
The University of Adelaide

澳洲 公立


全新的阿德莱德大学2026年入学申请开放!中文官网申请详解来袭→融合两所南澳州名校优势的阿德莱德大学 (Adelaide University)将于2026年正式启航,为同学们提供世界顶尖的教育体验!2026年入学的国际学生申请通道现已开放!阿德莱德大学致力于为大家创造顺畅的申请体验,并助力更多同学开启追梦之旅。立即行动: 访问阿德莱德大学中文官网, 按照清晰的申请步骤,轻松完成入学申请。探索更多可能:如果你仍在规划升学路径,也可以浏览阿德莱德大学中文官网,了解各大学科领域内的具体课程和入学要求。往下滑解锁阿德莱德大学2026入学申请详细指南书写求学新篇章!01申请准备选择适合课程,满足入学要求在准备申请前,同学们可以先通过阿德莱德大学中文官网,全面掌握2026年正在招生的学位信息。选择适合课程第一步登陆https://adelaideuni.cn/, 在首页点击“浏览学习选择”。第二步点击不同学习领域,探索阿德莱德大学开设的多样学位。目前,阿德莱德大学中文官网上已涵盖7大学习领域的中文介绍,更多中文内容和完整的课程体系正在更新中,请同学们拭目以待。大家也可以直接通过中文官网跳转至英文官网页面,查看超全课程资讯。理解入学要求在该页面继续下滑,同学们能够看到更多有关申请的信息。点击“入学要求”,大家可以看到在提交入学申请前必须满足的四项要求。这些要求是获得阿德莱德大学offer的关键!阿德莱德大学认证衔接桥梁课程如果同学们尚未满足学术入学要求或英语语言要求等入学条件,可以考虑通过就读衔接课程进入阿德莱德大学。衔接课程不仅能帮助同学们满足大学入学要求,还是大家发展学术能力、适应留学生活的绝佳跳板。同学们可以扫描二维码,访问阿德莱德大学官网,比较不同的衔接桥梁课程。02申请指南三步申请,全程自助在课程页面,同学们还可以直接点击“如何申请”,跟随中文官网上的“三步申请指南”,轻松递交入学申请。 第一步通过教育代理或独立提交StudyLink在线申请阿德莱德大学的线上申请系统直观方便,在材料完整的情况下,同学们可以轻松独立申请,全权掌握申请流程,获得即时信息更新。或者,同学们也可以选择借助阿德莱德大学的官方授权教育代理进行申请。经过严格选拔及专业培训的教育代理们都有着深厚的经验,能够为同学们提供个性化指导,帮助大家更高效地完成申请流程。他们不仅熟悉阿德莱德大学的入学要求,还能协助准备申请材料、答疑解惑。扫描二维码找到同城教育代理 第二步等待学校对申请进行评估在收到同学们的申请后,阿德莱德大学将会对所有申请进行评估,并通过电子邮件或教育代理为所有成功的申请者发送录取通知书。被录取的同学们将收到以下文件:录取通知书接受录取表格接受条款和条件付款和退款条款及条件学习计划(如果已获得学分减免等资格) 第三步接受录取通知书在收到录取通知书后,同学们距离迈进阿德莱德大学,仅剩“一步之遥”!如果想要接受录取通知书,获得CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment) ,你需要完成以下步骤:阅读并同意所有条款和条件。填写并签署接受录取表格。根据录取通知书中的说明安排支付接受录取费用。付款必须通过阿德莱德大学在线申请系统进行。支付在签证有效期内的海外学生健康保险(OSHC)。你可以支付给大学,由大学代为安排,也可以自行购买OSHC。支付英语语言课程费用(如适用)。提供护照个人详细信息和签名部分的复印件。在学校收到完整文件后,将会向大家发放CoE。同学们或教育代理可以使用CoE申请学生签证。更多信息:https://adelaideuni.edu.au/study/international-students/how-to-apply/accepting-your-offer/成功持有CoE及学生签证后,同学们会在2026年迎新周(Orientation)前通过邮件收到专属学校平台登录信息(用户名及密码),大家可以使用这组信息注册选课,为正式开学做好准备。同学们可以参考阿德莱德大学国际学生指南第16-17页,了解更多入学准备事项。扫描二维码下载阿德莱德大学国际学生指南03取得帮助全方位支持,助力申请无忧阿德莱德大学的中文官网正在逐步完善,欢迎大家点击文章末尾的“阅读原文”,或扫描文末二维码直达官网。期待我们的网站能帮助更多同学丝滑获取官方信息,无障碍提交入学申请。2026年申请正火热进行。如果同学们在申请过程中遇到任何问题,可以扫描下方二维码,联系阿德莱德大学未来学生咨询团队。身处澳大利亚境外的学生或家长也可以拨打+61 8 7420 5115进行电话咨询。对未来充满憧憬的蓬勃青年们阿德莱德大学愿与你们携手共同追求学术理想实现职业目标描绘美好明天的蓝图欢迎大家登陆阿德莱德大学中文官网推开学术世界的大门!如果你希望在2025年开始学习,则仍需通过The University of Adelaide或University of South Australia申请入学。同学们可以在院校公众号或中文官网中找到申请方式。链接见原文:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HFjSnuGiWwkiYDeXxDyRAA发消息

