
University of Central Lancashire

英国 公立


英国中央兰开夏大学2023年2月简报 优势课程推荐MA Television Production   电视制作2024年卫报专业排名第七位。课程与行业实践紧密联系,注重实践,毕业生持续在广播界最知名的公司工作,包括 BBC、ITV、ADI、MUTV 和 Televideo。 许多毕业生通过在课程期间进行的实习和工作项目,在校期间就被心仪的电视台或广播行业选中参与实习并在毕业后成功就职。电视制作专业的同学还有很多机会与其他传媒专业如剧本写作/服装设计/音乐制作/新闻/动画专业的学生共同参与行业真实项目,完成高质量的毕业作品。设备设施采用行业最先进标准,主要设施包括色键无限舞台; 多传感器动作捕捉套件; 多处多机位外景及内景取景点。媒体工厂内拥有卓越的设施,包括广播 4K、12G LED 电视演播室、制作画廊、编辑套件等。电视制作专业学生可7/24小时免费使用。学校独特的 cJAM 就业活动使毕业生能够在大型“快速面试”小组会上与业内人士会面,从而有机会获得宝贵的实习机会和工作机会。中央兰开夏大学被泰晤士报评为2023年全英性价比最高的大学,生活成本最优选择城市,同时大学主校区所在城市普雷斯顿被评为英格兰西北部最宜居城市。 语言班申请及内测报名申请已开放 语言班开课时间及费用请参考网站链接:https://www.uclan.ac.uk/cpd/courses/pre-sessional-english-short-course 内测适用于已经递交申请/Offer Holder的学生,可用于正课申请/线上语言课申请。内测申请可通过线上报名或下方二维码报名:

更新时间:24-02-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Colleagues,Please find the attached UCLan Newsletter for December, digital ISG and shcool leaflets alos attached for your information.英国中央兰开夏大学2023年12月简报兰开夏夏季语言班安排入学要求开课/结课日期学习时长费用本科入学:雅思5.0(单科不低于4.5)或同等水平 硕士入学:雅思5.5(单科不低于5.0)或同等水平 2024年6月24日-8月30日 10周 £ 3,750 本科入学:雅思5.5(单科不低于5.0)或同等水平 硕士入学:雅思6.0(单科不低于5.5)或同等水平2024年7月27日-8月30日6周£ 2,250*费用包括所有教材、考试和证书。  语言班报名通道:请在学生递交了主课申请后,通过学生的申请系统继续网上递交语言课程申请。如有疑问,欢迎联系gca@uclan.ac.uk。  其他认可的语言班:接受OIDI Pre-sessional English成绩。  除雅思外可接受的其他语言成绩 语言班奖学金30个全额免费6周语言班名额先到先得 申请条件:达到6周语言班要求的语言成绩(部分项目学生不享受此项奖学金);                    并且已获得2024年9月正课入学有条件offer申请方式:全额缴纳6周语言班学费,在前30个缴纳的名额内,我们将更新您的语言班offer,已交学费将全额转为主课押金。  ETELL 内测首次报名费用全免 内测适用于已经递交申请/Offer Holder的学生,可用于正课申请/线上语言课申请。 内测申请可通过线上报名: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

更新时间:23-12-22 来源:OfferEasy官网


Hello from UCLan International! I hope all is well with you and your colleagues as December moves closer. We are reaching out to our agent-partner network to share some important news and updates regarding deadlines, conversion opportunities, finances, and English testing.  DeadlinesPlease note our deadlines for the January 2024 intake, as follows:30th November - application deadline7th December - deposit deadline15th December - CAS production deadline17th January - welcome week22nd January - course start date  ConversionInternational Recruitment Team colleagues will be reaching out to you directly to discuss conversion efforts. We understand it is a competitive market and we are requesting your assistance to ensure students secure their place to study with us.Please encourage applicants to provide any outstanding documents so we can make offers as soon as possible.Any applicants holding an offer should look to accept these and make their deposit payments as early as possible ahead of the above deadlines.?0?5500 discounts are available for students paying the full annual tuition fee in advance.Accommodation is open for business! Please advise students to book early to secure their preferred room.Please continue to work closely with your students to ensure they are progressing to the next stage of the admission’s process in a timely fashion – any applications missing documents will need to be updated ASAP!Please ask any applicants who do not wish to join us to decline their offer.UCLan’s International Recruitment Team are always happy to help – please contact your key contact for assistance with any matter  AffordabilityUCLan is ranked as the UK’s #1 most affordable university by The Times newspaper based on metrics that include accommodation, living costs, and local transport. We are proud to offer a high-value and low-cost experience for our international students:UCLan is most affordable university in the country - UCLan  Online PaymentsAs in previous years, we request all international payments to be made via Flywire. IF you aUCLan Payment Portal - Flywire Demo  English Language testingUCLan offer our own eTELL English-language testing service for any students needing this to meet admission requirements. An extended payment deadline is offered to students undertaking this testing as follows:Students should register for the test by 12pm UK time 29th NovemberThey need to take the test by 3rd December,Results will be available before end of 6thPayment deadline (for eTELL takers only) is now end of day 11th DecemberCAS deadline is 15th DecemberThe latest enrolment deadline is 2 weeks after the course start date.Language Academy - UCLan  ScholarshipsA reminder that information about our generous scholarships and bursaries for international students can be found online at the following page:Bursaries and scholarships - UCLan 

更新时间:23-11-28 来源:OfferEasy官网