
The University of Adelaide

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阿德莱德大学2025年奖学金申|请|条|件新|鲜|出|炉阿德莱德大学不仅提供全球Top1%的优质教育,还致力于为国际学生提供一系列丰富的奖学金,旨在表彰优秀的国际学生并为大家的留学生活提供有力的经济支持。对于新入学阿德莱德大学本科/授课型研究生的国际学生可以申请如下奖学金?注:对于符合阿德莱德大学多项奖学金条件的申请者,将只授予其中奖金金额最高的一项奖学金哦~1全球公民国际奖学金Global Citizens International Scholarship阿德莱德大学2025年全球公民国际奖学金专为学术成绩优异的国际本科生和授课型研究生而设。成功申请者可享受15%-30%的学费减免。申请条件2025年入读阿德莱德大学学位课程;适用于直接入学的国际本科生或授课型研究生,包括需要在正式课程开始前进行入学前英语课程(PEP)的学生;申请人需达到最低学术成绩要求;奖学金对所有国籍的国际学生开放(澳大利亚和新西兰学生除外); 奖学金适用于所有学科(部分除外)。该奖学金无需单独申请,阿德莱德大学将根据申请者最终的完整学术成绩自动评定资格。尽管奖学金没有具体截止日期,但建议同学们尽早完成入学申请,以便预留充足时间办理签证和进行学习准备。小贴士对于该奖学金,只要每学年保持相应的GPA,学生便可自动享受每年的学费减免,而不是一次性奖励哦。以计算机科学硕士课程为例,学费为2024年AU$51,500/年,30%的学费减免每年可为学生节省约AU$15,450。学长学姐有话说Chengrui Chen中学教育硕士作为奖学金的获得者,Chengrui Chen在阿德莱德大学的教育硕士学习中深感受益。他表示:“阿德莱德大学不仅以其卓越的教育水平著称,还通过丰富的奖学金计划,帮助我减轻了经济负担,让我能够专注于学术和实践学习。”了解该奖学金完整信息?:https://international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/scholarships/global-citizens-scholarships#20252国际校友奖学金Alumni International Scholarship国际校友奖学金面向已经完成阿德莱德大学的相关学位课程,且希望在阿德莱德大学继续攻读第二学位或更高学位的国际学生。获得该奖学金的申请者将享受10%的学费减免。申请条件2025年入读阿德莱德大学学位课程;申请人必须是阿德莱德大学毕业生/校友,并已成功获得过学校学位;适用于直接入学的国际本科生或授课型研究生,包括需要在正式课程开始前进行入学前英语课程(PEP)的学生;申请人需达到最低学术成绩要求;奖学金对所有国籍的国际学生开放(澳大利亚和新西兰学生除外); 奖学金适用于所有学科(部分除外)。学长学姐有话说Chaoxiang Zhang文学学士传媒学士(荣誉)阿德莱德大学不仅提供全面的学术支持,还为学生创造了一个可以充分平衡学习与生活的理想环境。正如Chaoxiang Zhang所体验的,阿德莱德大学通过舒适的学习设施、多样化的学生社群以及丰富的实习机会,为学生提供了一个极具价值的学习平台。Chaoxiang特别提到:“在阿德莱德大学的学习让我提升了研究技能和解决问题的能力,这些都是未来职业发展的宝贵财富。”了解该奖学金完整信息?:https://international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/scholarships/alumni-scholarships3全球学术卓越50%国际奖学金Global Academic Excellence 50% International Scholarship全球学术卓越50%国际奖学金旨在奖励在之前学历中表现出卓越成就的本科/授课型研究生申请者,符合条件的学生将有机会在攻读学位期间获得50%的学费减免。该奖学金作为阿德莱德大学最热门的奖学金项目之一,以学术成绩作为其评定的标准。?如果你是本科课程申请者:ATAR分数不得低于99.9分(或达到同等水平)/GPA不得低于6.9分(或达到同等水平)。