更新时间:25-02-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


View as webpageDear Partners,Happy New Year! I hope you had a joyous holiday season and are feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting year ahead.As we step into 2025, I am excited to introduce myself as the new College Director for the University of Adelaide College. It is a privilege to join such a dynamic and supportive community, and I am looking forward to working closely with you to support our shared mission of guiding students toward their academic and career goals.This year brings new opportunities to strengthen our partnership and continue helping students realise their potential. I am committed to providing the resources, guidance, and collaboration needed to ensure a smooth and successful journey for them—and for you as our valued partner.Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Together, I’m confident we’ll make this a remarkable year.Direct Packages and Quota PlacesAs we continue to strengthen our partnership with Adelaide University, I am pleased to announce that we now offer direct pathways from our Foundation Studies Program into the following in-demand health programs:  AU Program NameAU Program Code UoAC Quota Places Bachelor of Nursing BNURS15Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) HPHYS6 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) HOOCT3Bachelor of Midwifery BMIDW1 This means your students will now receive packaged offers directly into these programs and enjoy a more seamless educational experience. They are guaranteed progression into their chosen degree upon meeting the required progression score, with no additional requirements to fulfill.New Degrees Now AvailableStudents now have access to a broader range of program options, allowing them to select pathways that align closely with their individual interests and career aspirations. This expanded choice empowers students to tailor their educational journey to their personal goals and ambitions.New degree programs now available:Bachelor of Aviation majoring in ManagementBachelor of Aviation majoring in PilotBachelor of Human Movement majoring in Human NutritionBachelor of Human Movement majoring in Secondary Health and Physical EducationBachelor of Human Movement majoring in Sports CoachingBachelor of MidwiferyBachelor of Pharmaceutical ScienceBachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)Bachelor of Psychology majoring in Cognitive NeuroscienceBachelor of Psychology majoring in Counselling and Interpersonal SkillsBachelor of Software EngineeringBachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)New majors now available:Aerospace EngineeringArtificial Intelligence and Machine LearningBanking and FinanceBusiness AnalyticsData AnalyticsDigital and Social Media StorytellingDigital Media and Web DesignEnergy Resources EngineeringExtended Realities Design and ProductionFinancial PlanningGames Design and ProductionGames DevelopmentHuman-Centred ComputingMarketingMarketing and DesignMedia CulturesMining EngineeringProcurement and Supply Chain ManagementProgramming LanguagesProject ManagementPropertyReal EstateScreen ProductionScreen StudiesSoftware DevelopmentSport ManagementStrategic CommunicationStructural EngineeringTourism, Events, and Hospitality ManagementUrban PlanningFor all available study options at our College, please visit our website or speak to one of our recruitment team members in your region.Under 18 Welfare ArrangementsTo enhance our welfare support, UoAC has partnered with International Student Alliance (ISA) to provide additional welfare monitoring and support services for our students under the age of 18. ISA has been specialising in support, security, and advocacy services for international students since 1998. We are confident that engaging this specialist will enhance our services and provide greater peace of mind for both students and their parents. Please visit their website to learn more about ISA: https://www.studentguardians.com/Parents and students should apply directly through ISA’s online application portal. ISA will confirm with UoAC once welfare arrangements have been activated. To access the application form, please use the following link: ISA Student Advocates Application FormAccommodation ServicesIn response to the high demand for student accommodation in Adelaide, UoAC has decided to provide students and their families with greater control and flexibility in securing accommodation. They can now directly contact our approved student accommodation providers to immediately secure their booking. A list of our approved providers is included below:AHN Network (homestay)Scape @University of AdelaideYugo Adelaide CityWe will still be able to provide students with details of what their options are, and help put them in contact with the providers. If you have questions about this, please e-mail: collegeservices@adelaide.edu.auThanks again for your support. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone celebrating Lunar New Year peace, happiness, and abundance.Yours truly,Kate PrettyCollege DirectorThis email was sent by: The University of Adelaide College,132 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia Foundation Studies, Degree Transfer and Pre-Master’s programs (The University of Adelaide) CRICOS 00123M | English language programs (Kaplan) CRICOS 03127EAll courses provided by the University of Adelaide College areaccredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)The University of Adelaide, Melbourne Campus is operated by Kaplan Higher Education Pty Ltd. The University has entered into a third-party arrangement with Kaplan Higher Education to deliver the University programs and associated services available at the Melbourne Campus

更新时间:25-01-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 S1入学重要时间 + 新生注册报道在线行前讲座注册通知 + 中国团队成员更新

 阿德莱德大学 S1入学重要时间 + 新生注册报道在线行前讲座注册通知    随着蛇年的脚步悄然临近,我们即将迎来了又一个充满希望与挑战的新春佳节。在此,阿德莱德大学中国团队向您及您的家人致以最真挚的节日问候!愿蛇年的春风为您带来无限的生机与活力,祝您财源广进,家庭幸福美满,健康平安。    本期代理简讯内容如下: 阿德莱德大学S1入学重要时间 阿德莱德大学在线行前讲座注册通知 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 阿德莱德大学S1入学重要时间   由于春节假期将至,针对2025年2月入学的中国境内申请人,请再次提醒学生交费及报到等重要日期。部分有名额限制的课程已提前截止。 开学时间 Intake 申请截止日 Last Date To Submit Application 接受截止日 Last Date To Accept Offer 报到日 Orientation Date 开课日期 Program Commencement Date S1 2025 2025年1月20日 2025年2月3日 2025年2月24日 2025年3月3日   2025奖学金政策更新后存在少量学生的录取通知书上未更新奖学金,如学生成绩满足可直接联系审理中心更新通知书后再进行接受。     阿德莱德大学新生注册报道在线行前讲座注册通知   为了帮助国际学生更好地准备即将在阿德莱德大学开启的留学生活,阿德莱德大学国际学生服务部 (ISS)即将举办3场在线行前讲座,其中互动环节包括问答、奖品以及直接向大学员工和在校留学生提问的机会。讲座时间如下: 1 月 28 日(星期二)北京时间 1:30pm- 3:00pm 1 月 30 日(星期四 )北京时间7:30am- 9:00am 2 月 5 日(星期三)北京时间11:30am-1:00pm 请鼓励您的学生参加不要错过! 点此注册参加。 新生具体报道周具体讯息请查询:https://www.adelaide.edu.au/orientation/oweek 友情提醒:请提醒学生通过StudyLink系统上的交费链接汇款,以便第一时间处理,减少大学财务部门行政对账拖延录取时间。   春节将至,阿德莱德大学中国办公室全体员工,祝大家新春假期愉快,蛇年吉祥!        

