
The University of New South Wales

澳洲 公立

【总结版】新南威尔士大学 2025年申请暂停 + 申请调研 + 评审机制!鼓励学生尽快接受!Important update to UNSW international admissions process

总结版【鼓励已经符合条件的学生,尽快接受Offer。】10月11日更新如下:1. 【已获得2025T1 offer、想要延期到2025 T2 T3】的学生,即使进行了延期操作,学校不再出具延期offer,系统的intake也不再显示延期,延期offer在11月4日那周也不一定能出!2. 【已收到2选1沟通邮件、并已完成操作、且已在系统提交了完整材料】的学生,将于11月4日那周会出offer!===================Dear All,受Cap影响,UNSW将做出相应调整,要点如下:1. 以下学生和课程不受影响:1)已经接受UNSW本硕,或UNSW College Package Offer的学生2)UNSW本校本科生,申请本校硕士、以及赞助学生3)UNSW Full-Time MBA (8351)2. 未来学生1)2025申请暂停:2024年10月16日(星期三)下午4点(澳洲时间)开始。这之后收到的申请,放到Application Waitlist。2)尚未申请的学生,可通过意向书(express their interest)表达想加入申请候补名单的意向,该意向书会在2024年10月16日(星期三)申请暂停后的相关学位页面上给出,目前暂无更多详细信息。3. 现有学生1)下一个Offer出具日期:2024年11月4日(星期一)开始的一周内。有位子才给Offer,大学保留撤回的权利。2)若课程满位,符合要求的学生,会被放到Offer Waitlist,若有额外名额,会优先出Offer。3)目前待评审的学生,这几天会收到申请验证邮件——可以选择继续评审,或放弃并获得申请费退款(若符合条件)。***【请学生务必勤查个人邮箱,未在指定时间内回复的学生申请会被Cancel(根据以往经验,一旦申请Cancel无法恢复,需要重新递交并支付申请费)】。详询AA老师!!! Application pause and more info. Important update to UNSW international admissions process Dear, UNSW Sydney has a long, proud history of welcoming international students from across the world to contribute to our vibrant campus community. For many years, international students have brought a diverse range of perspectives and lived experiences into our classrooms and made global impact as alumni across the world. The Australian Government recently proposed changes to the legislation which governs the delivery of education services to international students in Australia, placing limits on the number of international students that can be enrolled and/or commence in programs provided by higher education institutions. While this legislation has not yet been passed in the Australian parliament, UNSW is required to take preliminary measures to ensure we remain compliant should these changes be brought into effect from the proposed implementation date of Wednesday, 1 January 2025. As such, we are taking the below steps to ensure we are offering clarity to existing offer holders and students who have applied or intend to apply to study at UNSW, while continuing to welcome students into a broad range of our programs. For clarity and the avoidance of any doubt, students who have already accepted a place at UNSW or a packaged offer through UNSW College will not be affected by the below. 澳大利亚政府最近提议修改有关向在澳大利亚的国际学生提供教育服务的立法,限制可以注册和/或开始参加高等教育机构提供的课程的国际学生的数量。虽然这项立法尚未在澳大利亚议会通过,但新南威尔士大学被要求采取初步措施,以确保这些变化从2025年1月1日(星期三)开始生效。因此,大学正在采取以下步骤,以确保向现有的录取通知书持有人和已经申请或打算申请新南威尔士大学学习的学生提供清晰的信息,同时继续欢迎学生参加我们广泛的课程。为了明确和避免任何疑问,已经接受新南威尔士大学或新南威尔士大学学院Package Offer的学生将不受以下影响。 Next steps 1 Applications will continue to be assessed, but UNSW will now move to targeted offer release dates. The next date for offer release will be in the week commencing Monday, 4 November 2024. Please note that offers will only be made to programs that have available space, and UNSW reserves the right to withdraw offers at any time. 申请将继续接受评估,但新南威尔士大学现在将转向目标Offer出具日期。下一个Offer出具日期将在2024年11月4日(星期一)开始的一周内。请注意,Offer将只提供给有位子的课程,新南威尔士大学保留随时撤回录取的权利。   2 Applications to study at UNSW in 2025 will be paused from 4pm AEDT on Wednesday, 16 October 2024. Any applications received after this time will be moved to our Application Waitlist. Current UNSW undergraduate students applying for UNSW postgraduate programs and sponsored students will be exempt from this application pause and eligible students will be contacted with details of how they can apply in the next week. The UNSW Full-Time MBA (8351) will also be excluded from the application pause, with applications to be submitted via Apply Online as usual. We will share application re-opening dates as we receive more information from the Australian Government. 新南威尔士大学2025年的入学申请将于2024年10月16日(星期三)下午4点(澳洲时间)开始暂停。在此时间之后收到的任何申请都将被转移到Application Waitlist。目前申请新南威尔士大学本校本科生,申请本校硕士、以及赞助学生将不受申请暂停的影响,符合条件的学生将在下周被联系,详细说明如何申请。MBA (8351)也将被排除在申请暂停之外,正常网申即可。当我们收到澳大利亚政府的更多信息时,我们将分享重新开放申请的日期。   3 Current applicants who are awaiting assessment will be contacted in the coming days via email as part of our Application Validation process. Applicants will have the option to opt-in and continue to have their application assessed or opt-out and (where relevant) receive a refund of their application fee. Students who do not respond to this email within the specified time frame will be automatically opted out of being assessed. 目前正在等待评审的学生,未来几天会收到邮件,作为申请验证过程的一部分。申请人可以选择继续评审,或放弃并获得申请费的退款(符合条件的情况下)。未在指定时间内回复此邮件的学生申请将被Cancel。   4 Any applicant that is deemed to meet entry requirements for a program that has reached capacity will be placed on our Offer Waitlist and will be prioritised for an offer should additional spaces become available for that program. Students who have not yet applied will have the opportunity to express their interest in joining our Application Waitlist through an expression of interest form that will be available on relevant degree pages after the Apply Online pause on Wednesday, 16 October 2024. 如果课程满位,符合入学要求的学生,会被放到Offer Waitlist,若有额外名额,将优先获得录取。尚未申请的学生,将有机会通过意向书(express their interest)表达对加入申请候补名单的兴趣,该意向书将在2024年10月16日(星期三)在线申请暂停后的相关学位页面上提供。 In addition to the above, we recommend that you encourage your existing offer holders to meet any outstanding conditions of their offer and accept their place of study with us as soon as possible. We understand that this may be a difficult time for students, families and those working across the higher education sector and will endeavour to keep you informed of UNSW’s capacity to enrol further students as more information becomes available from the Australian Government. UNSW remains committed to creating progress through the transformational power of education, research and societal impact and looks forward to welcoming students to study in 2025 and beyond. Kind regards, Sofia Lloyd-Jones Executive Director, Marketing & Digital Experience What you need to do next As this is a dynamic situation, we are updating our frequently asked questions (FAQs) as and when they become available. If you have any specific questions that are not addressed in our FAQs, please reach out to your UNSW Regional Manager. Find your regional manager