在阿德莱德大学或者澳大利亚其他大学完成学业的申请者,则GPA不得低于6.8分(或达到同等水平)。?如果你是授课型研究生课程申请者:GPA不得低于6.9分(或达到同等水平)。在阿德莱德大学或者澳大利亚其他大学完成学业的申请者,则GPA不得低于6.8分(或达到同等水平)。申请条件2025年入读阿德莱德大学学位课程;适用于直接入学的国际本科生或授课型研究生,包括需要在正式课程开始前进行入学前英语课程(PEP)的学生;申请人需达到最低学术成绩要求;奖学金面向部分国家和地区,以及近期在澳大利亚完成学业的学生开放; 奖学金适用于所有学科(部分除外)。学长学姐有话说Ling Ling 文学硕士(口译、翻译和跨文化交流)人文、商业、法律和经济学部"阿德莱德大学的课程设计新颖灵活,提供学生个性化的选择,让我在语言学和文化研究之间自由探索。尽管翻译课程具有挑战性,但通过学校的支持和资源,我感受到了巨大的进步与收获。"了解该奖学金完整信息?:https://international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/scholarships/global-academic-excellence-scholarship4合作项目奖学金(国际)Articulation Partner Scholarship (International)除了以上奖学金选择,我们还为通过学分转换和合作项目课程衔接升读的国际学生准备了优厚的奖学金项目,对大家的努力和成绩予以表彰。阿德莱德大学的合作项目奖学金专门设立给那些通过与大学存在有效合作协议的国际机构的官方衔接路径申请入学的学生。该奖学金获得者每年可享受最高AUD$5,000的学费减免,最长可持续两年。申请条件2025年入读阿德莱德大学学位课程,且仅适用于大学指定合作项目在读学生;适用于直接入学的国际本科生或授课型研究生,包括需要在正式课程开始前进行入学前英语课程(PEP)的学生;针对通过与阿德莱德大学存在有效协议的国际机构正式国际衔接途径申请入学的学生,且该学生已完成协议内规定的衔接课程;申请者已成功获得认可合作伙伴的资格认证;奖学金对所有国籍的国际学生开放(澳大利亚和新西兰学生除外); 奖学金适用于所有学科(部分除外)。学长学姐有话说Whitney Fei Yang Huang建筑设计学士理学、工程和技术学部"阿德莱德大学的建筑设计课程为我提供了探索自我潜力的机会,同时也培养了我在问题解决和创新思维方面的能力。在这里,我不仅结识了来自不同文化背景的优秀人才,还感受到了阿德莱德这座城市的宁静与灵感,这将为我未来的职业发展铺平道路。"了解该奖学金完整信息?:https://international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/scholarships/articulation-partner-scholarships#20255家庭奖学金(国际)Family Scholarship(International) 阿德莱德大学在读学生或毕业生的家庭成员(配偶或任何直系亲属),若计划入学阿德莱德大学本科/授课型研究生课程,则有机会获得10%的课程学费减免。申请条件2025年入读阿德莱德大学学位课程;针对有家庭成员在阿德莱德大学就读或曾就读的国际学生;适用于直接入学的国际本科生或授课型研究生,包括需要在正式课程开始前进行入学前英语课程(PEP)的学生;申请人需达到最低学术成绩要求;奖学金对所有国籍的国际学生开放(澳大利亚和新西兰学生除外); 奖学金适用于所有学科(部分除外)。学长学姐有话说Tom (Yinan)Sun护理学学士健康和医学科学学部"在阿德莱德大学,我不仅在护理专业中获得了扎实的学术基础,还通过国际学生代表的角色帮助其他学生更好地融入校园生活。这里的学习环境和个人支持让我在面对挑战时更加自信,这种积极的校园文化将是我未来职业生涯的重要支撑。"了解该奖学金完整信息?:https://international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/scholarships/family-scholarships阅读全文微信扫一扫关注该公众号