更新时间:25-01-24 来源:OfferEasy官网


随着蛇年的脚步悄然临近,我们即将迎来了又一个充满希望与挑战的新春佳节。在此,阿德莱德大学中国团队向您及您的家人致以最真挚的节日问候!愿蛇年的春风为您带来无限的生机与活力,祝您财源广进,家庭幸福美满,健康平安。  本期代理简讯内容如下:阿德莱德大学S1入学重要时间阿德莱德大学在线行前讲座注册通知------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------阿德莱德大学S1入学重要时间 由于春节假期将至,针对2025年2月入学的中国境内申请人,请再次提醒学生交费及报到等重要日期。部分有名额限制的课程已提前截止。开学时间Intake申请截止日Last DateTo Submit Application接受截止日Last DateTo Accept Offer报到日Orientation Date开课日期Program Commencement DateS1 20252025年1月20日2025年2月3日2025年2月24日2025年3月3日 2025奖学金政策更新后存在少量学生的录取通知书上未更新奖学金,如学生成绩满足可直接联系审理中心更新通知书后再进行接受。  阿德莱德大学新生注册报道在线行前讲座注册通知 为了帮助国际学生更好地准备即将在阿德莱德大学开启的留学生活,阿德莱德大学国际学生服务部 (ISS)即将举办3场在线行前讲座,其中互动环节包括问答、奖品以及直接向大学员工和在校留学生提问的机会。讲座时间如下:1 月 28 日(星期二)北京时间 1:30pm- 3:00pm1 月 30 日(星期四 )北京时间7:30am- 9:00am2 月 5 日(星期三)北京时间11:30am-1:00pm请鼓励您的学生参加不要错过! 点此注册参加。新生具体报道周具体讯息请查询:https://www.adelaide.edu.au/orientation/oweek

更新时间:25-01-23 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 数据科学与网络安全推文(欢迎分享宣广)

阿德莱德大学:领跑数据科学与网络安全,培养未来数字科技精英!   数据被称为21世纪的“新石油”。大数据和数据科学正在为科学与工程、经济、科技和数字人文等多个领域带来变革。在全球各产业不断依赖网络和数据技术发展的同时,针对这一技术领域的犯罪每年给全球造成数万亿美元的损失,全球各地的组织和政府都在积极采取措施保护自身网络安全。各个企业正在寻找具备网络安全前沿技术,并充分了解数字领域的社会关系、法律体系和商业运作背景的网络安全专家。   阿德莱德大学 澳大利亚机器学习研究所   阿德莱德大学作为澳洲计算机和IT专业最具实力高校之一,计算机科学与工程全球TOP 50^,人工智能排名世界第 7 位*,将带领学生占据数据科学和网络安全领域的最前沿,把握全球就业热点!* US Global Rankings, 2023 ^ ARWU, 2022   大学优势   阿德莱德大学作为世界排名82位(2025年QS世界大学排名),澳大利亚八大名校之一,不仅综合实力雄厚,在计算机、IT、和网络相关专业更具备世界一流水准。计算机科学与工程位列全球TOP 50, 人工智能世界第 7 位,是相关专业学生来澳留学的不二之选。   南半球的“硅谷”Lot Fourteen科技园区一角   阿德莱德大学为这些专业的学生提供了世界顶级的学习、研究条件。大学主校区毗邻南澳首府阿德莱德CBD蓬勃发展的创新和技术区——第十四号创新园区(Lot Fourteen),被誉为南半球的“硅谷”。 第十四号创新园区Lot Fourteen不仅是科技创新的中心,还与阿德莱德大学紧密相连,是一个全球知名的产学结合典范。园区包含:   - 澳洲最大,世界领先的澳大利亚机器学习研究所(AIML); - 澳大利亚网络合作中心(A3C),阿德莱德大学在该中心与澳大利亚政府国防科技集团及其他核心机构开展合作: - 澳大利亚航天局总部、太空探索中心(Space Discovery Centre)和飞行任务控制中心(Mission Control Centre)。Lot Fourteen入驻的其他机构包括微软Azure Space、亚马逊(Amazon)、Inovor Technology和麻省理工学院(MIT)大数据生活实验室(bigdata Living Lab)。       热门专业推荐   MASTER OF DATA SCIENCE -数据科学硕士   学制:2年 开学日期:1月、5月、9月 校区:城北大街校区(阿德莱德大学的主校区) 职业认证: 澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS) 学费:$52,300* 成绩达到奖学金发放标准最高可减免$15,690,即30%学费 课程网页:adelaide.edu.au/degree-finder/2025/mdsci_mdatasci.html *此为当前学费,学费或根据不同学期有所调整   课程概览 数据科学硕士课程将帮助学生掌握如何从复杂的数据中发现规律、挖掘洞见的知识与技能,帮助学生抢占未来职业发展的先机。由数据科学和机器学习领域的国际研究专家亲自授课。通过课程学习和数据科学行业实习,为学生的职业发展做好充分准备。   通过课程,学生将: - 在第一学期阶段学习专门的数据科学基础课程。 - 掌握编程(Python、R 和 Julia)、数学和统计数据科学的核心技能。 - 学习如何利用数据科学技术推动组织、行业和社区的变革。 - 利用数据解决您感兴趣领域的问题。 - 提供12学分科研项目或行业实践项目。深入、跨学科地了解实际的网络安全需求。   行业合作与就业前景   大学与本地科技领域的重要雇主(如 Lot Fourteen 科技园区的埃森哲、德勤和澳国防部门)保持紧密合作。毕业生的起薪可达 8 万澳元,5-10 年内有机会增长至 12 万澳元,就业率接近 100%。预计到 2026 年,澳大利亚对数据领域专业人才的需求将增长 11%。   完成学位修习的学生将可参与带薪或志愿性质的实习项目,常为期 12 周,每周最多 3 天。实习为学生提供实践经验并积累丰富工作作品成果,助力顺利毕业并提升职业竞争力。   毕业生将有能力: - 帮助不同规模的企业利用数据,在不确定性面前做出更明智的决策。 - 预测行业、政府或科学领域的趋势和风险。 - 作为数据架构师,对大数据管理系统进行创新。   Master of Cyber Security – 网络安全硕士   学制:2年 开学日期:1月、5月、9月 校区:城北大街校区(阿德莱德大学的主校区) 职业认证: 澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS) 学费:$52,000* 成绩达到奖学金发放标准最高可减免$15,600学费,即30%学费 课程网页:adelaide.edu.au/degree-finder/2025/mcsec_mcybsecu.html *此为当前学费,学费或根据不同学期有所调整   课程概况 网络安全硕士课程将帮助学生具备领导前沿的政府、执法机构、企业和非政府组织等领域的网络安全项目工作的能力: -把握对多领域行业中复杂的网络安全需求及其相关考量的深入跨学科视角的理解。 -掌握高水平的网络安全技术能力,并能够将这些技能运用到实际场景中。 -具备对相关数据和技术进行深入分析和评估的能力。 -培养优秀的人际沟通能力,能够与不同利益相关方高效交流问题和解决策略。 -通过参与相关重点研究或行业实践项目,以及灵活可选的行业实习机会,积累宝贵的实践经验。   通过研究项目或行业实践,将所学知识运用到实际中,并不断拓展专业能力。完成学业的学生毕业后,有机会进入SAAB、Google、Fivecast、DXC Technology 和 Dynamic Creative 等国际知名企业工作。   行业合作与就业前景   阿德莱德大学与本地科技领域的重要雇主(如 Lot Fourteen科技园区的埃森哲和德勤)保持紧密合作。毕业生起薪可达8万澳元,未来5-10年内有机会增长至12万澳元,就业率接近100%。   预计到2026年,澳大利亚对数据库与系统管理专家及信息与通信技术(ICT)安全专家的人才需求将增长38%。澳大利亚对网络安全解决方案的需求将推动市场销售额迅速增长至76亿澳元,新增约30万就业岗位。同时,澳大利亚计划在未来10年内投入99亿澳元,用于加强国家情报和网络建设。   除上述两个硕士课程,阿德莱德大学还提供: 信息技术学士、计算机科学学士、人工智能与机器学习硕士、应用数据分析学士、数学科学学士、数学与计算机科学学士、理学荣誉学士(高性能计算物理学)、计算机科学硕士、计算机与创新硕士、等多种授课制学位课程。   把握就业新热点,从择校开始,选择阿德莱德大学,就是选择了未来的无限可能!