更新时间:24-10-11 来源:OfferEasy官网

新南威尔士大学学院 - 2025 Diploma 已全部截止 + 2024 T4 Diploma 还在招生中

Dear,重点如下:1. 2025 Diploma 已全部截止;2. 2024 T4 Diploma 还在招生中,有两场说明会,欢迎家长和学生注册参加!中文:https://t1.notifications.unswcollege.edu.au/r/?id=hb467750,7fa1ffc,7faaf06&e=UlNJRD11bnN3UHJvZCZjaWQ9ZWRtJTNBYWNzX3Byb2QlM0FDTVA3MjclM0FETTE5MTIzMiUzQWI2ZDUyNjJhLTMzMzItNDgyNS05MTQwLWU4NGMyNDlmOGYwMCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lMjA9VU5TV0MtQWdlbnRzJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1hZG9iZWNhbXBhaWduJnV0bV9jb250ZW50PVVOU1dDQWdlbnRzTGFzdENoYW5jZVQ0SW50YWtlJnV0bV92ZXJzaW9uPXVuZGVmaW5lZA&s=LIMKIJGCC37l3B54Hy6dyPx0fEmZM7JuOJ9lK29P_vQ15 October 20244pm AEDTLive on Zoom英文:https://t1.notifications.unswcollege.edu.au/r/?id=hb467750,7fa1ffc,7faaf08&e=UlNJRD11bnN3UHJvZCZjaWQ9ZWRtJTNBYWNzX3Byb2QlM0FDTVA3MjclM0FETTE5MTIzMiUzQWI2ZDUyNjJhLTMzMzItNDgyNS05MTQwLWU4NGMyNDlmOGYwMCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lMjA9VU5TV0MtQWdlbnRzJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1hZG9iZWNhbXBhaWduJnV0bV9jb250ZW50PVVOU1dDQWdlbnRzTGFzdENoYW5jZVQ0SW50YWtlJnV0bV92ZXJzaW9uPXVuZGVmaW5lZA&s=TCECNHX49Et_lb59yt2DJqwCxaNrB6gI0wE9oxENVAc15 October 20246pm AEDTLive on Zoom ------------------ Original ------------------ ProgramsContact usApply now2025 intakes are full, but there’s still a chance to start in 2024.Discover UNSW Diplomas Term 4 Dear valued partners, We have a few important updates to share regarding our upcoming intakes and offers. 2025 Diploma programs are now full and we are no longer processing applications or acceptances for these intakes. If your students have just missed out, there’s still a chance to get started with a UNSW Diploma in our new Term 4 2024, commencing 25 November 2024. You may have heard that UNSW Sydney will pause new applications in Apply Online from 16 October for 2025 intakes. Rest assured that the UNSW Diploma Term 4 (Summer Term) intake is still open to applications in UNSW Apply Online until 24 October 2024. We will be holding two webinars on 15 October 2024 for students and parents to learn more about the new Term 4. Please feel free to share the links below with your students or attend yourself if you'd like to learn more! For the latest updates on program availability, please refer to our website. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Regional Manager or send us an online enquiry at anytime. Stay up to date Join the webinar: UNSW Diplomas Term 4 2024 Students, parents and agents are invited to attend one of our upcoming webinars on 15 October to ask questions and learn more about the new Term 4 Summer Intake. 全新2024年UNSW国际大一课程T4学期!加入我们的在线分享会,了解更多UNSW国际大一课程T4学期有关信息和如何获取$5,000澳币的奖学金,以及如何锁定你在UNSW的学习机会!我们也将在分享会结束后在线上解答大家的疑惑与问题,欢迎报名参加!15 October 20244pm AEDT Live on ZoomRegister now Webinar: New 2024 Term 4 Diploma intake!Join our webinar to ask your questions and learn more about which Diploma programs are available, hear about our one-time $5,000 Student Success Award and discover how to reserve your place at UNSW Sydney!15 October 20246pm AEDT Live on ZoomRegister now Fee notice correction In our August newsletter we published some incorrect information relating to 2025 fees. The fees published on the website at the time were correct and remain correct. For the most up to date information, always refer to the UNSW College website or a student's offer letter for the correct applicable fees. C1F717F7-064D-E811-8142-E0071B67C991 AAedu International Education (China, Shanghai) unswglobal Agency