更新时间:24-09-09 来源:OfferEasy官网


View as webpageDear Partners,In 2023, Kaplan proudly celebrated 20 years of partnership with The University of Adelaide, a testament to our shared vision, unwavering commitment, and the enduring strength of our collaboration.As we move forward into a new era, we’re excited to support the University’s bold and visionary transformation as it combines its strengths with the University of South Australia to create the new Adelaide University, marking one of the most significant milestones in Australian Higher Education.Over the past week, our partnership with Adelaide University has solidified through joint events designed to introduce the university to you and to reaffirm the University of Adelaide College’s standing as a preferred pathway provider to Adelaide University.We have been working closely with the university to continue to build insights for our agent partners, about what this exciting opportunity means for our future students and our partners. Some common themes that have been coming up in our sessions are outlined below. In addition, join us at our upcoming webinar on the 7th of August 2024 from 4 pm to 5 pm (ACST), to hear more about College programs and how we continue to support student success and progression outcomes. Please register here to attend: UoAC In Focus Webinar.ScholarshipsIn recognition of our partnership, our students will automatically receive a 10% Scholarship through the Adelaide Partner Award when they progress to Adelaide University.Upon meeting the Scholarship eligibility criteria, students will also be considered for the scholarships listed below. If eligible, they will only be awarded the Scholarship of the highest value. Adelaide Academic Excellence Scholarship – 50%A scholarship rewarding students with a passion for academic excellence where recipients will receive a 50% tuition fee waiver for the duration of their degree.Adelaide Emerging Leaders Award – 25%A scholarship supporting students who show leadership through high academic achievement where recipients will receive a 25% tuition fee waiver for the duration of their degree.Adelaide Merit Scholarship – 15%A scholarship for students dedicated to their academic achievement where recipients will receive a 15% tuition fee waiver for the duration of their degree.  Transition• Students commencing in 2024 at the University of Adelaide College, including those commencing in Term 3 for FSPX, DTX/DTE, and PMP will progress to the University of Adelaide in 2025, provided they successfully complete their pathway program on schedule.• Commencing students at the University of Adelaide enrolling in 2025 will receive their award from Adelaide University• Students who start at the University of Adelaide in 2025 and transfer to Adelaide University in 2026 will be highly supported for a smooth transition to Adelaide University. Fee arrangements including scholarships will be honored as per the rules and conditions in effect at the time of acceptance.• Students commencing in 2025 at the University of Adelaide College will progress to Adelaide University and will graduate with an Adelaide University award.AccreditationAdelaide University is working through relevant approvals for program accreditation ahead of students commencing at the institution in 2026. Updates in this regard will be provided in due course.Pathway destination programsAdelaide University launched more than 200 coursework programs for international students across a wide range of in-demand disciplines.More programs will be progressively released and there will be no major discipline changes from what is currently offered by the existing universities.For up to date pathway degree destinations available from University of Adelaide College programs, please visit our website:Foundation Studies ProgramDegree Transfer ProgramPre Masters Program Impact on international student visa  The University of Adelaide will assist eligible international students transferring to Adelaide University in 2026 to ensure their documentation and program of study are compliant with their student visa.Thank you for your ongoing support of the University of Adelaide College, the University of Adelaide and Adelaide University. We will be sharing updates in an ongoing capacity but in the meantime, we would love to hear any burning questions you have, or any feedback you would like to share. Please share them here.Best wishes,Kaplan International Pathways,Australia and New ZealandThe University of Adelaide College,132 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia Foundation Studies, Degree Transfer and Pre-Master’s programs (The University of Adelaide) CRICOS 00123M | English language programs (Kaplan) CRICOS 03127EAll courses provided by the University of Adelaide College areaccredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)The University of Adelaide, Melbourne Campus is operated by Kaplan Higher Education Pty Ltd. The University has entered into a third-party arrangement with Kaplan Higher Education to deliver the University programs and associated services available at the Melbourne Campus

更新时间:24-08-06 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-阿德莱德大学(新)- Adelaide University&Kaplan集团联合发布会回放

 Dear, On behalf of the entire team at Kaplan, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for attending our recent webinar introducing Adelaide University. Your presence and participation made the very well attended event successful. If you registered and were not able to attend, here is a recording of the webinar: Introducing Adelaide University After 20 years of enjoying a fruitful partnership with the University of Adelaide, we are privileged and excited to continue this into a new era, with Adelaide University. It presents a unique opportunity for students and yourself to become part of something great. We look forward to building on this partnership together and appreciate your support moving forward. While this is a significant milestone, all the familiar things about us and the University of Adelaide College remain the same: ·      You can continue to count on our unwavering support.·      The same pathways, attractive degree destinations: Foundation Studies, Degree Transfer, Pre Masters.·      Entry requirements and application process remain the same. The University of Adelaide College is the best choice for students to join Adelaide University: ·      Excellent preparation for successful studies at a Go8 standard·      Simple and straightforward pathway·      Unrivaled student experience and support We would love to hear any feedback or questions from you. Please share them here. Thank you once again.  Sincerely, Alex