更新时间:25-01-17 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 2025年截止信息

阿德莱德大学 2025年截止信息:北亚、东亚、美洲、欧洲、东南亚及中国等国家申请人澳大利亚境内申请人 From: The University of Adelaide Subject: ? Your monthly newsletter from the University of Adelaide | December 2024     Dear AAedu International Limited - China, On behalf of the University of Adelaide, I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation for your continued support and to being an integral part of our fine institution. International agents play a fundamental role in our success, and we are grateful for your continued partnership. The University of Adelaide has a proud tradition of teaching bright minds from around the nation and the world - of welcoming them and helping them to shape their own paths. For 150 years, as one of the best universities in the world, we have nurtured and educated hundreds of thousands of students, with many now leaders in their chosen fields. These are the alumni of the University of Adelaide, part of our community in 148 countries all over the world. This year has been remarkable, filled with achievements that celebrate our community and culture. Events such as the Eid Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Diwali showcased the diversity of our international students, while the celebration of 150 years of history highlighted the University’s legacy of excellence and innovation. At the University of Adelaide, and as Adelaide University, which we will open the doors to on the first of January 2026, we will remain dedicated to our role as a social, cultural and academic leader — an accessible, responsive and responsible corporate citizen designing and building a better future for all. Your contributions will be essential as we work to achieve the ambition of the new University, and we value the diverse knowledge, experiences and perspectives that you bring. Staying globally engaged and with valuable connections all around the world is an integral part of our success. With your steadfast support and collaboration, we are confident that we will achieve our shared goals and continue to provide outstanding opportunities for students worldwide. Please know we are here to support you as best as we can. Best wishes for a joyful and peaceful festive season. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement)   2025 Key Admission Dates Applicants within South Asia (excluding Pakistan), Central Asia, Middle East, Africa Applicants from Pakistan Applicants from countries in North Asia, East Asia, America, Europe, South East Asia and China Applicants in Australia   We welcomed the offshore team to Adelaide Our offshore teams visited Adelaide for the second time this year, focusing on joint planning and familiarisation activities with our counterparts from the University of South Australia. During their visit, they had the opportunity to explore world-class teaching and learning facilities, exchanged market trends and feedback, and most importantly, experienced Adelaide’s vibrant lifestyle and hospitality.   We also had some farewells On Friday 29 November, International Student Support had the privilege of hosting an inspiring farewell for 17 incredible Australia Awards Scholars who completed their studies at the University of Adelaide through the Australia Awards Scholarships program, in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and sponsored by the Australian Government. As these scholars often miss the change to participate in our formal graduation ceremonies, we organised a special moment to honour their achievements and wish them all the best as they embark on their next chapter. The event brought together completing and continuing Australia Awards Scholars, families and special guests from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the University of Adelaide.   Also on Friday 29 November, the International Student Support team hosted a memorable Farewell Celebration at the National Wine Centre, marking the achievements of over 90 international students completing their studies. The evening was filled with heartfelt speeches, delicious canapés, lots of dancing and music, providing a wonderful opportunity for students to reflect on their journeys and connect with peers and staff. It was a fitting tribute to the diverse and vibrant contributions made by international students during their time here at the University of Adelaide.     Together, let’s celebrate all we have achieved! For 150 years, the University of Adelaide has been breaking new ground, and pushing boundaries. In 2024, we marked this historic anniversary with 30 remarkable events, including some created especially for our 150th year. The video captures the highlights of this unforgettable journey. Hit play to relive the moments that made this celebration extraordinary! Closure Dates: Please note the University will be closed for the Christmas and New Year break from Tuesday 24 December, and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025.

