
Murdoch University

澳洲 公立


ContentsOpen Day 2024Promoting Murdoch UniversityGenuine Student RequirementMaster of Education Course SpotlightSchooling for DependantsOpen Day 2024Open Day 2024 was a huge success with over 2,500 registrations and attendees. Academic and professional staff, students and alumni all volunteered their time to welcome our next generation of students to our beautiful South Street campus, providing expert information about everything there is on offer at Murdoch. Between the Live and Explosive Science Shows, the Carnaby Cockatoos, robotic dogs, Japanese Drums and Virtual Reality demos, future students were immersed into life at Murdoch and the opportunities for innovation, creative thinking and real-world impact. This year, instead of spending money on creating merchandise, Murdoch donated money to charities that fit within our three themes: Sustainability, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and First Nations. Attendees were given a pebble, representing the value of $2,  to place into a clear jar for the charity they wished their donation to be made to.CompliancePromoting Murdoch UniversityTo ensure students are recruited in an honest, ethical, and responsible manner, Murdoch University and its courses must always be promoted accurately and with integrity. Under the National Code 2018, Murdoch University (MU) must ensure the inclusion of its CRICOS registered name, provider code (00125J), and course code in all written or online promotional content that is used for potential international student recruitment. As a representative of MU, you need to ensure that you reflect the CRICOS code requirement accordingly.  The course code for any course offered by MU can be found on either the MU website or the CRICOS website. For further information about the use of the CRICOS code, please contact your Regional Manager.Genuine Student RequirementAs you will know, on 23 March 2024, the government introduced its Genuine Student Requirement for student visa applicants. Murdoch will update our website with new forms in the coming days. We encourage agents to familiarise themselves with these requirements and lodge visa applications for your clients accordingly. Murdoch staff will be in contact regarding any changes to settings however in the interim, current GTE settings will apply with some changes to how we are assessing onshore applicants and their compliance with the new requirement.This requirement is in addition to the new English requirements. Please find our updated GS Forms Here:GS Stage 1 (Onshore) FormGS Stage 1 (Offshore) FormGS Stage 2Declaration of Financial CapacityCourse HighlightMaster of EducationIntroducing the new Master of Education (2 year) now available from S2 2024! The Master of Education has been carefully developed with industry at the forefront to equip graduates with the skills needed for a future career. At the heart of the new Masters is comparative education or how education influences and is influenced by local, national and global factors.  Course highlights: Learn among researchers who have been ranked world standard in the field of education research Murdoch was the first Australian university to offer simulation and virtual reality to enhance skill development Start in Semester 2, 2024 and receive a 20% scholarship for the course duration   13.4% job growth in Education and Training in Australia, expected over the next five years Bespoke support for international students within units and across the course Students develop skills in a specialist area of Education by studying a major from the following list: Instructional Leadership  International Education Sustainable Pedagogies for Liveable Futures (new) Inclusive and Special Needs Education E-Learning Access the Master of Education Flyer here.Procedure UpdatesSchooling for DependantsTAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) has implemented a new application process, which now allows families to approach schools directly, to source a suitable placement for their child/children. TIWA anticipate the new process will expedite and simplify the process for the applicants. The eligibility criteria for a fee waiver placement are unchanged. More information can be found on our website: Relocating as a Family.

更新时间:24-03-28 来源:OfferEasy官网

莫道克大学 大学亮点 + 课程亮点(澳洲最好兽医专业、最亲民医学专业、仅有两所大学开设可注册脊柱神经学、为数极少开设此专业的大学之一、商科硕士3学期制 )