更新时间:24-08-01 来源:OfferEasy官网


On Monday 15 July, Australia’s newest major university, Adelaide University was launched in market. To mark this momentous step, more than 3,000 University of Adelaide and University of South Australia staff came together in person and online to celebrate and view our exciting new brand. We invite you to view the video and photos from the special occasion.Applications are open for international students to commence their studies at Adelaide University in 2026. A first suite of around 200 coursework degrees are available to support international student demand and recruitment, with more programs to be progressively released. You can explore more here. An International Student Guide has also been developed and is available from the Adelaide University website.On Tuesday 16 July, we were pleased to deliver an Adelaide University International Launch Webinar for more than 200 people. Together with Professor Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) at the University of Adelaide, the new Adelaide University brand, vision and mission were presented, and the importance placed on partnerships was highlighted. Guest speaker Kate Dalwood from StudyAdelaide spoke about South Australia as a study destination and how Adelaide University will have a significant impact on the State. Thank you for those who were able to join the webinar, your ongoing support is very much appreciated. You can view the Adelaide University International Launch Webinar recording here.There will be dedicated training and support in the months ahead. Adelaide University launch webinars will be held over the next two weeks with pathway partners Kaplan and Navitas to support their upcoming intakes. Adelaide University contracted agent training will commence in August 2024 and your Relationship Manager will be in touch shortly to organise training sessions to suit your teams.Adelaide University will continue its launch on the global stage later this year, with international launch events being organised in South Asia, Southeast Asia, North Asia and onshore. Date claimers will be sent shortly.Thank you for your ongoing support and in the meantime if you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager.With best regards, Shirley Chung & Rishen ShekharHelpful resourcesAdelaide University websiteAdelaide University ToolkitAdelaide University brandRequest logo files

更新时间:24-07-26 来源:OfferEasy官网


In 2023, Kaplan proudly celebrated 20 years of partnership with The University of Adelaide, a testament to our shared vision, unwavering commitment, and the enduring strength of our collaboration.As we move forward into a new era, we’re excited to support the University’s bold and visionary transformation as it combines its strengths with the University of South Australia to create the new Adelaide University, marking one of the most significant milestones in Australian Higher Education.We extend our heartfelt thanks to you, our valued partners, for your ongoing contributions to the College's success. Together, we look forward to building on our achievements and navigating this transition.We’re writing today to update our agent partners regarding pathway programs available for packaging to Adelaide University courses.Adelaide University has released an initial subset of 200 coursework programs across a wide range of in-demand study areas. More will be progressively released in market. For the latest information, please visit adelaideuni.edu.au to explore more.The University of Adelaide College continues to prepare students for progression to their chosen degree through our Foundation Studies Program, Degree Transfer Programs and the Pre-Master's Program. We have outlined below how our existing programs progress to new Adelaide University programs.Please see registration details below to join us at our upcoming Agent Training session, where we will be joined by Adelaide University representatives, to learn more about Adelaide University and these fantastic program options.Foundation StudiesPlease note that progression to the below degrees, including various majors, are currently available from the Foundation Studies Program. It is important to note that there are no changes to the FSP Entry Requirements.Adelaide University DegreeBachelor of ArtsBachelor of BusinessBachelor of Information TechnologyBachelor of ScienceBachelor of Architectural DesignBachelor of Computer ScienceBachelor of Construction Management (Honours)Bachelor of Media and CommunicationBachelor of Teaching (Secondary) (Honours)Bachelor of Biomedical and Health SciencesBachelor of CommerceBachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)Bachelor of Mathematics Bachelor of PsychologyDegree Transfer ProgramDegree Transfer Programs remain available, with no change to entry requirements. Students progressing to Adelaide University degrees continue to receive the same additional support from the College, whilst also studying as part of the University of Adelaide (and from 2026, Adelaide University) community. Students continue to gain a full year of credit when progressing to second year of the below degrees.Degree Transfer StreamBusinessBachelor of BusinessBachelor of Business majoring in Human Resource ManagementBachelor of Business majoring in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and StrategyBachelor of Business majoring in International BusinessBachelor of Business majoring in ManagementBachelor of Business majoring in MarketingBachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and DesignBachelor of Business majoring in Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementBachelor of Business majoring in Real EstateBachelor of Business majoring in Sport ManagementBachelor of Commerce majoring in AccountingBachelor of Commerce majoring in Banking and FinanceBachelor of Commerce majoring in Business AnalyticsBachelor of Commerce majoring in Financial PlanningBachelor of Commerce majoring in PropertyEngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) majoring in Construction EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) majoring in Energy Resources EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) majoring in Mining EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) majoring in Structural EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) majoring in Aerospace EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) majoring in Energy Resources EngineeringBachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) majoring in Mechatronics and RoboticsBachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) majoring in Mining EngineeringHealth ScienceBachelor of Biomedical and Health Sciences majoring in Clinical TrialsBachelor of Biomedical and Health Sciences majoring in Medical ScienceBachelor of Biomedical and Health Sciences majoring in Public HealthBachelor of Biomedical and Health Sciences majoring in Reproductive and Childhood HealthInformation TechnologyBachelor of Information TechnologyBachelor of Information Technology majoring in Data AnalyticsScienceBachelor of Science majoring in Animal BehaviourBachelor of Science majoring in BiochemistryBachelor of Science majoring in BiotechnologyBachelor of Science majoring in EcologyBachelor of Science majoring in Environmental ScienceBachelor of Science majoring in Evolutionary BiologyBachelor of Science majoring in Food Science and TechnologyBachelor of Science majoring in GeneticsBachelor of Science majoring in GeologyBachelor of Science majoring in Geology and Earth ResourcesBachelor of Science majoring in Geology and PalaeontologyBachelor of Science majoring in Marine and Wildlife ConservationBachelor of Science majoring in Microbiology and ImmunologyBachelor of Science majoring in Plant BiologyPre-Master's ProgramOur unique and popular Pre-Master's Program continues to be available for our College students, with no change to entry requirements. Students progressing to Adelaide University degrees continue to receive the same additional support from the College, whilst also studying as part of the University of Adelaide (and from 2026, Adelaide University) community. Students continue to gain a Semester of credit when progressing to the award component of the below degrees.Master of Accounting and FinanceMaster of FinanceMaster of Professional AccountingWe are delighted to be joined by Adelaide University representatives at our upcoming training sessions. Register using the details below to learn more, but in the meantime, please get in touch with our fantastic team with any questions you may have.Introducing Adelaide University (English Language)30 July, 2024, 4pm ACSTRegister here Introducing Adelaide University (Chinese Language)30 July, 2024, 5pm ACSTRegister hereBest wishes,

