
Southern Cross University

澳洲 公立


Dear Partner, I hope this message finds you well. I’m thrilled to share some fantastic news from Southern Cross University that will open up even more opportunities for us to help students achieve their educational dreams. We've revamped our Master in Information Technology (MIT) program, and it's now called the Master of Computing.The best part? This new course is open to students from non-IT backgrounds! This means we can now cater to a much broader market and offer advanced computing education to a more diverse group of students. Key Highlights:      Duration: 2 years full-time      Locations: Sydney, Melbourne and Perth Campus      Specializations: Big Data Analysis, Pervasive Computing, Smart Environments      Entry Requirements: Open to IT and non-IT backgrounds      Start Dates: February, June, October 2025Scholarship is also available for this course up to 16,000 AUD for the entire course duration. This change means we can reach a much broader market and help more students advance their careers in the fast-paced tech industry. The program covers cutting-edge topics like AI, Machine Learning, and IoT, along with solid foundations in networks, software development, and cybersecurity. What’s in it for students?Diverse Career Paths: IT management, data analysis, software development, and more.High Employment Rate: 86% of our IT graduates find jobs within four months.Professional Recognition: We’re seeking accreditation from the Australian Computer Society (ACS). As a valued partner, your help in spreading the word is crucial. This new inclusivity makes the program accessible to many more prospective students in your network. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out to me directly. I’m here to support you and provide any additional details you might need to promote this fantastic new offering. Thank you for your continued partnership and dedication to helping students achieve their educational goals.https://scuventures.com.au/www.scu.edu.auCRICOS Provider: 01241G TEQSA PRV12043 Australian University

更新时间:24-07-16 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear valued agents, Happy Friday! It has been happy week for all of us with the 2025 QS ranking.    Southern Cross University has climbed up 80 places and received the “most improved- Oceania” Award which recognises institutions showing improvement in their ranking over a five-year period.      With our generous scholarship program (details attached), SCU is a smart investment choice for students seeking an exceptional experience and strong employment outcomes.   Please refer to the attached brochure for our latest scores.   We look forward to continuing our growth together with you and your students! As our T3 start date approaches, I would like to remind you of the following important details: GD in Education (Early Childhood) – Working with Children  Check (WWCC)  is required before commencement , please advise your students to apply early to avoid delays.   Applications can be made at the following links:NSW:  www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-for-a-working-with-children-checkVIC:  www.vic.gov.au/working-with-children-check Transferring to a student visa – Yes or no? 485/600 to student visa – Currently not permitted according to guidance from the Immigration Department408 to student visa – need to go through full GSR check, similar study background is requiredWorking holiday visa and other visas to student visa – will be assessed on a case-by-case basis Last but not least, have a wonderful long weekend! Kind regards, SCU Ventures84 Mary St, Sydney, NSW, 2000www.scu.edu.auCRICOS Provider: 01241G

更新时间:24-06-07 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear valued partners, I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits! I am thrilled to share some exciting updates regarding our Graduate Diploma in Teaching ( Early Childhood) : Online option:   Applicants who do not require a student visa may attend online classes.  However,  applicants on a student visa must study face-to-face on campus.   Scholarships:  In addition to the ongoing $5,000 scholarships, we have introduced the Vice Chancellor's Academic Excellence scholarship valued at $8,000. To be eligible for this scholarship, students need to achieve a GPA of 5/7.  New flyer attached for your reference. Furthermore, I wish to issue a gentle reminder regarding our 30th Anniversary Onshore Scholarship, which is nearing its conclusion. For those who have submitted applications for our bachelor/master programs but have yet to accept their offers, please ensure acceptance by May 31st to secure the $10,000 scholarship for the first year. Thank you for your attention to these updates and reminders. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Warm regards, SCU Ventures84 Mary St, Sydney, NSW, 2000www.scu.edu.auCRICOS Provider: 01241G