更新时间:24-10-11 来源:OfferEasy官网


由于国际学生限额政策的影响,大学正在采取以下措施,确保向现有课程持有者和申请或打算申请在UNSW学习的学生提供明确的信息,同时继续欢迎学生参加我们广泛的课程。为了明确和避免任何疑问,已经接受UNSW录取或已通过UNSW College接受打包课程的学生将不受以下影响。1,大学将继续评估申请,但UNSW现在将转向有针对性的录取通知发布日期。下一个录取通知发布日期将是2024年11月4日星期一,请注意,只向有空位的课程发放录取,UNSW保留随时取消录取通知的权利。2,2025年的申请将在2024年10月16日星期三4pm AEDT暂停,在此时间之后收到的任何申请都将被转移到我们的申请等待名单。目前新南本科学生申请硕士课程以及受赞助学生不受影响,合格的学生将收到有关他们如何在下个星期申请的详细信息。UNSW Full-Time MBA (8351)课程也不受申请暂停的影响,申请可正常通过Apply Online递交。我们将在从澳大利亚政府收到更多信息后分享申请重新开放日期。3,作为我们申请验证流程的一部分,目前等待评估的申请者将在未来几天收到大学的电子邮件。申请者可以选择加入并继续评估申请,或者选择退出评估(在相关情况下)并获得申请费返还。未在指定时间内回复此邮件的学生将自动选择退出申请评估。4,对于申请的满位课程,任何满足课程要求的申请人将会被列入候补名单,如果该课程有额外的名额,我们将优先考虑提供课程。在2024年10月16日星期三申请暂停后,尚未申请的学生将有机会通过相关学位课程网页表单表达他们加入申请等待名单的兴趣。

更新时间:24-10-08 来源:OfferEasy官网

新南威尔士大学学院 T4 Diploma 已开放申请 + UEEC 15 Term 9 and OUEEC 已截止申请

Dear 老师们,重点如题,1. T4 Diploma已开放申请2. UEEC 15 Term 9(从2024年10月14日开始上课)已截止申请3. OUEEC(从2024年10月14日开始上课)已截止申请Subject: UNSW Diploma Term 4 applications are now open Thank you for registering for our agent webinar last week. We're pleased to share that applications for UNSW Diploma Term 4 are now open. ProgramsContact usApply nowTerm 4 Applications are now open Dear valued partners, A huge thank you to all who joined our recent Agent Update Webinar! We loved connecting with you and sharing how UNSW College is evolving with the developing changes in Australian Higher Education. If you have more questions about our 2025 programs, the new intakes or our Early Offer Program, don't hesitate to reach out to your Regional Manager or send us your questions online anytime. Watch the webinar on demandIf you missed the webinar or want to watch it again, you can view the webinar on demand.Watch now Download the slides Applications for UNSW Diploma Term 4 are open!We're pleased to announce that applications are now open for our new UNSW Diploma Term 4 (Summer Term) Intake. By commencing in this intake on 25 November 2024, students can secure their place at UNSW Sydney without delay. Please submit your applications via UNSW Apply Online before 24 October 2024. Note: When applying, please search for 2025 Summer Term .Apply now Explore UNSW Diplomas Early Offers for UNSW Diploma Term 4 Eligible UNSW Foundation Studies students will shortly be receiving notification about an Early Offer to the UNSW Diploma Term 4 (Summer Term). Students who wish to take advantage of this early offer should submit their application via the short form that will be emailed to them. UNSW College will then send a revised offer within 72 hours. Please encourage your students to act early as places will be limited. Program availability For up-to-date information about our programs, please refer to our website. Thanks to your efforts, we are experiencing an increase in demand for some of our UEEC intakes. UEEC 15 Term 9 and Online UEEC are now closed and the intakes are full. All outstanding offers have been lapsed. For all 2025 Diplomas:From Thursday 3 October 2024, we will pause accepting new applications for all 2025 Diplomas.The updated acceptance deadline for all 2025 Diplomas is Thursday 10 October. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you to create exciting opportunities for students and provide access to world-class education. Kind regards,  Mark Bradley Executive Director, Future Students & Business Development UNSW College

更新时间:24-09-30 来源:OfferEasy官网

新南威尔士大学 T3C 适用对象 + 时间线 + 申请流程

Dear All, UNSW T3C重点如下: 1. 适用对象:T3 2024 full offer holder + T1 2025 offer holder 1)仅部分课程适用,申请之前,请查看官网,确定是否适用 https://www.unsw.edu.au/study/international-students/2024-t3c?mc_cid=645ef876c7&mc_eid=cb2c1880a 2)申请者必须满18岁(UNSW College onshore学生除外) 2. T3C时间线(onshore和offshore不同,详见下图) 1)offshore学生: 【申请截止日期】2024年10月6日——【offer发放截止日期】2024年10月8日——【offer接受截止日期】2024年10月14日 2)onshore且有有效学生签证的学生: 【申请截止日期】2024年10月27日——【offer发放截止日期】2024年11月4日——【offer接受截止日期】2024年11月11日 3. 申请流程: 1)学生收到T3C邮件,按要求完成survey 2)admission处理+发放录取(大约1周时间) 3)学生收到T3C录取,填写接受表,缴纳押金(之前缴纳过押金的学生,把押金凭证一起发给入学) 4)admission处理+发放COE 5)学生收到COE,递交签证 *再次提醒: 如果学生没收到邮件,但坚信符合要求,需要由学生本人递交咨询到future students团队:https://www.unsw.edu.au/study/help/contact-us#askaquestion (AA-future students联系指南见附件,请顾问发给有需求的学生进行操作;由于该页面只能留学生邮箱,请提醒学生:务必注意学校后续的答复邮件)