更新时间:24-07-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Valued Partners, Over the past few days, you would have been hearing about the launch of Adelaide University. In those communications, we have highlighted that there will be communication going to our pipeline of students and we wanted to share more of that information with you as well. Please note, from now all brand new applications will be packaged with Adelaide University. Existing packaged offer holders with destination degrees commencing in 2026 were recently advised of important information about next steps with their offer, please see those details below: Students who accept on or before Friday, the 26th of July 2024Offered students have from now until Friday, the 26th of July 2024 to accept their current offer. If they accept on or before this time, the terms and conditions under which they have accepted their offer will not change (all fees, entry requirements and scholarships will be honoured). We strongly encourage you to advise your students to finalise their acceptance before this date. Students who do not accept on or before Friday, the 26th of July 2024If students do not accept by the 26th of July 2024, the College will undertake a new assessment under the terms, conditions, and entry requirements of Adelaide University. They must be aware that requirements for Adelaide University differ from the University of Adelaide and when a new assessment is undertaken, they may not be eligible for an updated offer/the conditions of your offer may change (including the Genuine Student Requirement). Rest assured, your students will not have to resubmit their application – we will of course automatically reassess and re-offer based on their original application. Please also note that your students’ current University of Adelaide packaged offer will lapse after the 26th of July. If you have any questions about this matter, please reach out to our team member in your region.  Yours sincerely,  The UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE COLLEGEWebsite: college.adelaide.edu.aucollege.adelaide.edu.au/Melbourne Foundation Studies, Degree Transfer and Pre-Master’s programs (The University of Adelaide)