莫道克大学 大学亮点 + 课程亮点 【大学亮点】 优秀大学指南5星级大学 QS大学排名5星级大学 学费亲民:2024年大部分学位课程学费仅为AUD$33000/年起。 生活费便宜:西澳洲生活费远低于东海岸城市,学生享受40%交通优惠。一年学费+生活费果酸仅需人民币23万左右。 学生比例优势:中国学生仅占在校学生总数不到1%,语言环境好,学生一对一服务到位。 工作签证 3-6年PSW:学生毕业后可获得至少为其3年的毕业后工作签证(东海岸大部分城市为2年工作签证) 【奖学金】20%返校奖学金: 2022-2024年的国际新生,无需申请自动获得,覆盖整个学制。 【入学要求】 法律和兽医除外,本科接受中国高考成绩:高考成绩63%(472.5/750或378/600)即可申请大部分专业; 【语言课】 所有入学要求为6.0/6.0的专业课都可配语言直升班,学生可以参加原因呢内测无需提交语言成绩获得打包录取 莫道克大学 【课程亮点】 澳洲最好的兽医专业 本硕连读5年一贯制,第二年开始几乎都在实习。 招生数量有限制,雅思要求 7.0/7.0,不接受高考成绩,需要参加面试。 学费 2024 年是$62640/年,5年共需要约$327600澳币学费。 可以另外选择Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Animal Science),接受高考成绩 (63%) ,雅思要求 6.0/6.0,在第一年完成以后,如果平均成绩达到75%以上,即可开始申请插班进入兽医专业第二年(择优录取)。 本科实验室医学Laboratory Medicine 四年医学注册专业,澳洲入学要求最亲民的医学专业,接受高考成绩 (63%) ,雅思要求 6.5/6.5。 区别于检验医学,课程涉及面更广。包括临床生物化学,血液学,免疫学,微生物学,组织病理学,诊断基因组学六大专业领域,课程后期可从医药、基因和细胞、和毒理法证三个领域中自选主修方向硕士进修方向包括临床类、医药类、研究类方向. 本科法医和毒理学 Forensic Biology and Toxicology 澳洲为数极少开设此专业的大学之一,接受高考成绩 (63%) ,雅思要求 6.0/6.0。 和西澳警察局合作,学生实习参与到真正调查案件当中,就业有保障。硕士进修方向包括临床类、医药类、研究类方向。 临床脊柱神经学 澳洲仅有两所大学开设可注册脊柱神经学。 本课程为5年双本科学位,前3年课堂和实践结合,后2年全日制实习,毕业即满足注册条件。 接受高考成绩63%,雅思要求6.0/6.0。 游戏专业  游戏专业分为游戏科技 (IT 学位) 和游戏设计 (创意传媒学位) 。 大学拥有自己的电竞战队、专业电竞室,连续5年斩获澳洲前三名,由本校学生进行设备和网络的开发和维护,教学和成果均为行业领先水平。 人工智能和自动化系统AI& Autonomous System AI领域的前瞻专业,澳洲首个将机器学习和行为联动的大学。 拥有校内大数据库和大型交换机房,硬件和研究成果足以支撑AI 领域中四大核心科技 (大数据、网络安全、电子通讯、和自动化机械工程)合作企业包括联邦银行、AI 大数据中心等。 商科硕士3学期制  MBA、MPA、健康管理、发展研究硕士均为一年三次开学,学生可在1年4个月内完成学习。 四 学期制课程仍旧获得 PSW 工作签证。 Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership 健康管理、政策和领导力 入学要求低 (本科学位无专业背景要求,雅思 6.0/6.0)  课程包括半年以上的全职实习,入读学生就业率 95%。 运动科学+临床运动生理学本硕连读 澳洲可最快获得运动生理学注册的专业。 本硕连读共4 年,获得运动科学和运动生理学双注册。 接受高考成绩 (63%),雅思要求6.0/6.0。

更新时间:24-03-19 来源:OfferEasy官网


犯罪学学士Bachelor of CriminologyCRICOS代码:095504A学制:3年全日制开学日期: 2月,7月 主修方向包括:1犯罪科学 Crime Science通过学习澳大利亚唯一专门针对犯罪科学的课程了解快速发展的犯罪科学领域。莫道克大学不仅是澳大利亚最早开设犯罪科学类课程的大学,也是全球最早开设此类课程的院校之一。通过学习本课程,学生将了解犯罪率不断攀升的近因,以及特定罪行的动机、地点、时间、犯罪人以及犯罪手法。学生将学习能够影响解决和阻止犯罪事件所涉及到的科学领域,认识到解决跨领域问题的必要性。学生将探索用以鉴别犯罪热点地区的方法以及犯罪模式如何随时代不同而改变。学生还将分析犯罪案例,并且学习如何批判地评估警方办案程序。学生可以结合犯罪行为学或法律研究学习本课程,以加深并拓宽对犯罪学的理解。此外,本课程还可以与其它领域相结合,如:法医物证学与毒理学。完成这一全新的犯罪学学士课程的毕业生将具备在法庭和惩戒部门、警务部门、青少年工作机构、社区组织、政府部门以及刑事司法部门工作所需具备的综合技能。2犯罪行为学 Criminal Behavior了解犯罪行为是如何产生的,应该如何干预和阻止;使自己有能力从事刑事司法系统的工作。通过学习犯罪行为学课程,学生能够全面地了解犯罪行为及其原因以及如何从社会、心理、行为和法律角度干预和预防犯罪行为。学生将了解犯罪行为的发生和持续,并对用刑罚作为解决犯罪问题进行批判性的审视。学生将思考针对犯罪行为的处置方法和重返社会的重要性;同时,也将探索防止反社会行为的机制。在学习过程中,学生将打破对犯罪的一般认知,深入探索人们犯下罪行的原因,如何减少或阻止罪案的发生,以及如何帮助刑事司法体系所涉及到的受害人和犯罪者。完成犯罪学学士课程的毕业生将具备在法庭和惩戒部门、警务部门、青少年工作机构、社区组织、政府部门以及刑事司法部门工作所需具备的综合技能 。

