
University of Leeds

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利兹大学2025年授课型硕士课程申请将于2024年10月2日开放,请在申请之前查询相关录取标准,核对学生是否符合最新标准。 详细录取要求见附件,请务必内部使用,不要将此文件以任何形式发给任何外部人员或发布于任何社交媒体,感谢您的理解与配合!Please find attached the PGT entry requirements and accepted institution lists for 2025 Entry. As always, there is a directory which shows the entry requirements, and there are two institution lists where List 2 is for School of Media and Communication while List 1 is for all the other schools. These can be shared with relevant colleagues within your organization but MUST NOT be shared with anyone outside! PGT application for 2025 Entry at the University of Leeds opens on 2nd October 2024.  现发送利兹大学2025年入学授课型硕士课程录取标准相关文件,共三份,其中: •      PGT Entry Requirement Directory为所有学部以及学院的录取标准汇总 •      List 1 为除利兹大学传媒学院外其他学部与学院通用的院校名单 •      List 2 为利兹大学传媒学院专用的院校录取名单  2025年授课型硕士课程申请将于2024年10月2日开放,请在申请之前查询相关录取标准,核对学生是否符合最新标准,避免递交过多的无效申请。

更新时间:24-09-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


利兹无条件录取通知书持有人被要求在课程开始日期前四周内支付学费押金(或提供适当的豁免证据),这在录取通知书上有说明。如果您有任何学生没有在这些截止日期前完成,请放心,我们将尽可能灵活安排。如果学生不能在课程开始时及时到达,我们通常会允许他们晚到,但这确实取决于课程。建议您和您的学生与学校联系,以明确您的选择。Dear colleagues  *Please circulate to your team(s)* We wanted to send you a reminder about our deadlines for Masters students joining us in September.These deadlines, which have now passed, are in place to allow applicants who need a Student visa time to receive their CAS and apply for their visa so that they can arrive on campus in time for the start of term.Conditional offer holders are asked to submit their documents and meet their offer conditions by six weeks before the start date of their course.Unconditional offers holders are asked to pay their tuition fee deposit (or provide appropriate exemption evidence) by four weeks before the start date of their course, which is stated on the offer letter. If you have any students that have not met these deadlines, please be assured that we will be flexible wherever possible. If students subsequently won’t be able to arrive in time for the start of their course, we will usually allow them to arrive late, however this does depend on the course. You and your students are advised to contact the school to clarify your options. If you have any questions relating to the above, please contact us. Kind RegardsInternational OfficeNewsUK welcomes international studentsWe are extremely proud that our new UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer graduated from Leeds in 1985 with a degree in Law. His government has made a positive affirmation of its commitment to our global student community, with the UK’s Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson MP, recently stating: “Be in no doubt: international students are welcome in the UK. This new government values their contribution – to our universities, to our communities, to our country.”   Watch the full statement by Bridget Phillipson here > RemindersFor agents based in China We'd like to make you aware that we have recently launched a Chinese website. The website is not a direct replica of our original website but provides summarised information for applicants and parents in Mandarin.The UK Agent Quality Framework This is a sector wide initiative to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and service is provided to students coming to study in the UK. The Framework provides crucial resources and guidance for agents, education providers and students. When you successfully complete the British Council training course and sign up to the National code of ethical practice for education agents you will receive an online certificate from the British Council certifying your knowledge and understanding.The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents 2021 British Council UK Agent and Counsellor Training Flywire agent platform University of Leeds has partnered with Flywire to make international payments easier for our students. Flywire’s free Agent Platform will help your agency manage student information, easily remind students when payments are due, and track payments and refunds made to us. You can sign up here and Flywire's dedicated Agent team will arrange training and onboarding. 

