
Charles Darwin University

澳洲 公立

查尔斯达尔文大学 伙伴计划(老带新)- S1 2024

阅读:140次 添加时间:2023-12-21 编辑: admin

查尔斯达尔文大学 伙伴计划(老带新)进行中!

-意向加入的学生,须在2024年1月5日之前接受Full Offer;之后,大学将在1月8日邮件符合要求的学生,指导“如何加入伙伴计划”;

-已经接受Full Offer的学生,大学本周会邮件邀请学生加入。

Dear Agent, 


We are offering new students the opportunity to register for the CDU Buddy Program in S1 2024. As part of this program, new students (Junior Buddies) will be partnered with current CDU students (Senior Buddies). They can ask their Buddy any questions they might have about studying, use the opportunity to improve their language and communication skills, make new friends, expand their networks and more. 


Places are limited and the student's unconditional offer must be accepted by Friday, 5 January 2024. On Monday, 8 January, instructions on how to join will be sent to the student.  


If your student has already accepted the offer to study at CDU, a communication went out today with instructions on how to join. 


If you have any questions, please reply to this email. 




Kind regards,

CDU Global

Ascent One