更新时间:24-12-20 来源:OfferEasy官网


On behalf of the University of Adelaide, I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation for your continued support and to being an integral part of our fine institution. International agents play a fundamental role in our success, and we are grateful for your continued partnership.The University of Adelaide has a proud tradition of teaching bright minds from around the nation and the world - of welcoming them and helping them to shape their own paths.For 150 years, as one of the best universities in the world, we have nurtured and educated hundreds of thousands of students, with many now leaders in their chosen fields. These are the alumni of the University of Adelaide, part of our community in 148 countries all over the world.This year has been remarkable, filled with achievements that celebrate our community and culture. Events such as the Eid Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Diwali showcased the diversity of our international students, while the celebration of 150 years of history highlighted the University’s legacy of excellence and innovation.At the University of Adelaide, and as Adelaide University, which we will open the doors to on the first of January 2026, we will remain dedicated to our role as a social, cultural and academic leader — an accessible, responsive and responsible corporate citizen designing and building a better future for all.Your contributions will be essential as we work to achieve the ambition of the new University, and we value the diverse knowledge, experiences and perspectives that you bring.Staying globally engaged and with valuable connections all around the world is an integral part of our success. With your steadfast support and collaboration, we are confident that we will achieve our shared goals and continue to provide outstanding opportunities for students worldwide. Please know we are here to support you as best as we can.Best wishes for a joyful and peaceful festive season.Professor Jessica GallagherDeputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement)2025 Key Admission DatesApplicants within South Asia (excluding Pakistan), Central Asia, Middle East, AfricaApplicants from PakistanApplicants from countries in North Asia, East Asia, America, Europe, South East Asia and ChinaApplicants in Australia We welcomed the offshore team to AdelaideOur offshore teams visited Adelaide for the second time this year, focusing on joint planning and familiarisation activities with our counterparts from the University of South Australia. During their visit, they had the opportunity to explore world-class teaching and learning facilities, exchanged market trends and feedback, and most importantly, experienced Adelaide’s vibrant lifestyle and hospitality. We also had some farewellsOn Friday 29 November, International Student Support had the privilege of hosting an inspiring farewell for 17 incredible Australia Awards Scholars who completed their studies at the University of Adelaide through the Australia Awards Scholarships program, in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and sponsored by the Australian Government.As these scholars often miss the change to participate in our formal graduation ceremonies, we organised a special moment to honour their achievements and wish them all the best as they embark on their next chapter.The event brought together completing and continuing Australia Awards Scholars, families and special guests from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the University of Adelaide. Also on Friday 29 November, the International Student Support team hosted a memorable Farewell Celebration at the National Wine Centre, marking the achievements of over 90 international students completing their studies. The evening was filled with heartfelt speeches, delicious canapés, lots of dancing and music, providing a wonderful opportunity for students to reflect on their journeys and connect with peers and staff. It was a fitting tribute to the diverse and vibrant contributions made by international students during their time here at the University of Adelaide.  Together, let’s celebrate all we have achieved!For 150 years, the University of Adelaide has been breaking new ground, and pushing boundaries. In 2024, we marked this historic anniversary with 30 remarkable events, including some created especially for our 150th year.The video captures the highlights of this unforgettable journey. Hit play to relive the moments that made this celebration extraordinary!Closure Dates:Please note the University will be closed for the Christmas and New Year break from Tuesday 24 December, and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025.

更新时间:24-12-20 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 2025年T1/S1重要申请日期 + 录取要求更新 + GS审核

阿德莱德大学 2025年T1/S1重要申请日期 + 录取要求更新 + GS审核阿德莱德大学2025年T1/S1重要申请日期近期录取要求更新再次提醒大学GS审核提醒----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  阿德莱德大学2025年T1/S1重要申请日期针对2025年T1/S1入学的中国境内申请人,申请重要截止日期发布,请务必尽早操作相关申请。部分Quota课程已提前截止。        开学时间Intake申请截止日Last DateTo Submit Application接受截止日Last DateTo Accept Offer报到日Orientation Date开课日期Program Commencement DateT1 20252024年12月30日2024年1月13日2025年2月3日2025年2月3日S1 20252025年1月20日2025年2月3日2025年2月24日2025年3月3日       近期录取审核细节再次提醒阿德莱德大学已于2024年9月发布针对2025年入学的最新成绩要求,以及奖学金政策,调整中国区域申请人相关GPA对应分数。其中几点审核细节再次提醒大家注意。成绩单计算分数为加权平均分。若成绩单上已有百分制成绩的,按照成绩单为准;成绩单只有GPA的,会重新计算加权平均分;建议代理附上学生所在学校GPA对应百分制说明或英文计算方法。学生在政策调整前出的审核结果,将不会自动更新。如学生在新政策发布后,符合现行的审核录取标准,或符合更高级别的奖学金标准,请发邮件至大学,要求重审,无需再次支付申请费。 大学GS审核提醒大学将在录取时将加强对学生GS审核,针对重新申请读同等学位的学生,在申请时建议提交个人陈述,以便录取办公室更好地了解学生的申请目的。理论上不建议学生学历倒读。