更新时间:24-08-30 来源:OfferEasy官网


关于UK的University of Leeds的Clearing等重要信息,请查看以下邮件。*Please circulate to your team(s)*  There are still opportunities for students to join us this September. Our available international Clearing courses are live until Friday 26th July, 16:00 (BST) and you can search for vacancies on our Clearing website. If students find a course they are interested in applying for, they (or you) need to contact the course admissions team using the email address next to the course on the list. The admissions team will then respond to explain the next steps. Clearing then closes for the UCAS embargo period and we will launch our main Clearing listings on Thursday 14th August, 16:00 (BST). We will let you know when they are live, but in the meantime, students can register their interest to receive an alert when the listings are published. Please get in touch in your have any questions. Best wishes,International OfficeUpdates and events Global Pre-Departure BriefingThe International Office hosted the event recently where staff and students provided important information about visa and immigration, travel and arrival and what to expect during your students at Leeds. The recordings are available here. Watch now >International Foundation YearApplication deadlines for the University of Leeds’ International Foundation Year programme falls on 31 July, with 10%-15% fee reduction on offer for eligible students. You can find full details of the entry requirements and scholarship eligibility criteria on our International Foundation Year website.   RemindersFor agents based in China We'd like to make you aware that we have recently launched a Chinese website. The website is not a direct replica of our original website but provides summarised information for applicants and parents in Mandarin.The UK Agent Quality FrameworkThis is a sector wide initiative to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and service is provided to students coming to study in the UK. The Framework provides crucial resources and guidance for agents, education providers and students. When you successfully complete the British Council training course and sign up to the National code of ethical practice for education agents you will receive an online certificate from the British Council certifying your knowledge and understanding.·         The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents 2021 ·         British Council UK Agent and Counsellor Training Flywire agent platform University of Leeds has partnered with Flywire to make international payments easier for our students. Flywire’s free Agent Platform will help your agency manage student information, easily remind students when payments are due, and track payments and refunds made to us. You can sign up here and Flywire's dedicated Agent team will arrange training and onboarding.

更新时间:24-07-26 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear colleagues   *Please circulate to your team(s)* We’re in the position to announce that the University of Leeds has extended some of its upcoming Postgraduate deadlines. Please share these with your colleagues and applicants as a matter of urgency. International application for Postgraduate Masters courses deadline extension We are extending the international application deadline to 31 July 2024. Please refer to our Course pages for detailed application deadline information in the ‘Applying’ section.  International application for Postgraduate Masters accommodation deadline extension Our International Postgraduate Masters accommodation deadline has been extended to 31 July 2024. You can find all the information you need to help guide your students through the accommodation application process on our accommodation website in the ‘Deadlines and apply’ section. Documents submissions for Postgraduate Masters studentsPlease submit any transcripts or final results as soon as you can so Admissions team can assess them. This will allow your students enough time to prepare to arrive at Leeds. If you have any concerns about your student’s results, please submit the documents anyway and we will review them on a case-by-case basis and offer flexibility wherever possible. You can find the document submission and deposit deadlines on the student’s offer letter. Please get in touch in your have any questions.Best wishes, International Office Updates and eventsGlobal Pre-Departure Briefing - 17 July 2024To help with any questions about arriving, studying and living in Leeds, the International Office will be hosting our Global Pre-Departure Briefing on Zoom on 17 July 2024, 12:00-13:30 (BST).  It will include useful and important information about visa and immigration, travel, and arrival and what to expect during their time at Leeds. We would encourage you to inform your students intending to join Leeds this Autumn to attend to Pre-Departure Briefing. Find out more and register >International Foundation Year We are still accepting applications for the University of Leeds’ International Foundation Year programme, with 10%-15% fee reduction on offer for scholarship recipients. You can find full details of the entry requirements and scholarship eligibility criteria on our International Foundation Year website.   RemindersFor agents based in China We'd like to make you aware that we have recently launched a Chinese website. The website is not a direct replica of our original website but provides summarised information for applicants and parents in Mandarin.The UK Agent Quality Framework This is a sector wide initiative to ensure the highest standards of professionalism and service is provided to students coming to study in the UK. The Framework provides crucial resources and guidance for agents, education providers and students. When you successfully complete the British Council training course and sign up to the National code of ethical practice for education agents you will receive an online certificate from the British Council certifying your knowledge and understanding. The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents 2021 British Council UK Agent and Counsellor Training Flywire agent platform University of Leeds has partnered with Flywire to make international payments easier for our students. Flywire’s free Agent Platform will help your agency manage student information, easily remind students when payments are due, and track payments and refunds made to us. You can sign up here and Flywire's dedicated Agent team will arrange training and onboarding. 

更新时间:24-07-03 来源:OfferEasy官网

艺术留学生在伦敦街头cos homeless...作秀 or ?