更新时间:24-05-28 来源:OfferEasy官网


护理本科与国际大一课程Diploma of Health护理学国际大一课程开学时间: 2月,10月校区:黄金海岸学费:$27,600 ($3,450 per unit)学分:8门课程雅思:6.5(6.0),雅思最低5.5分或同等水平可搭配英语课程语言内测:接受大学校内语言内测学术要求:等同于澳洲12年级毕业(中国大陆地区高中毕业平均分70+) Bachelor of Nursing护理学本科课程开学时间: 2月校区:黄金海岸,利斯莫尔,考夫斯港学费:$27,600/年 学分:24门课程雅思:7.0(7.0)学术要求:等同于澳洲12年级毕业(中国大陆地区高中毕业平均分85+)Diploma of Health课程将继续对国际学生开放该课程由以下学分组成:EDUC1001——Language and Learning in your DisciplineHLTH1001——Introduction to Science for Health ProfessionsNURS1003——The Discipline of NursingNURS1002——Essentials of Nursing and CareHBIO1005——Intermediate Anatomy and PhysiologyHBIO1008——Human Physiology IINURS2003——Nursing and Lifespan HealthNURS1004——Narratives of Health and Illness对于国际学生而言,顺利通过以上8门课程,其中7门课程将抵免Bachelor of nursing的课程,只需完成后续17门本科课程即可获得护理本科学位。大大减少了国际学生本科学习时长。同时,Diploma毕业生也可以在一系列的健康职业列表中寻求专业工作,包括作为健康卫生助理、个人护理助理、残疾支持工作者、病例工作者与研究或实验室助理等等。特殊要求:完成护理专业国际大一课程需满足雅思7.0(7.0)或同等英语水平方可衔接护理大二课程。如果英语成绩未达到标准可以衔接以下课程,并参考对应专业入学要求Bachelor of Biomedical ScienceBachelor of PedorthicsBachelor of PodiatryBachelor of Occupational TherapyBachelor of Sport and Exercise ScienceBachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies)Bachelor of Psychological Science关于南十字星大学护理学专业:•澳洲护理与助产师协会认证(Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia)*需要额外提供语言成绩满足认证标准•全澳洲最先进的设施中授课,包括模拟以及真实医疗环境的实验室。•在认可的公立和私立医院和卫生机构,完成约880小时的临床护理实习。•本科第三年可选择进行额外的专业技能实习•护理专业获得5-Star ratings in Nursing •95%的毕业生就业率(Full-time Employment)

更新时间:23-12-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

南十字星大学SCU Master of Social Work社会工作学硕士申请要求

澳大利亚南十字星大学(SCU)社会工作专业硕士课程Master of Social Work(CRICOS 082686G)开设10月入学!是澳洲社工硕士唯一一所开设10月份入学的大学。Master of Social Work社会工作学硕士CRICOS:082686G学制: 两年课程数:16门开学时间:每年2月,10月(新开)桥梁开学时间:每年7月,10月校区: 黄金海岸移民加分校区,毕业后可有3年工作签证学费: $26,800/学年语言要求:雅思4个7.0澳洲,英国,加拿大本科可豁免英语要求可搭配语言课程,最低雅思6.0分起录 SCU社工硕士9大课程特色1. 背景要求灵活本科具备心理学,法律,教育,政治,医学,环境等人文社科背景的学生几乎可以直录硕士。本科不具备相关背景的也可以通过4个月的桥梁课程间接进入硕士课程。桥梁课程开学点为7月和10月。2. 一年两次入学澳洲各大高校针对该专业暂时仅设置2月开学。为了不让学生久等,南十字星大学已开通10月硕士直录开学点,也是澳洲唯一一所社工硕士接受10月份入学的大学,名额有限,提前申请哦!3. 专业排名澳洲第四2019年4月11日,据联邦政府发布的教学质量指标(QILT)数据显示,南十字星大学在社会工作专业领域排名澳洲第四位,远高于澳洲国家平均水平。4. 权威职业认证,AASW专业认可获得AASW认可的社工学历,是在澳洲从事社工工作的基本要求。南十字星大学社会工作专业的本科学位和硕士学位均受到AASW认证,权威可靠。5. 1000小时实习南十字星大学的硕士学位提供1000个小时的带学分实习。学生将在研一完成57天400小时的实习,研二完成86天600小时的实习,两年共计1000小时。实习工作将在由AASW协会认可的机构进行,从事社会关系分析,研究和实践等相关工作。6. 毕业后即可递签Social worker职业评估要求递签者积累980个小时的工作经验。而南十字星大学的硕士学位提供的1000个小时带学分实习,使得毕业生无需再积累工作经验,顺利毕业后就直接可以递签,申请澳大利亚永居身份。7. 偏远地区移民加分南十字星大学黄金海岸校区于2019年11月被划入澳大利亚偏远地区行列,毕业生将获得移民5分加分。8. 语言要求灵活SCU社工硕士语言要求为雅思4个7,雅思总分6.0起配语言班。但同时也可以接受多邻国语言测试,多邻国总分达到或超过120即可直接入学。除此之外,海外硕士可以豁免雅思七分要求,如果您已在澳洲等英语母语国家成功取得等同于AQF Level 9(硕士毕业),SCU可豁免该专业雅思七分的语言要求,直录硕士课程。