更新时间:24-11-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

【广州、北京】阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院大师课 + 1对1音乐作品指导会

【广州、北京】阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院大师课 + 1对1音乐作品指导会 【广州、北京】阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院大师课 + 1对1音乐作品指导会  【Guangzhou, Beijing】The Elder Conservatorium of Music at the University of Adelaide   Masterclass + 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions      亲爱的合作伙伴:   Dear partners,   阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院(Elder Conservatorium of Music)将于12月8日 周日(广州)及12月11日 周三(北京)举办音乐大师课和1对1音乐作品指导、课程咨询活动。此次活动将由阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院的授课老师和招生官亲临现场,为同学们进行作品点评并解答申请疑问。  The University of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music will host Music Masterclasses, 1-on-1 Audition and Application Guidance Sessions on Sunday, December 8, in Guangzhou, and Wednesday, December 11, in Beijing. Lectors and admissions officers from the Elder Conservatorium of Music will be present to provide feedback on portfolios and answer application-related questions for students.    广州 – 12月8日 周日  时间:  - 9:00-12:30:1对1音乐作品指导、现场入学面试指导(其它时间可预约)    - 14:00-16:00:大师课:包括作品指导,练习指导    地点: 广州市越秀区永福路8号 艺途文化 C7 Music Studio  802-804  Guangzhou – Sunday, December 8  Schedule:  - 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM: 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions (other time slots available by appointment)   - 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Masterclass, including Work Review and Practice Guidance    Location: C7 Music Studio, Yitu Culture, No. 8 Yongfu Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 802-804    北京 – 12月11日 周三  时间:  - 13:30-16:00:1对1音乐作品指导、现场入学面试指导(其它时间可预约)    - 17:30-20:00:大师课:包括作品指导,练习指导    地点: 北京市朝阳区广渠路三号竞园20库-215 无界剧场    Beijing – Wednesday, December 11  Schedule:  - 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM: 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions (other time slots available by appointment)  - 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Masterclass, including Work Review and Practice Guidance    Location:  Wujie Theater, 20-215, Jingyuan, No. 3 Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing      对于选择铜管、木管、弦乐演奏的同学:   希望通过此次活动获得埃尔德音乐学院作品审理结果的同学,请根据以下链接准备符合时长和曲目要求的演奏或演唱作品:    https://able.adelaide.edu.au/music/study/auditions/audition-requirements-by-program   For students specializing in brass, woodwind, or string instruments:  If you wish to receive a portfolio review result for admission through this event, please prepare performance or vocal pieces according to the requirements in the following link:  https://able.adelaide.edu.au/music/study/auditions/audition-requirements-by-program    对于选择管弦乐以外专业(如钢琴、声乐、爵士)的同学:  可现场咨询课程信息,如需确切的作品审核结果,请根据录取要求提交表演录像或音乐创作作品。     or students pursuing other disciplines (e.g., piano, voice, jazz):  Course consultation is available on-site. To receive formal feedback on audition pieces, please submit a performance recording or composition in accordance with application requirements.       扫描二维码查看中文版试镜要求   Scan the QR code to access the Chinese version.        扫描二维码注册活动   Scan the QR code to register for the event.         音乐大师课 | Music Masterclass  阿德莱德大学授课老师 Luke Dollman 和 Lloyd Van’t Hoff 当场指导,将音乐表演课堂带来中国,帮助学生迅速掌握进步秘籍。其他观摩学生也可现场感受指导过程,提升表演技巧。此外,两位老师会针对如何安排日常练习、准备音乐面试、最终呈现符合大学录取标准的作品提供干货建议。  Luke Dollman and Lloyd Van’t Hoff, instructors from the University of Adelaide, will bring their music performance classes to China, helping students quickly grasp key techniques for improvement. Observing students will also have the opportunity to experience the coaching process and enhance their performance skills. In addition, both instructors will provide valuable advice on how to organize daily practice, prepare for auditions, and present music works that meet university admission standards.    音乐表演志愿者招募中  Volunteer Recruitment for Music Performance:    广州场 12月8日 周日 14:00-16:00  Beijing Session – Sunday, December 8, 14:00-16:00  北京场 12月11日 周三 17:00-20:00  Beijing Session – Wednesday, December 11, 17:30-20:00    目前正在招募4-5名学生音乐表演学生志愿者,铜管、木管、弦乐等演奏的在舞台上进行10分钟左右表演。如有兴趣的学生,请把自己的简介电子邮件发送到 china_enquiries@adelaide.edu.au 先到先得。  We are currently recruiting 4-5 student volunteers for music performance, including brass, woodwind, and string instrument players, to perform on stage for about 10 minutes. Interested students can send their profile via email to china_enquiries@adelaide.edu.au.     1对1音乐作品指导会、课程咨询|1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions    面向已经有明确入读阿德莱德大学意愿的学生开展,每位参与者有15分钟左右表演时间。管弦乐专业同学可通过这次当面演奏获悉作品是否合格,作品尚未就绪的同学可以预约咨询课程信息以及作品指导。    This is for students who have a clear intention to apply to the University of Adelaide. Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes of performance time. Orchestral music students can use this opportunity to find out if their works meet the acceptance standards. Students whose pieces are not ready can book a consultation to discuss course information and receive guidance on their works.    期待您的参与!     阿德莱德大学中国团队

更新时间:24-11-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-阿德莱德大学-【广州、北京】埃尔德音乐学院大师课 + 1对1音乐作品指导会