更新时间:24-07-17 来源:OfferEasy官网


n 2023, Kaplan proudly celebrated 20 years of partnership with The University of Adelaide, a testament to our shared vision, unwavering commitment, and the enduring strength of our collaboration.As we move forward into a new era, we’re excited to support the University’s bold and visionary transformation as it combines its strengths with the University of South Australia to create the new Adelaide University, marking one of the most significant milestones in Australian Higher Education.We extend our heartfelt thanks to you, our valued partners, for your ongoing contributions to the College's success. Together, we look forward to building on our achievements and navigating this transition."On behalf of Kaplan, I’d like to congratulate Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Høj AC of the University of Adelaide and Vice Chancellor Professor David Lloyd of the University of South Australia on the establishment of the new Adelaide University. We’re eager to enhance our already extensive and diverse partnership and collaboration, and we look forward to contributing to this exciting new era for South Australia."Rob Regan, Managing Director, Kaplan Australia and New Zealand“The University of Adelaide has enjoyed a strong and productive partnership with Kaplan for more than two decades and we greatly value their ongoing support and collaboration as we enter this exciting new stage. Having access to the Kaplan expertise and network will be a significant asset to the new Adelaide University.”Professor Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement), the University of Adelaide.Introducing Adelaide UniversityAdelaide University combines the strengths and legacies of the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide to create a new contemporary and for-purpose Australian university. Through transformational investments, Adelaide University will aim to deliver nation-leading curriculum and exceptional student experience, strive for equality of education, conduct future-making research of scale and focus, and drive innovation and resource to accelerate social prosperity and cohesion. Adelaide University will pursue its ambitions on the global stage as a member of the prestigious Group of Eight (Go8) and aim to sustainability position the institution in the top 1% of universities worldwide.The University of Adelaide CollegeThe University of Adelaide College continues to operate as the Preferred Pathway Provider to the University of Adelaide and will be a Preferred Pathway to Adelaide University for alternate entry.Kaplan continues to work collaboratively with our University of Adelaide and Adelaide University colleagues in relation to student recruitment activities and strategies. We look forward to continuing to join you out in market or online, supporting your events and welcoming many more successful students through our friendly college doors.What does the launch of Adelaide University mean for our Kaplan partner agentsMost importantly, you and your team can rest assured that recruitment to the University of Adelaide College programs continues as business as usual. We are delighted to offer training to all our partners to outline the progression options available from the existing University of Adelaide College programs, to new Adelaide University degrees. More details about these training opportunities will be shared in the days to come.Operationally, there is no immediate change for the University of Adelaide College. There is no change to application processes - you can continue to submit applications for the University of Adelaide College, via the Studylink portal – and there is no change to processes relating to commission, invoice payments, nor student support.What does the launch of Adelaide University mean for our University of Adelaide College studentsThe University of Adelaide College will communicate directly with our current students who will be progressing to and completing their degrees at Adelaide University. The University commits to there being no students disadvantaged by transition arrangements and all students will be offered a suitable progression package.Our future students will also receive communication in regard to the progression degree options available at Adelaide University, again with the commitment of no student being disadvantaged by the transition.We appreciate that your students may turn to you for advice during this time and we want to reassure you that the existing universities will be engaging with all students to support them through this period, ensuring they receive a suitable package and program that suits their needs.Students at the college will continue in their existing college programs, supported by our exceptional College Services team. They continue to be recognised as university students, within the university community from day one with us at the College. Their current access to university facilities (including library access, university ID cards) remains and their progression to university will remain as seamless as possible.Melbourne CampusA full and comprehensive review of the courses, programs and the operating model for the Melbourne Campus is currently underway. The University of Adelaide is undertaking this review to ensure alignment with the future Adelaide University’s vision. More information about the Melbourne Campus will be made available soon. In the meantime, please continue your support of the Melbourne Campus as usual.We will be sharing more important and exciting details with you about Adelaide University and our partnership with them, over the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, please keep an eye out for our upcoming information session and feel free to send through any queries you might have to our wonderful team.Best wishes,Alex ChevrolleExecutive Director, Kaplan International Pathways,Australia and New Zealand

更新时间:24-07-16 来源:OfferEasy官网


We warmly welcome you as an education agency partner for Adelaide University. Together, we will launch brighter futures for the next generation of global citizens, learners and innovators.Today, we are taking Adelaide University to the world. This is a monumental moment as we unveil Australia’s newest major tertiary institution.Following registration through the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Australian University higher education provider, Adelaide University has obtained registration of CRICOS under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act.Adelaide University stands for progress. A for-purpose university, committed to making a transformative impact in our world – and yours. Our spirit of collective advancement will drive future-defining research and innovative teaching. A cutting-edge institution that is founded upon two strong legacies while looking to new horizons as a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight (Go8). We are a driving force for good.Discover the Adelaide University Brand StoryThis milestone also sees the launch of the new Adelaide University website Adelaide University website and around 200 coursework programs in market to support international student demand and recruitment. These only represent an initial subset of degrees, with more programs to be progressively released – with no major discipline changes from what is currently offered by the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide.Applications are now open for international students to commence their studies in 2026. Please contact your Relationship Manager if you have any further questions or require additional support.To bring our partner network together, we will be hosting a webinar to talk through the Adelaide University proposition and partnering approach.Adelaide University Educators Launch WebinarTuesday 6 August4:00pm – 4:30pm (ACST)Access ZoomPlease note that this link is non-transferrable, and we ask that you please do not distribute it to others.We have developed an Adelaide University Toolkit to support your engagement with prospective students, and you can also learn more about our brand identity and request logo files if needed.We look forward to starting this exciting new journey with you.With best regards,David and Peterco-Vice Chancellors, Adelaide University