更新时间:24-09-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-悉尼新南威尔士大学-针对2025 T1部分课程的接受截止日期调整

UNSW针对如下2025 T1课程的offer接受截止日期调整为10月2日11:59pm AEST on Wednesday;补件换无条件offer的截止日期为9月25日11:59pm AEST on WednesdayPrograms impacted by revised Accept Online deadlinesMaster of Laws (9201)All Graduate Certificate & Diploma programs (see full list at the bottom of email)*UNSW Accept Online deadline revised to 11:59pm AEST on Wednesday, 2 October.*Impacted Graduate Certificates & Graduate Diplomas: 5005 Graduate Diploma in Interpreting, 5037 Graduate Diploma in Food Science, 5046 Graduate Diploma in Mine Ventilation, 5059 Graduate Diploma in Mine Geotechnical Engineering, 5148 Graduate Diploma in City Planning, 5203 Graduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting, 5306 Graduate Diploma in Design, 5312 Graduate Diploma in Cultural Leadership, 5319 Graduate Diploma in Animation and Visual Effects, 5335 Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering, 5341 Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science, 5357 Graduate Diploma in Social Impact. 5372 Graduate Diploma in Health Data Science, 5373 Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science, 5415 Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (CPA), 5449 Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering, 5499 Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management, 5509 Graduate Diploma in Health Leadership & Management, 5518 Graduate Diploma in Physical Oceanography, 5543 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, 5546 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, 5659 Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics, 5741 Graduate Diploma in Aviation Management, 7037 Graduate Certificate in Food Science, 7123 Graduate Certificate in Construction Project Mgmt, 7148 Graduate Certificate in City Planning, 7306 Graduate Certificate in Design, 7318 Graduate Certificate in Cultural Leadership, 7320 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science, 7339 Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management, 7343 Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering, 7355 Graduate Certificate in Commerce, 7367 Graduate Certificate in Global Health, 7368 Graduate Certificate in Public Health, 7372 Graduate Certificate in Health Data Science, 7373 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science, 7401 Graduate Certificate in Education, 7412 Graduate Certificate in Economics, 7435 Graduate Certificate in Optometry, 7456 Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics, 7543 Graduate Certificate in Computing, 7546 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology, 7659 Graduate Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics, 7959 Graduate Certificate in Data Science and DecisionsUNSW针对商学院如下2025 T1课程的申请截止日期为9月30日4pm AEST on Monday 相关截止日期点此查看更多Programs impacted by revised Apply Online deadlinesBachelor of Acturial Studies (3586)Bachelor of Economics (3543)Bachelor of Information Systems (3979)Associated double degrees (see full list at the bottom of this email)^UNSW Apply Online deadline revised to 4pm AEST on Monday, 30 September.^Impacted Business School Double Degrees: 3154 Actuarial Studies / Science, 3588 – Actuarial Studies / Economics, 3589 Actuarial Studies / Advanced Mathematics (Honours), 3671 Actuarial Studies / Information Systems, 3674 Actuarial Studies / Computer Science, 4737 Actuarial Studies / Law, 3563 Economics / Science, 3564 Economics / Advanced Science (Honours), 3574 Economics / Arts, 3673 Economics / Computer Science, 4058 Economics / Education (Secondary), 4744 Economics / Law, Bachelor of Information Systems / Bachelor of Computer Science