【广州、北京】阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院大师课 + 1对1音乐作品指导会 【Guangzhou, Beijing】The Elder Conservatorium of Music at the University of Adelaide  Masterclass + 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions    亲爱的合作伙伴:  Dear partners,  阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院(Elder Conservatorium of Music)将于12月8日 周日(广州)及12月11日 周三(北京)举办音乐大师课和1对1音乐作品指导、课程咨询活动。此次活动将由阿德莱德大学埃尔德音乐学院的授课老师和招生官亲临现场,为同学们进行作品点评并解答申请疑问。 The University of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music will host Music Masterclasses, 1-on-1 Audition and Application Guidance Sessions on Sunday, December 8, in Guangzhou, and Wednesday, December 11, in Beijing. Lectors and admissions officers from the Elder Conservatorium of Music will be present to provide feedback on portfolios and answer application-related questions for students. 广州 – 12月8日 周日 时间: - 9:00-12:30:1对1音乐作品指导、现场入学面试指导(其它时间可预约)   - 14:00-16:00:大师课:包括作品指导,练习指导   地点: 广州市越秀区永福路8号 艺途文化 C7 Music Studio  802-804 Guangzhou – Sunday, December 8Schedule:- 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM: 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions (other time slots available by appointment) - 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Masterclass, including Work Review and Practice Guidance  Location: C7 Music Studio, Yitu Culture, No. 8 Yongfu Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 802-804 北京 – 12月11日 周三 时间: - 13:30-16:00:1对1音乐作品指导、现场入学面试指导(其它时间可预约)   - 17:30-20:00:大师课:包括作品指导,练习指导   地点: 北京市朝阳区广渠路三号竞园20库-215 无界剧场   Beijing – Wednesday, December 11Schedule:- 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM: 1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions (other time slots available by appointment)- 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Masterclass, including Work Review and Practice Guidance  Location:Wujie Theater, 20-215, Jingyuan, No. 3 Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing   对于选择铜管、木管、弦乐演奏的同学: 希望通过此次活动获得埃尔德音乐学院作品审理结果的同学,请根据以下链接准备符合时长和曲目要求的演奏或演唱作品:  https://able.adelaide.edu.au/music/study/auditions/audition-requirements-by-program  For students specializing in brass, woodwind, or string instruments:If you wish to receive a portfolio review result for admission through this event, please prepare performance or vocal pieces according to the requirements in the following link: https://able.adelaide.edu.au/music/study/auditions/audition-requirements-by-program  对于选择管弦乐以外专业(如钢琴、声乐、爵士)的同学: 可现场咨询课程信息,如需确切的作品审核结果,请根据录取要求提交表演录像或音乐创作作品。   or students pursuing other disciplines (e.g., piano, voice, jazz):Course consultation is available on-site. To receive formal feedback on audition pieces, please submit a performance recording or composition in accordance with application requirements.    扫描二维码查看中文版试镜要求  Scan the QR code to access the Chinese version.    扫描二维码注册活动  Scan the QR code to register for the event.    音乐大师课 | Music Masterclass 阿德莱德大学授课老师 Luke Dollman和 Lloyd Van’t Hoff 当场指导,将音乐表演课堂带来中国,帮助学生迅速掌握进步秘籍。其他观摩学生也可现场感受指导过程,提升表演技巧。此外,两位老师会针对如何安排日常练习、准备音乐面试、最终呈现符合大学录取标准的作品提供干货建议。 Luke Dollman and Lloyd Van’t Hoff, instructors from the University of Adelaide, will bring their music performance classes to China, helping students quickly grasp key techniques for improvement. Observing students will also have the opportunity to experience the coaching process and enhance their performance skills. In addition, both instructors will provide valuable advice on how to organize daily practice, prepare for auditions, and present music works that meet university admission standards. 音乐表演志愿者招募中 Volunteer Recruitment for Music Performance: 广州场 12月8日 周日 14:00-16:00Beijing Session – Sunday, December 8, 14:00-16:00北京场 12月11日 周三 17:00-20:00Beijing Session – Wednesday, December 11, 17:30-20:00 目前正在招募4-5名学生音乐表演学生志愿者,铜管、木管、弦乐等演奏的在舞台上进行10分钟左右表演。如有兴趣的学生,请把自己的简介电子邮件发送到 china_enquiries@adelaide.edu.au 先到先得。 We are currently recruiting 4-5 student volunteers for music performance, including brass, woodwind, and string instrument players, to perform on stage for about 10 minutes. Interested students can send their profile via email to china_enquiries@adelaide.edu.au.   1对1音乐作品指导会、课程咨询|1-on-1 Music Audition and Application Guidance Sessions  面向已经有明确入读阿德莱德大学意愿的学生开展,每位参与者有15分钟左右表演时间。管弦乐专业同学可通过这次当面演奏获悉作品是否合格,作品尚未就绪的同学可以预约咨询课程信息以及作品指导。  This is for students who have a clear intention to apply to the University of Adelaide. Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes of performance time. Orchestral music students can use this opportunity to find out if their works meet the acceptance standards. Students whose pieces are not ready can book a consultation to discuss course information and receive guidance on their works. 

更新时间:24-11-27 来源:OfferEasy官网


见信好! 本期代理简讯内容如下: 阿德莱德大学2025年T1/S1重要申请日期近期录取要求更新再次提醒大学GS审核提醒---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿德莱德大学2025年T1/S1重要申请日期针对2025年T1/S1入学的中国境内申请人,申请重要截止日期发布,请务必尽早操作相关申请。部分Quota课程已提前截止,请与各区域经理联系确认。           开学时间Intake申请截止日Last DateTo Submit Application接受截止日Last DateTo Accept Offer报到日Orientation Date开课日期Program Commencement DateT1 20252024年12月30日2024年1月13日2025年2月3日2025年2月3日S1 20252025年1月20日2025年2月3日2025年2月24日2025年3月3日      近期录取审核细节再次提醒阿德莱德大学已于2024年9月发布针对2025年入学的最新成绩要求,以及奖学金政策,调整中国区域申请人相关GPA对应分数,具体更新详见代理手册第4页。其中几点审核细节再次提醒大家注意。成绩单计算分数为加权平均分。若成绩单上已有百分制成绩的,按照成绩单为准;成绩单只有GPA的,会重新计算加权平均分;建议代理附上学生所在学校GPA对应百分制说明或英文计算方法。学生在政策调整前出的审核结果,将不会自动更新。如学生在新政策发布后,符合现行的审核录取标准,或符合更高级别的奖学金标准,请发邮件至app-(学生申请号)@internationaladmissions.adelaide.edu.au的学生审理邮箱,要求重审,无需再次支付申请费。 大学GS审核提醒大学将在录取时将加强对学生GS审核,针对重新申请读同等学位的学生,在申请时建议提交个人陈述,以便录取办公室更好地了解学生的申请目的。理论上不建议学生学历倒读。 

更新时间:24-11-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 中国/Onshore申请人 - 2025 年T1、S1的申请截止日期、录取截止日期、迎新日期和课程开始日期