更新时间:24-07-16 来源:OfferEasy官网


见信好! 本次代理更新简讯内容如下: 1. 2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知2. 阿德莱德大学Start@adelaide.edu.au邮箱将停止使用3. 阿德莱德大学课程更新4.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学申请重要日期及T3开设课程汇总5.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学开设1.5年硕士加速课程6. 阿德莱德大学官方视频号已上线  1. 阿德莱德大学代理手册更新2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知 2025年 S1 Master of Clinical Nursing已满位,现已关闭申请。请已付费学生以Admission最终确认为准。 2. 阿德莱德大学Start@adelaide.edu.au邮箱将停止使用 阿德莱德大学 Start@adelaide.edu.au 邮箱将停止对外开放使用。如学生或任何外部人士想通过电子邮件与大学联系和咨询,请转至大学网站留言问询,相关工作人员将通过电子邮件回复,当前的回复周期为1-3个工作日。如需立即取得联系,可以通过以下途径,具体方式请点击:在线与工作人员交谈 (阿德莱德时间,周一至周五,上午9点至12点30分和下午1点30分至4点)预约一对一线下咨询选择致电问询 (阿德莱德时间,周一至周五,上午9点至下午5点) 3. 阿德莱德大学课程更新 阿德莱德大学部分课程更新。详情请见附件1. 4. 「再次强调」阿德莱德大学重要日期及T3开设课程汇总 针对2024年Semester 2/ Trimester 3 入学的中国境内申请人,重要截止日期发布,请务必尽早操作相关申请。如有特殊情况请联系各区域经理:2024年入学申请截止日Application Deadline接受截止日Acceptance Deadline报到日Orientation Date开课日期Course Commencement Date最晚报到日Last Date to Arrive in Adelaide在线添加课程截止日Last day to add courses onlineS2 (Jul) 20246月10日周二(已截止)6月24日周一(已截止)7月15日周一7月22日周一7月28日周日8月5日周一T3 (Sep) 20247月29日周一8月12日周一9月2日周一9月2日周一9月8日周日9月16日周一 大学以下课程设置有Trimester 3开学,并标注课程对应学制供参考:Master of Business Administration-1.5年Master of Business Administration (International) - 2年Master of Marketing - 2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年Master of International Management -2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年Master of Project Management -1.5年Master of Project Management (Complex Systems)- 2年Master of Technology Innovation and Leadership- 2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年Master of Wine Business -2年,有葡萄栽培、酿酒学专业背景可减免至1.5年Master of Cyber Security -2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年Master of Data Science -2年Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-2年 5.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学开设1.5年硕士加速课程 阿德莱德大学对以下9个硕士项目增设1.5年加速课程选项。具有本科相关背景学生可以直接申请36学分(1.5年学制)的加速课程,无需额外课程描述。宣传单页及详情见附件2,也可参考及分享微信文章。具体课程包括:Master of Business AnalyticsMaster of Immersive Media TechnologiesMaster of International ManagementMaster of MarketingMaster of Public PolicyMaster of Wine BusinessMaster of Technology Innovation and LeadershipMaster of Media (Strategic Communication) Master of Economics and Resource Policy 如学生想申请其他专业硕士课程学分减免,且本科为相关背景,需提供课程描述进行审核,具体请点击。请注意:最终减免结果为个案处理,以大学审理为准。申请减免学分会导致审理周期延长,请合理规划申请时间。 6. 阿德莱德大学官方视频号已上线 阿德莱德大学官方微信视频号全新推出,敬请老师们扫描下方二维码关注及转发宣传:

更新时间:24-07-12 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 T3 2024申请开放中

阿德莱德大学 T3 2024(9月2号开课)申请开放中!Master of Data ScienceMaster of Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningMaster of Cyber Security签证近期更新:Changes to Student visaFrom 1 July 2024, Temporary Graduate, Visitor and Maritime Crew visa holders who are in Australia cannot apply for Student or Student Guardian visas. For more information about affected visas see Restricting onshore visa hopping to the Student visa program.From 1 July 2024, there will be changes to the Visa Application Charges for Student and Student Guardian visas, increasing from AUD$710 to AUD$1,600. From: The University of Adelaide Subject: ? Your monthly newsletter from the University of Adelaide | July 2024 In this edition, you'll find the latest ranking of Adelaide, updates on student visas and staff, and a final reminder of open programs for T3 2024.     Hi, Welcome to the July edition of your Agent Newsletter! In this edition, you'll find the latest ranking of Adelaide among the most liveable cities in the world, updates on student visas, a reminder of programs open for Trimester 3 2024, and updates about the University team.   Adelaide continues rising up! We're proud to announce that according to The Economist’s 2024 Global Liveability Index, Adelaide is now ranked 11th in the globally renowned list of 173 cities. It is the second consecutive year Adelaide has improved its ranking, up from 12th in 2023 and 30th in 2022.   Read more     Changes to Student visa From 1 July 2024, Temporary Graduate, Visitor and Maritime Crew visa holders who are in Australia cannot apply for Student or Student Guardian visas. For more information about affected visas see Restricting onshore visa hopping to the Student visa program.   Read more   From 1 July 2024, there will be changes to the Visa Application Charges for Student and Student Guardian visas, increasing from AUD$710 to AUD$1,600.   Read more   Applications open for T3 2024 The applications for degrees starting on September 2, 2024, are still open, programs that are currently available, include: Master of Data Science Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Master of Cyber Security   To improve our management of inquiries from agents, prospective students, and partners, we kindly request everyone to utilise our website, which offers a variety of contact methods. Please note, this improvement means that we will be retiring the email address start@adelaide.edu.au and ask for your support in discontinuing the usage of this email address.    Contact us          