更新时间:24-09-23 来源:OfferEasy官网

(更新)UNSW T1 2025 部分课程的申请及接受截止日期提前

  Revised T1 2025 acceptance deadline for select UNSW programs更新部分课程的2025 T1的接受截止日期 Dear, Due to high volume of demand and to ensure that we deliver a quality education experience for our students, we are bringing forward specific international admissions deadlines for the Master of Laws, Business School undergraduate programs and UNSW Graduate Certificates and Diplomas. UNSW does not make decisions of this nature lightly and we will work with you to ensure impacted students are aware of the required next steps. 由于需求量很大,为了确保我们为学生提供优质的教育体验,我们提前了Master of Laws, Business School undergraduate programs and UNSW Graduate Certificates and Diplomas课程的国际招生截止日期。新南威尔士大学不会轻易做出这种性质的决定,我们将与您合作,确保受影响的学生了解所需的后续步骤。 Programs impacted by revised Accept Online deadlines更新【接受截止日期】的课程有: Master of Laws (9201) 法学硕士 All Graduate Certificate & Diploma programs (see full list at the bottom of email)* 所有GC+GD课程(具体见邮件最下方的list) UNSW Accept Online deadline revised to 11:59pm AEST on Wednesday, 2 October. 接受截止日期更新为:2024年10月2日(周三)11:59pm AEST Programs impacted by revised Apply Online deadlines更新【申请截止日期】的课程有: Bachelor of Acturial Studies (3586) 精算本科 Bachelor of Economics (3543) 经济学本科 Bachelor of Information Systems (3979) 信息系统本科 Associated double degrees (see full list at the bottom of this email)^       相关双学位(具体见邮件最下方的list) UNSW Apply Online deadline revised to 4pm AEST on Monday, 30 September. 申请截止日期更新为:2024年9月30日(周一)4pm AEST  Overview of updates We understand the disruption this causes, and we will work with you to communicate to all applicants impacted by this change in the following ways: 我们理解这导致的干扰,我们将与您合作,通过以下方式与所有受此变更影响的申请人沟通:Master of Laws, UNSW Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma programs acceptance deadline法学硕士+GC+GD课程的接受截止日期: 1 Final applications and outstanding documents must be submitted by 11:59pm AEST on Wednesday, 25 September in order to be assessed for Term 1, 2025.最终的申请和outstanding documents,必须在2024年9月25日(周三)11:59pm AEST之前上传,才能评估为T1 2025。 Please note that the Master of Laws closed for new applications on Wednesday, 14 August. Applicants with outstanding documents are still required to submit these documents if they wish to be considered for Term 1, 2025 intake.请注意:Master of Laws的新申请已于2024年8月14日截止;如果申请人想于T1 2025入学,他们仍需提供outstanding documents。 Assessing applications for this programs will be prioritised by Admissions. We are working as quickly as we can to have active applications assessed and expect final offers for those with outstanding documents to be provided to successful students by Monday, 30 September, ahead of the Wednesday, 2 October acceptance deadline noted below. If an applicant does not provide documents or receive an outcome on their application prior to the deadline, they will automatically be moved to the next available intake. 招生办公室将优先评估这些项目的申请。我们正在尽可能快地评估有效的申请,预计最终录取通知书将于2024年9月30日(周一)发放给成功的申请者,会早于2024年10月2日(周三)-接受截止日期。如果申请人在截止日期前没有提供文件或收到申请结果,他们将被自动转移到下一个可入学的学期。   2 Full & conditional offer holders will have until 11:59pm AEST on Wednesday, 2 October to accept their offer. All current offer holders will be informed of the revised deadline and we will offer them alternatives they may wish to consider. Full & conditional offer holders必须在2024年10 月 2 日(周三)11:59pm AEST 之前接受他们的offer;所有现有的offer holders将被告知修改后的截止日期,我们将向他们提供他们可能希望考虑的替代方案。   3 Students who have already accepted a conditional offer with a UEEC English Package at UNSW College will not be impacted by these revisions and enrolment deadlines will remain unaffected. 已经接受Conditional offer with a UEEC English Package的学生,将不受以上更新的影响,入学截止日期将保持不变。   UNSW Business School undergraduate application deadlines 商学院的本科申请截止日期: 1 No new applications will be considered for the UNSW Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Information Systems & associated double degrees Term 1, 2025 intake after 4pm AEST on Monday, 30 September. From Tuesday, 1 October, UNSW Apply Online will no longer show this intake as a valid option. Any saved applications that are submitted after the deadline will be considered for the next available term. 在2024年9月30 日(周一) 4pm AEST之后,UNSW Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Information Systems & associated double degrees课程的T1 2025的新申请将不会被考虑;从2024年10月1日(周二)开始,申请系统将不会把这个学期设置为有效选项;所有在该申请截止日期之后递交的申请,将会自动考虑为下一个学期。   2 Active applicants that are yet to be assessed or have not received an outcome yet will still be considered for this intake. 尚未接受评估或尚未收到结果的申请人仍将被考虑入读这一学期。   3 Full Offer & Conditional packaged offer holders will have until the standard document submission deadline to provide any outstanding documentation and accept their offer. Full Offer & Conditional packaged offer holders可以在文件提交截止日期之前提供任何outstanding documents以及接受offer。   4 Students who already hold an offer, including a deferred offer or a conditional offer will not be impacted by these revisions. 已获得offer(包括延期offer或者conditional offer)的学生将不会受以上更新影响。   5 Sponsored students will not be impacted by this closure and will have until the Thursday, 31 October on-time application deadline to apply for Term 1, 2025 programs. These students should contact their regional manager for more information on how to apply. Sponsored students将不会受以上截止影响,直到2024年10月31日(周四)之前都可以申请T1 2025入学的课程;这些学生应该他们的区域经理了解更多关于如何申请的信息。 Thank you for your interest in UNSW and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this early applications closure. We hope to welcome your students to UNSW in the future.感谢您对新南威尔士大学的兴趣,对于申请提前截止给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。我们欢迎你们的学生来到新南威尔士大学。         Kind regards, UNSW Admissions *Impacted Graduate Certificates & Graduate Diplomas: 5005 Graduate Diploma in Interpreting, 5037 Graduate Diploma in Food Science, 5046 Graduate Diploma in Mine Ventilation, 5059 Graduate Diploma in Mine Geotechnical Engineering, 5148 Graduate Diploma in City Planning, 5203 Graduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting, 5306 Graduate Diploma in Design, 5312 Graduate Diploma in Cultural Leadership, 5319 Graduate Diploma in Animation and Visual Effects, 5335 Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering, 5341 Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science, 5357 Graduate Diploma in Social Impact. 5372 Graduate Diploma in Health Data Science, 5373 Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science, 5415 Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (CPA), 5449 Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering, 5499 Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management, 5509 Graduate Diploma in Health Leadership & Management, 5518 Graduate Diploma in Physical Oceanography, 5543 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, 5546 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, 5659 Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics, 5741 Graduate Diploma in Aviation Management, 7037 Graduate Certificate in Food Science, 7123 Graduate Certificate in Construction Project Mgmt, 7148 Graduate Certificate in City Planning, 7306 Graduate Certificate in Design, 7318 Graduate Certificate in Cultural Leadership, 7320 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science, 7339 Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management, 7343 Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering, 7355 Graduate Certificate in Commerce, 7367 Graduate Certificate in Global Health, 7368 Graduate Certificate in Public Health, 7372 Graduate Certificate in Health Data Science, 7373 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science, 7401 Graduate Certificate in Education, 7412 Graduate Certificate in Economics, 7435 Graduate Certificate in Optometry, 7456 Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics, 7543 Graduate Certificate in Computing, 7546 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology, 7659 Graduate Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics, 7959 Graduate Certificate in Data Science and Decisions ^Impacted Business School Double Degrees: 3154 Actuarial Studies / Science, 3588 – Actuarial Studies / Economics, 3589 Actuarial Studies / Advanced Mathematics (Honours), 3671 Actuarial Studies / Information Systems, 3674 Actuarial Studies / Computer Science, 4737 Actuarial Studies / Law, 3563 Economics / Science, 3564 Economics / Advanced Science (Honours), 3574 Economics / Arts, 3673 Economics / Computer Science, 4058 Economics / Education (Secondary), 4744 Economics / Law, Bachelor of Information Systems / Bachelor of Computer Science What you need to do next If you would like to receive tailored support, please reach out to your UNSW Regional Manager. Find your regional manager