更新时间:23-12-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

南十字星大学SCU Master of Teaching (Early Childhood Stream) 早教硕士申请要求

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood Stream) 早教硕士学制:2年开学时间: 2月,7月学术要求:本科毕业,对专业背景不做要求语言要求:雅思7.0(7.0)校区:黄金海岸校区学费:$26,800/年 (具体以offer为准)CRICOS: 102983GGraduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education 早教研究生文凭学制:1年开学时间: 2月,7月学术要求:本科毕业,对专业背景不做要求语言要求:雅思6.5(6.5)校区:黄金海岸校区学费:$26,800/年CRICOS: 102984F注:持有澳洲485签证学生可以在线完成此课程。南十字星大学早教硕士课程设置早教硕士为学前教育 (Early Childhood;出生6个月至5岁)。要在两年内修完含实习项目的16门课程。其中包含2门基础课程,3门研究课程和10门学前教育课程。基础课程与研究性课程(学前教育)* 教育与变化:终身学习(Education and Change: The Lifelong Learner)* 学习和支持架构 (Learning and Support Frameworks) * 评论文献:已知与未知 (Literature Review in Education: Known Unknowns)* 教育研究方法:透过观察学校 (Research in Education: Through the Looking Glass)* 研究项目 (Research Project)专业核心课程(学前教育)* 幼儿教育中的游戏和教育学 (Play and Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education)* 幼儿教育专业经验I:学龄前儿童(Professional Experience in Early Childhood Education I: Pre-schoolers)* 幼儿教育专业经验II:婴幼儿 (Professional Experience in Early Childhood Education II: Infants and Toddlers)* 幼儿教育的原则和实践 (Principles and Practice in Early Childhood Education)* 幼儿课程研究 (Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood) * 儿童、家庭和社区 (Children, Families and Communities)* 幼儿事务 (Early Childhood Matters)* 幼儿创意 (Creative Arts for Early Childhood Educations)* 幼儿健康,幸福与环境(Health, Wellbeing and the Environment in Early Childhood Education)* 幼儿领导力和倡导 (Leadership and Advocacy in Early Childhood)早教专业的入学要求本科毕业,无背景要求,不要相关工作经验;澳洲本科最低要求为GPA 4。1.  澳新英美加本科毕业生可豁免雅思。2. 完成Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education阶段8门课程后转入硕士第二年课程,毕业后获得的也同样是硕士学位。3. Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education 雅思要求6.5(6.5)语言课程最低6.0起配,完成GD课程后无需额外语言成绩。关于安排实习与协会认证实习机会充足:我们将安排60天的监管实习机会(AITSL职业评估要求为不少于45天监管实习)。黄金海岸作为澳洲第六大城市,也是最适合生活的城市,优质的小学幼儿园处处都是。这意味着来我们南十字星大学就读早教硕士学生会有充足的实习机会和岗位,并且有机会获得带薪实习。 毕业生有机会获得AISTL和ACEQUA认证,具体要求详见:  https://www.acecqa.gov.auhttps://www.aitsl.edu.au教师职业在澳洲就业前景澳洲需求量大,就业前景广阔:需求量大,且逐年增高。职业前景据统计,在未来五年中澳大利亚的幼儿园、小学、中学平均每年约有 3000 名教师岗位空缺。尤其是近年来随着澳洲人口的不断增长,幼师的需求越来越大,幼儿教师的职位空缺在整个教育行业中是数一数二的。相关信息来源:https://www.joboutlook.gov.au

更新时间:23-12-27 来源:OfferEasy官网