更新时间:24-07-12 来源:OfferEasy官网

阿德莱德大学 2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知 + 课程更新 + 申请重要日期及T3开设课程汇总 + 开设1.5年硕士加速课程

阿德莱德大学 2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知 + 课程更新 + 申请重要日期及T3开设课程汇总 + 开设1.5年硕士加速课程   1. 2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知 2. 阿德莱德大学Start@adelaide.edu.au邮箱将停止使用 3. 阿德莱德大学课程更新 4.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学申请重要日期及T3开设课程汇总 5.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学开设1.5年硕士加速课程     1. 阿德莱德大学代理手册更新2025年Master of Clinical Nursing满位通知   2025年 S1 Master of Clinical Nursing已满位,现已关闭申请。请已付费学生以Admission最终确认为准。   2. 阿德莱德大学Start@adelaide.edu.au邮箱将停止使用   阿德莱德大学 Start@adelaide.edu.au 邮箱将停止对外开放使用。如学生或任何外部人士想通过电子邮件与大学联系和咨询,请转至大学网站留言问询,相关工作人员将通过电子邮件回复,当前的回复周期为1-3个工作日。 如需立即取得联系,可以通过以下途径,具体方式请点击: 在线与工作人员交谈 (阿德莱德时间,周一至周五,上午9点至12点30分和下午1点30分至4点)  预约一对一线下咨询 选择致电问询 (阿德莱德时间,周一至周五,上午9点至下午5点)   3. 阿德莱德大学课程更新   阿德莱德大学部分课程更新。   4. 「再次强调」阿德莱德大学重要日期及T3开设课程汇总   针对2024年Semester 2/ Trimester 3 入学的中国境内申请人,重要截止日期发布,请务必尽早操作相关申请。如有特殊情况请联系各区域经理: 2024年入学 申请截止日 Application Deadline 接受截止日 Acceptance Deadline 报到日 Orientation Date 开课日期 Course Commencement Date 最晚报到日 Last Date to Arrive in Adelaide 在线添加课程 截止日 Last day to add courses online S2 (Jul) 2024 6月10日 周二(已截止) 6月24日 周一(已截止) 7月15日 周一 7月22日 周一 7月28日 周日 8月5日 周一 T3 (Sep) 2024 7月29日 周一 8月12日 周一 9月2日 周一 9月2日 周一 9月8日 周日 9月16日 周一   大学以下课程设置有Trimester 3开学,并标注课程对应学制供参考: Master of Business Administration-1.5年 Master of Business Administration (International) - 2年 Master of Marketing - 2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年 Master of International Management -2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年 Master of Project Management -1.5年 Master of Project Management (Complex Systems)- 2年 Master of Technology Innovation and Leadership- 2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年 Master of Wine Business -2年,有葡萄栽培、酿酒学专业背景可减免至1.5年 Master of Cyber Security -2年,有相应学术背景可减免至1.5年 Master of Data Science -2年 Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-2年   5.「再次强调」阿德莱德大学开设1.5年硕士加速课程   阿德莱德大学对以下9个硕士项目增设1.5年加速课程选项。具有本科相关背景学生可以直接申请36学分(1.5年学制)的加速课程,无需额外课程描述。 可参考及分享微信文章。具体课程包括: Master of Business Analytics Master of Immersive Media Technologies Master of International Management Master of Marketing Master of Public Policy Master of Wine Business Master of Technology Innovation and Leadership Master of Media (Strategic Communication)  Master of Economics and Resource Policy   如学生想申请其他专业硕士课程学分减免,且本科为相关背景,需提供课程描述进行审核,具体请点击。请注意:最终减免结果为个案处理,以大学审理为准。申请减免学分会导致审理周期延长,请合理规划申请时间。  

更新时间:24-07-11 来源:OfferEasy官网