更新时间:24-09-23 来源:OfferEasy官网

UNSW新增2024年11月T3C Intake, T3C入学的学生将获得$5,000 Student Success Award

New Term 3C intake and $5,000 Student Success Award$5,000$5,000Dear valued partner,尊敬的合作伙伴,We are excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for your eligible full offer holder students for Term 1, 2025, to get a head start and commence their studies at UNSW early.我们很高兴地宣布,2025 T1的full offer holer学生有一个极好的机会,可以抢占先机,早日开始在UNSW学习。 UNSW is pleased to offer a select number of courses commencing in Term 3C (T3C) which runs from Monday, 18 November 2024 to Friday, 13 December 2024.UNSW将在T3C学期开始提供一些精选课程。T3C课程日期:2024年11月18日(周一)- 2024年12月13日(周五)The intake is designed to set your students up for greater success in their academic studies at UNSW. T3C courses will be delivered over 5 weeks in an intensive mode. T3C is open to any students who currently have a full offer to study an eligible Undergraduate or Postgraduate Coursework degree at UNSW in Term 1, 2025, or may have missed the general 2024 Term 3 intake, or have requested a deferral from one of our 2024 intakes.这个学期的设计旨在帮助您的学生在UNSW取得更大的学术成就。T3C课程将以强化模式进行,为期5周。T3C面向的对象:1. 所有目前有UNSW本科或者研究生2025 T1 科或研究生课程本科或研究生课程full offer的学生2. 可能错过2024T3入学的学生3. 已经从2024任意一个学期申请了defer的学生Benefits of Commencing in Term 3CT3C入学的优势Students who commence their studies in T3C will benefit from the following:T3C入学的学生将获得以下优势:   $5,000 Student Success Award 学生成功奖Students commencing in T3C will receive a one-off Student Success Award of $5,000, which will be applied as a tuition fee discount to their Term 1, 2025 fees.T3C入学的学生将获得5,000澳元的一次性学生成功奖,该奖将应用于他们的2025 T1学费的减免。 Accommodation Concierge 住宿服务Students will have access to tailored support through our Accommodation Concierge to assist them in making a smooth transition to living in Sydney.学生可以通过我们的住宿礼宾服务获得量身定制的支持,帮助他们顺利过渡到悉尼生活。 Personalised Onboarding & Transition Support 个性化的过渡支持UNSW will provide a range of initiatives to support your students to get the most out of their studies and student life, including a bespoke orientation week, preparation webinars, student essentials modules and wellbeing support.新南威尔士大学将提供一系列举措,支持您的学生的学习生活,包括定制的迎新周、准备网络研讨会、学生基本模块和福利支持。 Experiencing Australia at its Best 体验澳大利亚最好的一面Your students will be able to arrive early and take full advantage of the great Australian summer including access to our beach safety program and other fun opportunities to connect with their new cohort.您的学生将能够提前到达,充分利用澳大利亚的夏季,包括参加我们的海滩安全计划和其他与他们的新的群体联系的乐趣机会。Next Steps下一步Applications are simple. Eligible students will shortly receive an email communication introducing this opportunity. To be considered, they will simply need to complete a short registration form linked in the email.申请方式:申请很简单。符合条件的学生将很快收到一封介绍这一机会的电子邮件。为了被考虑,他们只需要填写电子邮件中链接的简短注册表。Due to expected visa processing times*根据预计的签证处理时间申请截止日期:Applications for off-shore based students are open until Sunday, 6 October 2024.——offshore 学生的申请开放至2024年10月6日(周日)Applications for students with a current, eligible study visa, are open until Sunday, 27 October 2024.——持有当前有效学习签证的学生申请开放至2024年10月27日(周日)申请多久出结果:Should a student who has followed these steps be eligible for our T3C intake, we will endeavour to prioritise issuing a revised offer within a week after the respective application closure date.如果学生符合T3C入学,我们将于相应申请截止日期之后的一周之内,优先发放更新的offer。T3C网页:2024 T3C intake information (unsw.edu.au)内含Available Courses和Q&A,建议申请之前认真查看!Available CourseThose receiving an email will likely have questions and, in some cases, will be keen to act quickly.You can find more information about eligible degrees and available T3C courses, alongside FAQs on our T3C website. Please encourage your students to consider this opportunity and refer any questions either to your Regional Manager or the Future Student Enquiries team.如需获取更多信息,请查看以上网页。https://www.unsw.edu.au/study/international-students/2024-t3c?mc_cid=645ef876c7&mc_eid=bb89e250ac2024 T3C intake information (unsw.edu.au)2024 T3C intake information (unsw.edu.au)View eligible degrees and FAQs Warm regards,Pete RyanHead of International Recruitment*Student visas are assessed and processed by the Department of Home Affairs and the University is unable to assist with visa processing times or visa outcomes.