更新时间:24-01-03 来源:OfferEasy官网


ContentsAdmissions Application and Offer Acceptance DeadlinesLimited Service Period Dates and SupportCommissions and Processing TimesMurdoch College UpdateFinancial Capacity of StudentsIntroducing our Systems Medicine Suite ProgramsAdmissions Application Deadlines for 2024Please be advised the application and offer deadlines for 2024 intakes are now confirmed.Trimester 1 2024 Offshore (Agent required) : Applications and Offers CLOSEDOffshore (All other countries) : Applications and Offers CLOSEDOnshore : Applications CLOSED; Accept Offer by 8/01/2024   Semester 1 2024Offshore (Agent required) : Applications CLOSED, Accept Offer by 15/01/2024Offshore (All other countries) : Applications Close 22/01/2024, Accept Offer by 5/02/2024Onshore : Applications Close 29/01/2024; Accept Offer by 15/02/2024 Trimester 2 2024Offshore (Agent required) : Applications Close 19/02/2024, Accept Offer by 25/03/2024Offshore (All other countries) : Applications Close 25/03/2024, Accept Offer by 8/04/2024Onshore : Applications Close 8/04/2024; Accept Offer by 22/04/2024 Semester 2 2024Offshore (Agent required) : Applications Close 13/05/2024, Accept Offer by 17/06/2024Offshore (All other countries) : Applications Close 17/06/2024, Accept Offer by 1/07/2024Onshore : Applications Close 1/07/2024; Accept Offer by 15/07/2024Limited Service Period Dates and SupportFrom 21 December 2023, Murdoch University will be closed for the end of year festive period, re-opening 8 January 2024.  During this time, essential functions such as Admissions and the transitioning of our Trimester 1, 2024 cohort will  continue, with limited staffing. If you have any urgent requirements during this time, please contact your Regional or In-Country Manager for assistance. Commissions and Processing TimesPlease be advised that our Finance Department has closed for the year and will not be processing any further payments for 2023. All outstanding payments for 2023 will be finalised and paid when we return in 2024.  Thank you for your patience and understanding during this period. Murdoch CollegeIn February 2023, Murdoch College opened on campus, Mr Paul Aucoin, College Director wrote the below reflection on the year: ‘Operated by Kaplan Australia, Murdoch College, Murdoch University’s on-campus pathway college, opened in February 2023, delivering Foundation and English pathways into all levels of study at Murdoch University, from undergraduate to post-graduate research degrees.  We couldn’t be more excited to be back on beautiful Murdoch University Campus, working with the fantastic University team!   In 2023, we launched our Post-graduate Qualifying Program, a 14-week course which allows students to progress from an associate degree or advanced diploma directly into master’s degrees at the University.  Our first cohort in the PQP started in September and will enter the University in Semester 1 and Trimester 1, 2024.  Additionally, in September of 2023, Murdoch College launched our Diploma of Business and Diploma of Information Technology for delivery in Trimester 1, 2024.   In our first year of operation, Murdoch College has provided a pathway into Murdoch University for over 200 students across our courses.  We are enormously proud of this achievement, and are very grateful to you, our wonderful partners, for the support you have given us’.ComplianceFinancial Capacity of StudentsEffective from 1st October 2023, the Australian government has increased the financial capacity requirement for international student visa applicants by 17% from the previous amounts. The new requirement aims to ensure that students have the necessary financial resources to support the cost of living in Australia.  To align with the new requirement, Murdoch University has updated our guidelines for assessing Financial Capacity as part of the GTE screening process. From 1st October 2023, international student visa holders are required to provide evidence of financial capacity in line with the new amounts specified by the Australian government. To reflect this change, we have updated the Declaration of Financial Capacity form accessible on our Genuine Temporary Entrant page. Further information and details on the new financial capacity requirement are available on the Department of Home Affairs website. We would encourage you to access the linked resources to be informed of the detailed amounts.Course SnapshotIntroducing our Systems Medicine Suite of ProgramsExplore, innovate, and transform the future of healthcare with Murdoch University's Master of Systems Medicine (Research). Gain vital theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience through real-world projects addressing global clinical needs.  Gain vital theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience through real-world projects addressing global clinical needs.  Students can, immerse themselves in a cutting-edge laboratory at the Australian National Phenome Centre , guided by leading researchers. This program emphasizes systematic training in omics science, cultivating transferable skills like critical thinking. Whether their career goals include hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical industries, or scientific management, our Master of Systems Medicine equips students with both theoretical and practical skills.  with both theoretical and practical skills.  Seize the opportunity to learn, refine your skills through impactful research, and join our academic community. Students can explore the Graduate Certificate in Systems Medicine if they are not ready for the Master's course—an ideal upskilling option for science graduates to shape their future with Murdoch University.View in browser

更新时间:23-12-20 来源:OfferEasy官网