guangzhou广州 Sunday 2 June 14:00-16:00, Hangzhou杭州 Sunday 2 June 14:00-16:00, Jinan济南 Besides,  we understand there has been some confusion on the application  deadlines for the Postgraduate Taught programmes. As updated in our last  agents newsletter, the  international PGT application deadline for ALL courses has been  extended to 1 June 2024. The information on the course pages are being updated and we will keep you posted with any further updates. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. Best wishes,

更新时间:24-05-07 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-伯明翰大学学院-UCB 2024年秋季入学 - 招生政策集合&定校流程指南

Greeting from University College Birmingham 英国伯明翰大学学院!获得UCB offer的学生,已经可以进入定校缴费阶段,为方便了解UCB定校政策与流程,此邮件为您汇总UCB-2024年秋季入学政策及定校(确认入读)流程。详情如下:定校流程:针对【语言成绩达到直读标准-无需配读语言课】的定校步骤:确认学术、语言等conditional offer上所列条件可达到相应标准进行缴纳学费押金(见附件缴费指南文件)提交Conditional offer所列条件材料,换取Unconditional offer进行CAS申请办理签证入学注册前,需完成剩余学费缴纳入学注册针对【需配读语言课的学生】的定校步骤:确认学术、语言等conditional offer上所列条件可达到相应标准确认语言成绩适配线上语言班or线下语言班,进行语言班offer申请(见附件语言班信息文件)缴纳学费押金和语言班学费(见附件缴费指南)若申请线下语言班offer的学生,缴费后,需申请线下语言班CAS,办理签证(结合学生情况可申请单一语言CAS或联合CAS,请提前预留审理时间)入读语言班语言班通过后,提交Conditional offer所列条件材料,换取Unconditional offer进行主课CAS申请(若语言班申请的联合CAS,无需此步骤操作)办理签证入学注册前,需完成剩余学费缴纳入学注册2024年招生政策信息文件包含:1、【UCB英国伯明翰大学学院 2024年秋季学费&押金缴纳说明.PDF】- 建议学生优先使用飞汇,方便、快捷、中文操作- 缴费前,学生需签署附件中2个须知文件,并在完成缴费后,与缴费凭证一并发回至 application@ucbuni.com须知文件1. UCB prepayment policy form.PDF须知文件2. UCB Pre-CAS Visa Information for Low Risk Country applicant.PDF2. 【UCB英国伯明翰大学学院-2024年线上&线下语言班(夏季)信息V2.PDF】- 线下10周语言班:2024年5月24日截止申请(2024年6月17日开课,建议提前至少1~2个月申请offer,留出充足时间安排缴费、申请CAS、签证办理等行前安排)- 线下6周语言班:2024年6月21日截止申请(2024年7月15日开课,建议提前至少1~2个月申请offer,留出充足时间安排缴费、申请CAS、签证办理等行前安排)- 线上10周语言班:2024年6月7日截止申请(2024年6月17日开课,建议提前1个月申请offer)- 申请流程:扫描附件文件申请二维码,填写申请表,收到offer后即可缴纳语言班学费(缴纳方式与押金缴纳方式一致,见附件学费缴纳指南)3. 【UCB英国伯明翰大学学院-2024年内测考试.PDF】- 免费提供给offer holder- 线上/线下考试模式可选- 内测成绩可用于线上语言班和直读正课&正课签证- 考试内容:听说读写4. 【UCB英国伯明翰大学学院-奖学金与学费减免(2024年秋&2025年春).PDF】- High Achievers Scholarships (国际学生-本科):申请截止日期6月14日,择优评选   - 全额奖学金£14,000   - 优秀奖学金£5,000   - 优秀奖学金£3,000- Sustainable Development Award(国际学生-研究生)£4,000:申请截止日期6月14日,择优评选- International Scholarship Award 国际奖学金 £1,000:无需申请,尽早缴纳学费押金,先到先得- Early Payment Discount 学费减免 £500:无需申请,8月30日前需完成全部学费缴纳5. 【UCB英国伯明翰大学学院-2024年9月入学CAS申请说明.PDF】- CAS类型:主课CAS、单一语言CAS、联合语言CAS- 申请流程及材料要求,详见附件说明文件- 开课前三个月开放CAS审理,目前语言班CAS审理已开放如有任何问题,欢迎与我们联系。

更新时间:24-04-30 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-伯明翰大学-2024年硕士课程灵活录取政策 PGT 2024 Entry Flexibility Policy