更新时间:24-09-19 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-UNSW College-招生信息更新:部分课程暂停新申请

澳大利亚政府最近提议修改管理向澳大利亚国际学生提供教育服务的立法。提议的修改可能会限制可以注册和/或开始接受高等教育机构提供的课程的国际学生人数。重要的是,这些拟议的更改尚未做出,截至发邮件之日,新南威尔士大学学院还不知道是否会做出拟议的修改。新南威尔士大学学院继续接受新的申请。不过,在我们等待对拟议的更改作出澄清之时,我们已经收到了大量有关我们部分课程的申请,因此,我们暂停了以下项目/招生的新申请:Foundation StudiesStandard Foundation Program – November 2024 intake Transition Program – January and April 2025 intakes Standard Plus Foundation Program – June 2025 intake Standard Foundation Program – August 2025 intake DiplomasDiploma (All programs) – May 2025 intake Diploma of Business - All 2025 intakes Diploma of Computer Science – All 2025 intakes Pre-Masters Program All Pre-Masters Programs commencing in January and May 2025.欲了解更多详情,包括受影响课程的完整列表,请参阅我们的网站。我们会随着信息的提供而继续更新本页面。现有的offer和接受将继续正常处理。我们建议您鼓励上述任何批次的录取通知书持有人尽快接受录取,以确保他们的位置。

更新时间:24-09-04 来源:OfferEasy官网

【官方】UNSW College 2025年部分课程暂停接受新申请

各位代理下午好!关于UNSW College 2025年部分课程暂停接受新申请的官方通知,要点如下:1. 暂时关闭的2025年课程申请仅限于https://www.unswcollege.edu.au/important-notice上列出的课程。明年1月和8月的Diploma in Engineering, Science, Architecture, Media and Communications 仍然开放!1月和3月开课的Standard Plus与Standard预科也完全不受影响,大家仍可放心递交2. 目前持有明年暂停接受新申请的课程offer的学生仍然可以accpet手中的offer,例如2025年1月开课的Diploma of Business 和Computer Science(2025年5月diploma除外)3. 所有暂停接受新申请的课程,可能会根据最后法案的通过情况以及具体的CAP情况再做调整。 Proposed legislative changes regarding international students UNSW College Admissions Update Dear valued partners,尊敬的合作伙伴: Thank you for your continued support of UNSW College; you and your students make UNSW College the vibrant, inclusive community that it is. 感谢你对新南威尔士大学的持续支持;你和你的学生使新南威尔士大学成为一个充满活力、包容的社区。The purpose of this email is to advise of proposed legislative changes in Australia regarding international students.此电子邮件的目的是告知澳大利亚关于国际学生的拟议立法变更。Proposed Changes to the Legislation拟议的立法修改 The Australian Government recently proposed changes to the legislation which governs the delivery of education services to international students in Australia. The proposed changes may result in limits on the number of international students that can be enrolled and/or commence in programs provided by higher education institutions. 澳大利亚政府最近提议修改关于向澳大利亚国际学生提供教育服务的立法。拟议的修改可能会限制高等教育机构提供的课程中可以注册和/或开始的国际学生人数。Importantly, these proposed changes have not yet been made and, as at the date of this email, UNSW College does not know whether the proposed changes will be made. 重要的是,这些拟议的更改尚未进行,截至本电子邮件日期,新南威尔士大学学院不知道是否会进行拟议的更改。New ApplicationsUNSW College continues to accept new applications. 新南威尔士大学继续接受新的申请。However, while we await clarification on the proposed changes, we have already received an overwhelming number of applications for some of our programs, and as a result, we have paused new applications for the below programs/intakes: 然而,在我们等待对拟议变更的澄清的同时,我们已经收到了一些项目的大量申请,因此,我们暂停了以下项目/招生的新申请:Foundation StudiesStandard Foundation Program – November 2024 intake Transition Program – January and April 2025 intakes Standard Plus Foundation Program – June 2025 intake Standard Foundation Program – August 2025 intakeDiplomasDiploma (All programs) – May 2025 intake Diploma of Business - All 2025 intakes Diploma of Computer Science – All 2025 intakes Pre-Masters Program All Pre-Masters Programs commencing in January and May 2025. For further details, including a full list of affected programs, please see our website. We will continue to update this page as information becomes available. 有关更多详细信息,包括受影响程序的完整列表,请访问我们的网站。我们将在信息可用时继续更新此页面。1. 截止今天的课程状态请参考附件;2. 建议大家收藏此网页,以后学校会实时更新各门课程能否申请的状态 Read more Existing applications, offers and enrolments当前的申请、录取与入学Existing offers and acceptances will continue to be processed as normal. We recommend that you encourage offer holders for any of the above intakes to accept as soon as possible to secure their place.当前的录取和接受将继续正常处理。我们建议您鼓励上述任何一项录取的录取者尽快接受录取,以确保他们的名额。 Changes to the terms and conditions of your students’ UNSW College offers 更改学生新南威尔士大学录取条款和条件In order to ensure that we can comply with any enrolment limits imposed by the Australian Government in the future, UNSW College reserves the right to: withdraw an offer made to an international student; not enrol an international student; and/or not allow an international student to commence their studies at UNSW College.为了确保我们将来能够遵守澳大利亚政府规定的任何入学限制,新南威尔士大学保留以下权利:撤回对国际学生的录取通知;不招收国际学生;和/或不允许国际学生在新南威尔士大学开始学习。Please note that while we reserve this right, your students’ offers to study at UNSW College are still valid and can be accepted at this time. 请注意,虽然我们保留这一权利,但您的学生在新南威尔士大学学习的录取通知书仍然有效,此时可以接受。 Next steps下一步Australia has a long history of welcoming international students and UNSW College continues to welcome international students to our campus as a valued and important part of our vibrant community. We will update you with further information on these proposed legislation changes as this becomes available.澳大利亚有着悠久的欢迎国际学生的历史,新南威尔士大学继续欢迎国际学生来到我们的校园,作为我们充满活力的社区的重要组成部分。我们将向您提供有关这些拟议立法变更的更多信息。  In the meantime, it is likely that demand for our courses will increase. We recommend that you encourage your students to act early by meeting any condition on their offer and accepting their place of study with us as soon as they can. 与此同时,对我们课程的需求可能会增加。我们建议您鼓励您的学生尽早行动,满足他们提供的任何条件,并尽快接受他们在我们这里的学习地点。 Best Wishes,Mark BradleyExecutive Director, Future Students and Business DevelopmentUNSW College Follow Us View in browser Visit us UNSW Global Pty Limited ABN 62 086 418 582 trading as UNSW College™. UNSW College™ currently delivers Diplomas and Foundation Studies on behalf of UNSW Sydney - CRICOS Provider Code 00098G; UNSW Sydney TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055 (Australian University). From 26 August 2024, UNSW College™ will commence delivery of Diplomas under its own CRICOS Provider Code - 01020K and TEQSA Provider ID: PRV13020 (Institute of Higher Education). From 13 January 2025, UNSW College™ will commence delivery of Foundation Studies under its own CRICOS Provider Code - 01020K and TEQSA Provider ID: PRV13020 (Institute of Higher Education). UNSW College™ delivers the Pre-Masters Program and Academic English under CRICOS Provider Code 01020K and TEQSA Provider ID: PRV13020 (Institute of Higher Education).   See unswcollege.edu.au/esos for more information.  © 2024 UNSW Global Pty LimitedThis is an automated email only. Official offers can only be made by UNSW CollegeTM. Please disregard this email if you have received it in error. UNSW CollegeBuilding L5, UNSW Sydney Campus223 Anzac ParadeKensington NSW 2033Australia C1F717F7-064D-E811-8142-E0071B67C991 AAedu International Education (China, Shanghai) unswglobal Agency