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FkX44jNZ3bLwVIL9_pkIeQ 文章来源:Panopath过来人留学我们常常能在社交平台上看到留学生的一些“行为艺术 ”,比如在街头唱五音出走的歌,假装成老人,街头涂鸦,更有甚者在毕业典礼上公开“整活儿”…最近,一个“艺术生在伦敦当homeless”引起了Reddit网友们的大量讨论...只见照片中的博主穿戴精致,坐在纸箱子上吃汉堡,有流浪,但不多...该博主表示自己这一行为是在参与一个有关于流浪汉群体的研究项目,她主打一个体验。(source:reddit)关于她的体验,网友提出了不同看法:诸多外国网友表示,这就是一场作秀——“她并不是过着无家可归的生活。她只是在街上坐了半天,然后才回家。她随时都可以回家。”更有人指出——这简直就是cos无家可归者的野餐罢了;也有人体会到了一种“何不食肉糜”之感,认为这是一种权力上位者对于下位者的怜悯,而非真正的艺术。(source:reddit)网友中负面声音居多,那么这究竟是建立在他人痛苦之上为自己的履历增光添彩还是真正的街头艺术?01艺术生在伦敦当homeless原帖现在已被博主删除,然而从网络上流传出的种种截图可以看到,发帖人参加了博主的一个艺术项目,体验街头流浪汉的生活,坐在流浪汉身边和流浪汉聊天,了解他们的生活,并拍照上传到了社交媒体上,并在争议产生后称只是“把这件事当做一个可感受的行为”。(source:reddit)随后,该社交平台用户的批评声让这位博主迫于压力删除了帖子,但讨论的声音并没有停下。相反,有人“看热闹不嫌事大”地将帖子转载到了国外平台Reddit上,引发了外国网友新一波的讨论。值得注意的是,虽然都在一定程度上引发了争议和讨论,中外网友的注意点似乎也很不一样。国外网友如上面的几则典型评论所示,国外网友主要不满于博主居高临下的摆拍姿态,认为她并不是真正的关心流浪汉,只是为了自己的私利(也就是所谓的项目)而这样做。甚至有网友举出了真正有心做公益的威廉王子为了提高大众对homeless问题的关注,不仅在伦敦大街上睡了一个晚上,随后更是前往当地的无家可归者收容所洗澡,并为他们烹饪早餐和其他餐食。(source:reddit)国外网友们更是从研究角度对这个行为进行批评,称“只是假装homeless一天根本无法对研究有实质性帮助。”而后甚至有网友辣评——修正:是半天。(Source:reddit)但也有少数支持的声音出现,认为这样的行为确实能给人带来一些震撼和不一样的体验,比如这位网友就表示:“说实话,如果这个讨论组里的每个人都花半天时间过上无家可归者的生活,我敢打赌这将为生活带来新的视角,你们最终会对那些正在挣扎的人有更多同情心。”就很想问问评论的朋友自己做了没?(source:reddit)中国网友当国外网友的讨论集中在“这是否是一场作秀”时,国内网友对此事件的讨论则延伸到了更多的领域,照片中人的穿着服饰、发出来的美照和哗众取宠的标题。六张照片三张美照,外加一张怼脸写真,让网友普遍觉得这不是真正想要做研究的。(source:小红书)也有同样在art track的网友抨击地更为激烈,认为这就是哗众取宠,特权阶级的炫耀,从而让更多人对于art产生了误解,让普通art学生越发无路可走。(source:小红书)更有刷到原帖的网友回忆博主在回复评论时的其他言论,表示“原来只是不适,看了那条直接吐了。”(source:小红书)当然,国内网友中较为温和的一派则表示,可能是博主没有解释清楚自己到底做了什么,如果说清楚了会减少很多误会,如果只是和流浪汉聊聊天,那穿着打扮大可不必被指责。如果博主能够进一步展开说一些自己的思考,也不会引来如此谩骂。(source:小红书)这件事到底如何定性我们作为观众未知全貌,不予置评。但是可以说,留学生的这种街头艺术当在玩梗过度的边缘游走时,需要格外小心。那么,留学生还有哪些“行为艺术”呢?就让鸥酱带你们一起去看看吧~02留学生行为艺术大赏社牛病,社牛命“社牛有多可怕?”——可怕到让人想封杀...博主“晴晴在英国”就是一个典型的社牛留子。自从一曲跑调的《求佛》一炮走红后,她就在整活的道路上一去不复返了。晴晴本人表示,这是为了克服社恐,然而各种社牛行为让网友们直呼“太尴尬”,甚至有人要求直接“封杀”。求佛:为什么当年要把我创造出来,你说话啊?咱就是说,社交恐惧到社交恐怖,也有点跨度太大了吧,数码宝贝超进化也没这么快啊???(source:抖音)该博主甚至还扮演过老人摔跤,测试路人的反应。emmmm可能本意还不错,但是博主凭借天赋将这个实验上升到了它本不该有的高度,导致失去了原本的幽默意味,变得尴尬而土味。(source:抖音)除了土味以外,她还深谙另一流浪密码——帅哥!不过各种直球追帅哥的视频的评价也极为两极分化,一边是曾经在英国读书的姐妹怒吼“我当时都干嘛去了”,另一边是辣评“烦人程度仅次于teenager”。