
The University of New South Wales

澳洲 公立

新南威尔士大学 法学硕士(Master of Laws 9201)T2 2024,新申请截止!在线接受付费2月14日(11:59pm AEDT)截止!

阅读:143次 添加时间:2024-02-11 编辑: admin

Important Update - Early closure for Master of Laws 9201

由于UNSW Master of Laws 9201, T2 2024 收到大量申请,因此大学决定关闭新申请、提前接受付费截止日期。

Deadlines for the UNSW Master of Laws 9201 will be revised to the following dates:

  • Apply Online deadline 新申请: Closed to new applicants with immediate effect(立即生效)
  • Accept Online deadline 在线接受: 11:59pm AEDT on Wednesday, 14 February(请注意,这里是 澳洲东部夏令时间)

  • 具体措施(详情以学校原文为准)

    1. 大学不再评审任何Master of Laws 9201 Term 2, 2024 intake的申请,网申将无法选择该 intake,请不要提交任何该 intake的saved application.

    2. 大学会联系尚未被评审或未收到申请结果的学生,告知该轮申请已截止。没有第二专业可供评审的学生,大学会自动处理申请费退还(注:免申请费的申请不退费)

    3. 收到 Full Offer、Conditional packaged offer的学生,在 11:59pm AEDT on Wednesday, 14 February之前尚可提供相关材料满足要求以及接受offer。大学会联系所有收到offer的学生,告知这一更新的接受截止日期,并提供其他可供考虑的方案。

    4. 已经接受offer的学生(包括conditional packaged offers completing UEEC at UNSW College)不受影响。


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    Closure of applications and early acceptance deadline for Master of Laws 9201

    Due to the high volume of demand for the UNSW Master of Laws 9201 and to ensure our students have the best experience here with us, we have made the decision to adjust the application and acceptance deadline for Term 2, 2024 intake for this program.

    Deadlines for the UNSW Master of Laws 9201 will be revised to the following dates:

  • Apply Online deadline: Closed to new applicants with immediate effect
  • Accept Online deadline: 11:59pm AEDT on Wednesday, 14 February
  • Overview of updates

    We understand the disruption this causes and we will work with you to communicate to all applicants in the following ways: 
    No new applications will be considered for the UNSW Master of Laws 9201 for Term 2, 2024 intake. UNSW Apply Online will no longer show this intake as a valid option. Please do not submit any previously saved application.
    Active applicants that are yet to be assessed or have not received an outcome yet will be contacted to advise them that no new applicants will be considered for this intake. Refunds of application fees will be processed automatically by UNSW Admissions for the prospective students that do not have a 2nd study preference.

    (Note: exempted applications are not eligible for refund).
    Full Offer & Conditional packaged offer holders will have until 11:59pm AEDT on Wednesday, 14 February to provide any outstanding documentation and accept their offer. All current offer holders will be contacted to inform them of the revised acceptance deadline and we will offer them alternatives they may wish to consider.
    Students who have already accepted their offer (including conditional packaged offers completing UEEC at UNSW College) will not be impacted by these revisions.

    Whilst we work to limit applicant closures, these measures have been taken to ensure that we remain committed to manageable class sizes and a positive overall student experience.

    Thank you for your interest in UNSW Law & Justice and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this early closure. We hope to welcome your students to the UNSW Law & Justice community in future.

    Kind regards,

    UNSW Admissions
    UNSW Law & Justice
    UNSW Sydney