阿德莱德大学 中国/Onshore申请人 - 2025 年T1、S1的申请截止日期、录取截止日期、迎新日期和课程开始日期 2025 年T1、S1的申请截止日期、录取截止日期、迎新日期和课程开始日期 1. 中国申请人 2. Onshore申请人 Subject: ? Your monthly newsletter from the University of Adelaide | November 2024     Hi AAedu International Limited - China, Welcome to the November edition of your Agent Newsletter! In this edition, you’ll find information on the 2025 admission dates, an update on our Apple Distinguished School recognition, new videos to promote postgraduate Law degrees, a recap of our Diwali celebration, study area flyers, and more resources from our website, along with staff updates.   2025 Key Admission Dates Applicants from all countries in South Asia, Central Asia, Middle East and Africa Applicants from countries in North Asia, East Asia, America, Europe, South East Asia and China Applicants in Australia   An Apple Distinguished School The University of Adelaide’s School of Education has had its Australian-first Apple Distinguished School designation extended to 2027, which will officially carry through to the new Adelaide University. Read more   New Postgraduate Law Videos Our two-year Master of International and Security Law program is available to all graduates. As the video explains, you can explore space law, nuclear law, cyber conflict law, law of air and naval warfare, counter-terrorism and national security law. Investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on law with a focus on security in our comprehensive masters program.   View video   In our Professional Certificate in Nuclear Law you’ll learn how laws regulate nuclear energy’s use and ensure the safety of our planet and its people. The program comprises a one-week intensive course conducted face-to-face in Adelaide and an additional 12-week research project (which may be completed remotely).  The video below explains how you can build the expertise for a career at the forefront of global nuclear energy law. View video   We Celebrated Diwali! On Friday 25 October, International Student Support, in collaboration with the Adelaide Indian Students’ Society, the Adelaide Pakistani Students’ Association, and the Adelaide Tamil Students Society, hosted a vibrant Diwali celebration on campus. We welcomed 450 students and guests for an evening of lights, music, and cultural traditions. The event featured dance performances, diya painting, Parai drumming, Henna art, and more, each activity capturing the essence of Diwali. It was a wonderful opportunity for our diverse student community to come together, share, and celebrate their rich cultural heritage.   Study Area Flyers Did you know that now you can find all the study area flyers on our dedicated resources for agency partners page? Explore these and more marketing resources!   The University of Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia 5005 Australia Phone: +61 8 8313 7335 Australian University Provider Number PRV12105 CRICOS Provider Number 00123M Disclaimer | Copyright | Privacy Policy

更新时间:24-11-22 来源:OfferEasy官网


Welcome to the November edition of your Agent Newsletter!In this edition, you’ll find information on the 2025 admission dates, an update on our Apple Distinguished School recognition, new videos to promote postgraduate Law degrees, a recap of our Diwali celebration, study area flyers, and more resources from our website, along with staff updates. 2025 Key Admission DatesApplicants from all countries in South Asia, Central Asia, Middle East and AfricaApplicants from countries in North Asia, East Asia, America, Europe, South East Asia and ChinaApplicants in Australia An Apple Distinguished SchoolThe University of Adelaide’s School of Education has had its Australian-first Apple Distinguished School designation extended to 2027, which will officially carry through to the new Adelaide University.Read more New Postgraduate Law VideosOur two-year Master of International and Security Law program is available to all graduates. As the video explains, you can explore space law, nuclear law, cyber conflict law, law of air and naval warfare, counter-terrorism and national security law. Investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on law with a focus on security in our comprehensive masters program. View video In our Professional Certificate in Nuclear Law you’ll learn how laws regulate nuclear energy’s use and ensure the safety of our planet and its people. The program comprises a one-week intensive course conducted face-to-face in Adelaide and an additional 12-week research project (which may be completed remotely).  The video below explains how you can build the expertise for a career at the forefront of global nuclear energy law.View video If you are unable to view the video due to platform restrictions in your country, please reach out directly to Beth at beth.ottaway@adelaide.edu.auWe Celebrated Diwali!On Friday 25 October, International Student Support, in collaboration with the Adelaide Indian Students’ Society, the Adelaide Pakistani Students’ Association, and the Adelaide Tamil Students Society, hosted a vibrant Diwali celebration on campus. We welcomed 450 students and guests for an evening of lights, music, and cultural traditions. The event featured dance performances, diya painting, Parai drumming, Henna art, and more, each activity capturing the essence of Diwali. It was a wonderful opportunity for our diverse student community to come together, share, and celebrate their rich cultural heritage. Study Area FlyersDid you know that now you can find all the study area flyers on our dedicated resources for agency partners page? Explore these and more marketing resources!Visit website

更新时间:24-11-21 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-Kaplan ANZ-新阿德莱德大学学院本科预科打包课程现已上线

View as webpageDear Valued Partner,Thank you for your continued support of Kaplan International Pathways ANZ (KIP ANZ). I am contacting you to inform you of an important update regarding the University of Adelaide College (UoAC) Foundation Studies Program packages to Adelaide University.We are thrilled to share exciting new pathway degree destinations designed to equip your students with in-demand, industry-aligned qualifications in STEM and Health from Adelaide University. With over 30 new majors, ranging from Genetics to Theoretical Physics, there is a program in STEM that caters to diverse aspirations and future-focused careers for your students.Take advantage of our streamlined, direct package offer for Bachelor of Nursing through our Foundation Studies Program. A range of high impact careers in health can now be accessed by your students:• Dentistry*• Medicine*• Psychology• Veterinary Medicine*Our pathway options now include over 100 newly released degree destinations. Whether students aim to become a Pilot, Games Developer, Social Worker, or Genetic Scientist, our pathway programs provide robust preparation for studies at a Go8 standard across a wide variety of degrees.For a full list of our new degree destinations, please visit our website.  We are now accepting applications for 2025 and look forward to supporting your students in reaching their academic and career goals.Once again, I’d like to thank you for your ongoing support of KIP ANZ.  If you have any questions regarding this email, please don’t hesitate to contact your Student Recruitment Manager.Warm regards,Kaplan International Pathways ANZ*These programs attract additional screening requirements. Students will be issued a packaged offer with a relevant Bachelor while satisfying additional entry requirements.The University of Adelaide College,132 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia Foundation Studies, Degree Transfer and Pre-Master’s programs (The University of Adelaide) CRICOS 00123M | English language programs (Kaplan) CRICOS 03127EAll courses provided by the University of Adelaide College areaccredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)The University of Adelaide, Melbourne Campus is operated by Kaplan Higher Education Pty Ltd. The University has entered into a third-party arrangement with Kaplan Higher Education to deliver the University programs and associated services available at the Melbourne Campus

更新时间:24-11-21 来源:OfferEasy官网