(只能说,人类的悲喜并不相通,我只觉得他们吵闹——鲁迅说的)(source:小红书)然而不可否认,晴晴的一些文化传播视频, 确实一定程度上宣扬了中华传统文化,比如把东方美学带到伦敦、带外国帅哥体验汉服文化。(source:小红书)像她一样,也有很多其他的小伙伴在国外纷纷穿起了中国传统服饰,甚至有人戴上了印有“CHINA”的徽章,给自己“助威”。(source:小红书)你穿汉服,我教汉语。一位葡萄牙区博主通过别具一格的中文教学火出圈,成为了几百万外国网友的中文老师,甚至有些明星都被粉丝安利了博主的课。(source:小红书)后来,他更是通过中文神曲“野花香”被称为国外网红,甚至被邀请参与“葡萄牙好声音”。(source:小红书)街头涂鸦提起“涂鸦”,大家的第一印象可能都是艺术性,可能还带有一点political色彩。没想到有一天在国外还会看到中文涂鸦,就是有点上了年纪...比如“希望你永远自由记得开心”这样的鸡汤,有小伙伴认为这是“10年前QQ空间的中二文学”(虽然但是,这高低得有个20年),不过也有小伙伴说“在国外,光是看到母语就会很开心”。emmmm希望看到中文的地方不是在外国人的纹身上...鸥酱真的会尴尬谁家好人搁身上纹“鱼香肉丝”啊。(source:小红书)课堂&毕业整活儿留子们可不满于茶余饭后的行为艺术,毕竟课堂才是他们的舞台!不少留学生释放天性,给外国友人们展示了含蓄的中国人奔放热情而热爱整活儿的一面。比如下面这个肯德基疯狂星期四V我50的典型案例:(source:小红书)还有这位英区留学生在毕业典礼上的热舞,看得出来,教授也很开心!一生只有一次的机会当然要好好把握!(source:小红书)这位利兹大学的毕业生也不甘示弱,身为男同学却有着格外优秀的律动和协调能力,在大家都严肃端庄地走下台时,他却跳起了舞。尴尬是他的,快乐是大家的。(source:小红书)看了那么多留学生“行为艺术”,功利or有趣自在人心,我们常常会看到有人冠着“行为艺术”的名而行怪异之事,他们并不需要落到实处,只是希望赢得一点关注...03行为艺术,真的是艺术吗?其实,行为艺术本身并没有什么好置喙的。作为一种创新的表达形式,它突破传统艺术的束缚,追求更直接、真实的艺术体验,无论是正面还是反面,都在一定程度上塑造了社会的文化氛围。在正面意义上,行为艺术为文化传播提供了独特的途径。通过创意的表演,艺术家可以传达深层次的思想、情感和价值观,从而激发观众对多元文化的认知和尊重,鼓励观众对社会、政治等议题的深入思考,成为一种引起社会关注的方式。比如,1988年,著名行为艺术家Marina Abramović 和她的情人Ulay来到了中国,完成他们的行为艺术作品《情人—长城》( The Lovers — The Great Wall Walk)。Abramović从渤海之滨的山海关出发,沿着长城向西行走。Ulay从戈壁和沙漠环绕中的嘉峪关出发,沿着长城东行。在长达三个月的时间里,两人各自完成了2500公里的漫长步行,最终在山海关汇合,然后道别。代表着地域、历史、政治、文化隔阂的长城,也成为他们爱情、生命和艺术生涯的分水岭。(source:网络)(source:网络)在走向彼此的三个月中,他们没有联系过。相遇后拥抱、亲吻、祝贺,然后守约分手。12年的亲密合作,3个月的奔赴,20多年的分离...鸥酱其实并不能完全理解,但是它当时给我留下了一点涟漪。尔后来那场著名的行为艺术中,他们的再次相遇,更是让我有了更为深刻的情感震撼。当然,行为艺术也有其潜在的反面意义。在一些情况下,过于激进或极端的表演可能会加深人们对特定群体或现象的刻板印象。艺术作品的解读因人而异,一些行为艺术可能被误解,导致观众对特定社会群体形成不准确的印象。此外,有时候行为艺术可能会因为其过于激进或引人注目的特性而打扰到他人,触及社会的底线,引发争议。比如,2012年,艺术家杉山真央(Mao Sugiyama)用比较极端的方式,试图以此提升公众对“性别少数群体,无性人群体”人权的关注。算不算艺术不知道,反正随后不久,杉山真央被警方警告了。不管是什么行为都要有个度,一旦过度反而会显得廉价与妖魔化,有家的人没办法体会homeless的艰辛之处,极端行为也并不会将公众目光投射到“性别少数群体,无性人群体”人权的关注上,只会显得突兀而不礼貌。你怎么看待艺术留学生在伦敦当流浪汉?你被行为艺术困扰过吗?你有印象深刻的行为艺术吗?欢迎大家在评论区分享自己的看法别忘了点赞,在看,分享到朋友圈哟~ 来源链接https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1765863215491546643&wfr=spider&for=pchttps://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1775441263017790281&wfr=spider&for=pc- end -戳这里关注我们?,留学路上一起成长