Important Update from the University of Birmingham - PGT 2024 Entry Flexibility Policy来自伯明翰大学的热烈问候!在我们的中国开放日宣布了这一消息之后,我们写信给那些勉强达到今年program标准录取条件的PGT申请人。适用于所有申请:所有申请人必须在中国的认可机构学习,并在中国学习四年制学位课程。对于目前的有条件offer持有人:通常情况下,我们可以提供一些灵活性。如果最终成绩在offer的学术要求的5%以内,即75%的offer为70%   -75%,80%的offer为75%-80%,85%的offer为80%-85%,我们将认为学术条件已经满足。录取通知书持有人仍需满足其他标准,如英语语言要求。我们不会更新新的offer,我们鼓励申请人在完成学位成绩单和证书后提交,我们将尽快对其进行评估。3月2日后递交的新申请:同样的方法也适用于新申请。请注意,录取通知书将说明标准入学要求,但如上所述,鼓励申请人在完成学位成绩单和证书后去除学术条件试下,我们将尽快对其进行评估。如果申请人目前/最终成绩低于学术要求不超过5%,则:如果你是已经被拒绝的申请人,但你认为符合标准,应该进行审查,请联系PGAdmissions@contacts.bham.ac.uk,主题为:“申请审查”。在邮件中,必须包括申请ID。请注意,如果没有达到相关科目和模块的要求,我们的决定将不会改变。FYI,Dear partners, Warm  greetings from the University of Birmingham! Following the announcement  at our China Open Day, we are writing to confirm the approach for PGT  applicants that narrowly miss the standard offer conditions for their  programme this year. For all applications:To be considered, all applicants must be on a 4 year degree programme, studying in China and at an approved institution. For current conditional offer holders:As  is usually the case, we are able to offer some flexibility. If the  final grade is within 5% of the academic requirement on the offer, i.e.  70% -75% for offers made on 75%, 75%-80% for offers made on 80%, and  80%-85% for offers made on 85%, and any specific module requirements  have been met, we will consider that the academic condition have been met.  Offer holders will still need to meet other criteria such as English  language requirements.  We won't be issuing new offer contracts;  applicants are encouraged to send in their degree transcripts and  certificates when complete and we will assess them as soon as possible. For new applications submitted after 2 March:The  same approach will apply for any new applications. Please note that the  offer letter will state the standard entry requirements but as above,  applicants are encouraged to send in their degree transcripts and  certificates when complete and we will assess them as soon as possible. For unsuccessful applicants whose current/final grade is no more than 5% below the academic requirement:If you have applicants that have already been rejected but you think meet the criteria and should be reviewed, please contact PGAdmissions@contacts.bham.ac.uk with the subject line: “application review”. In the email you must include their application number. Please note, the decision will not be changed if the requirement for relevant subjects and modules are not met. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. Best regards,University of BirminghamInternational Recruitment Team (SRM), External Relationswww.birmingham.ac.uk

更新时间:24-03-27 来源:OfferEasy官网


英国University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学3月2号将在上海举办China Open Day,当天下午1点开始有学生面试活动,学生有机会拿on-the-pot offer。Greetings from Birmingham! Wishing you and your colleagues a joyful lead-up to the Chinese New Year! Following on Carl’s email, we would like to extend our warm invitation to your counsellors to join our grand China Open Day event on Saturday 2 March at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square (上海明天广场 JW万豪酒店, 黄浦区南京西路399号). The morning section of the event at 10am – 12pm will be exclusive to counsellors at our highly valued partners, with interactive engagements with our academics and staff. The event will be open to students and public from 1pm with a booth style exhibition for 1-2-1 counselling with the students, as well as seminars and panel talks to share more detailed information. Your students who submit the application before the event will be able to discuss their application with the academics and admissions team on site and have the chance to receive an on-the-pot offer. Besides, as Carl mentioned, some of our academics and staff will be staying in Shanghai or travelling to other cities in China following the event and are keen to engage in wrap around activities with our partners. We are collating the travel plans of all delegates and will be in touch with you soon to confirm further details and schedule appointments. Please do feel free to share any suggestions on how you would like our team and delegates to engage with you and support your work. Please let me know if you have any questions on the event. We truly appreciate your ongoing support for Birmingham and are excited about working closely with you for another successful year ahead! Best wishes, 

更新时间:24-02-07 来源:OfferEasy官网


Updates on Global Masters ScholarshipsWe are happy to announce that all Postgraduate Taught programmes in the School of Computer Science have now been incorporated as eligible subjects in the 2024 Global Masters Scholarship offer.With  a value of £2,000 per scholarship, the Global Masters Scholarship is  available to all international students from a selection of countries  who are seeking to study a taught Masters degree at Birmingham in the 2024/25  academic year. Eligible scholars who successfully meet the criteria  will have this amount deducted from their total tuition fees owed.Following  the change, all Postgraduate Taught programmes are now on the  eligibility list, with the sole exception of Business School programmes.  Birmingham Business School will be offering a separate range of  scholarships, including research and MSc scholarships. Click Here For More Information     Postgraduate Deposit PaymentInternational  students issued an offer to study a taught postgraduate programme are  required to pay a non-refundable tuition fee deposit of £2,000 to secure  their place. Please be reminded to prioritise deposit payments via the application portal or Flywire  and to only use bank transfers when these options aren’t available.  This will allow the payment to be acknowledged much more swiftly and  logged against their application within a shorter period of time. 

更新时间:24-01-18 来源:OfferEasy官网