更新时间:24-09-04 来源:OfferEasy官网

UNSW Important update - Student offers 学生录取和后续的更新

Everything you need to know. An update to student offers and next steps学生录取和后续的更新 Dear, UNSW Sydney is a vibrant, inclusive community and we would love to welcome your students to our campus.新南威尔士大学是一个充满活力、包容的社区,我们很乐意欢迎您的学生来到我们的校园。  The purpose of this email is to advise of proposed legislative changes in Australia regarding international students. 此电子邮件的目的是告知澳大利亚关于国际学生的拟议立法变更。 Proposed Changes to the Legislation拟议的立法修改 The Australian Government recently proposed changes to the legislation which governs the delivery of education services to international students in Australia. The proposed changes may result in limits on the number of international students that can be enrolled and/or commence in programs provided by higher education institutions.澳大利亚政府最近提议修改关于向澳大利亚国际学生提供教育服务的立法。拟议的修改可能会限制高等教育机构提供的课程中可以注册和/或开始的国际学生人数。  Importantly, these proposed changes have not yet been made and, as at the date of this email, UNSW Sydney does not know whether the proposed changes will be made. We will continue to advocate with government as we are deeply disappointed by the proposed limits. 重要的是,这些拟议的更改尚未进行,截至本电子邮件日期,新南威尔士大学悉尼分校不知道是否会进行拟议的更改。我们将继续向政府提出建议,因为我们对拟议的限制深感失望。 Changes to the Terms and Conditions of your students' UNSW Sydney offers更改学生新南威尔士大学录取的条款和条件 In order to ensure that we can comply with any enrolment limits imposed by the Australian Government in the future, UNSW Sydney reserves the right to:为了确保我们将来能够遵守澳大利亚政府规定的任何入学限制,新南威尔士大学悉尼分校保留以下权利:  withdraw our offer to study at UNSW Sydney; not enrol a student at UNSW Sydney; and/or not allow a student to commence their studies at UNSW Sydney:撤回我们在悉尼新南威尔士大学学习的提议;未在新南威尔士大学悉尼分校注册学生;和/或不允许学生在悉尼新南威尔士大学开始学习: to ensure that UNSW Sydney does not exceed any enrolment limit imposed by the Australian Government.确保新南威尔士大学悉尼分校不超过澳大利亚政府规定的任何入学限制。 Please note that while we reserve this right, your students’ offers to study at UNSW Sydney are still valid and can be accepted at this time.请注意,虽然我们保留这一权利,但您的学生在悉尼新南威尔士大学学习的录取通知书仍然有效,此时可以接受。 Next Steps下一步 Australia has a long history of welcoming international students and, as one of Australia’s leading institutions, UNSW Sydney continues to welcome international students to our campuses as a valued and important part of our vibrant community. We will update you with further information on these proposed legislation changes as this becomes available.澳大利亚有着悠久的欢迎国际学生的历史,作为澳大利亚领先的机构之一,新南威尔士大学悉尼分校继续欢迎国际学生来到我们的校园,这是我们充满活力的社区的重要组成部分。我们将向您提供有关这些拟议立法变更的更多信息。 In the meantime, it is likely that demand for our courses will increase. We recommend that you encourage your students to act early by meeting any condition on their offer and accepting their place of study with us as soon as they can. 与此同时,对我们课程的需求可能会增加。我们建议您鼓励您的学生尽早行动,满足他们提供的任何条件,并尽快接受他们在我们这里的学习地点。 Kind regards, Sofia Lloyd-Jones Executive Director, Marketing & Digital Experience What you need to do next As this is a fluid situation we are updating frequently asked questions as and when they become available. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to your UNSW Regional Manager. Find your regional manager Copyright © 2024 UNSW Sydney. All rights reserved. CRICOS Provider Code 00098G UNSW Sydney High Street Kensington NSW 2052Australia

更新时间:24-09-04 来源:OfferEasy官网



更新时间:24-09-04 来源:OfferEasy官网