更新时间:23-11-20 来源:OfferEasy官网


简介:利兹大学针对授课型硕士的暑期语言课(Summer Pre-sessional)课程申请今年有如下变化: ? 如果您在做正课申请时已经提交了雅思证书,您无须另行提交针对语言课的申请。如果您接到的硕士课程Offer是有条件offer并且您的学生达到了语言课雅思要求,我校语言中心将会直接联系您和学生,询问您是否希望入读暑期语言课程。 ? 如果您在做正课申请时没有提交雅思证书,您可以通过以下两种方式申请暑期语言课:1)在Agent Portal中新建一个Enquiry上传雅思证书,并将此Enquiry的主题改成Pre-sessionals;2)通过Portal递交一个语言课申请。 请注意,利兹大学暑期语言课Offer将从2018年初开始发放。 一旦学生接受暑期语言课Offer,其正课Offer上的语言条件将被移除,因为学生将以完成语言课的方式来达到正课的语言要求。然而,如果该学生未按时参加暑期语言课程或者没有成功通过暑期语言课程考核,正课Offer上的语言条件将会被重新加上(即学生必须提供正课所要求的雅思成绩,才可升读正课)。 所有同时拥有硕士课程正课Offer和暑期语言课Offer的学生,均可以获得联合CAS(Combined CAS),您无需提交为学生重新申请联合CAS。 正课Offer带有学术条件的学生: 对于正课Offer上带有学术条件的学生们,您需要在以下截止日期前提供满足条件的学术材料,以便获得联合CAS: ? 十周暑期语言课:2018年6月1日(周五) ? 六周暑期语言课:2018年6月29日(周五) 若学生不能在以上截止日期前提供正课Offer所要求的学术材料: ? 若该学生有UKVI IELTS证书,请在以上相应的截止日期前联系利兹大学语言中心申请暑期语言课单独CAS(Standalone CAS for Pre-sessional ONLY) ? 若该学生没有UKVI IELTS证书,该生则不能申请暑期语言课单独CAS 利兹大学语言中心将发送语言课信息以及截止日期提醒给所有的正课Offer带有学术条件的暑期语言课Offer Holders。请您提醒学生要及时查看Applicant Portal与邮箱,以免错过重要信息。 再次提醒,您无需为学生申请硕士正课与暑期语言课的联合CAS,满足条件的学生即可自动获得联合CAS。 中文翻译仅供参考,一切以官网信息为准。原文: We are writing to inform you that the process of applying for a summer pre-sessional at the University of Leeds Language Centre has changed. If you uploaded the IELTS certificate when the master’s application was submitted, you do not need to submit a separate application for a pre-sessional programme. If the master’s offer is conditional upon English language and the student is eligible for the pre-sessional, the Language Centre will contact you directly to ask if the student would like to be considered for a pre-sessional programme in order to meet the English language requirement. If you didn’t upload the IELTS certificate when the application was submitted you can provide this at a later stage by raising an enquiry (with the subject Pre-sessionals) via the agent portal. Or alternatively, you can submit a separate pre-sessional application via the portal. Please note that summer pre-sessional offers will start to be issued from early 2018. once the pre-sessional offer has been accepted, the English language condition will be removed from the student’s master’s offer as this will be met through completion of the pre-sessional. However, if the student does not attend and successfully complete the pre-sessional course, the English language condition will be reinstated on the master’s offer. All applicants who receive an offer for a master’s course and an offer for a pre-sessional will automatically be eligible for a combined CAS and you do not need to take any action to request this. Applicants with academic conditions Applicants who have academic conditions to their master’s offer will need to provide evidence that they have met these conditions by Friday 1 June 2018 for the ten week pre-sessional, and Friday 29 June 2018 for the six week pre-sessional in order to remain eligible for a combined CAS. For applicants unable to provide evidence by the deadline: Applicants who have an IELTS for UKVI can request a standalone CAS (for the pre-sessional only) by contacting the Language Centre before the above deadline. Applicants who DO NOT hold an IELTS for UKVI will not be eligible for a standalone CAS. The Language Centre will send information and reminders about the deadlines to all pre-sessional offer holders who hold a master’s offer with academic conditions. You do not need to take any action to request a combined CAS.

更新时间:18-01-29 来源:OfferEasy官网